Feature Writing

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MARIVIC D. LABITAD Bugo National High School

Come to me, Mama. Come, touch me and feel my pain. Don’t be afraid now, Mama. You weren’t when you killed me. Here, touch this… can you feel it now, Mama? The excruciating pain that consumed my helpless body, you inflicted that, remember?

Look at my body, now a mass of rotting flesh and coagulated blood – the dregs of what was a tiny human body. A body that was soft with a tiny head matted with sheen of baby hair. A tiny body with a tiny heart, that pulsated in time with yours. These were my fingers and oh!... Here’s my thumb, when I sucked while snugly tucked inside you. You see, I had long lashes just like Dad’s. My sensitive mouth was just like yours. And here are my ears which heard your quickening heartbeat when you’re afraid. I could have been a wonderful child if you’ve let me live. I could have been a baby boy just what daddy wanted – a strong, healthy and bubbly bundle in your arms. My hypersensitiveness would have exasperated you. Daddy? Hmmm… He could coached me in playing softball. He’ll be the pitcher, and I’ll be the batter. I could have grown into a writer too. You would be proud of me because I’m going to join contests. Mama, see, I was alive but not anymore. So, please let my baby brother live. He could also be a wonderful as me. His life wouldn’t be like mine – a life that never was


It deals with any topic 2. It usually entertains more often than it informs, instructs or advise 3. It may be long or short as long as it covers the subject adequately and keep it interesting to the readers 4. It may light or serious 5. It could be formal or informal and written in any form and in style, but well organized


It may or may not be timely 7. It begins with a novelty lead 8. It is written in ascending interest 9. It is based on facts 10. It can be garnished with adjective, figures of speech, dialogue, anecdote,indiomatic expression 11. It can be written in the first, second, or third person

 1.

Human Interest  - A story that involves people and their troubles, failures, successes.  Dramatic, humorous, tragic, odd –appeals to emotion  2.

Personality Feature  - offers a semi – biographical account of a newsworthy person ( interview of successful person or celebrity


Historical Feature - narrates the evolution of something like the name of a particular place, origin of a celebration 4.

Analytical Feature - It dissects problem, such as school vandalism or student cheating and describe how some would try to solve the difficulty


Seasonal Feature – presents new angles of an old theme with some fresh insights of information


Travelogue – describes place and the kind of people the writer has met during the festival


Entertainment Feature – with wit and humor and aims to entertain the readers, includes crossword puzzle, maze and others

 8.

News Feature – takes its material from a recent event

 9.

Informative Feature – emphasizes the giving of information. Usually taken from an interview or from research materials such as drug problems, street children, victims of calamities and other current issues.

 10.

Interpretative Feature – it instructs, informs, makes clear the background significance of social, economic, political and other problems of everyday life


“ How – to “ Feature- aims to explain a process or how a certain product or service is made or rendered


Personal Experience Feature – Deals with any unusual experience, usually written in first person 13.

Unusual Feature – deals with paranormal beings like witch, ghost and the like


Interview Feature – in the form of question and answer with a paragraph or two as introduction


Science Feature – anything related to Science and Technology


Sports Feature – deals with any feature article related to sports.


Creativity – writer creates 2. Subjectivity – can be written in first person and the writer can inject his own thoughts and emotion. 3. Informative – 4. Entertainment 5. Unperishability- linger on the reader for a long period of time

 1.

Experience  2. Observation  3. Reading Materials like newspaper,books,magazines  4. Special events like anniversaries, holidays  5.Advertisements  6. Speeches and Commentaries  7. Movies  8. Casual Conversation  9. Travel  10. Tourists spots

 11.

fads  12. Interview  13. Imagination


Inquisitive 2. Eager to learn 3. Sympathetic towards other people’s feelings 4. Capable of seeing beneath the surface of ordinary event 5. Keen observer


Choose a topic that you know very well 2. Limit your subject to just one specific area 3. Think of more interesting and fresh angle 4. Make a tentative title 5. Make an outline 6.Use appropriate and Striking novelty lead

 7.

Garnish your article  8. Use graphic description  9. Place Direct quotation at the beginning  10. Use simple words and short paragraphs  11. Avoid being wordy  12. Make sure there is dramatic quality  13. Give example to be convincing and easy to understand  14. Tie up ending with opening paragraph  15. Make a striking title

 1.

Narrative  2.Descriptive  3. Quotation “ We should strive for academic excellence”  4. Question – When was the last time I told my father I loved him?  5. Teaser – Where do women grow their curliest hair? Of course, its in Africa. But is it?


Punch – A man ,who attempted thrice to die by hanging, finally died of cardiac arrest 7. Astonisher – There’s a fashion in trash! 8. One word – “ Khorosho!” 9.Parody – lines from poem, song, movie 10. Freak - For sale: A kidney

Exercise: 1.

Write a feature article comparing yourself to anything you love much. 2. From the lines or whole stanza of your favorite song, write a feature article that relates yourself to it. 3. Write a feature story about Barangay Bugo

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