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Marlatt Contracting

694 Fanshawe Park Rd E London ON N5X 2B9, Canada

(519) 851-2761 • • Marlatt Contracting provides exterior and interior renovations, basic handyman contractor services, patios, decks, and also more. Serving London, Ontario and also the surrounding communities, Ray Marlatt and his group make sure that they complete any kind of renovation project without delay as well as within the customer budget plan. We offer every project-- despite how little-- the attention to detail it deserves, guaranteeing our extremely skilled contractors will certainly make your backyard or home into a space you can be pleased with! We have the abilities to perform a wide range of residential renovation as well as fix-it services also. We are best understood for our custom decks and fences. Whether you're seeking an one-of-a-kind deck or patio design, a beautiful barrier that provides some much-needed privacy, or an outdoor living space that suits both your requirements as well as budget, Marlatt Contracting has you covered.
