2 minute read


What time does school start and end?

See page 24 for HHM, page 37 for the Junior School, page 47 for Senior School and page 57 for Sixth Form.


How do pupils get to and from school?

Pupils can be dropped off at both of our sites by car and can cycle into Hymers College. We also have extensive bus provision throughout Hull and the East Riding and the South bank to bring pupils into Hymers College. Please contact our Admissions team for an overview of bus provision.

How do we communicate with parents?

At both of our school sites we recognise the importance of communication between teachers and parents/guardians. You should feel comfortable contacting your child’s teacher or form tutor with any questions or queries. In addition, we also have a formal system of reporting back to parents on pupils progress and regular parents’ evenings. We make use of an online parent portal – Schoogle – to upload reports and information for parents.

How do I purchase a uniform?

For Hymers Hessle Mount our uniform is available through www.steadyschoolwear.co.uk

For Hymers College our uniform is available through www.schoolblazer.com

We also run regular second-hand uniform sales to allow good quality uniforms to continue to be used.

How do lunches work?

At Hymers Hessle Mount pupils can either bring in a packed lunch or take advantage of the hot lunch provision at the site. The hot lunch menu will be issued in advance to parents and booked in advance.

At Hymers College pupils can also bring a packed lunch or use the canteen for a hot lunch. Again, the hot lunch menu is issued in advance. At the Hymers College site there is no advance booking for hot lunches.

Neither site require cash payment for lunch.

In both cases the ParentPay app is used whereby parents upload money onto the app to pay for lunches.

How do you deal with any specific requirements around food, for example food allergies or requirements to respect religious beliefs?

When a child enters Hymers their parents will complete a consent booklet. In this booklet parents detail any allergies that the school needed to be aware of and any religious requirements. Information about our food is made available to pupils and parents in advance so that informed decisions can be made about what pupils should eat. Teachers also supervise lunch so if pupils had any questions they could consult a member of staff.

Both of our school sites are nut-free sites and we ask that all parents respect this when preparing any snacks or packed lunches for their children.

What happens if my child becomes unwell at school?

If your child is a student at Hymers Hessle Mount and has an accident or starts to feel unwell they will be seen by one of the paediatric first aiders. Parents will be informed of small bumps and grazes via a minor injuries form. In the case of a head injury, the parent will be called and a head injury information leaflet will be issued for the pupil’s aftercare at home. If we are ever in doubt about a child’s wellbeing we will contact the parents/guardians. In case of an actual or suspected medical emergency an ambulance will be called.

At Hymers College we have a full-time, highly qualified nursing team based in our first-aid centre located near the dining hall. This is accessible for all pupils should they feel unwell or want to talk to our welfare nurse.

What do the fees cover?

Our fees at both school sites cover the academic teaching and before and after-school care. If your child is collected late, an additional charge will be added to the school bill. Uniform and school lunches would be an additional cost to the fees.

How do I apply for a bursary?

Please see page 65 for details of our bursary programme.