2009/02 Spring 2009 Marquette Journal

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Spring 2009

Just when you thought

you were safe

The importance of staying aware on campus

Also in this Issue: marquette Basketball in pictures • the technological transformation • fun formalwear • whY YOU SHOULD use TWITTER

Sisters of St. Joesph of the Third Order of St. Francis

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features 14



Don’t think it won’t happen to you

Though violent crime in Milwaukee continues to decline, that’s no reason for Marquette students to become complacent. b y sa r a h k r asi n


Technological transformation

While some deride the Internet’s grip on society, there’s no doubt it has opened up several new channels of communication.


b y c ait l i n k a va n a u g h


The people’s court

A photographic look at the people who make up the men’s and women’s basketball teams, just in time for March Madness. b y J a c ly n p o e s c h l


departments WARMUP




Editor’s Note We at the Journal apologize for scaring you.

My Journal Students speak on their hot spring break destinations.

Rants & Raves Scattered praise of the Winter issue, and responses to an online column.






City Buzz Some of the interesting archives and rare books collections found in MKE.

Campus Spotlight Students love free trade, but enough to take their minds off of road salt?

11 Journal Jabber

We’re feeling Twitterpated. How about you?

12 Stylephile

Fun formalwear that’s just right for you.



25 Journeys

MUSG President and VP, Ray Redlingshafer and Kathleen Blaney

26 The Last Word

It could happen to you! Plus what to do until the next Journal.

On the Cover: Illustration by Greg Shutters




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editor’s note 25

Did we scare you? Spring 2009 STAFF Editor-in-Chief

Greg Shutters Assistant Editor

Sara J. Martinez Features & Online Editor

Patrick Johnson Chief Copy Editor

Sarah Krasin Art Director

Greg Shutters Promotions Director

Becca Ruidl


Rima Garsys Brian Henry Caitlin Kavanaugh Sarah Krasin Sara J. Martinez Jen Michalski Brenda Poppy Matthew Reddin Ryan Riesbeck Greg Shutters


Patrick Johnson Becky Simo

Copy Editors Lia Dimitriades Jess Herrick Megan Hupp Katie Vertovec


Michele Derdzinski Kevin Kozicki Jaclyn Poeschl Lauren Stoxen Morgan White


Patrick Johnson Rima Garsys Greg Shutters

Creative Consultants

Alise Buehrer Rima Garsys Patrick Johnson

Online Writers

Erica Bail Alise Buehrer Samantha Cavallo Lissie Crichton-Sapp Michele Derdzinski Nick Herff Allison Keough Joey Kimes Rosemary Lane Ben Martinez Sara Patek

To advertise, call Student Media Advertising: 414-288-1738


don’t know about you, but I hate sensationalism in the media. You know, stories that may not have a lot of backing to them but are used to scare people into thinking they need to watch or read a news story or else something horrible will happen to them. I’m sure you’ve seen it: “Something you do every day could increase your risk of cancer. More at 10.” They’re everywhere! There are even some magazines that plaster the words “Just when you thought you were safe” in big words on the cover. And only to make you pick up their filthy publication! Oh, wait ... That was us. Crime on our campus is a serious topic, and it isn’t something to be taken lightly. Since the beginning of freshman year, students are constantly cautioned to take LIMOs, walk in groups and to be aware of their surroundings. So why, if the “editor-at-large” hates sensationalism so much, did the Journal sensationalize a topic that Marquette students are already familiar with? At the Journal, we believe in tough love. When crime rates are down, as they have been at the date of printing, people start to get complacent. People forget that crime sometimes happens in cities and they lose their sense of awareness. That’s why, before spring when crime rates usually rise, the Journal would like to deliver a good, clean reality check. Though what our cover might not convince you of is that Marquette has become a much safer campus than it was just a few years ago. We owe a lot to the Department of Public Safety and an increased presence of the Milwaukee Police Department for that. We can’t, however, let them replace our own awareness about crime. So be sure to read Sarah Krasin’s excellent article on campus crime (p. 14). Also, just to prove that this issue isn’t all about criminal activity, Caitlin Kavanaugh and various other contributors have put together a wonderful piece on technology and its growing use among our parents’ generation (p. 19). And just in time for March Madness, photographer Jaclyn Poeschl has contributed photos for a basketball photo feature (p. 22). So be safe, be aware and enjoy the spring Marquette Journal. We promise, it’s not all scary.


Photos by Lauren Belisle

The Marquette Journal 1131 W. Wisconsin Ave. #006A Milwaukee, Wis. 53233 mu.journal@gmail.com Faculty Adviser

Dr. Steve Byers Greg Shutters gregory.shutters@marquette.edu The views expressed in the Journal’s opinion columns do not necessarily reflect the views of Marquette University.



my journal 5


“Enid, Okla., on Marquette’s MAP Trips.” Maggie Hansen, Sophomore College of Business Administration

“Montego Bay, Jamaica.” Lindsay Duclon, Freshman College of Business Administration



“Hanging out at home in Brookfield.” Ryan McCauley, Junior College of Arts & Sciences

“Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with the Alpha Phis!” Kali Elderbrook, Sophomore College of Business Administration



“Tampa, Fla.” Mary Schless, Senior College of Communication

“The men’s Big East tournament.” Andrew Montoure, Sophomore College of Health Sciences

spring Break! interviews by Rima Garsys photos by Michele Derdzinski

“Cabo / Cancun, Mexico.” Colin Mayfield, Sophomore College of Communication


“Montgomery, Ala. on Marquette’s MAP Trip. ” Abi Kaszar, Junior College of Nursing

Where are you going on Spring Break?



10 w i n t e r

2 0 0 8

Historical Significance (re: “Milwaukee’s Best”) As a student in HIST 121 (American Urban History) right now, I really enjoyed delving into this article. It helps boost my Milwaukee pride a little, learning about the small events that have shaped our diverse and interesting community. It’s too bad that remnants like the Pabst and Best legacies are falling apart, but it’s also a good thing that they’re being rebuilt these days to house people and build the area’s housing. To me, Wisconsin isn’t just a state, it’s a conglomerate of personalities that have shaped and been contoured over the years to build what we are today; a versatile and friendly people. When I was in Quebec, Canada in May of 2008, I was so proud to tell my new Canadian friends about where I was from and where I was raised, and I’ve sent a handful of them these articles so they can really understand where I’m coming from when I talk about home. All in all, thanks for writing this, guys! Definitely a good supplement to any Marquette student’s knowledge of our surroundings, and a much needed lesson for those students who haven’t taken the time to really soak up the area. Leif Brostrom Junior, College of Communication

Greg Shutters’ feature story on Milwaukee’s industrial past gave clear insight into the beginnings of the city’s illustrious history. The Marquette Journal did quality research in preparing this journey into our past. The Journal also presented the facts and quotes in such a way I felt transported back in time. Growing up in nearby Chicago, I knew the legend of the Pabst Brewing Company, but little else regarding the history, industries or entrepreneurs who shaped the area. Though most of the buildings and industries from this era are gone, it’s refreshing to know that the legacies of Edward Allis, Frederick Pabst and John Plankinton will live on in the eyes of a new generation. Janet DeVries Boynton Beach, Fla.



rants & raves 25

R e s p o n s e s

I really enjoyed the “Milwaukee’s Best” article in the last issue of the Journal. We hear the names, Allis, Pabst and Plankinton, but it is really interesting to hear their story. I never realized how influential these individuals were in making Milwaukee what it is today. When I look at all the historic buildings around Milwaukee, I think myself and other students often take Milwaukee’s rich history for granted. This article really helped put that history in perspective.

Winter 2008


.*-8"6,&& Individuals who left a lasting mark on our city

Elizabeth Cohen Senior, College of Communication

Diversity at its Best

Also in this Issue: %*''&3&/5 '"*5)4 "5 .6 t %*(*5"- .64*$ 3&70-65*0/ t '*/%*/( " +0# */ " #"% &$0/0.: t 8)"5 *4 ."/3&4" t 8*/5&3 '"4)*0/

(re: “Facets of Faith) I think it’s great that Marquette is so religiously diverse. Although I made the choice to attend a different college, I had my apprehensions about attending a “Jesuit” university. I now see that those apprehensions were completely unfounded. It seems that the campus tries all it can to accommodate all people of faith, and not to impede other people’s beliefs. I think it’s great that a “Jesuit” university respects all religions. I found it interesting that the other minority religions on campus have a difficult time with their break schedule, although that may be more due to the traditional college semester schedule than the campus’s religious views.

What do you think of the Journal? Leave us a comment on our Web site or e-mail us at mu.journal@ gmail.com. We might just print your comment in the next issue! Include your name, and if applicable, both your year and college with your letter.

Kevin Frost Junior, MSOE Architectural Engineering


(re: TV…OR NOT TV?: All eyes on me, in the center of the ring) Ah, the life of the rich and fabulous, sometimes I feel bad for them, but then I remember that they’re making billions more than me. I want to like them, but when I see how other people idolize celebrities, it makes me resent being a fan. I hope for a better world, a world where I can be a fan and not be afraid of getting mauled by 16-yearolds who happen to like the same celeb that I do.

Be sure to visit marquettejournal.org for exclusive online content and to comment on features, snippets, and columns!

Vicky Salas Junior, College of Arts & Sciences

The article about “The Hands that made Milwaukee” was fascinating. I had no idea so many diverse industries had such a major influence on this city. To read Sara J. Martinez’s online Richie Donnelly Senior, College of Communication

exclusive column, “TV...or not TV?” log on to marquettejournal.org marquettejournal.org


city buzz 5






Inside the archives Rare Books Around Milwaukee by Ryan Riesbeck


ost students who attend Marquette, or even those who have simply taken a tour of the campus, know about the Tolkien manuscripts kept in the library’s rare books collection. But just down the road, the Milwaukee Public Library (Central branch) also holds a collection of the world’s smallest books and a variety of illuminated manuscripts viewable to anyone carrying a photo ID. In fact, most libraries have a collection of rare books that are free for the public to view. Memorial Library is the most accessible place for students to get the research they need. It holds more than 6,000 rare books, every one cataloged. Topics revolve around Marquette and include Catholic theology, Jesuit history and early 20thcentury British authors. Because of a small acquisitions budget, however, the collection’s expansion relies on books being donated by benefactors.

specific rare books. A library card is the preferred identification, but a state-issued ID will also be accepted. Max Yela, a librarian working in the special collections at the Golda Meir Library at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, offered insight into why libraries preserve particular books. “We at the special collections try to document how the book medium changes from era to era, and we try to experience the way it first was in the world,” Yela said.

The UWM library offers a broad variety of books, many of which specifically relate to programs on campus. But if Marquette students are looking for studies on American nursing history, social justice, Irish literature, Civil War regimental histories or even comic books, they should give the archives at Matt Blessing, head of the Department of Special UWM a shot. Collections, works to make sure that everyone According to Marquette and Milwaukee’s libraries, knows the nature of Marquette’s collection. the use of and interest in rare books is up. Last year “Most people hear ‘rare book’ and think that it Marquette’s rare books were viewed approximately must be old. Age is actually a very rare reason why 15,000 times, according to Blessing. Many people a book is kept. More often, these books are first see these books as out of reach, something only editions, first books by authors or are inscribed by scientists and doctors can view, but it couldn’t be more contrary. These books are a resource, and will the author,” Blessing said. be shared with anyone who wishes to use them. Marquette students can access these rare books simply by showing their MarquetteCard. NonMarquette students must give a reason to view these items, such as a research project, but they may also view them at no cost. Milwaukee’s Central Library boasts a terrific collection as well. Along with the world’s smallest books (six millimeters in length and width), it holds many historical records of Milwaukee, volumes on ornithology and a very rare illuminated book titled “The Voices of Friends Concerning John Plankinton,” or the Frackelton book (named after the artist who illuminated it). “We want to encourage people to use (the collection),” said Central Library librarian Patricia DeFrain. “The books are here for the people of Milwaukee, not just scholars or historians.” Interested patrons can call the Art, Music and Recreation Department at 414-286-3071 to set up a viewing of


(above) Archivist Matt Blessing of the Marquette University Archives and Special Collections. (below) One of the many rare books in the special collections in Raynor Library. Photos by Lauren Stoxen



Campus outrage


Road Salt

t’s simultaneously the most loved and most loathed thing on campus. It keeps cars in one piece, even if it’s an uglier piece than you’d like. It’s even a life saver, unless you walk into a puddle of it and ruin your favorite pair of jeans. Road salt. A fixture of roads in winter, road salt is a driving factor in the uglification of Milwaukee streets. Its presence turns sidewalks as white as the snow it melts and creates an unsightly layer of grime over any car that drives on the roads for more than an instant. “It’s just so chalky,” said Danyelle Tracy, a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences. “And it’s so expensive. Sand is a lot cheaper.” Price and inconvenience aren’t the only problems with road salt. It’s also bad for the environment, especially here in Wisconsin. “In (New) Jersey, it’s not a big deal, but here it’s bad because it goes into the lake,” said Tracy, who hails from Paulsboro, N.J. One caveat, however, is drivers in Milwaukee usually encounter completely salted roads, unlike the experience of some citizens living in Wisconsin’s southern neighbor. “In Illinois, they only salt the intersections because they can’t afford to salt normal places,” said Vivian Hoke, a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences from Lake Forest, Ill. “It really sucks.” In that context, at least, we can be thankful: we’re outraged with road salt’s prevalence, not its absence.

(top and middle) The Brew is one of the many places that offers Free Trade coffee. (bottom) Road salt is an annoyance for any Marquette student who wears pants. Photos by Kevin Kozicki



campus spotlight 20


Campus Obsession

by Matthew Reddin


Fair Trade

isit any of the five Brew coffee shops on campus, and you’re only one transaction away from the latest campus craze: Fair Trade. Fair Trade refers to any product certified by a labeling group such as the Fair Trade Labeling Organization. Coffee is the most prominent product labeled, but other products such as tea, sugar and handicrafts are also commonly marked under the Fair Trade brand. One of Fair Trade’s champions on campus is Students for an Environmentally Active Campus. Ali Clark, a SEAC member and sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences, justifies her support of Fair Trade simply. “Fair Trade provides fair prices,” she said. According to Clark, Fair Trade does so by cutting out middlemen who provide expensive transportation that farmers are otherwise unable to attain. This allows farmers to sell their product for a fair price. “Problems with free trade can be solved with Fair Trade,” said Kait Sanford, a sophomore in the College of Engineering who is also a member of SEAC. “This is people’s livelihood at stake.” One complaint about Fair Trade coffee is its price, which is considered to be higher than most coffee brands. But Sanford rebuffs such arguments and said Fair Trade blends are priced based on their quality. “Fair Trade coffee is just as high quality as other blends, if not more,” said Sanford. Another problem is that Fair Trade doesn’t seem to be available outside of places like the Brew or Mocha. But Clark said this simply isn’t true — most places just don’t advertise that they have Fair Trade blends. Her solution: ask if businesses offer Fair Trade blends, and if not, make a point of asking, “Why not?” Once businesses know Fair Trade will sell, Clark said, they will likely invest in those brands. For most students, however, this won’t be necessary. Fulfilling your obsession is as easy as placing an order at the nearest Brew. marquettejournal.org


campus spotlight 5



Achieving winter wellness Staying Fit in These Last Weeks of Winter by Brenda Poppy


nother white Christmas has come and gone, but in clear Wisconsin fashion, the weather outside is still frightful. With Jack Frost continuing to nip at students’ noses, forcing them to dress like Eskimos solely to get to class, the last thing on most of their minds is exercise — except for those fueled by New Year’s resolutions. Physical activity, however, is just as important in the winter months, and can improve more than just a person’s physique.

price online or at most local retailers.

One easy solution for a winter workout is going to the gym. Megan Riordan, a junior in the College of Education, said she tries to make time every day for a trip to the gym.

So grab a friend and dance off those leftover sugar cookies with hip-hop, country-line dancing or reggaeton-inspired exercises. There’s something out there for everyone.

“I usually do elliptical, bike and stair master,” Riordan said.

When it comes to a winter diet, Amy Melichar, coordinator of health education and promotion at Student Health Service, said she advises lots of fruits, vegetables, protein and carbohydrates. Tomato- and vegetable-based soups are also recommended as a great way to fill up on high-nutrient foods without unneeded calories.

According to Debbie Swanson, associate director of recreational sports at the Rec Center, many more students, like Riordan, take advantage of the Rec Center in the winter months than any other time. “Especially between the start of the semester and spring break,” Swanson said. “That’s our highest use time.” Unfortunately, running in place and riding a bike that gets you nowhere can get stale. Spicing up an old exercise routine can be done at the Rec Center’s and Rec Plex’s squash and badminton courts that, according to Swanson, are barely ever used. Squash is a game in which two players take turns hitting a hollow rubber ball against the four walls of the court, and badminton is basically tennis with a cone-shaped shuttlecock instead of a ball. Swanson said competitive players can even enter a badminton tournament held once every semester. For those who find staying at home more their style, exercise videos are popular. Today, the market is filled with workout DVDs that aren’t exactly your mother’s Jane Fonda. Everything from ballroom and belly dancing to a whole series of workouts for dummies are available for an affordable


“Exercise tapes are convenient because you can do them any time, day or night, in the privacy of your home,” said Valerie Gamsky, a sophomore in the College of Communication. “You don’t have to go out to a gym, and you don’t have to pay membership fees. You can also choose any type of exercise you want. I’ve done belly dancing, Tae Bo and pilates.”

“(But) no food is a bad food. All things in moderation,” Melichar said. “And especially in winter months, lots of water to keep yourself hydrated.” If staying motivated is your problem, Melichar suggests that students build exercise into their daily routines the way you’d naturally brush your teeth every day. “Something is better than nothing,” Melichar said. “Even if it just means I walked an extra flight of stairs or parked the car in an outer lot at the mall. It all counts.”

Photos by Michele Derdzinski









journal jabber 25

Feeling Twitterpated How College Students Can Utilize Social Media Networks by Sara J. Martinez


n Twitter, you can watch a news story break, connect with professionals in your career field or talk about what’s going on in your life. You’re given 140 characters per Tweet (update) to express what’s most important to you at that moment. While posting Facebook-style status updates is popular on Twitter, 140 characters can be used in ways that strategically benefit the user. Lauren Rabaino, a sophomore at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, Calif., and intern for the Center for Innovation in College Media, said students need to get started as soon as possible to make connections. “There is a niche for every type of person on Twitter, and that means endless opportunities to connect,” Rabaino said.

There are no rules except basic netiquette, mimicking social media networks like Facebook and MySpace. Use discretion, and keep in mind who will be following you, said Steve Glynn of the Milwaukee-based creative agency, Spreenkler LLC. Drunken late-night Tweets and excessive use of curse words may deter prospective followers or contacts.

Rabaino said it’s important to build up your brand play the role of a news aggregator, a news breaker, and to create your own identity online. This leads a chat room, an RSS feed — it can be a social and a to ease of transferring a positive, employable im- professional network at the same time. age into the working world when the time comes. “We, as students, young minds, Gen Y, innovators, “When employers or recruiters Google a student’s whatever we want to call ourselves — we are writname, they should get the gist of what that student ing the rules,” Rabaino said. “We are defining the is all about,” she said. “The more active students way to use these social networks to innovate. are on social media, the higher they’ll rank on “Everyone should hop on. Dive in. Join the conthose search results.” versation. Make connections. Get your name out Using Twitter to your advantage can help with there and make sure people know who you are and schoolwork, too. According to Glynn, the Twitter why you’re important,” she said. community is very helpful and actively responsive to personal inquiries. Students can find almost any You can follow us on Twitter:­­just add @MUjournal company on Twitter, ask for an opinion or infor- at Twitter.com/MUjournal. mation for research purposes, and responses will For help getting started on Twitter, visit the Journal’s pour in almost immediately. Web site, marquettejournal.org, to find some useful While correspondence with professionals may tips, “Twittiquette,” definitions and a list of recomhelp with research, Rabaino emphasized that this mended users to follow. is still a way of building contacts. “The more connections you make, the more you’ll know about your industry. The more you know about your industry, the more you can innovate,” Rabaino said. “And it’s the innovators who get jobs.”

photo by Greg Shutters

Glynn said messages should be relevant to the desired audience, and students should follow and Ben Leis, CEO of The Campus Buzz, recommendinteract with companies they might want to work ed that students find professionals in their field using Twitter and ask for advice. with in the future. “Talk about your skills and how they apply to the “Use Twitter to find people that share common inbusiness the company is in because that’s what terests or for people that can help you with something specific, and ask them for their input and they’re going to want to hear,” he said. help,” he said. Spencer March, co-founder of the College Blog Network, said building informal professional re- According to Leis, the 140-character limit for each lationships in a student’s career field is one of the Tweet forces people to find the most efficient way to communicate. Whether it is to promote a résubest ways to utilize Twitter. mé, to demonstrate work or anything else, a strong But it’s important to keep a personal side to your presence in this social medium can help you netTweets, Glynn said. Look for the right time to send work and build a positive image for yourself. a reply, and it can be easy and useful to network informally while keeping your individuality. Talking “Twitter is the single most powerful text-based about classes you’re taking, projects you’re work- medium in existence,” Rabaino said. “It’s ironic being on and research you’re doing is a good way cause it’s so painstakingly simple.” to maintain a personal yet professional brand on It can be used for anything, she said. Twitter can Twitter.

Check out our Web site for more Twitter tips and tricks!



stylephile 5


With soft fabrics and standout accessories, the sophisticated trends of 2009 possess an air of youthful elegance. Regal classics fuse with unconventional pieces, breathing fresh life into a style that will never fade away.

On Alise Buehrer, sophomore, College of Communication: Banana Republic dress. Forever 21 belt. Kathy Van Zeeland clutch. Tiffany & Co. ring. Max Studio shoes.

On Alex Smith, sophomore, College of Business Administration: Banana Republic sport jacket. Ike Behar oxford. Armani Exchange shirt. J.Crew jeans. Gucci belt. TAG Heuer watch. Johnston & Murphy shoes.











stylephile 25

Sport jackets elevate oxfords, sweaters and tees to a higher level of pristine masculinity.

Rules about patterns and colors have recently been loosened. From unique color combinations to single-toned accessories, seemingly opposing items can be worn together without question.

Gray and nude have replaced black and white as popular winter neutrals. Sweaters, dresses, ties and clutches in these colors bring subtle, stylish change to traditional wardrobes.

Using belts or ribbons to cinch a waistline can transform shift dresses and tunics into chic, slimming attire.

Accents like striking watches, charming ties and detailed buttons can incorporate bold statements into classic men’s ensembles.

Stacked heels bring character to simple dresses and make legs look miles-long.

Looks created by Alise Buehrer and Rima Garsys Photos by Jaclyn Poeschl marquettejournal.org


Don’t Think It won’t Happen to You Being aware of crime is the first step in preventing it by Sarah Krasin


hen College of Business Administration se- scared than we were,” Volk said. After stealing both nior Becca Volk moved into Mashuda Hall students’ cell phones and her friend’s wallet, Volk two years ago, she never anticipated becoming a said the man took off running down 19th Street. victim of a crime. Volk and her friend ran as well — straight to the At approximately 11 p.m. on the Sunday before Mashuda lobby. classes resumed for the 2006-’07 school year, Volk and a friend embarked on what was supposed to be “We were crying and screaming, and the (desk a relaxing walk through the neighborhood. While receptionist) at Mashuda actually couldn’t get traveling north on 19th Street, Volk said neither through to 911,” Volk said. of them thought anything about the young man The desk receptionist finally called the Departwalking toward them — until he drew his gun. ment of Public Safety, and Volk remembers officers According to Volk, the man grabbed both her responding within approximately two minutes and friend’s and her wrists and pulled them out of sight detaining the suspect about one minute after that. of Wisconsin Avenue traffic to stairs leading to a “I am like the hugest advocate of Public Safety,” parking lot behind Mashuda. Volk said. “It was just an unbelievable response.” “He was only 16 years old and 10 million times more


When Volk called her family to inform them of the robbery, Volk said her mother referred to the incident as “a blessing in disguise.” While initially upset by that reaction, Volk has come to understand how the crime continues to positively impact her actions more than two years later. “I’m not scared, just more aware,” Volk said. “It’s unbelievable, because when that kid was walking toward me it didn’t even register, but now I’m aware of exactly who surrounds me.” Even with reported campus crime during the 2008 fall semester down 27 percent from the fall semester of 2007, Associate Director of DPS Capt. Russ Shaw said maintaining a sense of awareness is just as important as ever. “Unfortunately, it’s human nature that people al-

photo by Kevin Kozicki

ways become more complacent,” Shaw said. “Especially (students) from a big city who are used to the noise and used to the fact that they know there is crime in a big city.” Kim Sheffield, a sophomore in the College of Arts & Sciences, said she thinks her experience living in the city limits of Chicago has a significant impact on how she approaches safety while at Marquette. “It would be safe to say that the Marquette campus is much more secure and benign in comparison to my immediate neighborhood in Chicago’s Logan Square,” Sheffield said. “I’ve found the homeless to be far more aggressive in my area, and their constant presence and persistence seems to keep me fairly alert and cautious.” Since Sheffield views the Marquette campus marquettejournal.org


as relatively safe compared to her home neighborhood, she said safety concerns often take a backseat. Sheffield said she never takes LIMO vans, which provide free student transportation within DPS patrol boundaries.

level. Sheffield, whose Chicago home has a security system, locked gate and buzzer system, said she thinks she is more cognizant of her surroundings than someone like Glazier who grew up in a suburban environment.

“If I can walk to my destination in less time that it would take to call, wait, cram into a van, lap campus four times narrowly missing the destination each time, then for sheer reasons of efficiency, I walk,” she said.

“I realize I may be an easy target for an attacker, as I’m all of about five feet tall,” Sheffield said. “But if you’re like me ... you’re probably more likely to be locking your doors and be particularly aware of unsavory characters while walking at night. It’s just what you’re used to, frankly.”

Unlike Sheffield, other students come to Marquette with no experience living in a city environment.

But students from small communities aren’t the only ones who have to adjust to the idea of urban living.

Ryan Glazier, a freshman in the College of Business AdministraMike Simo, the deputy They have no fear of your tion, said coming to chief of police in the numbers, especially if a Milwaukee from his field operations unit weapon is involved. hometown of Lemont, for Addison, Ill., said Ill., a wealthy, uninhe originally had concorporated suburb of Chicago, was a significant cerns sending his daughter Becky, now a senior change. in the College of Communication, to Marquette. According to Simo, Addison is a town of approxiLemont’s “pretty much the epitome of small-town mately 36,000 people that has an “active” police America,” Glazier said. “Our version of crime department but only sees about one or two violent comes down to kids in a truck playing mailbox crimes, such as armed robberies or murders, each baseball.” year. Glazier said he was shocked to hear about certain criminal activity on campus, pointing specifically to the Sept. 21 incident in which a 19-year-old man not affiliated with Marquette pulled a gun on four Marquette students in front of Murphy’s Irish Pub, 1615 W. Wells St.

“So compared to Milwaukee, not very much at all,” Simo said. “And I had heard some stories about the neighborhoods surrounding campus (in the past) that they were pretty rough.”

But when Simo visited Marquette for himself, he said it didn’t seem to be that way. As a parent and “In all my years in Lemont I don’t think I’ve ever a deputy chief of police, Simo said he continues to heard of anyone being killed, shot, stabbed, any- have a positive perception of DPS and its services. thing crazy like that,” Glazier said. Even so, Glazier said he’s confident in his ability to handle himself if “Naturally, everyone’s concerned, especially when confronted and has never felt truly unsafe walking you send your daughter to college in a big city,” around campus. said Simo, who has another daughter at Loyola University Chicago. “But as a parent, I’m confident According to Megan Stroshine, assistant professor in (DPS’s) ability.” in the Department of Social and Cultural Sciences, attitudes such as Sheffield’s and Glazier’s are com- Shaw said DPS is always looking to improve its mon. services, pointing to the recent success of the LIMO Express shuttles, which run in two continu“Young adults tend to feel quite invincible,” ous loops — one on Wells Street and Wisconsin Stroshine said in an e-mail. “They are the least Avenue, and another on Wisconsin and Kilbourn likely to fear crime, although we know from official Avenues. According to Shaw, overall LIMO and statistics that they are the most likely to fall victim LIMO Express ridership increased by 25,000 indito crime. There is a real disjuncture between their vidual rides from 2007-’08. perceived and actual risk of crime.” “Those numbers certainly tell us that people are Stroshine also noted that an individual’s upbring- trying to remain vigilant,” he said. ing plays a significant role in his or her awareness


photos by Kevin Kozicki

Shaw said DPS takes an educational approach and focuses on teaching students smart habits early, using tactics such as offering free self-defense classes and going door-to-door in the residence halls. It’s the transition from the residence halls to apartment living, however, that is often a concern for DPS, Shaw said. “In the residence halls, there’s such a trust factor that students won’t do things like lock their doors,” Shaw said. “They had this community environment, and they sometimes bring that with them when they move. We really have to keep pounding into the upperclassmen that when you move off campus, the security issue is heightened.” Security issues have been pounded into students such as Carrie Massura, who lives in a house on 24th Street and Kilbourn Avenue, just outside the public safety patrol boundaries. Although Massura’s neighborhood is comprised mostly of families with children, Massura she said she is always aware of the fact that there aren’t many students walking to and from the area. “In the dorms, more of the safety stuff was taken care of for us,” said Massura, a junior in the College of Arts & Sciences. “I do feel more responsible (for my safety) now because I don’t have as many people looking out for me as closely anymore.”

change at them so they wouldn’t attempt to steal her other belongings. Although the men only received approximately $6 in cash and made a $5 charge on George’s debit card, the students said their loss of a sense of security was far more significant. “I’m just overwhelmingly pissed off,” George said. “There’s just nothing you can do.” Mattappillil said they didn’t feel as though they were in a bad neighborhood, and their close proximity to the traffic- and pedestrian-heavy Brady Street gave them an extra sense of comfort. “You just wouldn’t have expected it,” Mattappillil said. “And there were three of us, and you know they always say to walk in groups.” Both Mattappillil and Cabaj also noted that because they had a male friend walking with them, they felt more secure being out late at night. “But I can’t stop a bullet,” George said. “A gun trumps over everything you’ve got.” Traveling in groups is often touted as practical safety advice, but Shaw said he thinks students fall into a false sense of security while walking with others.

Massura said she relies on the LIMOs, which stop “If the bad guys (are) taking a risk to begin with, within one block of her residence, for a safe way to their thought can be, ‘Why not rob multiple people at one time?’ ” Shaw said. “They have no fear of come home from campus. your numbers, especially if a weapon is involved.” But in some situations and locations, LIMO service is not an option. College of Engineering soph- According to Shaw, the best way for students to omore Al George, College of Education freshman avoid becoming victims off-campus is to plan evJustine Cabaj and College of Nursing freshman erything “to a ‘T.’ ” Christine Mattappillil took a trip off-campus that left them with no options for typical DPS safety “In many cases when students run into trouble offcampus it’s because they are lost, which is about services at a time when they needed them most. the worst case scenario,” Shaw said. The three students said they were coming back from Fox Bay Cinema Grill, a movie theater with While everyone’s personal experience with crime full menu located at 334 E. Silver Spring Drive, on is different, Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Nov. 22 when a re-routed bus changed their origi- Flynn said the overall growth or demise of any nal travel plans. As the students were making the neighborhood’s crime depends on the area’s pertwo-block trip to a new bus stop, their movie ex- ception of safety. cursion turned frightening. “Crime does not flourish in a place where people “These two guys came up with two guns and they feel connected to each other,” Flynn said during said, ‘Stop where you are. Give us all your money,’ the Jan. 21 “On the Issues with Mike Gousha,” a ” Mattappillil said. “They had the gun to Al’s back Law School discussion and lecture series. … it was so scary.” At “On the Issues” Flynn said city homicides The men asked for George’s wallet and Cabaj’s were down 33 percent in 2008 from the yearly purse, and Mattappillil said she threw her spare averages of the past 20 years. But according to marquettejournal.org


Flynn, simply enforcing crime-reducing measures is not enough. “We are painfully aware of the fact that every number is a person,” Flynn said. “People take their cues about their safety not from the data we publicize, but (from) their personal experience with urban life.” Like DPS, Flynn said MPD tries to focus on preventing crime from happening in the first place. “Our primary metric is not how fast we get to (the crime scene),” Flynn said. “It’s how well we prevent

be a transferable skill,” Lewis said. “Law enforcement tries to keep bad people off the streets, but While the sizes and scopes of DPS’s and MPD’s ser- ultimately, everyone’s personal safety is their own vices vary, risk management expert W. Scott Lewis responsibility.” said the best law enforcement agencies work under While DPS and MPD take strides to ensure public the mindsets of education and prevention. safety, security certainly remains a personal conLewis, a partner at the National Center for Higher cern — especially among college students, an age Education Risk Management, said although focus- group likely to be victimized by a variety of crimes. ing on safety at the university level is crucial, per- Even as campus and city crime numbers continue sonal safety awareness learned at college will con- to move in the right direction, personal awareness should remain a priority. Countless cases show: tinue to impact students’ lives after graduation. you never think it will happen to you. “Being smart and using common sense will always incidents from happening in the future.”

Since I was a little kid, there has always been a part in me that loved to be scared. At the same time, I am easily petrified by everything (little secret fact about me). I am pretty sure I cried for a couple of hours at age eight when a dead Pocahontas scared the crap out of me at Six Flags Great America, but that isn’t what drives my love of being scared. When I was seven, I saw “Scream” for the first time (which is my favorite horror movie if you care to with Patrick Johnson know). Ever since then, I have become a fanatic of horror films.

the horror genre has completely desensitized the American population. Maybe some people don’t know how right the psychologists really are.

Trust me, it is not because of the phenomenal quality, the blood-soaked, D-list casts or even the intriguing plots. That’s all great, but I love horror films because I love the feeling of safety they give me. It comforts me to know that the people on the screen, including the butcher knife-wielding killer, are all fake. I have every right to be “pee-yourpants-scared,” but it is all because I can be. There is no one that will be creepishly stalking my every move, chasing me through a maze of trees, entering my dreams or even throwing a pickaxe into my car window. I am snuggled cozy in my bed, sometimes with my closest friends and family at my sides, but I am safe.

All I am saying is that we need to encourage one another to take life seriously. A little horror is always good fun: the blood-curdling screams, the big-breasted bimbo, the final showdown and the surprise sequels. Just remember, it may be a movie, but we live in reality. Sometimes reality sucks, but it is our job to do our part to make it better.


Have You Checked Under Your Bed Lately?


or this issue of the Journal, I was paired with Sarah Krasin. As you have hopefully read, she uncovered the severe realities of safety and fear on campus. I sat pondering my thoughts. Do I talk about the Department of Public Safety? Do I think about the popularity of the crime drama TV shows like “CSI” and “Law & Order”? Is crime something that I can really satirically joke about? Even though I’d like to say yes, I have a heart, and the crimes that have occurred on campus in the past couple of years are very real and traumatizing things. Then I realized something. If I decided to be a civil hu- Safe. Four letters. I just talked about an ideal world man being and not run circles around the reality of defined by four letters. Have those four letters made me overly comfortable when I walk down dark crime, why not rip apart the fantasy of safety? streets alone at night? Have those four letters made When I say the fantasy of safety, I don’t mean the my best friend carefree enough to crawl into bed safety we are provided by our parents, teachers, at night dreaming of sugarplum fairies and sheep? friends and services like the Milwaukee Police De- Have those four letters put parents at ease as they partment and DPS. I am talking about the need, drive send their children to summer camp every year or and surreality of fear in our culture. Haven’t you ever camp counselors excited enough to be alone in the gone to a movie in theaters or popped one into the woods? All of those situations in which “safe” has DVD player just because you were in the mood to be become a primary focus are pull outs from various horror films. Some psychologists believe that scared? This is what I call the fantasy of safety.


I love horror movies — I’ll be the first to admit it. I will also be the first to admit that there are a lot of issues to which we have become desensitized. Each year there are school shootings, disappearing children, serial killers on the loose, car accidents and funerals. It sounds depressing, but have you ever stopped to think about it?

Always remember that four-letter word, because someday many of us will have kids, and as we turn off their bedroom lights at night they will peer out from beneath their covers and say, “Mommy, Daddy, does the boogeyman live under my bed?” You’ll turn around and lovingly say, “No, baby, you are safe.” As you shut the door, the hallway light slowly creeping out with you, your child will drift off to sleep. They will dream of happy butterflies and smiley faces, footballs and baseball games. You open the door just a smidgen so it reveals your little baby boy or girl sweetly smiling to the ceiling. You shut the door and think to yourself, “They are safe.” Views in this column do not necessarily reflect the views of Marquette University.

photo by Lauren Stoxen

When a phone, a computer and a pen aren’t enough to communicate, you’re part of a

Keeping in Touch by Caitlin Kavanaugh

Technological Transformation For many students, a life without Internet would be she believes students keep a nice balance between incomprehensible; a tragedy perhaps equal to be- interpersonal communication and the Internet. ing forced to watch all three “High School Musical” movies in succession. “I think this generation talks more to their professors than I used to,” Brown said. “I have been reThe Internet is something students utilize nearly ev- ally impressed by the faculty-student connection at ery hour of every day, whether for research purposes Marquette.” or simply getting in touch with faculty and friends. But even before its onset, people held the desire for She also acknowledged the added difficulty of trycommunicating and spreading information. ing to keep in touch with her sisters before the Internet. “The bulk of my family communicated with Christmas cards,” explained Robert Eberhardt, a 77-year- “Long distance calls were really expensive, so I did old Marquette alumnus. Eberhardt said each year not call out-of-town family members much at all,” his family would put together an aesthetically pleas- Brown said. “We wrote long letters.” ing Christmas newsletter, which offered a prime opportunity for sharing exciting news, juicy gossip It also took students remarkable lengths just to regand the details of how their children were going to ister for classes. “I am not a runner, nor have I ever grow up and save the world. been a runner, but I remember running during registration week.” Today, communication among friends and family is done with greater ease. Brown, along with her classmates, literally walked from building to building to register for each class “(The Internet) markedly expanded my communi- separately. cations with friends, family and former high school classmates,” Eberhardt said. “Perhaps 95 percent of “By the time you got to the third or fourth building, the people I am now contacting were not in my loop you invariably had a conflict,” she explained. “So prior to the Internet. It is a phenomenal develop- you had to go back to the first two classes you had ment.” just registered for and make a change.” William Starr, an assistant professor in the College of Arts & Sciences, also acknowledged a change in communication habits. He explains that before email existed, many students would visit him during his office hours. Now, Starr said, more students are opting out of one-on-one communication.

With the great ease of registration that CheckMarq has given students, most likely one would say that watching “High School Musical” hardly sounds bad in comparison to losing all of the Internet’s benefits. It has made communication an easier task, and a world without it would be a challenging place for a student of today — although receiving Linda Brown, a University of Wisconsin-Madison a letter via pigeon could be rather exciting in comalumna and mother of two Marquette students, said parison to e-mails. marquettejournal.org


Ipod Evolution by Jen Michalski Although there are plenty of other MP3 player options available for customers, there seems to be none more popular than the iPod. The recognizably upbeat iPod commercials feature popular music from artists including The Ting Tings, Feist and U2. Teske said he is more attracted to Apple products because of the “way they put themselves The evolution of the iPod has been prominent in out there compared to other competing companies the technological world. And since 2001, the popu- like Zune. Their products are better advertised and larity of the iPod and the Apple brand has reached more appealing.” unbelievable heights. In the past year alone, more than 3.4 million customers a week visited an Ap- Williams also noted that she is attracted to Apple ple store, according to Philip Schiller, senior vice because the company provides a good balance of president of Worldwide Product Marketing, at a quality and price in its products. Macworld 2009 event. It seems like you buy the latest Apple product, and within the next month, a newer and more attractive product is released. Whether it’s the new, brightly colored iPod nano or the sleek iPod touch, Apple does not cease to surprise its consumers with the products they continuously craft.

Currently, the iPods available through Apple are the iPod classic, iPod nano, iPod shuffle and iPod touch. The latter is the most technologically advanced iPod, with its slim touch screen and features such as wireless Internet access, games, video capability and plenty of space for music. “I really like the (iPod touch’s) wireless Internet feature and the ability to check the weather outside and updates on sporting events,” said Matt Teske, a freshman in the College of Business Administration. But aside from the iPod itself, Apple offers a variety of gadgets that allow you to listen to your beloved playlists on the go. Apple locations, along with other electronics stores, sell iPod radio connections through which you can transfer your music to your car’s speakers. Out for a run? Apple partnered with Nike to create the Nike + iPod Sport Kit, a sensor in Nike running shoes that tracks how far and fast you run. An added bonus: the iPod provides feedback along the journey. If you’re giving the iPod as a gift, Apple allows you to engrave the back with a special note, a name, etc. Many varieties of iPod cases are also available, along with dual alarm clocks and even remotes to control an iPod from across the room. Alice Williams, a sophomore in the College of Nursing and iPod nano owner, said she wanted an iPod with “a pretty color and lots of gigabytes.”


(below) Apple stores have become popular in recent years, selling iPods as well as Macintosh and Apple computers and accessories. (right) The iPhone combines the iPod’s functionality with that of a phone. photos by Lauren Stoxen

with Becky Simo rebecca.simo@marquette.edu

it’ll ring and I can answer. I can send and receive text messages, and I can even check my e-mail or Facebook if I want to pay extra for Internet airtime. I can set an alarm, and I can play a trial version of Tetris if I get bored. But that’s about it. That’s all I need my phone to do, and yet, I have to admit, I’m a little jealous.

People with iPhones are constantly checking their phones, and with good reason. With an iPhone, you almost don’t need a computer — e-mail, FaE-mail in Your Pants cebook and Google searches are literally right in For Christmas, one of my best friends got an iPhone. your pants. And in today’s increasingly web-based society, this can come in handy. If I’m out someFor a few days, no one could get ahold of him. He where and am suddenly struck with a need to wasn’t sure how to set up — let alone check — his know the area, in miles, of the Isle of Man, I am voicemail, and he couldn’t find his text messages. out of luck. John, and everyone else I know with At one point, we discovered, the iPhone was some- an iPhone, can hop right on the Internet and find how set on “silent” mode, and he couldn’t figure out via Wikipedia that the Isle of Man has an area out how to make it ring again. So instead of actu- of 221 square miles, and the country’s motto is (in ally talking to him, we would call, wait for him to Latin) Quocunque Jeceris Stabit. This translates to check his phone for missed calls and then get a call “It will stand wherever you throw it,” which I think back. Or, we’d just call his house and hope he was might be one of the greatest mottos for anything. Ever. home. Needless to say, we didn’t talk to John a lot in the first few days after Christmas. But once he figured out how the phone part of the iPhone worked, the application frenzy began. Applications for the iPhone range from the practical (a GPS system) to the mildly entertaining (BubbleWrap, a digital version of the ultimate stress reliever) to the bordering-upon-ridiculous (iFart Mobile, which … well, I’ll let you figure it out). Arguably the best iPhone application (or “app,” as the cool kids are calling them) is Lightsaber Unleashed, which uses the phone’s accelerometer (the internal device that lets the phone know when it is being tilted) to make Star Wars-style lightsaber noises as the phone is moved. Way cooler than the plastic, pop-out style lightsabers we had to make do with as kids. But really, is all of this necessary? My phone is definitely not as cool as John’s iPhone. It can make a call, and once in a while (if it’s feeling agreeable)

Apple sold 4.4 million iPhones during just this most recent quarter. The iPhone is awesome, and Americans are proving it: 4.4 million iPhones at $300 apiece means more than $1.3 billion went right into Apple’s pocket. Granted, those figures assume that each of these customers bought a 16-gigabyte phone (versus the 8-gigabyte version, which is less expensive,) at the time of their AT&T contract upgrade. To buy a phone in the middle of a contract adds on additional fees, however, and the buyer then pays more for the phone itself. There’s a monthly fee that’s added to the user’s cell phone bill, too. All together, that’s a lot of money that people are willing to spend … on a phone.

Having an iPhone is kind of the grown-up version of having a Game Boy Color when it first came out. Your old black-and-white Game Boy still works just fine and does what it needs to (keeping you entertained and thereby retaining your parents’ sanity on the endless car ride to Grandma’s). Yet now that there’s a new option, you can’t help but want it, and the only kid in class who was lucky Having an iPhone brings the user into a new realm enough to get one for his birthday is suddenly the of 21st century-style cool. Many of us without iP- envy of everyone on the playground. It’s a form of hones secretly wish we had them, and the lucky elitism we can’t grow out of: wanting whatever is few with iPhones let it be known how techno- new and fancy and can do the most tricks. logically superior they are by constantly checking their e-mail or the weather or to-the-minute game But really, while I’m a tiny bit jealous of John’s scores. Other phone manufacturers are even try- newfound ability to challenge anyone to a lightsaing to tap into the iPhone market by developing ber duel at any time, I’ll settle for knowing how to similar devices. The T-Mobile G1, for instance, is respond to your text messages. a web-ready phone that offers a sliding keyboard and an interface designed around the Google corporation’s many services. Verizon Wireless offers the LG Dare, an iPhone-wannabe that offers the touchscreen capabilities of Apple’s brainchild, and even the folks at Blackberry have gotten in on the At press time, Becky unexpectedly and accidentally action and introduced a touchscreen model, the came into possession of an LG Dare. To read more Blackberry Storm. “Total BS,” updated exclusively online bi-weekly, log on to The Marquette Journal Online at marquetteA quick glance at Apple’s sales reports for the journal.org. Find out how she has responded to the most recent fiscal quarter (which ended on Dec. hyper-technology of a semi-smart phone! 27, 2008) shows that the iPhone — and the Apple brand — is more popular than ever. Everybody Views in this column do not necessarily reflect wants one, and those who can afford it are buythe views of Marquette University. ing it. marquettejournal.org


The people’s Court

Inside Marquette Basketball

photos by Jaclyn Poeschl text by Brian Henry

Do you need a big basket in the clutch? Done. Do you need free throws knocked down in crunch time? Done. Do you need a loose ball or someone to sacrifice his body for the team? Done and done. All these things epitomize Golden Eagle guard Wesley Matthews, who serves his versatile role as Marquette’s Mr. Everything.


It’s rare in basketball to find a player that is capable of taking over a game on both the offensive and defensive ends of the court, but Jerel McNeal does just that. A former Big East Defensive Player of the year, and now Marquette’s all-time leading scorer, Jerel has blossomed into one of the all-time greats in Marquette basketball history.

Didn’t think it was possible for a 5-foot-11 man to fly? Then you obviously have not watched the Golden Eagles high-flying guard Dominic James. Whether it’s threading a pass through defenders for an easy layup, or rising above the defense for rim-rocking alley-oop, James has been bringing the home crowd to its feet for four years.

He might be the head coach of a prominent national program and have one of the most successful first years compared to anyone in the country, but Buzz Williams doesn’t think about the accolades or the praise for one second. All he’s focused on is growing as person, and helping his players do the same. “Character is doing the right thing every time, no matter the consequence, and having the discipline to do it no matter the forum or the audience,” preached Buzz. It’s hard to argue with a man who practices what he preaches.



For four years, Krystal Ellis has been as dynamic as anyone in women’s collegiate basketball. The Racine native has already become the school’s alltime leading scorer, and is still adding to her total.

For nearly 13 full seasons, head coach Terri Mitchell has set a standard of excellence for Marquette women’s basketball. She doesn’t dwell on her Coach of the Year awards or the number of victories she has piled up during her time at Marquette. She’s consumed with graduating her players and hanging banners in the Al McGuire Center, none bigger than the 2008 WNIT Championship. This year, she has the Golden Eagles on the verge of the post-season once again.

A nightmare for opposing defenders, sophomore Angel Robinson can fill it up from anywhere on the floor. This offensive juggernaut took little time getting acclimated to the college game and got right into scoring the basketball and running her team the moment she stepped on campus. If she keeps up the pace she’s on, Angel could be rewriting the record books by her senior year.







journeys 25

Ray & Kathleen

MUSG President & Executive Vice President It all began one fateful night in the McCormick Hall Council meeting room with a little Usher music. There’s something about “Yeah” that must be binding. Four years later we find ourselves, older, somewhat wiser and, above all, empowered. Next stop: White House?

Name: Kathleen Blaney Age: 22 Major: Nursing Minor: Political Science Campus Activities: Peer Health Education, MUSG, Campus Ministry

Name: Ray Redlingshafer Age: 22 College: Business Administration Major: Finance Campus Activities: MUSG, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Campus Ministry

My Journey We attend class, take exams and stay up till the wee hours of the morning finishing papers, but we are so much more. My college experience has taught me to be blissfully aware of my surroundings, challenged me to stick out my neck, and to be grateful for the people I encounter.

My Journey My ultimate goal is to raise a happy and healthy family because more than anything in life, I believe that is the legacy you leave on this earth. One of my professional life goals is to be the mayor of a town. I go into government because I like to help people, and at a local level, it is easier to make a more direct and significant impact.

The Roads I Took to Get There Highway 43 South from Green Bay, four flights of stairs up, the alley between my apartment and the AMU that my roommates and I prance through rain or shine, the hallway that leads to the Brew and the carpeted area in front of the MUSG office. Continuing the Journey I plan to volunteer, continue on to grad school for Global Public Health and see what happens from there. Marquette has given me an understanding of what I want to be, but moreso it has prepared me for who I want to be.

The Roads I Took to Get There Having a strong backing in faith has always gotten me through both the good and the bad times, my family has always been there to help and support me and my life experiences help me make better future decisions. Continuing the Journey I am focused on the immediate future. In my sophomore year I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease, so I will be taking some time off to fully cure that and then I plan to move on to taking the LSAT.

photo by Michele Derdzinski Read the whole interview on marquettejournal.org!

marquettejournal.org http://journal.mu.edu


the last word 5





It could happen to you

Criminal Goofs from Around the Country — We Can’t Make This Up Compiled by Phil Caruso Drug Dealer Puts Police on Hold

The Sleeping Bag Bandit

A New Look For Court

CLEVELAND (AP) — Police in Cleveland say a man called 911 because he felt he was in danger — then asked the dispatcher to hold on while he made a drug deal. Police Lt. Thomas Stacho said Feb. 3 that Alejandro Melendez was arrested after the call and was charged with possessing cocaine.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Authorities said a man wearing a sleeping bag as a cape and carrying a screwdriver as a weapon tried to rob someone in the parking lot of a Gainesville business. Police said a 46-year-old man approached the intended victim early morning on Feb. 1 and asked for money.

CHICAGO (STNG) — Decked out in a purple suit coat and purple shoes, David B. Johnson appeared before a judge in the Markham courthouse in January on his 13th charge of driving on a suspended license.

Police said Melendez called 911 late Jan. 31 and reported that two men with guns were watching him.

When the man refused, police said the man threw off the cape and pulled the screwdriver from his waistband. The other man quickly ran into a store and called 911.

Police records show he hung up, so the dispatcher called back. Melendez answered and asked the dispatcher to hold on, but the dispatcher could still hear what was being said.

The suspect was arrested a few blocks away and charged with attempted armed robbery. He was being held on $20,000 bail.

Then he drove away — with a bevy of female onlookers hooting and hollering to him, said Steve Patterson, a spokesman for Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart. When Johnson pulled onto a street outside the Markham courthouse, Cook County Sheriff ’s Deputies stopped Johnson’s car and arrested him.

The dispatcher called police, who found Melendez at the location he gave, had the dispatcher call his cell phone again, and said they found cocaine in his trousers.


February March

22 1 8



1997 Scientists announce the cloning of “Dolly the Sheep” 1923 TIME Magazine first appears 9 10






4 11




2003 “Mister Rogers” dies






5 12




St. Patrick’s Day



First Day of Spring!


1765 The “Stamp Act” enacted on American colonies













AZD Benefit for Ronald McDonald House






1865 Abraham Lincoln shot at Ford’s Theatre

1912 Ocean Liner RMS Titanic sinks




April Fool’s Day



Johnson donned his purple fedora and fulllength fur coat and walked out of the courthouse to his purple 1988 Cadillac. The dashboard of the immaculate four-door sedan had a placard that said “PIMP PLAZA” and the rear spare-tire cover was stenciled “Mister Oldskool.” Johnson pulled out a feather duster — purple, of course — and cleaned off his car for about five minutes.

A voice can be heard on the recording of the call saying: “What you need? A 10-pack? You need a 10-pack? All right.” Police say “10pack” is slang for a bundle of heroin.


At that Jan. 23 hearing, Judge Christopher Donnelly sentenced Johnson to 10 days in jail beginning Feb. 6. The judge also sternly warned him not to drive his car before then.

Journal Issue 26 #4 Release!

Easter Break Apr. 9 - 13

1970 Apollo 13 Launches

1970 Apollo 13 crew safely lands in Pacific


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