CLIL teaching sequence: the natural environment of Rubí

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Phase 1: Exploration of previous

Duration of the

learning cycle



Key competences

1 hr.

Competence in knowledge and the interaction with the physical world.


Audiovisual and linguistic communicative competence.

Cultural and artistic competence.

Learning to learn competence.

Personal initiative and autonomy competence.

Describe the location of features and routes on a map using cardinal directions.


Devise a simple map of the surrounding environment.

Cardinal directions (North, South, East and West).

Surroundings of the Torrent dels Alous.


Description of the activities

15 min.

1. Introduction. In the first place, in order to introduce to the students the excursion to the Torrent dels Alous and know their starting points, they will be distributed in pairs to answer a Kahoot! multiple-choice quizz (in which photos and simple questions will be included, such as What is the Torrent dels Alous? Where is it? Does it have a lake? What animal lives there? Are factories good for the environment?). Once the Kahoot! results have been shown to the children, a brief presentation will be made, in which they will be explained what the excursion will consist of and which day it will take place.

15 min.

2. Orientation. After asking to the children if they know which are the different cardinal directions (North, South, East and West) and explaining them in detail, using Prezi to support the ideas, a map of the Torrent dels Alous area will be projected on the digital board,

in which different points and their names will be marked: the school, the Hospital Universitari General de Catalunya, the Leroy Merlin, the neighbourhoods of Can Vallhonrat and Ca n’Alzamora and, in a different colour, the Bassa dels Alous. From this map, students will have to indicate where the given points are located with respect the Bassa dels Alous. To do this, each child will have a worksheet with same map, the cardinal points indicated at its edges and a fill the gaps activity, in which they will have to complete individually the sentences given. 5 min.

3. Large group sharing. Once they have finished, a large group sharing will be carried out to correct the fill the gaps activity.

25 min.

4. Creation of a map. In the last activity, based on the interpretation of plans, students will be asked to draw a picture of the area of the Torrent dels Alous. Therefore, they will be given a worksheet with a reference drawing of the area, divided into a 5x5 grid, and, below, the same grid but in blank, where they will have to draw the details of the original landscape and mark the route.

Materials and resources 

Classroom computer, digital board, fill the gaps worksheet, drawing worksheet, writing and drawing material.

Kahoot!, Prezi, early finisher task cards, Bouncy Balls, blurt beans. As can be seen, the last two mentioned management resources, as well as similar ones, will be used throughout the sessions in order to tame talkative students and, therefore, get the class under control. Forms of social organization

Pairs: introduction.

Large group: large group sharing.

Individual: orientation, creation of a map.

Attention to diversity Through the initial questions, it will be possible for the teacher to discover the students’ previous knowledge (their starting points) and, therefore, will allow to adapt the didactic sequence to the needs detected. Moreover, during the realization of the activities the teacher will provide support to the children in an individualized way, paying special attention to the students with more difficulties in writing. Finally, in the event that one of the students finishes a task earlier than his/her classmates, he/she will have the possibility to choose, randomly, a card with an extra task to perform. Assessment 

Prior knowledge assessment. The initial activity, in addition to making it possible for children to become aware of their own knowledge and personal experiences, will give the teacher a series or results in Excel format.


Phase 2: introduction of new

Duration of the

learning cycle



Key competences

4 hr.

Competence in knowledge and the interaction with the physical world.


Citizenship and social competence.

Audiovisual and linguistic communicative competence.

Learning to learn competence.

Personal initiative and autonomy competence.

Analyse and assess the impact of human activities on the environment from a critical perspective.


Fauna of the region.

Impact of human activities on the environment.


Description of the activities

3 hr 45 min.

1. Guided walk. The excursion, which will take place during the morning, will consist of a guided walk that will cross the Torrent de and the Bassa dels Alous, one of the few natural spaces that the city of Rubí has. Throughout the walk, students will take notes of what the guide explains to them, as well as take pictures of each and every one of the animals that they see with digital cameras. Thus, the trip will allow children to increase their experiences in contact with reality and, above all, to learn new things about their closest environment.

15 min.

2. Steal the bacon game. At the end of the excursion, before returning to the school, a game will be held so that students remember what natural elements can be found in the Torrent dels Alous (animals, vegetation, etc.) and learn their names in English in a pleasant and enjoyable way. In this case, the children will play “Steal the bacon”, a popular game that consists in dividing the

players into two teams and assign to each and every one of them a call-sign which is shared by a member of the opposing team and, in this case, will be the name of an element (represented in a medal with a photo and its name in English). Once the game has been explained and the teams have been created, the two groups will line up on opposite edges of the playing area and the referee, located in the centre of the field, will call out the call-sign. The team members who have that animal will have to run to the centrem grab the “bacon” (a handkerchief) and return to their teammates without being tagged by the player of the opposite team. Materials and resources 

Digital cameras, writing & drawing material, worksheets, medals of the elements, handkerchief. Forms of social organization

Large group: guided walk.

Teams: steal the bacon game. Attention to diversity

During the excursion, special attention must be paid to the child who suffers type 1 diabetes because, although he is very aware of his illness and is able to self-regulate, the physical effort could cause a rapid lowering of the level of glucose in the blood. Therefore, it will be essential to have doses of simple hydrates and glucagon, a hormone that must be urgently provided to the child if he suffers from hypoglycaemia and is unconscious. Assessment 

Hetero assessment. During the excursion, direct observation and note-taking will be used to evaluate the behaviour of students, especially taking into account respect towards others and nature.


Phase 3: Structuring of

Duration of the

learning cycle



Key competences

1 hr 30 min.

Competence in knowledge and the interaction with the physical world.


Citizenship and social competence.

Audiovisual and linguistic communicative competence.

Information treatment and digital information competence.

Learning to learn competence.

Personal initiative and autonomy competence.

Search, select and order information making good use of ICT.

Describe the fauna of the region.

Participate in group work with a responsible, cooperative and dialoguing attitude, arguing own opinions and contrasting them.


Fauna of the region.



Description of the activities

5 min.

1. Hangman. At the beginning of the session the guessing game “Hangman” will be played with the aim of remembering the vocabulary learned after the guided walk. The word to guess, thought by the teacher, will be represented on the digital board by a row of dashes and the children, one by one, will have to suggest a letter which occurs in the word. If the suggested letter occurs in the word it will be written in the correct position but, if not, one element of a hanged man stick figure will be drawn.

5 min.

2. Grouping. After the reminder game, students will be distributed in the groups of 4-5 people. The distribution will be previously

created by the teacher to make them heterogeneous, although they will be informed that they have been grouped randomly to avoid labelling. In order to lighten the process, the digital board will be used to show the learners a scheme created with InstantClassroom, thanks to which they will be able to know who their group-mates will be and in which part of the classroom they will work. Once grouped, they will be told that, during the following days, they will be researchers whose purpose will be to obtain the necessary information about the natural environment of RubĂ­ in order to protect it. 10 min.

3. Allocation of roles. After explaining to students what attitude they should maintain to carry out a fruitful research, showing them the different aspects of the group evaluation rubric, they will be asked to decide, among them, what role each member of the group will have. In addition to explaining what each role consists of, each group will be provided with simple cards in which responsibilities are specified: 1. Leader: responsible for leading the group task and encouraging the participation of all members. 2. Secretary: responsible for writing everything that is necessary while working in class. 3. Supervisor: responsible for maintaining the silence and controlling the group. 4. Spokesperson: responsible for communicating the ideas of the group and, if necessary, asking the teacher for help.

40 min.

4. Research. The students, who will continue in small groups, will search the most relevant information about the fauna of the Torrent dels Alous on the internet and write it down in a Microsoft Word document. In order to do so successfully, the following instructions will be explained and, during the whole research, projected on the digital board: 1. Find what animals live in the Torrent dels Alous. 2. Write some of their characteristics: name, size, colour, diurnal/nocturnal and eating. 3. Look for photographs. Moreover, they will be provided with the link of the website where all the information can be found, previously created by the teacher, as well as an English online dictionary (WordReference) and an illustrated dictionary of adjectives.

20 min.

5. Creation of a digital mural. At the end of the session, of all the animals that they will have described each group will select their two favourites, the photos and information of which will be uploaded to Padlet, thus creating a digital mural together.

10 min.

6. Peer and self assessment. Each student will be provided with a worksheet, which will include different aspects to be evaluated (related to the attitude taken during the research). Therefore, firstly the children will evaluate their group-mates and, later, themselves. Materials and resources


Classroom computer, digital board, roles cards, laptops, illustrated dictionary of adjectives.

, InstantClassroom, Prezi, Google Sites, WordReference, Microsoft Word, Padlet, blurt beans.

Forms of social organization 

Large group: hangman, grouping, allocation of roles.

Small groups: research, creation of a digital mural.

Individual: peer and self assessment. Attention to diversity

When grouping the students, heterogeneous criteria are followed so that those students with more difficulties are integrated with their classmates, who can help them, give them support and, at the same time, interact and improve social cohesion. Therefore, the fact of promoting cooperative learning is positive for all children, since they need to participate and learn in an environment that recognizes their abilities and meets their needs. For this same reason, cooperative learning does not only allow only and exclusively acquire individual competences linked to the academic field, but also promotes the development of other essential competences for current citizenship and complex social skills related to teamwork. Moreover, during the realization of the activities the teacher will provide support to the groups with the aim of solving each and every one of the doubts that may arise. Assessment 

Peer and self assessment. At the end of the session the students will be provided with a questionnaire about the attitude taken during the research. This instrument will be divided into two sections (peer and self assessment), so that each student would evaluate his/her group-mates and, subsequently, himself/herself. In this way, they will be encouraged to detect their weaknesses, as well as find the necessary resources to compensate them.

Hetero assessment. In addition to direct observation while students do the research (note-taking about behaviour), a rubric will be created so that the teacher evaluates the descriptions of each group.


Phase 3: Structuring of knowledge

Duration of the

learning cycle Key competences

1 hr.

session 

Competence in knowledge and the interaction with the physical world.


Citizenship and social competence.

Audiovisual and linguistic communicative competence.

Information treatment and digital information competence.

Learning to learn competence.

Personal initiative and autonomy competence.

Analyse and assess critically the impact of human activities on the environment.

Participate in group work with a responsible, cooperative and dialoguing attitude, arguing own opinions and contrasting them.


Impact of human activities on the environment.

Modal verbs of obligation: must and must not.


Description of the activities

10 min.

1. Crossword. At the beginning of the session, in order to remember the names of the animals that inhabit the Torrent dels Alous, each and every one of the students will be provided with a picture crossword that must be completed individually or in pairs.

15 min.

2. Sharing of observations. In this activity, a series of words related to the environment, as well as their corresponding visual representations (drawings or pictures), will be projected on the digital board. After discussing the meaning of each of them and making sure they understand them, each small group (4-5 people) will be provided with a two-column template and the words (printed with their

drawings on small pieces of paper) and, cooperatively, they will carry out an analysis of the Torrent dels Alous, classifying the words according to whether they are positive or negative environmental factors. 10 min.

3. Graduation. After classifying the words, the groups will be asked to order and gluing them on the template according to whether they think they are less or more important, also in small groups.

10 min.

4. Large group sharing. To enable students to share their ideas, a large group discussion will be held, in which the spokespersons of each team will have to say and justify what positive aspect and what negative aspect they consider the most important ones, as well as justifying the decision of the group.

15 min.











obligation/recommendation “must” and “must not” will be projected on the digital board. After briefly explaining their functions, students will be asked to discuss, in small groups, about attitudes and actions that must be taken and must not be taken to protect the natural environment, writing their proposals (at least 4) on a common card that will serve as a guideline. 5 min.

6. Large group sharing. To finish, a large group discussion will be held so that the members of each group their ideas with the rest of the class, using at least the structure “we must...” or “we must not...”. All these proposals will be written by the teacher in a Word document and printed so that all the learners have them. Materials and resources

Crossword worksheet, classroom computer, digital board, analysis template, pieces of paper with the words, glue stick, writing material, DIN A4 coloured hard paper cardboard (“must” and “must not” guideline).

Prezi, Microsoft Word, blurt beans.

Forms of social organization 

Individual / pairs: crossword.

Large group: sharing of observations, large group sharing.

Small groups: sharing of observations, graduation, proposals. Attention to diversity

When grouping the students, heterogeneous criteria are followed so that those students with more difficulties are integrated with their classmates, who can help them, give them support and, at the same time, interact and improve social cohesion. Therefore, the fact of promoting cooperative learning is positive for all children, since they need to participate and learn in an environment that recognizes their abilities and meets their needs. For this same reason, cooperative learning does not only allow only and exclusively acquire individual competences linked to the academic field, but also promotes the development of other essential competences for current citizenship and complex social skills related to teamwork. In addition, during the realization of the activities the teacher will give support to the groups with the aim of solving each and every one of the doubts that may arise. Assessment 

Hetero assessment. In this session, direct observation will be used to see how each group interacts and participates in the activities (note-taking and video recording), although special attention will be paid to the sharing of proposals.


Phase 4: Application of

Duration of the

learning cycle



Key competences

1 hr 30 min.

Competence in knowledge and the interaction with the physical world.


Citizenship and social competence.

Audiovisual and linguistic communicative competence.

Cultural and artistic competence.

Learning to learn competence.

Personal initiative and autonomy competence.

Analyse and assess the impact of human activities on the environment from a critical perspective.


Impact of human activities on the environment.

Poster design characteristics.

Modal verbs of obligation: must and must not.


Description of the activities

1 hr 30 min.

The students, individually, will use a DIN A2 coloured hard paper cardboard to draw up a poster about the Torrent dels Alous, with the aim of explaining to all the people who visit it what attitude or actions they must/must not take to protect the natural environment. As will be explained to children at the beginning of the session, showing a poster created by the teacher as an example, their creations must include a big title, their names, a minimum of 4 proposals and a minimum of 1 drawing. Materials and resources

Classroom computer, digital board, analysis template, writing and drawing material, DIN A2 coloured hard paper cardboard.

Prezi, early finisher task cards, blurt beans, quiet turtles.

Forms of social organization 

Individual. Attention to diversity

During the creation of the posters the teacher will provide support to the children in an individualized way, paying special attention to the students with more difficulties in writing. In the event that one of the students finishes the poster earlier than his/her classmates, he/she will have the possibility to choose, randomly, a card with an extra task to perform. Assessment 

Hetero assessment. In addition to direct observation while students work (notetaking about behaviour), a rubric will be created so that the teacher evaluates the poster of each student.

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