Reflective Summary

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REFLECTIVE SUMMARY: By looking at industry professionals such as Jess Ebsworth, and Jee-Ook Choi, who work in similar styles, and with similar subjects to me, I was able to see where in the industry my work could fit in. The work I have done previously exploring Asian foods and culture, fit perfectly with the routes Ebsworth and Choi have taken in illustrating for Asian restaurants and festivals, which is why I am passionate about striving for a career in promotional and marketing illustration. While this is not something I originally thought I would want to be doing at the beginning of university, throughout the course and taking on my own graphic design commissions, I have realised my love of branding design and illustration. Through my research, I found that most artists get commissions from the most exciting, or established brands, with the help of an agency. However in most cases these artists will have developed a refined and strong illustrative style, and as I know that I am currently still in the early stages of developing a strong cohesive style, I wanted to make sure I was prepared for other routes into a creative career, if applications into agencies such as Roar or Breed did not work out. Working for a marketing or creative studio logically seemed the closest to my ultimate career goals of getting commissioned to design or illustrate for big company brands, as I would be also able to work with promotional projects, just with less creative freedoms as being commissioned as the sole illustrator. That said I am equally excited to start applying to creative studios, and I think that this route is definitely the most achievable for me with the current experience and skillset I have. Unlike agencies, who only hire a few times a year, I was constantly seeing new job postings for junior designers or interns every day. To be a design intern at Without or Studio Frith would be extremely beneficial for me building my creative career, although they may not involve illustration as much, the design skills I have currently can easily be translated into their branding projects, and would be a great leverage for me in the industry as I would be able to work with bigger companies and names. The quality of work that I am able to create, and demonstrate in my portfolio, definitely gives me confidence in reaching out to these studios. I have also been highly aware of the chances that I will not be accepted into any of the studios that I apply to, which is why my post-graduation plans will be to remain very open to accepting whatever role and experience I can get. As most creative jobs are found in London, I also want to move there, and so finding commissions while potentially working a part time job will be critical, but difficult. I think the steps I have proposed in my career plan, to send out my CV to as many art directors and companies as possible, although it may be tolling, is the most realistic route I should expect to take following graduation. A lot of professional artists will say that being relentless when promoting yourself and sending as many emails as possible, is often what it takes to find success, and so I feel I have made my short term goals very achievable, in that I will mostly be reaching out to smaller companies, such as Bulb and W12, with a greater chance of getting noticed. I have learnt that I am very versatile with the types of work I can create, especially when it comes to transferring my illustration skills into graphic design and animation briefs, and so I definitely have the skills to warrant the long-term goals I have set out, aswell as the steps I have proposed to get there. Ultimately the promotional works I have seen Ebsworth produce, and those produced at studios such as Without, excite me the most, and I know that I would be able to express the most of my creative skills in my proposed career paths.

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