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Step into Senior School

The transition from our Junior School, or any primary school, to Senior School is a big step for any child. We support every pupil throughout their full school journey from children to young adults. We place emphasis on independence and social responsibility, and encourage self-motivation and self-confidence.

Every pupil will be made to feel like a key part of our community from their very first day, no matter what primary or Junior School they have attended.


We are committed to every pupil’s happiness and progress. Parents are welcome to contact teachers individually if they have any concerns. We also have a system for reporting progress which includes academic reports, regular parents’ evenings and termly grade cards. Our team of specialist staff are on hand to provide advice throughout the academic year.

Induction Days are held during the second half of the Summer Term for Year 7 and for those joining at other entry points.

We have recently reinstated the House system in the Senior School. As well as inter-house competitions, students can gain House points in various activities for their House: Brandesburton, Trinity, Holderness and Gore.

Pupils moving up from our Junior School will continue in their allocated house throughout the Senior School.