Linguagens e matemática caderno amarelo 2º dia

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Simulado ENEM Extensivo e Terceira Série do EM – Caderno Amarelo


A partir da leitura da notícia podemos afirmar que o filme que teve a maior audiência foi:

Leia a notícia que segue: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

A Most Wanted Man. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Hercules. Lucy. The Rock.

Woman Seriously Injured After Being Struck by Car During Comic-Con Zombie Walk 07/27/2014 11:09 AM


A passerby was hit by a car Saturday while the annual Comic-Con Zombie Walk took over downtown San Diego. The car plowed through a crowd of costumed people in the Zombie Walk at Second and Island avenues. The 48-year-old driver and his family, who are all deaf, had waited several minutes for the walkers to pass, but decided to slowly roll forward to get out of the area when his small kids got scared. Several people from the crowd of zombies allegedly surrounded the car and began punching it. When the driver tried to flee, he struck a 64year-old woman with the side of his car. "Her arm was badly scraped. It´s going to need surgery," police say.

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World Cup 2014: Sepp Blatter says finals were 'a 9.25 out of 10' Fifa president Sepp Blatter has awarded the 2014 World Cup in Brazil a mark of 9.25 out of 10. The tournament, won for a fourth time by Germany, featured a record- equalling 171 goals, some shock results and was described by some as the best ever. Blatter says Brazil outshone South Africa, which was awarded a mark of 9 after it staged the event in 2010. There were fears surrounding security, transport and stadiums, but these proved largely unfounded.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 27 jul. 2014.

Uma mulher foi atingida por um veículo durante uma passeata de pessoas vestidas de zumbis durante um festival de quadrinhos. O motorista do carro estava com sua família dentro do veículo e atingiu a mulher ao tentar fugir quando uma das crianças se assustou com as pessoas fantasiadas.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 27 jul. 2014.

Pode-se afirmar, a partir da leitura do texto, que (A) a copa do mundo do Brasil teve uma aprovação maior que a última copa. (B) houve menos problemas de segurança do que no evento na África do Sul. (C) o Brasil ganhou nota alta da Fifa por causa da vitória da Alemanha. (D) os alemães só ganharam a copa por estarem no Brasil. (E) os temores quanto a segurança dos estádios foram comprovados.

O curioso é que as pessoas que estavam no carro eram todas (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)


estrangeiras. pequenas. surdas. violentas. zumbis.

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