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Environmental planner

Planning a route is a complex and time-consuming task for crew and shore-side teams.

OneOcean is the largest single digital solutions company in the maritime industry and global leader in digital navigation and voyage compliance. The business supports over 15,000 vessels in their regulatory and navigational activities, making life easier for ship owners and managers, both onboard and onshore. Its aim is to simplify e-navigation and compliance with the powerful OneOcean platform built for the future while giving onboard and onshore teams the real-time information they need when they need it.


Planning a route is a complex and time-consuming task for crew and shore-side teams. With many factors to take into consideration, such as port, tidal and weather data as well as multiple stakeholders involved in the process, it can require a considerable level of resource and ongoing management. The integrated OneOcean platform facilitates collaborative navigation planning, consolidating all the data required in one easy-to-use interface and providing a shared view to create a truly efcient workfow. Smarter situational awareness allows seafarers to optimise voyage planning and mitigate risk.

Environmental Planner

A new feature of OneOcean Group’s Voyage Planning platform is the Environmental Planner. The environmental timeline shows a realtime depiction of where a vessel currently is in relation to the environmental restrictions it must abide by. The company has expanded its platform capability to include a new and unique Environmental Planner, which uses a dynamic timeline to provide a real-time look ahead at the environmental rules and restrictions in force during a voyage. For the frst time,

navigational and environmental planning can be done in a simple integrated workfow. With the addition of the advanced environmental timeline, the software platform enhances its ofering for a unique Total Voyage approach that integrates and visually presents data, to both minimize risk and support efective decision-making.

Colour codes

The timeline displays a comprehensive list of environmental events that can safely and legally take place aboard a vessel during a rolling 12-hour window, based on the ship’s departure time, its current position, and speed.

Active Environmental Timeline

The Active Environmental Timeline can be generated as part of the ship’s ofcial passage plan, as a section in the pdf document. Access to the environmental planner in the passage plan and the active timeline enables a coordinated approach for better decision-making in both the planning and monitoring stages of a voyage. Should the departure be delayed, both the timeline and document can be dynamically adjusted to refect an accurate representation of the ship’s position in relation to the environmental regulations in place along the route. If the vessel speed is increased, the timeline will adjust to accurately refect that, as is refreshes every three minutes.

“Traditionally, if a ship’s actual departure time doesn’t match the one on the passage plan, then all the environmental considerations have to be re-calculated. The new Active Environmental Timeline saves a great deal of efort by performing these re-calculations based on real-time information in just one click, enabling dynamic updates to all relevant data. This delivers real value to customers because they can now truly operationalise environmental planning, weaving environmental events and cadence into the planning stages for efective fulflment throughout the voyage”, says Tony Brown, Deputy CTO.

Easier planning

Decision makers can access an accurate picture of when and where environmental events can safely and legally take place aboard. This makes it much easier to plan operations with peace of mind that the ship is in full >>

The new Active Environmental Timeline saves a great deal of efort by performing these re-calculations based on realtime information in just one click.”

The timeline shows a breakdown of actions that can take place aboard a vessel in specifc areas and on a timeline. Green, amber and yellow colour codes indicate if an action is legal, legal with conditions, or illegal. The Active Environmental Timeline can be generated as part of the ship’s offcial passage plan, as a section in the pdf document.

Smarter situational awareness allows seafarers to optimise voyage planning and mitigate risk.

The Environmental Planner indicates to users when they are expected to exit zones such as territorial waters and ECA zones based on their current speed. In this image, the vessel is expected to exit territorial waters in 33 minutes.

compliance. All relevant data is easily viewed on a single screen with information specifc to the vessel, and the company requirements and policies in place. Actions, such as discharges and emissions, are detailed by category and can be grouped in line with the user’s specifcations. The timeline indicates how long the ship is likely to remain in the zone where vessels must comply with regulations or stringent company guidelines. Colour codes indicate whether the status is green: legal, amber: legal with conditions, or red: illegal. This high visibility signifcantly reduces the risk of non-compliance.

Nicholas Bourque, Chief Strategy Ofcer commented “In order to meet the evergrowing regulatory challenges, companies will need to implement a more connected and simplifed approach to operationalise environmental planning. The enhanced OneOcean platform represents a better way of preparing for any voyage.”

Optimised decision making

The connected software approach from OneOcean signifcantly reduces workload for mariners in the planning process by combining all aspects of voyage planning, including outft management, routing, calculations, weather, due diligence on notices and risks, and the monitoring of environmental restrictions to provide optimised decision making. Navigational planning events and environmental events are automatically calculated dynamically, saving signifcant time and efort in the planning stages, and providing real-time agility in the monitoring stage. The result is a comprehensive planning solution that visually presents all relevant data based on routing criteria, situational factors, and vessel details, resulting in a highly efective planning process.

i. oneocean.com