Youthopedia-Issue of TUS'15

Page 10

GREEN IS NOT A CREATIVE COLOUR, IS IT? It is a fact that today humanity has taken bigger steps in terms of technology and industry than ever before in the history. However, as mankind tries to prove its power over nature, the environment is being degraded in multiple ways. This is perceived as a typical and unchangeable result of development. People tend to approach this topic with a sense of fatality and assume that they have no power to make decisions and fix the issues that concern them (“Que sera, sera” - Whatever will be, will be). Such way of thinking is not only wrong on a mindset level, but also puts our lives in danger. Activism advocates and directs social, economic or environmental changes through actions taken by members of society. Especially it carries utmost importance in environmental issues, with the global warming and overpopulation adding up to countless problems of this world. Thus, environmental activism aims to improve conditions and health of the environment and maintain the balance between human and non-human elements of nature. It comes into effect when environmental legislations are inefficient or not applied properly due to lack of jurisdiction, corruption and authority. Reactions coming from the community are reflected through peaceful methods and commonly, the goal of these activities is to create awareness and reach out to a larger crowd. In fact, environment has a lot to do with politics and economics. It is with the industrialisation that economic growth is possible for modern-day developing countries, resulting in increasing profits of investments allocated to industrialisation. The cycle becomes completed with the involvement of governments and local authorities, who regulate the economic policies and the location of industrial facilities. In case a controversial decision is taken, environmental activists “intervene” in their own way and stand up for the nature.

There are specific organisations that aim to eliminate a number of environmental issues. Greenpeace is the most recognised one, which has nearly three million members worldwide. It mostly advocates transition to green energy (solar, wind, etc.), preventing pollution as well as the abundant use of toxic substances, protecting endangered species, forests and sustainable agriculture. In the core of such organisations lies voluntary work, and the reason that they have millions of supporters all over the planet is that, with raising awareness, everyone wants to have a say in their own future. Despite having a strong basis, some organisations have failed to reach out to every single corner of the world. This poses a threat especially to those who expect a systematic and organised ensemble of events and reactions, or maybe a sense of belonging. For instance, several delegates from ENVI have stated that although they would love to take part in an organisation devoted to protecting nature, due to the lack of advertisement they found it extremely hard to join one operating nearby. Being an official member of NGO is not essential to be an activist, though. Even the smallest and easiest tasks that can be done at home, such as recycling, can be considered activism. Green means continuation. It is the most “productive” colour, giving birth to many others with thousands of species, which are indicators of a healthy environment, as well as a healthy future. It is pointless to wait for someone else to take the issue over and fix it. The change can be made only through collective effort, and collectivism starts with individuals taking initiative. In the end, it is all about realising that the sources in this world are scarce and Pınar Özcan


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