MA Thesis - Social Interaction through Installations: Outside the White Cube

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Fur sure, discrimination and racism has changed a lot the last 30 years. Different from the past, nowadays it is considered morally and legally wrong to do so. Nonetheless, it is still present, entangled in the social relations, reinforced by the unequal economic distribution between different nations and ethnical groups.

huge topic on itself, but what is need to be mentioned here is that, in order to deal with wicked problems like this, it is important to attempt to the identify the new circumstances of the contemporary world and adopt the solutions. It could be inspired by the past, but the old problems that were never solved demand disruptive solutions.

Thus, it is hard to talk about German society, without situating it in the world political scenario. The year of 2017 is known by a huge global trend towards racialized nationalism and new populism. Political events like Brexit in the UK and Donald Trump election in the US arouse debates about how is the world going to deal with the normalization of xenophobia.


Racism and nationalism, in times of globalization should sound like an out of date idea. Nevertheless, when facing trouble, the human history tends to answer with the same behavior pattern. Even when it was, actually, never beneficial to all parts, there is a nostalgia that attempts to recover the past that was left behind. In principle, this historic review could be logic way of thinking. However, it is necessary to understand really well the cause of the problems, before remedying the symptoms in the same way. In fact, the cause is rooted in an ailing democratic system and capitalism crises. It is impossible to talk about the cause, without mentioning the financial exploitation by the wealthy. This is a

OPPRESSION After mentioning the global cause, let´s talk about consequences. First of all, there is a western illusion of cultural homogeneity represented by what is considered neutral or the standard. A person with a different ethnicity other than “white” necessarily carries in its body the non-neutrality, which is translated as being the “other”, the “immigrant” or the one that is not part of this locality. It should be pointed that all the mainstream scientific knowledge and culture that was imposed to the global world is based on certain values that the white and Christian European colonizer established as the truth. For example, in many contexts, it is even hard to racialize the “white” color, because this is considered the standard, or the normal being. In general, referring to race is to refer to the “other”, which means an Asian or Black, or in another level of otherness like the religions, about Muslim Arabic.


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