A 'Sorta Fairytale

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Soul Of All Things

A room of white pure marble this is where I start my journey

I let my body fill with love and the voyage starts to begin

The every widening expanse of my mind takes me through stars and universes

Sinking in the ocean of soul

memory enchanted by imagination realms

Enhanced by thoughts of you

wrapped in a veil of mystic wonder

Faceless faces beyond the mask

Angel’s words spoken in jest

Heroes with swords of shining light tell me stories not yet revealed until my heart is touched by the soul of all things

I know my life is yours now

we are all a part of our each other

No dream or nightmare is separate and no action is for us alone

No fear is apart from another fear

we feel only eternal love

Moments Of Pleasure

It starts with next to nothing.

Shapeless noise invading my unwelcoming brain, it’s sharp edges don’t seem to fit and causes the annoyance of a headache. But a bit of intrigue seems to seep through and I find myself being drawn to you. I reluctantly give the noise another chance. Its edges bend and twist, finding their way into the grooves of my brain. My memory senses this power, a kind of raw beauty and soul. My mind tells me to give in, to start moving, to bob my head in approval to the music. Vibrations take over. They start in my toes, making me tingle, my feet start moving, and my organs start dancing. I didn’t even know that my organs could dance.

And in these moments of pleasure, something funny starts to happen. The dull world around me is transformed; a world of imagination appears before me. I become lost there. Suddenly my soul shifts, changes, I take a deep breath and wait for the rest of me to catch up.

Hallowed Skies

Grey skies like flashing steel cover the sun. The clouds white and silver march westward while some, like wisps of smoke curl behind treetops.

A fleeting ray of sunlight warms me for a second while soft gusts of wind ruffle my hair and cool down my face. The rain clouds are approaching me and all the grass and languid oaks shift in the quickening breeze. When I feel the first drops of rain, I will be cleansed by these hallowed skies.


Forward into the mysterious beauty of spring

The crocuses

melon-dawn yellow snow-purple veined saffron and milk-hearts

and birdsong

becoming audible, trilling and chattering in symphony

Spools of song

sweet canticles in taunting magniloquence melodious code

Like an angelical speech

like golden divination and ambiguous dreamlike augury

And I came upon a beekeeper

And he said do you know you can have it all?

The blessed bees vibrantly humming stung

with nectar and honey

stinging and healing our ache and our sweetness

Our love and our hurt


the honeybee came upon this

All so beautiful

and I feel as if spring has touched me and saved me


A shimmer of classical dread bearing the pressure of the sunlight’s dew

Every slender ray of light makes the tears shed every horizon and every raindrop is new

A dressing of morning clouds slides a hand over the soul created paintings among the golden ground

Cast value throughout the land breaking the toll

The sky is drowning in a haze of bliss

And the rivers are studded in gold a taste of this is a jewel filled kiss sent from the demons protectors of weak and bold

A shred of fear always reaches the evil's devious ear

Bloodstains of the past cover the eyes to the world creating a blur

Everything do you have to fear your decisions are afflicted by the temptations

All in the blackness' murmur

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