Six Patients Group Boooklet

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THOR BJORGOLFSSON Also called Bjöggi, former owner of the Icelandic bank Landsbanki. The British government placed him on a watch list used for the blocking of funds to terrorist organizations after the UK economic catastrophe in October 2008. Together with his friends, Bjöggi led the ruin of Iceland in 2008 leaving the Icelandic people with several billions of dollars in debt when they went bankrupt following his irresponsible actions. Renowned for being “the biggest deal junkie with the biggest appetite”.

HANNES SMARASON Former chairman of investment company FL Group Iceland, charged in 2013 of stealing 2.875 billion kronurs ($23.5 million) from his company before it was renamed Stodir. Hannes had illegally reassigned the cash from an FL Group account to one controlled by a friend - who used the money to buy budget airline Sterling Airlines A/S. Hannes is said to owe kronur 80 billion to Icelandic banks that became non-operational in the 2008 financial collapse.

MAGNÚS GUÐMUNDSSON CEO of Banque Havilland and former MD of Kaupthing Bank Luxembourg, sentenced to jail in 2013. The court gave him three and a half years because he led shareholders to believe that Kaupthing Bank was in good health. Magnús lied when he stated that an important investor had invested money in the now collapsed Kaupthing bank. In fact the money was lent by his own bank.

HREIÐAR MÁR SIGURDSSON CEO of Kaupthing Bank (2003 to 2008). In 2010 Hreiðar was placed under arrest and solitary custody for 12 days on suspicion of falsifying documents, theft, breach of trading laws and market manipulation. He was sentenced to five and a half years in prison for lying to shareholders about the strength and trustworthiness of his collapsed bank.

PALMI HARALDSSON Icelandic owner of Denmark-based Sterling Airlines A/S was declared bankrupt after he ran out of money. Palmi’s plan was to provide enough capital to keep his airline going until 2009 but this was undermined by the collapse of Iceland produced by his friends. Palmi had injected £47million into the firm in 2008.

JÓN ÁSGEIR JÓHANNESSON Young, shaggy-haired, confident, the epitome of Iceland’s “go-getting” outward looking economy. 2005: charged with 40 abuses of the law regarding accounting. 2008: charged with tax evasion amounting to $2.4m (£1.5m) from 1998 to 2003. 2013: sentenced in a tax racket case to 12 months in prison, suspended and charged in connection with his role in the 2008 financial collapse of his country.

Body Support Rationale This art work will attempt to create a body device, a body mist (“taXAppeal”) made in The Cloud, site of the factory of NGO Trickle Down. The sprayed mist will trickle down, unseen, on the target population (estimated 1%) and will include a genetically modified ancient molecule, pheromone, which will help people with an addiction. The genetically modified molecule will target corporate people and be harmless to all others (99%). It will reverse corporations and bankers ‘compulsion not to pay tax. Laboratory test results show that paying tax can be pleasurable when inhaling the modified pheromone. The pattern Large corporations have been using various methods of being “tax efficient” for decades. Not paying tax or tax evasion is perceived as sound business practice because a lot of money is made out of not paying taxes. Understandably this creates pleasure because it confers instant chemical reward, via the brain. This is an addictive pleasure few can easily give up. It is clear that over 100 leading firms on the FTSE 350 index, accused of criminal tax evasion, are addicted on an industrial scale. For example Clients of global bank HSBC have squirreled billions. Starbucks paid only £8.6m (2011) in corporation tax in its 15 years of trading in Britain, despite overall sales of £3bn. Amazon, with sales in Britain of £3.35bn (2011) only reported a “tax expense” of £1.8m. Facebook only paid £1m since 2007, despite making £0.5bn in revenue in Britain. Google British arm paid £6m (2011) on UK sales of £395m. eBay paid only just little over $1m in tax, despite of UK sales of over £800m. The problem

The Tax avoidance feel-good factor is a psychologically based addiction

and an ancient and well-documented pathology. NGO Trickle Down, along with many others, have called for Government to make lawful changes to stop these companies from getting away with their lustful acts.

The solution To tackle this problem HM Revenue and Customs now recognises this behaviour as criminal. “Just like gambling or drug taking, tax dodging can be pleasurable but its continued use/act becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as furthering social good beyond the interests of the firm, relationships, or health. Users may not be aware that their behaviour is out of control, causing problems for themselves, hatred from others and inequity in societies they live in”, says HMRC. Since these psychologically addictions are not based on drug but on brain effects, the focus of the addiction is not what matters (for example tax dodging or getting subsidies from taxpayers). What is essential to these addicts is the craving need to “play with money” in order to derive pleasure, lust and power. Scientists know that different emotions are accompanied by recognizably different bodily states, and the direct manipulation of the bodily state, by drugs or surgery, also manipulates the emotional state. The breakthrough Experimental study results suggest that tax dodging addictions can be reversed to a tax-paying addiction. Experimental results also show that treatment using genetically modified ancient molecules, pheromones, would be safe and bring a similar rush of lustful pleasure with the associated feel good factor for paying tax. Product description “taXAppeal” is one of the brand names for the body mist manufactured in The Cloud by NGO Trickle Down. The plan is to vaporise “taXAppeal” on corporations and banking sectors above relevant cities. The formula was derived from oil, water and mucous (tears) found in an urn made under the Republic of Plato. The product does not contain nuts.

taXAppeal Patients tested Six white male volunteers aged 36 to 52 years (mean, 43.7 years) These criminals convicted by the Icelandic criminal justice system participated in the 2015 taXAppeal trial voluntarily, to test the effectiveness of genetically modified pheromones which can reverse corporations and bankers’ compulsion not to pay tax. The results of the tests are included in their respective cluster card.

Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson Thor Bjorgolfsson Hannes Smarason Palmi Haraldsson Hreiðar Már Sigurdsson Magnús Guðmundsson

March 2015 Marie-Pierre Leroux

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