Signs Your UPS Needs a Battery Replacement | Ecsintl, TX

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IntroRunning an IT business is incomplete without a good quality UPS. A device that saves the operations in case of power failure or any power interruption. The uptime of the network is vital for your enterprise. No doubt a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) keeps the work going. But what about its lifespan? Some have a longer life, and some work better again with ups battery replacement.

The choice is yours to buy new UPS each time without maintaining them. Or go for replacing the battery and extend its working cycle. However, the question is, "How do we know when UPS needs the battery replacement?" We brought the common signs that tell it is the right time to replace the battery.

The below pointers will help you ● UPS Battery Is 3 to 5 Years Old ● Beeping & Caution Indications ● Skipped Preventive Maintenance ● Inadequate Battery Capacity ● UPS In Warm Environment

Skipped Preventive Maintenance

Another real sign to replace a battery occurs when you don't perform routine preventive maintenance. The ups battery replacement becomes necessary, or soon your device cannot be able to provide an appropriate power supply. If you take time to maintain the ups, you might get a different power span for longer. But if you don't, make sure to replace the battery after some time.

UPS In Warm Environment

Heat is a factor that can drastically affect the life of a battery. If your power device is in a place with high heat for an extended time, its battery will deteriorate soon. A good recommendation for this situation is thermal management and cooling equipment. In overheating conditions, don't rely on the idea of a 3 to 5 battery life expectancy.

If you already have ups, then an ups battery replacement is the right choice. In contrast, you can contact Eaton UPS if you want to buy a new one. We have an excellent range of uninterrupted power devices for you. You can check our website and see all the options available for you.

Thanks! Contact us: Energy Control Systems 5500 E Loop 820 S #205 Fort Worth,76119, Texas, US
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