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Independence, maturity & leadership

These are just three of the qualities that students will take away with them after their time in

In the Sixth Form students are able to take on new responsibilities and challenges, and enjoy greater independence with their studies and time management. They will be encouraged to exceed what is expected of them and leave with the skills to equip them for their


Sixth Form students are encouraged to make the most extensive co-curricular which continues into Years 12 and 13. Whether that is a love of sport, music, drama or indeed involvement in community activities out in the locality, time is made in the school day for Sixth Formers to take part.

Supporting and giving back to the community is an important part of the ethos of Hymers College and our students are involved in a number of projects, from listening to children read in several local primary schools, to collecting toys and games for vulnerable children.

Sixth Formers are invited to join the School Council and Form Prefects act as ambassadors of the school and as supporters of those in the younger years. Sixth Form students also have the opportunity to participate in our buddy system, which provides individual peer guidance to those students in the years below.

The vast majority of our Year 11 group will continue on into our Sixth Form and they will be joined by new pupils to Hymers, coming specifically for the final two years of study.