Bikeshare App Re-design

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Bike Share

Toronto Service Re-design


Giron, And Mariana Mejia

What is the project ?

For this project, we were tasked with picking a service, describing it, and coming up with a new version which addresses user painpoints.

We chose to re-design the Bike Share Program in Toronto, Canada which is one of the city's methods of public transportation. Upon our own personal experience as immigrants using this service, we find that it can be confusing and overwhelming at certain key user touchpoints. Considering Bikeshare is described as a transportation option for local users and visitors, we decided to re-design the bikeshare app to be more user-friendly.

What is Bikeshare?

It is described as a "fun, healthy, lowcost transportation option for locals and visitors alike.", and a great complement to Toronto's other transport options. It is owned by Toronto Public Authority.

The service has so much potential

It promotes healthy habits Environmentally friendly Has robust infrastructure Multiple well located stations around the city Easy way to explore Toronto Great addition to Toronto Transport Riding bikes itself is a fun, social activity
For example: the kiosk payment booth is hard to navigate, the app does not give you any directions, the 30 min redocking is confusing, among many other painpoints. But it is not user-friendly
Cost of the Trips being 3.20 CAD Only acceptable payment system being Credit Cards (security) 30 minute limit on each trip, and then needing to renew your trip Lack of communication with other transportation systems (TTC and GO train) Bikeshare has two apps (one is an earlier version) which both have 1.5 stars. We will redesign flaws that they both share Constraints: Scope




Description American Tourist visiting Canada for its natural attractions during the summer (Canadian shield). Stops in Toronto for 3 days. Tech savvy and averse to using his internet often
-English as a first language -Feels safe riding a bike alone -Bikes are suitable for his height and general build -Has enough money to afford the deposits and possible fees -Has a credit card
Persona Mark

Here is what accessing the service is like


P annng a trip to Toronto Needing to resolve transportaton

Mark has arrived at hs hote in Canada He now has to look at what bikeshare statons are nearest to him He wshes to explore Toronto s waterfront trai

Mark is in American tourst



He needs to plan how he wl exp ore the cty n a short amount of time before his trip He downloads the app.

He uses the bikeshare app to see the nearest staton and p an a route to get to the waterfront

Must leave hote to get to a staton find station from google maps where he got the drectons from

He may be averse to using data/ too much data due to roaming costs, so he tries getting there with out goog ing t There is a lack of sgnage Final y he looks at the app again, but t gives no drectons

He finds out through an nternet article that there is bikeshare, whch falls in line with hs fitness and eco friend y goa s App gves a tutorial

Bkeshare ocatons are ALL over downtown so t is not a problem to find them, The search does not take too long

After ooking on ine for the closest bike share staton he manages to fnd t

choosing a payment plan for three days Payng wth a credit card (despte wanting to use cash)

choosng a bke n a good state Un dockng the bke


The artcle is difficult to fnd, and there s a lack of informaton as to how to use the service Downloads app preemptive y, but t on y lets you pay for a pass and says how many bikes are at a station

Stil unsure how to use the servce

The Bikeshare app only shows station locations, not how to get to them (drections)

Excited to explore toronto and bkng is fun

Lack of signage means he gets lost

encounters the bike staton and ana yzes it to fgure out whch bike he is going to take to have a ride around Toronto

As a tourst, the first thng many people do is buy the currency of the country

Mark has to set a 30 mnute timer but won't know an optmzed route for the tme and ocaton he wll be n

ack of data so he had to memorize the ocaton of the bke share station Instructions are unc ear and t is difficu t to tell how the bike can be taken out

Fina ly gets to pay for the servíce the bike is pretty easy to customize

One is not nta ly made aware of the lmtations of payment methods The UX of acquiring the bike is not deal and based mostly on an assumpton

user has no helmet Not being ab e to p an hs trp f he needs to re dock every 30 minutes (he doesn't There is no way to attach your phone to actve y see route (potenta hazard)

Pain Points The Bikeshare app only shows station locations, not how to get to them (directions) 01 30-minute timer but won't know an optimized route for the time and location he will be in. 03 One is not initially made aware of the limitations of payment methods. 04 The UX of acquiring the bike is not ideal and based mostly on an assumption 02

Our solution

App Redesign: Before and After

We decided to redesign some aspects fo the bike-share app to provide a smoother and less confusing experience for both new and frequent users of this service.

When you first start off the app, it does not make clear exactly what it can and cannot do. Our app has a quick rundown at the beginning

When finding a station nearby, the original app only shows your position on the map and the position of the station. It does not tell you how to get there. We give directions

The app simply does not tell you how to use you bike for travel once you have gotten it. Here we let the user choose where the would like to go, as well as the route

Link to App Prototype walkthrough: 20-%20Untitled%20%E2%80%94%20Mozilla%20Firefox%202022-1030%2018-56-45.mp4?dl=0


User Journey Revised

P annng a trip to Toronto

Needing to resolve transportaton

Mark has arrived at hs hote in Canada He now has to look at what bikeshare statons are nearest to him He wshes to explore Toronto s waterfront trai

Must leave hote to get to a staton

Find station from directions shown n the app

choosing a payment plan for three days Payng wth a credit card (despte wanting to use cash)

Mark is in American tourst




He needs to plan how he wl exp ore the cty n a short amount of time before his trip He downloads the app.

He uses the bikeshare app to see the nearest staton and p an a route to get to the waterfront

He finds out through an nternet article that there is bikeshare, whch falls in line with hs fitness and eco friend y goa s App gves a tutorial

The bike share app shows ways to p an a trip, closest station to his ocaton and how to get there

Uses app to ook nto directions to nearest bike staton

After ooking on ine for the closest bike share staton he manages to fnd t

Mark can get to see what way he can take to nearest staton and how many are availab e He also has the opton to click on other close statons in case there are no bkes on the first try

encounters the bike staton and ana yzes it to fgure out whch bike he is going to take to have a ride around Toronto

As a tourst, the first thng many people do is buy the currency of the country

choosng a bke n a good state Un dockng the bke He also needs to know how he is gettng to the waterfront trail


The artcle is difficult to fnd, and there s a lack of informaton as to how to use the servce

Stil unsure how to use the servce

The Bikeshare app only shows station locations, not how to get to them (drections)

Lack of signage for the locaton of the station, so there is stll a chance that Mark can get lost

ack of data so he had to memorize the ocaton of the bke share station Instructions are unc ear and t is difficu t to tell how the bike can be taken out

User gets to pay for the servce over the app and there s a clear a ert on how much time he has left before the 30 minutes are up

The app gives Mark the chance of tmng the 30 mnutes and even alerts in the last 5 minutes so he can go to the nearest staton to re dock the bike, as wel as drectons to get started riding


In the first User Journey, Mark was confused as to how the app functioned, here he now had a more in depth tutorial

The app now shows how to get to the frst station or any other desired location around his hotel

App now shows where sta ion is and has more user frend y eatures hat helps peop e o know how many bkes there are wi h the he p of more colours easy to recognze and understand

One is not nta ly made aware of the lmtations of payment methods The UX of acquiring the bike is not deal and based mostly on an assumpton

the bke s pretty easy to customize, n good state and the app gives you a heads up how many tmes he wil have to re dock, as well as how to get there

App shows how much tme eft to transfer over to he next staton during hs trp In the "plan my trp" option t ets you see whch other statons are in your way to your destnaton

user has no helmet Not being ab e to p an hs trp f he needs to re dock every 30 minutes (he doesn't There is no way to attach your phone to actve y see route (potenta hazard)

App alerts when your 30 minutes will be up. App helps you plan your trip

1 Direction to next docking station and 30 minute timer Mark knows how to get from point A to point B App shows how much time left to transfer over to the next station Now Mark is happy! Clearer tutorial on how to use the service 2 3 4

Implementation and Effects

This solution is well within the realm of possibilities for the PBSC app, as it would only be adding vital features it is missing, mainly that of actually helping people within the transportation access and planning. It would not necessarily be a costly addition, and it would greatly benefit Bikeshare users by making the process of finding a station, checkout riding, and getting to the final destination an easier one.

Link to Figma Prototype: Link to Miro Board Research: ZNlhWWDdyc3hHSzBkR0lHdGJJb3BPb0hGRnRCSko3cVZWTm13a0lNbHwzM Dc0NDU3MzY2MTYzMjcyNzgyfDI=?share_link_id=112326022859 Thank you
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