Laupahoehoe Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96764

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Laupahoehoe Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96764 Laupahoehoe Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96764 Related

I'm getting my licence next week and I was wondering how much insurance cost for teens.? I'm getting my licence next week and I was wondering how much insurance cost for teens.? Is there a way I can drop my car insurance since I am not using my car? I have not used my car in a few months but still have insurance on it. I still want to keep my vehicle though, but just have it in the garage. Can I drop my insurance? My biggest fear is that once I cancel it and want to start driving my car again I will have higher rates? Is there any way I can avoid this???" Life Insurance Question? My mother died in 1998 of colon cancer. She worked for the State of California. I found a pay stub that she paid for life insurance through her work. I am administrator of the estate. Is there any way to find out how to find and obtain the life insurance? I want to put my niece on my car insurance? i drive a 2001 puegoet 206 and want to include my 17 year old niece on the policy.she has a provisional licience.does anyone know what this will cost approximately How much is liability insurance on a 1995 nissan altima usually cost? How much is liability insurance on a 1995 nissan altima usually cost? Am I supposed to have car insurance? I'm 17, I currently have my permit, I'm taking my driving test on Friday, so I was wondering if I'm supposed to have car insurance? I drive my dad's car, he has insurance." How can I get insurance without a job? I want to be a full time nanny but I won't be getting insurance. How can I get my own insurance? How much is does it cost for insurance of a driving instructor (roughly)?

It is for my A-Level business coursework where I am producing a business plan to set up a driving school. It doesn't have to be exact. Regards Multiple auro insurance for vehicles in different states? Me and my fiancee are relocating to different states for new job. I am moving to south Carolina and she is moving to san diego, California. We have multiple vehicle insurance discount now. If we move is it better to register both vehicles in one state to save on insurance , title and registration. I heard it is expensive to register vehicles in california. Can I register the vehicle in my name in south carolina. she is going to be there working at UCSD and the stay is temporary (max 2 years) or is it against the law?" "How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?" How much does homeowners insurance cost for a 250,000 house?" How much are you paying car insurance NJ? I just want to know, please answer with how much, every 6 months? age? and any driving history? My mom and I are paying 2000$ 6 months, both of us have had unsafe operation in our driving records. does that sound reasonable to you? I'm really new to this car insurance and trying to know. thanks" How much should i pay for insurance premium for an indoor playground business? How much should i pay for insurance premium for an indoor playground business? Will lifting my Jeep affect my insurance rates? I have a Jeep Cherokee, which is my daily driver, but I'm lookin into making it alot bigger, putting a 6 lift kit on and putting 35 tires. I dont know whether or not I need to notify my insurance company about this. I dont expect them to insure the lift or anything, but can I be dropped by them if I do not tell them? I'm not actually going to be taking the truck offroad (stupid I know, but its just for looks)." "Affordable dentistry in Dallas, TX?" I am currently looking for an affordable orthodontist this will most likely not be covered by insurance, so if you can please recommend me to an affordable dentist in the Dallas area, yes I have tried searching but sometimes its easier from hear abouts. Thank you" What is the number of health insurance companies in the world? What is the number of health insurance companies in the world? How much roughly would car insurance be for a new male driver aged 25?

My husband is going to take his driving test soon so we can buy a car but i dont know how much to budget in for car insurance as neither of us has driven before and haven't dealt with car insurance before. We would probably just buy a cheap runaround like a ford fiesta 1.4 engine or a car like this (roughly 500 in value) and wondered hw much we should expect to pay for a years insurance on this. i know it will be more expensive than other drivers as its for a new driver and a male but I would really appreciate it if someone could give me a rough figure. thanks :D ps. i dont need links to any comparison sites as they only work if you have a car already and all the details! thankyou! :) Do you NEED insurance for a motorcycle? meaning can you get arrested with no insurance? What's the average public liability insurance cover figure in the United States? What's the average public liability insurance cover figure in the United States? Does my dad lose his no claims if I'm added to his car insurance? I have a query about car insurance. When I passed my test last May, I was told that if I was to have my dad as the main driver, and me as the named driver, and my dad has 9 years or more no claims, then they would have to be reset to 0 years when i am added to the insurance, is this true? if it is, then i'm going to have to stick with the ridiculous insurance quotes... if not, then i've just realised that i could be saving myself 1000! Any opinions appreciated! :)" "Car Insurance - 18 Year old added as a driver to parents car Insurance cost, high?" My mum who doesn't drive very much is considering selling her crappy car which is probably gonna fail the MOT. But since I have a reasonably good paying job at 18, I thought, may as well spilt on a car, get something I want and will maintain, and she can use it as long as long as part of the insurance is paid off. So my mum pays around 50 a Month on a Daewoo (very small and crap car, 1.0L) I have a motorbike, so experienced on the road (could count towards a discount), but only got my driving license fully a week ago, passed with flying colours. So my mum with like 4 years no claims, and an 18 year old on a Subaru Impreza? What you reckon?" Car insurance question? I have my own car but the title insurance and registration isnt in my name its in my girlfriends step dad name so I could have really cheap insurance. And some girl hit the back of my car the other day but didnt make no police report because I knew her. So she just gave me her policy number agents name and phone number. But my main concern is that will my car be able to get fixed because im not on the insurance? My girlfriends step dad has plpd insurance and so does the girl that hit me and I live in michigan. UK CAR INSURANCE QUESTON?

I've recently cancelled my car insurance and started a van insurance and used my no claims bonus from my car for the van, I've now decided that im best to keep the car and im wanting to insure it again, I got quotes without my no claims bonus and its stupid prices even though I said that I have the no claims on the van If I used the no claims on the car it brings it right down to a more sensible price Can I use my no claims bonus on two cars? If not can I tell my van insures that I want my insurance with 0 no claims and for them to amend my policy- ive only just took out the policy and am still in the process of sending off the no claims proof from the car Regards im advance" What is the best and the cheapest car insurance in ontario? What is the best and the cheapest car insurance in ontario? Can you get a cheap Motorcycle for less than $500 that can get you from Point A to point B? My Sister REALLY needs transport to work for this summer, or she may be out of a job. Public trabnsport is not too reasonable. I was thining do to vehicle cost and insurance cost, her best bet is a bike. Doesn't matter what it looks like. As long as its SAFE and CHEAP. And can Get her from A to B I'm thinkin about $500. She is located on the north shore of massachusetts. Like the Lynn, Salem area. If anyone knows of any shops or websites that may be able to make this possible, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys! Nox" How do you know if your auto insurance is full coverage? my car is financed and i'm checking on i'm getting insurance quotes and normally i call and talk to someone and just say i was full coverage. i'm on and that's not an option. they'll let me select bodily injury liability and i checked the box that said i was financing my car so maybe they give me full coverage no matter what then Laupahoehoe Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96764 Laupahoehoe Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96764 How much does it cost in America for Pay Per Mile Insurance? I was curious about the Pay Per Mile Insurance and how is the pricing in America? Let's say I havent had any accidents and I want to get a car for me and I wanted to know how much per mile costs for insurance or if I were going to drive 1,000 miles a month how much will it cost and is there a contract?" What's a good auto insurance company that has a good rating? I have four cars.... no tickets or claims in years.. I have insurance now, but I think I am paying too much. Only one of them is driven on a daily basis..... the others very infrequently." Health insurance for pregnant women?

Does anyone know a good (and inexpensive) insurance provider for pregnant women? Shall I buy Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) at car rental? I have car insurance for my Honda compact car via Geico. I need to rent a car at an airport for a small vacation. When I rent the car from Hertz or Enterprise or Dollar, shall I buy the Loss Damage Waiver (LDW), which is about $10/day ? I already have insurance on my car and the insurance company said that my existing Geico coverage will be transferred to the rental car. So it really so? Just wanted peace in mind and I do not want to spend unnecessary price either. Could you please comment? Thanks a lot." Who knows about car insurance? How much would it cost for a teenager to have car insurance on a Mustang? Life insurance question? Does a person have to pay taxes on the proceeds of a life insurance policy? Do I need proof of insurance to get temp registration for a car in California? Do I need proof of insurance to get temp registration for a car in California? I want to choose my insurance instead? how will i know if there is a place for me in my insurance option Is it cheaper insurance for a classic car? I am hoping to pass my driving test soon and I was wondering whether it would be cheaper insurance on a classic car. I would like a Rolls Silver Shadow, though this is probably too ambitious." What kind of insurance is needed for a varmint hunter? need to know what kind or how much insurance is needed for a varmint hunter.I know trappers license is needed also buisness lincense .Looking for answer for insurance.What kind and how much? How do I get health insurance? My job doesnt provide health insurance and I do need to get some. Thanks for the help :) How much should i be paying for car insurance.?

im not sure if im over paying or not.. if i pay in full for 6 months up front it will be 700 dollars Im 22, married, and have only 1 speeding ticket that i recieved a year and a half ago.i have nothing else on my record I drive a 2002 eclipse that has been insured for 3 years straight, and i live in a small town with hardly any crime." How can i get a car by using a cheap car insurance ? I am in need. Do you approve or disapprove of the Affordable Healthcare Act? And do you want it to become a reality or to disappear? Will this effect my car insurance? (btw if this makes any difference whatsoever, I live in the UK) So I'm soon to be a new driver and insurance for new drivers at the moment is really expensive! I'm aware of that! But my question was this: basically I'm looking to buy my first car, but the car I'm looking to buy was involved in an accident with not the current owner, but the owner before that! And I don't quite fully understand this but the accident was apparently a 'Category D' accident? So what I was wondering was, as this car has been in an accident, (but is now repaired) even though it wasn't me who had the accident, will this effect the price of my car insurance, as the car I will be driving will have been involved in an accident before, but not involving myself? Thanks guys :) xx" I have an old pickup truck but can't find a price to get an insurance quote.? I'm working on a 1972 International model 1100 Eight pickup truck and can't seem to find a price for it in todays market. I've looked on every automotive web-site I can think of, but they have every make except International. I'm trying to get an insurance quote over the internet and I really need this. I paid $400 for the truck itself and about the same for new parts. The guy who owned this truck before me said it was originally a one ton pickup, but the bed was switched out with a three ton. I know I have to add the price of the new parts, but all I want is an approximate base price. I'll take any advice, web-site, or anything else relevant to my needs." How much to insure 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi? I am 18 years old and unable to get a quote for some reason. I was wondering on average how much woul it be to get insurance on a 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi, on my parents name?? Does anybody know if it would be more than 2000??" Car insurance rates for a new teenaged driver? So we have State Farm car insurance and our 17-year-old daughter is attempting to get her license. She has straight A's and is doing their Steer Clear program. Does anyone have an estimation of how much this will increase our insurance rates? Motorcycle insurance?

I live in Southern California, what insurance compnay can I contact that will provide really cheap motorcycle insurance. Some of the rates out there are unbelieveable" Car accident cause my current insurance to go up? I had an accident a few months back which I was not at fault but caused my car to be written off, I bought a new car yesterday and wrang up my insurance company who said that since I had an accident that to change the insurance over to this car for my remaining 4 months insurance would cause my insurance to go from 166 a month to 240. The car is a lower insurance group so it shouldnt have changed my insurance. I don't understand why I have to pay more? If my car hadn't been written off my insurance wouldn't have increased until the following 4 months so how come when I change my car they decide that I have to pay so much extra a month now?" Cheapest car insurance for 17yr olds in ireland? Cheapest car insurance for 17yr olds in ireland? Is car insurance higher if your car only has two doors? If your car has two doors, instead of four, is the price of car insurance higher?" How does health insurance work??? Payment? I'm 18, jobless. My parents will stop paying for my insurance soon. How do I get a new plan and what will the cost be? NO MEDICAID. also what if you're pregnant" Is Progressive a good insurance company? My mom seems to think it's not based on what she heard almost 10 years ago. We currently have Allstate which is costing us $265/mo whereas Progressive could cost us $171/mo. IDK why she won't even try it Insurance pays for Impound fee's help? Here is my situation. I was driving from school and a crazy driver made me avoid him almost hitting me causing me to crash into a parked car on the curb, the guy recklessly driving left the scene and i got stuck with all the blame. I'm a teenager 17 years old i have no license nor permit but i was responsible enough to get myself insured in the car full coverage i had to find ways to get from school to home and from home to work. Well my car got impounded and now i'm stuck with a hefty ticket for 1) making an unsafe move 2) Driving without a license and my dad got a ticket for letting me drive without a license. The car is totaled from the right side of the front and it's a Toyota Celica GT-S 2004. My questions is this. Will insurance pay for the towing and impound fee's that are about to hit me? I live in California. I have full coverage on insurance and i already called them and I'm expecting a call back. I really can't afford the impound fee's and my dad is in a very heavy financial situation. I pay for the car myself and insurance which is hefty. I'm just wondering if insurance will pay for the Impound fee's and the cars damage. Thanks for your answesr."

Laupahoehoe Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96764 Laupahoehoe Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96764 How to pick a life insurance? Im not even sure how to pick what should i look for in life insurance? pros cons? Any suggestions in life insurance companies? Im looking at nationwide right now just cos i seen it on tv. Does school require health insurance? I live in California, USA and my brother and I don't have health insurance. We are in middle and high school(public school). What are the disadvantages of not having health insurance?" How much will Car insurance cost me??? PLEASE HELP!? I am a 20 year old female. I didn't complete high school, but I will get my GED and go to school next fall. I'm getting a car this Feb when taxes come back and I'm buying no more then a good decent $3000 car. I have a child too so I heard that helps bring the insurance down a little. Because the car will be under my name, & I am the ONLY driver in this house hold so there will be only 1 person on the insurance, how much do u think I could be paying a month??? Any guess for wage? I want full coverage but if its more then 300 a month i will go half. I've had my permit to since I was 17, no accidents. Please help." Car insurance quote? I am a 17 year old boy in Texas I just bought a white 1999 Pontiac Grand Am GT 2 door Paid with Cash I've never had a ticket or anything on my record Does anyone know about how much my insurance will run? List of cheap auto insurance in Georgia $40-$50 a month? cheap auto insurance in Georgia .looking for where I can pay btw $40-$50 a month Rough estimate for Car Insurance Cost For Second Year? Hi peeps. I Have a question about car insurance. I am basically looking for qualified guesses from people who have previous experience with this sort of thing. I am a first year driver. Im 21 and i passed my test in early August and was driving straight away because i had bought my car the month before hand. The car i own is a 1.4 Ford Fiesta Zetec 2002. I paid around 1250 for the year for insurance and i did it through Quinn Direct. My question is, does anybody know a rough figure of what it might be next year baring in mind i have never claimed? I have tried running new quotes on comparison websites but they are based on new customers and all come out at around 1500 to 4000 If anyone has used this company or even another company and situation was similar could you please tell me the rough figure of what it was reduced to/from just so i can maybe have an idea of what to expect Any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers :)"

Car insurance quotes? i have just passed my driving test & was looking at insurance quotes on different comparison websites . i am a 36 year old man with 4 kids & wife & need to get a car to further my career . i got a quote for a 1997 R reg 800cc Daewoo matiz and will be fitting an alarm as well as keeping it locked in my garage overnight but the cheapest quote a can find is 1282 a year fully comp & paying up front .I also got a quote for a 1998 S reg 1.4 Peaugeot 306 Meridian & the quote I received for this car was 942 for the year again payment upfront . the problem I have is that with the latter quote for the Peaugeot is that there wasn't any alarm on the quote & it was to be parked in the carpark next to my house . So why oh why is a car that is less desirable & has a smaller engine costing 340 more even though it has an alarm & locked away over night . Are we covered with liability insurance? if we got in a car accident no 2nd party or whatever its just us 3 in the car 2 of us got sent to the hospital .. the driver that was at fault only has liability insurance .. are we covered with the medical expenses? like if we file a complaint to their insurance can they do something about it since we goin to need therapy and such? How can a young person get some half decent car insurance prices? No I haven't been previously insured, you gotta start sometime! im 20 trying to get a job and i need a car no accidents/tickets cancellations I'm even married! (dont know why that is a factor though) Live in Toronto best quote I get is like $730/month!!!! (this country is INSANE) charge the young person with the 24k/year job the most, and the old people with 65k+ next to nothing!! (INSANE) and thats without tickets. I get one ticket for a rolling stop, and my insurance becomes HALF MY SALARY Someone please tell me, what can I do to lower it as much as possible (besides getting a scooter -.-) Tell me the key things making it high (eg. under 25 yrs old and so on) advice is greatly appreciated before I go nuts." USA Insurance for New Immigrants? Hello!! I would like to inquire about medical insurance for new immigrants in the state of Florida. We have been here for 1 year now and who or what organization should we turn to? I have heard that a lot of them are expensive. I was told that we could get family insurance through employment -- but at the moment, my mom is the only one working with us, 3 dependents. So suggestion?" Hastings direct car insurance.? We are thinking of taking car insurance through Hastings direct. Are they reliable? Until now we've been with Norwich Union, but they are very expensive now, so we want to switch. Any others people really recommend, reliable and cheap?" What kind of car would be cheapest to insure for a teenage driver? Im 17 yrs old, and about to move out.. My mother is not to happy with this so she is keeping my car. Now I have to buy my own car and pay the insurance as well, what kind of cars should I start looking at? Used of course, but what types of cars would be

cheapest to insure?" Can someone tell me what the cheapest car insurance is for college students? Can someone tell me what the cheapest car insurance is for college students? "What life insurance is best for a senior 62 female, on a fixed income, AARP or Landmark Life? asap? My mom and I are ingnorant to the premiums and the small print on determining the rates. Need an honest opinion from a good christian person. Just need help in determining which is better AARP or Landmark Life? I see two very charts that have us concern if we made the right choice with the one paying more to get less...over a ten yr period. Thank you for taking time to respond Are insurance rates different for a lifted Toyota Tacoma rather than a normal one? I know i'm getting a used Toyota Tacoma, under 100K mileage, and I really want a lifted one, but I need to know if insurance rates are different?" Recommended auto insurance in us? Specifically NJ. have some points. Any help on which would be cheapest? Got my speeding ticket removed but my insurance went up? I got a speeding ticket, paid for it, and decided to get it removed off of my record so my insurance wouldn't find out. In my city, in order to do that you need to get an attorney and go to defensive driving class in order for it to be removed of your record. I got an attorney and paid $370 + $50 for traffic school and they sent me a letter from the court saying that my traffic violation was disposed of. But I just got my insurance bill and my rate had gone up by anyway! Do you have any suggestions on how I can lower it back to normal? I truly appreciate your help!" Why does car insurance cost more on a black car? Why does car insurance cost more on a black car? Will I be covered by my parents auto insurance for an accident if im not on the policy? I was in a car accident last night while driving my parents insured car. I, however, am not on the policy. I am 23 and live in my parents household. I have my own seperate insurance for my vehicle, which I was not driving due mechanical issues. This is the only time I have driven my parents car. Will either my parents or my car insurance cover the accident? This is what happened: I hit a car who made a left in front of me while driving through an intersection. The light was green, I had the right of way. When the police arrived the individual whom I hit admitted he had been drinking and was a marijuana user. The police arrested him and towed his car. The officer disclosed that the individual did not show proof of insurance. Also, there was a witness (the driver in the car behind me) who pulled over to check on us. He had told

the officers what happened which verified my explanation of the event. I live in California, if that helps. If anyone has any advice for this scenario, please advise me on how I should proceed as I have never been in this situation. Thank you" Around how much is Driving Insurance for a 17 year old? Or is it car insurance...w/e What would be the cost? Allstate is the insurance my parents use. What would it be from. Insurance question ? My husband pays $approximately $6.00 an hour for insurance that we dont use...? but when we use the insurance BC/BS charges no less then 400.00 for simple examinations....WHY? it takes nothing for a Doc to look in my ears an see i have an ear infection. Why do they charge my insurance hundreds of dollars and i should be grateful to have insurance ? Should I drop my comprehensive insurance to liability only on my car? My van is from 1999 and it is paid off. The only thing is I am not confident in my driving skills. I have enough money to buy another car though. I have 130,000 miles on the van. I was going to drive it until it falls apart or starts costing me too much money in repairs." Where can I find affordable life insurance for sr citizen in-laws? I read a previous thread suggesting MediCare, but I am not talking about HEALTH insurance. They only have term life insurance tied to current job, and they need to retire. They have no burial policy, and each is worried about leaving the other with burial expenses and debts. I have seen a few ads online, but when you get to the fine print, they seem mostly like scams. They probably wouldn't get a very good rating if a health exam were required. Probably $15 -$25K max would be the amount needed. They live in Texas if that matters." What is the cheapest way to get insured on a Ford Fiesta 1.2 for an 18 year old? Hey, I just passed my driving test and the trouble is insurance :( I've found the perfect car for me which is a Ford fiesta 1.25 studio, 2006 model which has done 49000 miles and is valued at 3800 pounds. The insurance is nearly triple the amount of the car which is something I simply cannot pay. I was considering coverbox or insure the box but I'm not too sure. I've been researching online for a good few months now and all price comparison websites and insurers' websites seem to be suggesting the same price. So please if you know how to get cheap car insurance for a 18 male who has 0 months no claims, I would appreciate your help :)" Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers? Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers? Laupahoehoe Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96764

Laupahoehoe Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96764 What is the cheapest car insurance? What is the cheapest car insurance? Are we covered with liability insurance? if we got in a car accident no 2nd party or whatever its just us 3 in the car 2 of us got sent to the hospital .. the driver that was at fault only has liability insurance .. are we covered with the medical expenses? like if we file a complaint to their insurance can they do something about it since we goin to need therapy and such? What are average prices for teen auto insurance in CA? just averages not a sports car i have good grades too if that helps "Where is the cheapest place to get auto insurance in st. petersburg, FL 33701?" Haven't had insurance in awhile, just bought a new/used truck. Just need the basics. Live in st. pete area code 33701." Cheap car insurance for a new driver? like the title say do ya know a car insurance that is real cheap for new drivers got my license this month and my car and now i just have to register it and get insurance and i got a job and i just want to know how im going to budget stuff and how much you expect i should pay a moth I bought a stolen car and the insurance company offered me to buy again at a high price? I bought a Audi 05 reg for 13k privatley that turned out to be stolen. The insurance company have now offered me 15k a ridiculous amount of money to buy it again, that they say is non negotiable. Does anyone know if I can get it cheaper maybe the insurance company is trying it on as they know I want it, or shall i let it go to auction and try and buy it back then." What is the best car insurance company for 1st time drivers UK? Hi, I am 24 and I have had my lisence for about 6 months now! Insurance is soooooo high for this age range and not having much previos experience. What insureers would you suggest to first time drivers? Thanks" How much would full coverage insurance cost on a 1965 Silver Cloud 3 Rolls-Royce? Male driver, clean driving history." How do i pay car insurance at 18?

Okay, so i'm about to turn 18. I'm moving out and into my Boyfriends home(He's 20). He still lives at home, but his parents love me and want me outta my parents home, so i am! But i need to know how to switch my car insurance over so that i can keep my car and pay my own insurance. I refuse to get put on to my boyfriends parents policy. Is there a way for me to get the bills and pay for it, without my parents or his parents having to worry about it? (Please don't tell me that i shouldn't be moving out at 18. I'm responsible, and i've had a job since 15. I've been saving every penny for this moment.)" How to bring car insurance premium down for a young driver? I passed my test june of this year and have been a named driver on my mothers policy for short periods of time, its a 1.4 S Reg corsa. Now i am looking at buying my own car and building up my own NCB. I was wondering if anyone knew of a good cheap car to insure? an insurance company that doesn't wish to rob young drivers? and whether its cheaper being a named driver myself or having a parent as a named driver? or any other tips you might know of to keep the premium down. Any help would be appreciated." Why is my insurance so expensive? im a 20year old male, I passed my driving test last December, I been checking up some insurance quotes on small cars (all sorts) but the cheapest insurance I get is 2000 for a really small car, all my other friends pay 1000 or 1500 any idea why this is?" Start my own insurance company? Hi, I am new in insurance business, I was wondering if anyone can answer my question. I am currently taking classes to get my life and health insurance, once i pass the state test do i have to work for broker? or can i start my own agency? do I need to sign a contract with insurance companies in order to give quote to my future clients? Thank you in advance for your answers" HELP! I need an insurance company for my 50cc moped?!? Hey Im 16 and have just bought an 07 Aprilia SR50 scooter, I need to get insurance but most places are quoting me around 500! Im not one of these chavs that races around don't worry! Does anyone here recommend any insurance companies or have a good deal on there insurance? Thanks in advance. =]" Can people tell me how much they pay for their car insurance please? i have a 1996 vw polo and im 17. i know its different for all cars and people, but i just wanna know roughly what people in similar to my position pay please :) thanks" Is legit? I was wondering if the site is legit and If they have good rates

I got a speeding ticket. Any estimate of how much insurance premium may go up by? Got my first speeding ticket in Collingwood, Ontario. Drove 80km on a 60km limit road. Just wondering how much insurance premium rate can go up by... or is there any chance it won't? Would love to fight it, but I live in Toronto and the drive up there is a waste of 4 hrs/miliage/gas vs paying a $95 fine, losing 3 demerit points and having it on record for 3 years." "Does car insurance cover just the car, or the driver?" May be a silly question, but everyone I ask seems to not know the answer! I may phone the insurance place about it later, but want to see what you guys say. I'm 26, going for my G soon, in Ontario Canada. I have car insurance on a car I share with my parents. Does this insurance cover just THAT car? If I want to drive my boyfriends car do I need to have insurance for his car? OR, does the insurance cover the DRIVER and they can drive whatever car they want without telling the company what vehicles they're driving as long as they have insurance?? Any information you can give me? Thanks." Do I need to pay car insurance? I recently fall behind payment on my car insurance, they said I need to pay the late payment plus the new payment for the new 6 months, how can I work it? I have no cash to cover all of it?" Average insurance for a 500 cc motorbike? hi, im 18 and soon will have passed my driving test, im hoping to get a restricted Honda cbf500. but it all depends on how much the insurance is. can anyone guess the average third party insurance for an 18 year old on a restricted cbf500. o and i have a 2 year no clams bonus on my 50cc scooter. don't no if that makes any difference" I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border? I am moving to Alaska and driving through canada what will I need to cross the border? What manufacturer is the cheapest scooter/moped/50cc to insure? I am 16 and loking for a cheap insurance site for a scooter/moped/50cc Enduro bike, Does anybody know the cheapest manufacturer and insurance site? Thanks Anton" Insurances for starting a small business? What are all the difference insurances for starting up a business? Please include a source or proof of your numbers

I just passed my driving test but the insurance quotes i am getting for 1.0-1.2 engines are around 7000? Where ever i look on the internet, whatever car i choose which is say around 4-6 years old with 1.0-1.2 engines the insurance quotes are around 7000 - 8000 i entered all my details correctly, i've held my license for a month. I do not understand why this is happening. Help Thanks" "Can Doctors offices charge you, when they lost your medical insurance card?" I got my appendix removed in California and used the state insurance at the time (since I was low income and never had insurance). All the hospital bills are payed for; however, the surgeon has charged me an additional 1,445.00. I never even saw the surgeon after the hospital. I went in for follow-ups to his office but would always miss him. I gave my insurance card to front desk girl and she told me she didn't need it but just in case she made a copy. Now two years later I come to find out that there is this bill!!!???? What can I do?" Im a new driver. Best Auto insurance with my family? I just got my license a few weeks ago and my mom cant add me to the insurance because we dont have the money to. we have 3 cars, and 4 names on 2 and 3 names one 1, and it think its a hole in the wall company that were with. What i want to know is that is there an affordable insurance company we can switch over to and add me to the cars and still have it be affordable?" Laupahoehoe Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96764 Laupahoehoe Hawaii Cheap car insurance quotes zip 96764

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