2024-2025 MHS Success Guide

Page 1


Introduction | 2-3

Effective Study Habits | 4-5

Frequently Asked Questions | 6-9

Building a Positive School Climate | 10

Warriors BEyond | 11

Sample Freshman Schedule | 12

Extracurriculars | 13-22

Eligibility | 23

Fight Song/Alma Mater | 24


High School may seem like a big change from junior high and you may be feeling a little nervous. If so, you are not alone – all freshmen are starting high school together and wondering how their high school experience is going to go. You are all in this together so relax and get ready for a fun and rewarding high school experience! Here are a few freshmen survival tips to remember as you get ready for your first day of high school.

Be prepared for change.

This is a brand-new journey. You will notice a difference in what you’ve been used to in your friends, teachers, and school. Change is different but change can be good. Be ready for changes that lead you to be the best you can be.

Consider an extracurricular activity.

High school is a great time to figure out what you are interested in. Follow your interests through clubs and sports. This is also a great way to meet a new group of people.

Keep an eye on Schoology.

Check this for daily homework and assignments. You can also customize it for your personal schedule.

Do not procrastinate.

The sooner you get things done the more time you will have to do the things you like to do. You will feel more relaxed and prepared if you get things checked off your to-do list early, rather than last minute.

Make good first impressions, especially on teachers.

Eat breakfast and lunch.

Whether you purchase food in the cafeteria or bring your food to school, your brain and body need energy to perform. It is scientifically proven that high school students perform better if they have healthy meals and snacks.

Be yourself and be original.

Be organized.

High School can be a difficult time for everyone. Keep this in mind when approaching people: you’re all in the same boat. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone when talking to new people; you might surprise yourself!

Stay positive.

Be prepared for class, on time and be an active participant. A positive first impression with your teachers will go a long way and will follow you throughout high school.

This will save you tons of heartache, headache and extra homework. Get a system for organizing yourself that works for you.

Be realistic. Not every day will be problem free. Even on your worst days, try to keep a positive attitude. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need to.


Your teacher is the best person to give you specific study tips for his/her class. The teacher knows your progress in that class and can be the most effective person in advising you how to improve a grade or be a more effective learner.

Study hall teachers are available during study hall to help answer any questions you might have even if they’re not your teacher. Take advantage of this resource to get some extra support.

See your counselor if you would like to work with a peer tutor during a study hall or before or after school. National Honor Society students volunteer their time to work with students in peer tutoring. You don’t need to struggle through on your own!

Use your waiting time effectively. Ten minutes waiting on a bus or five minutes between class can add up. Also, in between school and extracurricular activities, use this time to your advantage.

Don’t get too comfortable. Easy chairs, the bed or a sofa can be dangerous places to study. If too comfortable, your body may be getting the message “time to sleep” rather than “time to study.”

Be aware of your best time of day. Many people learn best in daylight hours. Think about if this is true for you. If it is, schedule time to study during the day. If not, find out what is best.

Use a regular study area. When you use the same place to study, day after day, your mind and body become trained. It should help you focus and concentrate quickly. When studying, figure out what method works best for you, whether this means listening to classical music or taking effective study breaks. Also avoid other distractions such as the TV or phone.

Study difficult subjects first? If a particular subject is hard or puts you to sleep, tackle it first while you are fresh.


What time does school start and how long are the classes?

The first period starts at 8:30 and school is dismissed at 3:25. Students start arriving around 8:10 unless they have an early appointment with a teacher. There are seven (7) bells per day and each bell is around 50 minutes long with four minutes between classes. For the class schedule, visit the district website under “Mariemont High School” or the Mariemont High School calendar on the calendar page of the website. The school operates on quarters and semesters.

When is the first day of school?

Typically, the first day of school occurs during the third week of August. Please review the Annual Calendar available on the district website, parent tab.

Who is in charge around here?

Dr. Jim Renner is the principal of Mariemont High School and Mr. Trevor Block is the assistant principal. Mr. Tom Nerl is the district’s athletic director.

Do we have a homeroom?

No, there is no homeroom.

How will I find my classes on the first day?

Once you receive your schedule at orientation you can walk around that day to get used to the building and become more familiar with your schedule. You will have a paper copy of your schedule.

What is your advice on homework?

Don’t procrastinate! Missing assignments can really affect your grades. Be sure to do your homework and turn it in on time for full credit. Find an organization system that works for you! Color-coded planners, folders and notebooks for each class can really help, as can staying digitally organized.


is Warrior Bell?

The hallways are crowded in between bells so what is the best way to get somewhere quickly?

Walk on the right side of the hallway and the stairwell and go with the flow! How do we get to know the upperclassmen?

You will meet many upperclassmen in your daily classes. A great way to meet people is to join an activity or sport.

Warrior Bell is a 35-minute block that occurs twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On these days, students go to their assigned classroom with an advisory teacher. Warrior Bell is used in a variety of different ways. Some days, it’s an opportunity for students to get homework done by using it as a study hall. Students can also use the bell to make an appointment with a teacher where they might need extra help in a class, or to make up a quiz. Sometimes, Warrior Bell might be used for a class meeting or for special programming.

How do I print my schoolwork and assignments?

Although we strongly encourage digital organization and being mindful of unnecessarily printing documents, we understand that sometimes there is a need to print so printing is available to you in the high school library using the remote desktop. Check with your teacher about other printing options..

Speaking of the library, is the library only for books?

No way! The Mariemont High School library is more of a collaborative workspace. Ask our librarians to give you information on all kinds of learning tools and research resources available through our library. According to our librarian, “change is happening at various speeds due to technology, and one of these changes is in the landscape of the school – and even public – library. The library is not just a warehouse anymore, it’s the place to get together, collaborate and create. It’s a community space.

How do I


out my bus route and schedule?

The district website is a great tool for this and for many, many other things. To find your bus schedule, check the district website under “Parents” or call transportation at 513-272-7510. The bus schedule is usually posted in early August each year. Remember, all school rules apply on the buses.

What is the district’s technology policy?

Mariemont City Schools is a one-to-one technology district, which means that all students are issued a common learning device to ensure equity, safety, security, and an improved learning experience. Students at the high school are issued an iPad with a case, a Brydge Keyboard, and an Apple pencil and the district provides all apps necessary for classes. Students are expected to bring their school device to school each day fully charged. Personal devices are not permitted without special authorization from the principal.

What is the school’s policy about smoking, alcohol and


Don’t do it, especially on school property or at school events!

What if I have to go to the bathroom or leave the classroom for any reason?

How do I get involved in building

the Homecoming


Any freshman who is interested should reach out to the class officers, check the announcements or ask the freshman class advisor. Each class starts building its float the Saturday before Homecoming. This is definitely a fun way to get involved with this competitive annual tradition!

If you can, try to go to the bathroom between bells or ask your teacher for permission to go before the tardy bell rings. You will need to ask your teacher if you need to leave the classroom for any reason.

Where do I find out more information about summer reading and summer assignments?

To find out more information about summer reading and assignments, visit the district website > Mariemont High School > Summer Assignments. This is usually updated by late May each year. Your teachers might also give you a heads up about summer expectations before the school year ends.

Tell me how lunch works at the high school.

Students are required to have lunch on campus until their junior year. Juniors and Seniors have the privilege of leaving campus for lunch by completing the Senior/Junior lunch privilege form found on the district website > Mariemont High School > Senior/Junior lunch privilege form. Lunch is 38 minutes long and is served in the Servery, which is downstairs in the hallway just outside the World Languages area. Students may eat in the hub area or outside, during nice weather, on one of the patios. Food and drinks are not allowed in the classrooms.

Does the district use social media?

Yes! The school uses:

Instagram (mariemontschools)

I’m having a rough time,


there someone I can talk to?

Facebook (Mariemont City Schools)

Of course there is! Never, ever feel like you are alone. If you are having a difficult time with your class schedule or classes, you can talk to your counselor, teacher or building principal any time. Don’t forget – everyone wants you to succeed!

Twitter (@mariemontschool)

On Twitter, you can follow: Mariemont High School (@Mariemont_HS), superintendent Steven Estepp (@estepp), athletic director Tom Nerl (@mmontad), director of college and career counseling Amanda Leszczuk (@MCSD_CCPC) and many staff members.

Following the district’s social media is a great way to follow what’s going on with the school and community.

You can also talk to your counselor if you’re having a difficult time and feeling overwhelmed, depressed or upset. Added to that, the district has partnered with Child Focus, Inc. to offer additional mental health services for students. The high school has a licensed therapist who offers a more intensive level of services for students and families, and can be accessed all year. We want every student to feel emotionally healthy and ready to learn. There is no shame in needing and asking for help.


Our goal is that every person who enters our high school feels welcome and safe. According to a study conducted by the National Association of School Psychologists, bullying is the most common form of violence in our society; between 15% and 30% of students are bullies or victims. This is unacceptable. If you need to report bullying or any other safety concerns, the district offers an anonymous, 24-hour bullying reporting service through Public School Works. Everyone can access this service through the high school’s homepage on the district website.

warriors yond

Warriors BEyond is the Mariemont City School District’s flagship program for student opportunities offered beyond the traditional curriculum. This includes new enrichment experiences, travel opportunities, career exploration and service learning, giving students at all grade levels the chance to lead, reach and explore.


Intersession is a 3-day opportunity in May for all students (9-11) to explore their interests, and passions, with a focus on their possible careers or college! It’s a chance to be curious and creative, and to be exposed to things that are outside of the traditional classroom setting. Students have the opportunity to participate in a teacher-led Intersession (9-11), Experienceship (10-11), or College Explorations (10-11). All opportunities will be available online in January of each year and students will have the chance to choose an Intersession that interests them! Please see Mr. Sugerman, Coordinator of Experiential Education, for more information.

Travel Opportunities

Exploring the world around you is a great way to learn more about yourself and our global culture. Mariemont High School students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of travel opportunities including:

• Service Learning Trips

• World Language Cultural Experiences

• Curriculum Infused Itineraries

Check out the Warriors Beyond website for an updated calendar of where we hope to go next.

Master Class Series

From the Learning Lab and after-school enrichment at the elementary level to Expeditions at the junior high to the Master Class series at the high school –turn your interest into a passion! The Master Class series is student-created curriculum. Create a class led by your enthusiasm and interests and receive elective credit while doing so! For more information, you can talk to your school counselor or Brian Sugerman, Warriors Beyond coordinator.



Join an extracurricular activity and get the most out of your Mariemont High School experience!


Mariemont students are well known for being excellent in athletics. For a school of our size, we are fortunate to be able to offer such a wide range of competitive athletic teams. Tryouts, practices, and schedules are too lengthy to include here, so please contact the high school office for further information on any team. Tom Nerl, the district athletic director, can help you by giving details or by putting you in contact with the coach of the team. NOTE: Incoming 9th grade students interested in playing sports must have passed 75% of their 4th quarter 8th grade classes. Go Warriors!

Student Voices

Student Voices is a student-led committee consisting of diverse perspectives, which inform and drive positive change within our school culture and community. Membership is by invitation only.

World Affairs Club

The World Affairs Club is for students interested in international affairs, diplomacy, and understanding other governments and cultures. Recently the club has competed in Model United Nations and international trivia competitions. We also seek to bring in guest speakers, view international films, and discuss world events. The club typically meets monthly.


The Mariemont High School yearbook is a student-produced, award-winning publication. Students interested in being part of the yearbook staff are welcome to do so by signing up for the class that meets daily all school year. Occasionally, this group meets after school and a few times during the summer.

This course is all about learning how to create a book from start to finish, including writing, editing, taking photographs, designing, organizing, selling, and distributing the book itself. Students can become leaders in Yearbook (Editors and Managers) by excelling at aspects of those things listed previously.


Alma Mater

Hail, Blue and Gold, to thee we will be true.

Where e’re we go, whatever we may do.

When years have passed and turned to memory

Dear to our hearts

thou shalt forever be

Fight Song

Fight, fight, fight for Mariemont,

We’re all behind you, So never mind you, Win, win, win for Mariemont,

Come on let’s roll up the score, We’ll always be behind you, rooting for you, helping you to win.

We’re anxious for the finish

And we’ll cheer when you come in.

Come on and fight, fight, fight

For Mariemont.

You do your best team

We’ll do the rest team

We’ll help you win this game hey!

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