marin living march 2021

Page 36

A Day Out at Alameda’s Spirits Alley By Casey Gillespie

Spirits Alley, a collection of craft breweries, wine tasting rooms and artisan distilleries, is situated in what used to be Alameda Naval Air Station. The industrial airplane hangars, dry goods warehouses and massive parking lots sit on the edge of the island and make for an exciting and historical setting with incredible views of San Francisco and the bay, an ideal place to while away a sunny spring afternoon with friends new and old. Enjoy the local offerings alongside an array of food and dining options, including the collection of food trucks that park in close proximity and serve tasty eats all day. Skip the drive and catch the ferry to the San Francisco Ferry Building, then head to Gate E and a 20-minute ride later you’ll arrive at Alameda Main Street Terminal: Spirits Alley is a short walk or bike ride from there.

Courtesy of Hangar 1 Distillery

Sunset over Spirts Alley

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