Land Contamination & Reclamation

Page 119

Land Contamination & Reclamation / Volume 16 / Number 4 / 2008

selenium that can potentially be

Joachin Valley, one of the

leads a team of experts in

recovered from the process.

agriculturally most productive areas

subsurface geochemistry, hydrology

of the US (a comprehensive report

and microbiology. ‘But we believe

A study, ‘Biological Selenium

by the USGS is available at http://

this new approach will allow us to

Removal: The Solution to

better understand the sources and

Pollution?’, funded by the European


migration behaviour of uranium in

Union, published in the September/ October issue of the Journal of

The abstract can be found at http://

Environmental Quality, by Markus

Lenz, Martijn Smit, Patrick Binder,


Adriaan C. van Aelst and Piet N. L.

Source: Soil Science Society of

Lens demonstrates that the


substantial amounts of selenate are converted to methylated selenium species or nano-sized elemental

Sophisticated monitoring array to address mystery of uranium plume Scientists have puzzled for years as

nano-sized selenium particles is

to why uranium contamination in

problematic, as these can become

groundwater continues to exceed

bioavailable by direct assimilation,

drinking-water standards in an area

or can reoxidize to selenite and

located at the south end of the

selenate. Dimethylselenide and

Hanford Site, WA.

with unknown ecotoxicological long-term effects, contributed substantially to selenium dissolved in the effluent. Their formation was induced by minor temperature changes during biological

Now, an innovative system has been

contaminated wastewater were disposed of. The waste originated from nuclear-fuel fabrication facilities.

experiments using waters of different temperature and

subsurface experimental system

and is a prerequisite for successful

containing nearly three dozen

removal in full-scale applications.

monitoring wells equipped with

character, no sustainable solution

location where large volumes of


biotreatment systems for selenium,

volume – low-concentration’

35 monitoring wells is near the

and to support future clean-up

(PNNL) have developed a unique

implemented. Due to the ‘high-

contaminated ground, the array of

researchers to perform injection

the removal success of existing

reuse on the other, should be

approximately 100-metre plot of

The Hanford IFRC project allows

Northwest National Laboratory

hand, and selenium recovery and

chessboard within an

understanding of this complex site,

control might drastically increase

ecotoxicological risks on the one

Positioned like a triangular

experiments to arrive at a better

Scientists at DOE’s Pacific

aiming at minimizing

evaluations of the complex 300

installed to conduct field

reduction, thus careful process

Consequently, remediative systems

of the most comprehensive

more than 40 years.

selenium particles. The emission of

dimethyldiselenide, two species

The project promises to provide one

Area subsurface along the river in

biological treatment is indeed efficient for selenate reduction, and

the subsurface.’

sophisticated instrumentation. The entire subsurface surrounding the wells will be comprehensively characterized to enable a complete accounting of the processes occurring beneath the surface that contribute to the persistent groundwater contamination.

composition pumped from other locations in the 300 Area groundwater plume. The variability allows scientists to probe migration pathways through the subsurface, and to examine factors that control uranium release from the historically contaminated sediments. Time-based water-level and composition data gathered from the robust geophysical and geochemical monitoring system will enable researchers to develop three-

has been found yet to treat

‘The plume has baffled researchers

dimensional plume maps, helping

selenium-contaminated drainage

for more than a decade,’ said PNNL

to create improved uranium

waters originating from the San

Project Manager John Zachara, who

migration models.


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