3 minute read

Glass half full

Tilse was involved in the construction of the 94m Feadship Viva.

BOOTH NO. 07.141




In modern yacht building, the use of glass is ever increasing. Not only are windows getting much larger, but glass is often being used in the overall design and styling of the yachts. Tilse offers a variety of products to designers, owners and yards. We are seeing more and more glass surfaces and the largest possible foor-to-ceiling panes in the recent years, and this trend from building construction has also spread to the yachting industry. High-quality glass constructions have never been in such demand as they are today.

Production capacity doubled

Tilse, a specialist in yacht glazing located in Hamburg, Germany, has been involved in over 300 different superyacht projects in more than 30 years. Most recently, the company and member of the Deutsche Yachten working group was involved in the construction of the 94m Feadship Viva and the 45m Path by Baltic Yachts, both of which were exhibited at the Monaco Yacht Show 2021.

To meet the ever-growing demand in the market, Tilse has recently doubled its production capacity. New glass bending furnaces, large machines with CNC control technology and state-of-the-art chemical curing processes enable Tilse to manufacture individual glass sheets of up to 6m in length. This means that even more elaborate and complex glass designs can now be made possible on board.

Perfect timing

“The demand for individual and high-quality glass designs in the superyacht sector is >>

There are hardly any yachts being planned now that don’t have large-scale glass installed. This is a trend that will not disappear any time soon.

Henning Von Der Thüsen and Frauke Von Der Thüsen, both Managing Director of Tilse. Claus-Ehlert Meyer, Managing Director of the Deutsche Yachten working group.

incredibly high at the moment”, comments Claus-Ehlert Meyer, Managing Director of the Deutsche Yachten working group. “There are hardly any yachts being planned now that don’t have large-scale glass installed. This is a trend that will not disappear any time soon. Tilse has picked the perfect time to boost production.”

The ‘Tilse experience’

A special adhesive resin specially developed by Tilse plays a central role in product quality. This material enables a delamination-free glass bond and guarantees maximum safety over the widest temperature range from -40 to over 100°C.

But it is not only the production that takes place completely in-house at Tilse. With the expansion of its production capacity, the glass solar cells on the roof of the production hall, which enable a self-suffcient energy supply, Tilse has recently also had an e-transporter, which is used in a particularly future-oriented way; namely as a shuttle bus to bring the company’s trainees to and from the company premises. “Trainees are the future of our craft, and by providing a more pleasant working environment, we are investing in the future of our company”, says Mr von der Thüsen. The expansion of Tilse’s facilities and more than 30 years of experience in the production of high-quality glass for yachts underpin the company’s position as a true expert in this feld.

manufacturer is also expanding its full-service offering. The ‘Tilse experience’ means that every sub-process, from the initial discussions about possible projects, to clarifying the technical possibilities with the classifcation society, to production and installation, is carried out by Tilse employees. “Customers should know that we make the best choice in raw materials to avoid any visual impact. The entire production process is designed for maximum quality, which leads to higher costs. However, the end result is much better than the standard glass on the market”, explains Henning von der Thüsen, Managing Director of Tilse.

Investing in the future

The yacht glazier has also upgraded in terms of sustainability. In addition to around 1,400m2 of

Trainees are the future of our craft, and by providing a more pleasant working environment, we are investing in the future of our company.

i. deutsche-yachten.de i. tilse.com

Tilse factory in Hamburg, Germany.