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Denmark and The U.S. Virgin Islands in 2017


In 2017, the Transfer Centennial has been visible in the public press both in Denmark and on the U.S.V.I. Transfer day was marked March 31. on St. Croix with a parade, an official ceremony, fireworks and exhbition openings.


The danish prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen participated in the event, delivering an official speech. Expectations previous to the speech were an official apology from Denmark to the U.S.V.I. Løkke did not give an apology, but his speech showed an acknowledgement of the history and its adverse impacts on the later development of the former colony.

“We must acknowledge that what happened in the past has affected where the islands are today. We cannot undo the past. What we can do is to improve the future.” (Rasmussen, 2017)

The speech was well recieved by politicians on the U.S. Virgin Islands.

In Denmark, the centennial has been visible in collaborative initiatives like “In search of identity” and the establishment of a temporary culutral institution in Copenhagen; “Virgin Island Culture Embassy”.

In Danish press, Politiken has shown its interest to the debate of post colonial matters, presenting interviews of artists, politicians and citizens of U.S.V.I. as well as informative background articles.

9.th of March 2017 Politiken publishes an interview with the crucian artist La Vaughn Belle, in the event of her exhibition opening in Copenhagen. Belle states that every Dane should apologize to the people of U.S. Virgin Islands, in order to heal trauma of the past. Public debate shows shared opinions on the approach to transfer day and centennial celebration both in Denmark and the former colony. What is certain is that the common history is present today in the economic, political and cultural situations of the two regions. “(...)although we share a common past – we have not always shared the same story about that past.” (Rasmussen, 2017) “In search of identity” is a collaboration between Denmark and U.S.V.I, with the intention to give an understanding of history. This includes architectural restoration projects on St. Croix and St. Thomas, in wich the Aarhus School of Architecture was involved in 2016. My participation in registrations on St. Croix in 2016, and the following semester project, has been an inspiration and academic background for this thesis project. Crucian is a term used for a person, tradition, product etc. wich originates from St. Croix.

St. Thomas St. John

St. Croix




17 N

Fort Christiansvaern in Christiansted. One of the best kept historical buildings on St. Croix, serving as a museum today. Photo 2017.