Women in art - Curator Leda Maria (mars 2018)

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Tome,f r eedom i saf undament alwor di nt hear twor l d.Thel ess at t achedt opr econcei vedr ul es,st andar dsandst yl es,t hear t i st s ar eof t enabl et oachi evemor eaut hent i cr esul t s,st emmi ngf r om t hei rpot ent i al ,wi t houtt heneedt omeetext er nalexpect at i onsof t hei rf ami l i es,f r i ends,col l ect or sandt hemar keti ngener al . Womeni nar twascr eat edt ocel ebr at eAr tandi t sar t i st s,t o cel ebr at eWoman’ sday ,andt oconsi der emor egenderbal ance i nt heAr tWor l d. Thear t i stover comest hi sdi l emmabyest abl i shi ngaper sonal l anguagei nwhi chf ant ast i calar chi t ect ur alconst r uct i onsar i se, poi nt i ngt oi magi nar yobj ect sornot ,i nusei nt hewor l dwe under st andasr eal . Somet i mest her esul ti sf ul lofmyst er y .Theest abl i shed l anguagel eadsust odesi r et oknowmor ewor ks,t odeci phert he i ndeci pher abl e,i nar el easeoft r acesandf or msr ul edbyt he desi r et obef r ee,i naki ndofpecul i arexpr essi vescr eam i n whi cht hebar r i er f r eet hi nki nggai nst hemostdi ver sesf or ms. LedaMar i aPr ado

LedaMar i ai sanar thi st or i an, ar t i st ,f i near tandcer ami cs i nst r uct or .Var i ousmagazi nes, newspaper sandcont empor ar y ar tcat al oguesi nBr azi l ,Uni t ed St at esandEur opehave publ i shedherar taswel lasher wr i t i ngst hr oughoutt heyear s. LedaMar i ahol dssever alawar ds f orherwor kasanar t i st .

1 About Curator

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