Marine Harvest Canada Wharfside newsletter June 2017

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June 2017

Klemtu processors become Marine Harvest employees

In this issue Something to think about: “one earner in each household”. . . . . . . . . . . 2 MD announced for Marine Harvest Canada East Coast. . . . . . . 2 Q&A with Adam from the Campbell River office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Professional advice for new and young workers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Employees recognized with a day on the lake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Asian glazed salmon from local chef. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Janet wins BC Lions game-day package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Klemtu processors on May 18, 2017

Don’t miss out See you on Friday, June 9th for our Employee Recognition Event at the Thunderbird Hall in Campbell River!

Trivia time! What is a pingo? Answer on Page 4

Comments about this Newsletter? Please email comments, articles and ideas to Ian Roberts, Director of Public Affairs, at

The team at Klemtu Processing Plant is now directly employed by Marine Harvest Canada (MHC). While previously contracted to Marine Harvest by Kitasoo Seafoods, Klemtu staff recently voted to accept an offer from MHC to become employed directly by the company. Other changes at the plant include employing more hygiene technicians, who are responsible for nightly clean up and sanitation.

Since 2007, Atlantic salmon producers in B.C. have provided a map of sites in operation during the spring outmigration of wild salmon from March 1 to July 1. The map reflects all farms that had any activity in the period – even if only for a small portion of that time. Click the map to download.

2017 also sees a new processing manager, Pam Chalmers, join co-manager Roger King on a rotating shift. Pam is from Port McNeill and had recently joined MHC after completing work with North Island salmon farming company Kuterra. The Klemtu Processing Plant team is proud that they continue to process much of the locally-grown salmon by hand while aiming to process between 8,000 and 10,000 pieces per day.

Something to think about: “one earner in each household” By Ian Roberts Director of Public Affairs, Marine Harvest Canada

In a recent magazine story, Chief Archie Robinson proudly stated that salmon aquaculture has helped his community of Klemtu achieve “one earner for each household.” That may seem a modest goal to many, but in a village as remote as Klemtu, it is a remarkable feat. Not that long ago 90% of the village was unemployed. It was 20 years ago this month – June 1997 – that I first stepped onto Kitasoo/ Xai’xais First Nation traditional territory. In the mid-1990s Marine Harvest was invited to the community to consider

partnering with the Kitasoo/Xai’xaisowned salmon aquaculture businesses: Kitasoo Aquafarms and Kitasoo Seafoods. In 1998 an agreement was reached, and in October 2000 the first salmon we stocked were processed at Kitasoo Seafoods fish plant. We were rookies. It took 27 hours to process 900 fish on that first day! I thought that maybe it was my unskilled labour slowing down the line. Beside me on that inaugural processing day was farm technician Kelly Robinson. Kelly and I fed those fish for two years and were excited to see them heading to market. His mother, Ruth, was working

at the plant that first day as well. Kelly and Ruth are still working today. 20 years of full-time employment. One earner in each Klemtu household. Absolutely brilliant. The late Les Neasloss once remarked to me that he noticed people in the community starting to walk with their “heads held high and strutting with pride”. I share that pride – proud to have had the opportunity to meet and befriend many great people in Klemtu. I just called Kitasoo Seafoods and asked how many fish they can process today. The response: “1000 fish, each hour.” Like I said, it was probably just me.

MD announced for Marine Harvest Canada East Coast Jamie Gaskill will become the Managing Director of the new Canada east coast business unit starting August. Jamie worked for Marine Harvest Canada from 2005 to 2015 as both Fresh Water Director and Production Director. Since then he has been a Regional Director for Marine Harvest Norway.

Jamie Gaskill, Managing Director Marine Harvest Canada East Coast


Jamie’s first responsibility will be to formulate a business plan for the region and set up a new staffing organization for freshwater, seawater and processing departments. Read more at

About MH Canada East Coast expansion: The Court of Queen’s Bench of New Brunswick approved Marine Harvest as the purchaser of the assets owned by the Gray Aqua Group of Companies on February 24, 2017. The assets purchased in Canada include one hatchery and two farming licenses in New Brunswick, seven farming licenses in Newfoundland, and one processing plant in Newfoundland. In addition, the company has applied for 17 farming licenses in Newfoundland which are yet to be approved.

Q&A with Adam from the Campbell River office (now Vancouver Island University), then I got a job with Fisheries and Oceans at an experimental rainbow trout farm in Ontario. Are there Marine Harvest sites you haven’t been to yet? I’ve been to every saltwater site, either in my past position as a field biologist at Mainstream Biological or since I joined MHC’s Environmental Performance and Certification Department. Environmental Assessment Biologist Adam McFee has a diverse job. One of his main tasks is ocean bottom (benthic floor) monitoring, and he has recently started gathering drone footage and photos of MHC operations during site visits. How did you get into aquaculture? I took a Fisheries and Aquaculture post degree diploma at Malaspina College

How does your office work relate to field work? I watch at lot of ROV footage from benthic floor surveys, make models of benthic impacts, compile data gathered in sampling, create reports for DFO and other environment-related projects. What is the strangest part of your job? Ed Fellbaum.

How do we measure up against the regulations for benthic management? Really well. I think MHC comes in below the limits for a number of reasons: not wasting a pellet of feed with the new cameras, sites adequately fallowed, and farms in good locations, especially the new ones. What are you eating for lunch today? A chef’s salad, stolen accidentally. My wife Shantall made it for her lunch.

Koskimo, photo taken by Adam McFee, September 2016

MHC’s Environmental Assessment Biologist Greg Gibson and Sustainability Director Sharon DeDominicis were excited to join Operations Manager Greg Hachey, Deckhand Frankie Langdon and Captain Sid Bennett in Newfoundland last month to view sites on the East Coast.


Professional advice for new and young workers By Dan Pattison Health and Safety Advisor

In the first two quarters of 2017, MHC has seen an alarming trend involving new and young workers. Investigations into many of the near miss or accidents show that it’s not only a lack of skill and experience which contributes to the events but also some supervisory tactics, communication breakdowns, and rushing to meet deadlines with a shorthanded or inexperienced crew. What’s even more alarming is that most of the injuries could have been prevented by using a quick, proactive and effective Eye-Check or simply stopping to ask how the job should be approached safely. “It’s all in the methodical approach,” says Operation Lead hand and Workboat

Skipper, Russ North. “When a new worker is on site, I often sketch out the plan and identify hazards beforehand. Keep an eye on [the new worker] and lead by example by doing risk assessments with them. Stay focused and prevent distractions which leads to chaos.” He continues by giving advice to new workers entering the job site. “Just stop work. If you see a hazard or don’t know how to approach a situation, stop and ask. It’s not worth taking an injury.” Phillips Arm Assistant Manager Ryan Wogan adds, “My biggest piece of advice is to never be afraid to speak up and ask questions. I’ve seen many new workers who are hesitant to rock the boat and that can be to their detriment by accepting tasks they may not be comfortable or experienced in. We

promote an environment where every worker’s concern is taken seriously and nothing is too big or small to discuss.” The compromise is simple. Supervisors train and watch over new and young workers, answer questions and provide on-site training. New workers ask questions and analyze everything. Complete Eye-Checks, report hazards and approach with caution. Sometimes this means stopping work and communicating the concern at the expense of production needs, a statement supported and endorsed within the MHC health and safety policy.

It was a close game, but the Bella Bella mens team scored more than the Kitasoo Kings in the end. The 9th annual Stewart Wallis Memorial Basketball Tournament was held at Klemtu on the May 24th long weekend. Answer: A mound of earth-covered ice found in the Artic.


Employees recognized with a day on the lake employees on rotating shifts get to spend time with their counterparts. Ocean Falls manager Ken Maddison says the derby is especially important to his staff because logistics prevent most Ocean Falls workers from attending many other company events. “Our great results are due to one thing, our team, and that’s why we do this every year,” Ken says. The employees spent four hours attempting to catch cutthroat trout on the lake above Ocean Falls that also provides power to local communities and freshwater to the MHC fish-rearing facility.

L-R Rob Prine, Spencer Zapp, Cody Baynes, Donald Orton, Colby Shaw, Chad Cleveland, Kevin Reid, Dave Porter, Ben Dupuis (missing Gina Gardin, Ken Leslie, Ken Maddison)

The 3rd annual Ocean Falls Fishing Derby was held on a hot, sunny day on Link Lake for staff at Marine Harvest’s Ocean Falls operation.

The outgoing crew stayed an extra day in order to cross over with the incoming crew. It is the one time during the year that

The prize for the largest trout went to Dave Porter and the prize for most fish caught on a handmade lure to Ben Dubois. Check out photos of the derby on MHC Facebook.

The salmon barbeque season is in full swing! Come out and support local charities, just like the Cristi family did at the Georgia Park Elementary Fun Fair – to raise important funds for the Parent Advisory Committee.



Serving Time

Comox Valley Canoe Racing Club Canoe Races 2017

Date 3-Jun-17

Comox Marina


Pacific Ukelele Association (Pacifica Ukes) Community Concert - Youth Ukelele Orchestra


Campbell River - Spirit Square


Campbell River Twinning Society “Japanese Cultural Fair” - Sister city: Ishikari


Campbell River - Spirit Square



Asian glazed salmon from local chef Chef Marc McGraw from QuayWest , Campbell River, shares this recipe for a tasty and easy dish.

For the sauce:

For the salmon:

180ml soy sauce 120ml rice wine vinegar 120ml sake 40ml sesame oil 120ml water 3 oz white sugar 1 oz tonkatsu sauce 0.5oz finely chopped ginger 0.5 oz finely chopped garlic Pinch chili flakes Put all ingredients in a pot and bring to boil. Dissolve two ounces of corn starch in four ounces of water and add to the sauce. Bring back to boil and thicken.

Sauté a ready-made bag of coleslaw mix in sesame oil. Thinly slice a one kilogram side of salmon and arrange over sautéed vegetables. Season with sea salt and ground white pepper. Bake at 350° for approximately 10 minutes until salmon flakes to the touch. Glaze with sauce and garnish with sliced lemon, chopped green onions and sesame seeds.

Janet wins BC Lions game-day package Port Hardy office manager Janet Parsons and her husband Jim are off to a BC Lions home game this season, thanks to the generosity of Marine Harvest and its employees. Marine Harvest donated $1,000 to the Heart and Stroke Foundation in exchange for the game-day package which includes two club seats, a pre-game photo-op with head coach Wally Buono, and two autographed caps. In exchange for a chance to win the football tickets, Marine Harvest employees donated $405 to BC Lions’ partner charities. 6

Brand Center Check out our Brand Center for images, logos and templates at The site has been rebuilt and the photo library is growing. There are some neat features for MH employees, like creating your own branded posters. If you need a training session contact

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