Toxins, Toxins, Everywhere!

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Toxins, Toxins, Everywhere! It's a common fear, from our air, to our soil, to our water, to our food, even to the toys our children play with – toxicity. We have been bombarded with poisons for the last 50+ years, particularly affecting our food sources. Glyphosates are of particular concern, with Roundup (glyphosate) being found in many foods. Roundup is used worldwide, including here in the United States. Foods that are imported into our country are not subject to some of the restrictions on pesticides and herbicides found in the U.S. (DDT, for example). Many pesticides and herbicides are neurotoxins and carcinogenic – note that when your friendly lawncare service or exterminator puts up a sign on your lawn to not walk or allow animals or children to play or walk on the wet grass. Unfortunately, every time the grass gets wet, it can reactivate the chemicals. Children and adults can have long term health effects from these chemicals. Even worse, we have seen many pets who get these toxins on their paws, lick the paws, and become neurologically impaired. I experienced this with my own dog years ago when he ate grass that was just treated. Farms are a huge source of runoff and can contaminate ground water for miles around. Golf courses are culprits also. We have to be aware that these man made chemicals are stressing our immune systems constantly. We must start to demand that our environment be safe, free of toxicity. As a natural health care consultant, I do testing and submit samples to testers across the country. In particular, we look for toxins that may possibly be the triggers for a myriad of imbalances in the body. Mercury and aluminum are neurotoxins, and can contribute to Alzheimers and autism, in addition to Parkinsons, MS, and other neurodegenerative conditions. Many chemicals can also produce illness down the road, including cancer and arthritis. One of the issues we are finding lately is environmental illness, also known as multiple chemical sensitivity. This occurs when the body is subjected to chemicals in food, cleaning supplies, shampoos, soaps, building materials and work related chemicals. Symptoms from toxicity are far reaching and can range from loss of mental clarity, to muscle stiffness and weakness, allergies, neurological symptoms, chronic fatigue, inability to tolerate certain smells or simple cleansers or more. The body becomes overloaded with chemicals, and will react at the slightest exposure. Toxicity is becoming epidemic. What can we do? At the local level, we can talk to our local and even state representatives and ask they institute laws to restrict the use of herbicides, pesticides and other chemical toxins in our environment. I should rather say, we must demand this of our governments. At home, it is necessary to take every precaution to clean our foods. Even some of the plastic products should be soaked in a toxin cleaning formula. Zeolite is an effective way of removing toxins such as heavy metals, chemicals and radiation from our body. There is also a product produced by Perfect Science that transmutes toxicity into beneficial amino acids, not only in the body, but on agricultural applications, foods, air and water. Please be aware of what you are drinking, eating, breathing and exposing your skin to. Have testing done for heavy metals and chemicals. Your health and the health of your children should be of utmost importance. Long term effects are being seen everywhere; it is time to be proactive about our health. – Submitted by Suzanne Allison, Natural Health Consultant for

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