TOUCHPOINT MarbleChurch.org
Worship with Us pg. 8
CYF Corner pg. 10
The Marble Magazine
Spotlight: Holly Week pg. 4 10:00 O’Clock Hours pg. 9
Marble Matters
Who Gets the First and Last Word?
The news media seems created to be the bearer If you are looking for a place to start, go to the United of bad news in our lives. Shockingly, the ratio of bad Church of Christ website and sign up for their daily news to good news is 17 to 1. This means 95% of the devotionals. One will be waiting for you in your inbox news we consume each day is bad news! That must each morning. affect us in some way. The second question is, who speaks the last word I came upon a Harvard study in which they com- into your day? As we encounter the news, and as pared people who each morning consumed the we face our own hardships and challenges, it is easy normal, negative news for three minutes with those for the last word of the day to become the thought, who spent three minutes consuming uplifting stories. “Things are never going to get better. They may even Any guess which group get worse.” was much more likely to “The Resurrection Here is where the power of report they were having a bad Easter speaks so importantly into tells us that God day six to eight hours later? our lives. When we celebrate No suspense there. It was gives us Jesus’s Resurrection, we are the group who consumed the celebrating that death will not be the last word…” normal, negative news. the last word. The Resurrection I have two questions for tells us that God gives us the last you. The first question is, who speaks the first word word, and it will be life! What we all may need is to into your day? Without thinking about it, we can eas- say a short prayer asking that God give us the last ily let the first words be overwhelmingly negative, word of our day. A word that brings hope. A word that and without knowing it, we take that negativity into tells us that just as Jesus was raised from the dead, our day. This is why I’m such an advocate for short so too God can raise up new things in our lives and in morning devotionals. It allows God to speak the first this world. word into our day with the power to shape how we May God speak the first and last words of our day! experience the day. Maybe it is time for you to begin morning devotionals.
Dr. Michael Bos Senior Minister
Staff for this Issue EDITOR:
Karla Fritsch PHOTOS:
Dave Cross Jay Johnson Doug Powers Siobhan Tull Karla Fritsch GRAPHIC DESIGN:
Beth Player-DiCicco
A DAILY DEVOTIONAL FROM UCC.ORG YOU CAN DO IT by Tina Villa The manna ceased on the day they ate the produce of the land, and the Israelites no longer had manna; they ate the crops of the land of Canaan hat year. – Joshua 5:12 (NRSV) In the Promised Land, it turns out, there’s no free lunch from heaven. God made manna rain down on the people just long enough to tide them over till they got to a place where they could do their part to provide for themselves. God gave the fertile land, and the people would now do the gathering, sowing, reaping, and all the rest to bring crops out of the ground and onto the table. Do you remember having someone help you learn to ride a bike, holding on and running alongside until suddenly you realize they’ve let go and you are – incredibly – riding a bike all by yourself? Someone helped and held on until you figured out the pedaling part and found your balance.
Usually, a wobbly new bike rider doesn’t tell their helper to let go; the rider doesn’t realize they can do it alone. But the helper knows and lets go, and gives the rider the exhilarating sense of pride, freedom, and accomplishment that comes with knowing you can now ride down to the corner all by yourself. Are you waiting for manna from heaven to solve your problems? Are there challenges holding you back in life because you don’t realize you can handle them? God is like the helper steadying the bicycle. God has given you what you need to survive and thrive. And God knows when to let you go, even if you don’t feel ready. Prayer I’ll trust you to know when to let me go. Amen.
Marble Matters
A WORD FROM OUR EXECUTIVE MINISTER LETTING GO, OPENING UP As I have pondered letting go, I have seen new By Rev. J. Elise Brown, Ph.D. things emerging in nature. Buds. Green shoots. New Several months ago I shared in Touchpoint how I life that seems to know when it’s time to break was learning a lot from watching the changing colors through the hardened earth and open up. Work was of leaves on the trees, and the gradual relinquishing happening all through the winter months under the of the leaves from the branches. The leaves seemed cold earth that enabled this opening up to occur. to know when it was time to let go. They don’t Hidden work. Holy work. Work that now springs forth keep clinging. They let go and float to the earth and in flashes of color and unexpected beauty along become part of the great the way. circle of life that is mysteriIt’s time to open up, my “…let us take that new life friends. ous and holy. Open up to new Letting go might be one and ask God to open us to experiences, new learnings, of the most difficult things whatever new experiences new friendships, new life. we must do in this earthly It’s so easy to cling to the life – letting go of a loved one God has in store for us. ” old and not let go. But life is who is passing from this life not just made up of letting to the next, letting go of hopes we might have been go. It is also lived through opening up, seeing the life clinging to for a long time, letting go of the “stuff” we have to live right now, life that can’t be contained that weighs us down. There has been much letting in boxes packed up with stuff and put in the back of go over these past months. a closet. We are moving out of our offices in 276 Fifth I am so grateful we have been able to open up our Avenue. As I removed each picture from the walls of church and have remained open since last August! my office and packed away the cards and gifts I have As we celebrate the joy of Easter, the opening up of been given along the way, I was again confronted a grave, the glory of an empty tomb, let us take that with the difficulty of letting go. I felt like my entire new life and ask God to open us to whatever new ministry was being packed up into a few boxes. experiences God has in store for us. They are there, Where have all the years gone? What do I have to shoots of life breaking through what might seem to show for them? A few books and folders? How do I be hardened, lifeless surfaces. Look for them! carry the people with me, all the memories that don’t fit into a box, memories that can’t be packed away?
MEMBERSHIP MATTERS – NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE The need to belong, to navigate these uncertain times with others, is essential to our wellbeing. If you’d like to deepen your connection, join the Marble Family. Whoever you are, wherever you are in your faith journey, wherever you live – we invite you to take that step and journey forward with us! It’s easy, all you need to do is participate in two New Member Orientation Sessions after Sunday Worship. These sessions are conversational and informal mation about our upcoming June Orientations, please – designed to give you the chance to get to know contact Kim Sebastian-Ryan (KRyan@MarbleChurch. more about us, and us about you. We would be so org or 212-686-2770),or sign up at MarbleChurch. glad to have you, and think you’ll find it will make a org/engage/join/become-a-member. difference knowing you belong – knowing you are welcomed and loved for who you are. For more infor-
Rev. J. Elise Brown, Ph.D. Executive Minister
Marble Matters
Holy Week 2022 FACEBOOK LIVE LENTEN DEVOTIONAL Tuesdays, April 5 & 12 | 8:30pm Dr. Michael Bos and Dr. Elise Brown lead our final two Lenten prayer gatherings. APRIL 10, PALM SUNDAY A Call to Prayer for the Whole Congregation — 10:00am Pray and discern together where God is calling us to go and who God is calling us to be. Worship — 11:00am Hosanna - God, Save Us, Rev. J. Elise Brown, Ph.D. VIRTUAL VIA DOLOROSA WALK Monday, April 11 | 7:00pm Walk in Jesus’ footsteps along “The Way of Sorrow”, learn about his journey, and this historic route, as we move closer to Easter Sunday. Led by Rev. J. Elise Brown, Ph.D. To truly immerse yourself in this experience we advise joining via video. Register at MarbleChurch.org by April 6. APRIL 14, MAUNDY THURSDAY Worship — 7:00pm (Prelude, 6:50pm) Commemorating Jesus’ final night. How Love Shows Up, Dr. Michael Bos Music by The Marble Choir. Holy Communion. For those worshipping at home, please have ordinary elements of bread and juice nearby.
In the Marble Spotlight
VIRTUAL ALL-CHURCH COFFEE HOUR Sunday, April 3 | 12:15-1:15pm, on Zoom Join us for this time of fellowship as we focus on the spirit of giving and learn more about ways in which Marble’s Easter Offering helps to Build Bridges of Hope toward the restoration and empowerment of men, women, and children in our community and around the world. BLESSING AND TOUR OF OUR NEW SPACES Sunday, May 1 During Worship we say a special blessing for our renovated 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors in our church building. Afterwards, we invite everyone to explore the spaces that will house our ministries and provide workspaces for Marble Staff. Congregants will be able to move on their own with staff and volunteers serving as guides. We hope you will join us as we dedicate these new spaces to the glory of God and the future strengthening of Marble’s Ministry.
APRIL 15, GOOD FRIDAY Music for Prayer & Meditation — 11:40am Worship — Noon Reflection by Dr. Michael Bos The Marble Choir and Festival of Voices with Orchestra: Gabriel Fauré Requiem Good Friday Prayer Vigil —1:15-2:15pm Join the Marble Prayer Ministry Team and Rev. Brittany at Marble as we pray together for members of the Marble Community and the larger NYC community through requests submitted on cards posted on the 5th Avenue fence. Request prayers at MarbleChurch.org/GoodFridayPrayerRequests. APRIL 17, EASTER SUNDAY Prayer Circle — 9:30am (In person & via Zoom) Prelude for Brass and Organ — 10:45am Worship — 11:00am A New Thing, Dr. Michael Bos The Marble Choir with Brass Lenten Blog: Walking the Path of Lent with Friends Through April 17 The Marble Women’s Ministry continues to host these daily stories, poems, prayers, art, music and activities exploring different kinds of friendships. Visit MarbleWomen.com for this opportunity to strengthen your friendship with God, Jesus and each other along the way.
MARBLE’S FUTURE: STRENGTH TO STRENGTH – AN UPDATE Sunday, May 1 | 1:00pm After you’ve toured the renovated spaces, return to the Sanctuary to hear Jake Mulder and Dr. Yulee Lee give an update on our Strategic Planning Process including findings from the congregation-wide survey and areas where clear focus is emerging for the strategic plan. All are welcome and plenty of time will be available for conversation, questions and feedback. THE GATHERING: MIDWEEK WORSHIP LIVE Wednesdays, May 4 & June 1 | 6:15pm Join us in the Sanctuary for these live editions of The Gathering with Communion. Also live streamed at MarbleChurch.org. After Worship Dinner – We gather together again after Worship for dinner groups hosted by Marble Ministers and Staff at neighborhood restaurants. Stay tuned to MarbleChurch.org for details.
Marble Matters
ASIAN AMERICAN/PACIFIC ISLANDER FOCUSED WORSHIP Sunday, May 22 | 11:00am As violence against our Asian and Pacific Islander siblings continues, let us join in prayer and commitment to being part of stopping these ongoing crimes of violence and abuse. We are the body of Christ and when one member of the body suffers, we all suffer. AAPI members and friends of Marble will be helping to lead this service. After Worship, stay in the Sanctuary or online for a Marble Racial Justice Series Talk Back with members of the AAPI Community. Let us hear ways we can be part of the solution and see such advocacy and engagement as part of our call to be disciples of Christ at work in the world wherever there is pain or suffering in any part of our community.
PRIMETIME (55+) RETREAT Friday, June 17 – Sunday, June 19 How do we immerse ourselves in the NOW of our life? Dr. Elise Brown and Sister Carol Perry will lead us as we explore this question together. This spiritual getaway is a first for PrimeTime and we want to share, so Sister Carol Perry all are welcome to Dr. J. Elise Brown join us for an inspiring program, time to reflect, connect and renew in a serene setting at St. Marguerite’s Retreat House, Mendham, NJ. Registration begins in early May; space is limited. You can select to attend the whole weekend or a Saturday day trip only. Stay tuned to MarbleChurch.org or contact Baleta McKenzie (BMcKenzie@MarbleChurch.org).
A Gift of Joy! Marble’s Easter Offering By Barbara Sagan Easter is Joy! Matthew 25:40 states: “Yes! I tell you that whenever you did these things for one of the least important of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did them for me!” I like the exclamation points in the Complete Jewish Bible translation. Like Easter, the Marble Easter Offering is built on JOY! When I joined Marble back in 1995, I realized the Marble Easter Offering was special; it was a joymultiplier. I saw the enthusiasm with which both members and visitors responded to the offering. I saw them dig deep to make a difference in the lives of their brothers and sisters in New York and beyond. At Marble, we give because the Easter Offering fills our spirit. And we give because the Easter Offering fills the needs and spirit of those it helps. • The bright young faces at PS30 in East Harlem; • The Asian-American immigrants by the Sunset Park Center for Family Life in Brooklyn; • The teenagers at the Adolescent Health Center at Mount Sinai Hospital; • The homeless fed at the Bowery Mission and the Church of the Holy Apostles; • The families whose mental health problems are addressed at the Harlem Family Institute; • The children helped to read by a group called Books for Kids; • The self-help work done by Women for Afghan Women in Queens; •The families in Burkina helped by wells being dug by Engage Burkina. These initiatives build on the work begun in 1968 by a group of Marble Young Adults. In creating what
became the Easter Offering, MYA stressed “sacrificial giving.” MYAers walked to work to save bus/subway fare or gave up movies or dinner out. MYA members volunteered as well as donated – a MYA group went to Koinonia Farms, a pioneering interracial project in Americus, Georgia. Those young adults raised $12,000 the first year. In 2021, the Marble Easter offering raised $204,000, distributed among 59 organizations vetted by members of the Benevolence of Marble Committee. Our 2022 goal is $220,000 – ambitious but doable if we follow the model of sacrificial giving of those Marble Young Adults. We support many local organizations but we also fund organizations making a special impact nationally and internationally. To reach our goal, we must follow Paul in his Second Letter to the Corinthians: “Let everyone give as his heart tells him, neither grudgingly nor under compulsion, for God loves the man who gives cheerfully. After all, God can give you everything that you need, so that you may always have sufficient both for yourselves and for giving away to other people. “As the scripture says: ‘He has dispersed abroad, he has given to the poor; his righteousness remains forever.’” (2 Corinthians 9:7, Phillips translation). Please give generously – online, by check, or even with what those MYA members probably collected, cash. However you give, make it a gift of joy!
GIVE online at MarbleChurch.org/give/ easter-offering or by check, payable to Marble Collegiate Church, memo: Easter Offering.
Thank you, in advance, for your gift of joy! — Barbara Sagan and
Dick Behn, Co-chairs, Benevolence of Marble Committee
Marble Matters
STIRRINGS OF THE SPIRIT SPIRITUAL SEEDS By Rev. Brittany Juliette Hanlin I believe the children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be
Rev. Brittany Juliette Hanlin Associate Minister
Everybody searching for a hero People need someone to look up to I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs A lonely place to be And so I learned to depend on me I decided long ago Never to walk in anyone’s shadows If I fail, if I succeed At least I’ll live as I believe No matter what they take from me They can’t take away my dignity Because the greatest love of all Is happening to me I found the greatest love of all Inside of me The greatest love of all Is easy to achieve Learning to love yourself It is the greatest love of all – Whitney Houston, The Greatest Love of All
My closest friends and family can tell you about my deep-rooted love for Whitney Elizabeth Houston! Maybe it’s the Jersey girl connection (East Orange to be exact)? I’m sure that plays a role, but I think my love of Whitney Houston’s music came when I was 5 years-old standing in the lunch line at Jackson Academy when I heard the radio in kitchen playing, The Greatest Love of All. One of our beloved lunch ladies turned up the song louder so we could hear it as we ate. At the time I was just happy we were able to hear the radio in the cafeteria, but now I understand that Ms. McCloud was planting seeds of self-love into our hearts and minds. She wanted us to hear that we were the future and that self-love is the greatest love of all. June Is Pride Month and a Celebration for the Entire Church! Sections of the AIDS Quilt from the National AIDS Memorial in Washington, DC, will be displayed in the Sanctuary throughout the month. A special Pride Worship on Wednesday, June 1, will be followed by activities including our volunteer-staffed Water Table for the Dyke March, Saturday, June 25, and a Pride Breakfast, Sunday, June 26; events are open to all (registration required for the Water Table and Breakfast). Stay tuned to MarbleChurch.org for updates or contact Don Piper (DPiper@MarbleChurch.org).
As an adult who now works with children and youth, this song continues to find deeper meaning and expression. Our children are the future, and they are also the present, here and now. They are navigating a world full of technological complexities and uncertainties that many of us did not have to face in our childhood. Our children are living in a world where they are told to prove their worth by changing themselves to fit in with the latest fashion fad and social media trend. Not only are they watching horrific events unfold across the world, they hold it in their hands and carry it in their hearts. For the past two years I have prayed and cried with and for our children as they were forced to adapt to changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Young people are incredible and tenacious… and they are tired and heartbroken. Tired of being excluded from the conversations that affect their future. Tired of being blamed for social media culture. Tired of being expected to adapt. Tired of conforming. Tired of judgment. Tired of perfectionism. Heartbroken for years spent behind a screen. Heartbroken because the world they inherited is full of chaos and confusion. Our children need us to plant healthy seeds in their hearts to grow their inner spiritual gardens. They need seeds like prayer. Seeds of support. Seeds of encouragement. Seeds of trust. Seeds of honesty. Seeds of vulnerability. Seeds of advocacy. Seeds of justice. Seeds of compassion. Seeds of guidance. Seeds of wisdom. Seeds of grace. Seeds of LOVE. Take it from me, when you open your heart to young people, you’ll be transformed in the process because as Whitney said, “the children’s laughter reminds us how we used to be.” May we be enlivened by laughter to do the work for love in the world and to love ourselves in the process.
Marble Matters
Reflections from the Editor
By Karla Fritsch “Karla, I’m here to help. You only have to ask.” Mr. Herman said that to me in 6th Grade math class. Dealing with the current office move has shined a spotlight on my continuing challenge in asking for and accepting help. After praying so many times for God to help me get things sorted, tossed and packed, I had a realization – in my declining repeated offers of help, have I been like the fabled person asking God to save them from a flood but then declines the boat and helicopter that came to help? That made me flash back to the last office move when one Sunday at least three people offered to help carry bags to my new office but I declined – and then with my hands full, I twisted my knee walking up the steps of 276 5th Ave which set off a chain of repeated leg injuries. A hard lesson – and one not yet learned. Beyond the issue I already had as a child, now I’m an independent, New York woman, who lives alone so needs to be able to do things on my own. In spite of that, with this move I did say yes to help from several friends even though I said no to other offers. One evening, after another chat with Christina Morano Keiser about my needing to learn to accept help, God winked and sent a surprise. As I waited for a Lyft to bring several bags home from the office, I watched two Sanitation Department workers exchange heavy corner garbage cans with others on the back of their truck parked on 5th Ave.
CONNECTING WITH KIM & SIOBHAN There are lots of things that make Marble special. We hear about so many things that brought people in, and then what keeps drawing them back. We invite you to take some time and find three words that jump out at you from this word search. Do they resonate with you about Marble? Can you find them all? What do you think is missing? We’d love to hear from you about what this brought up for you. Email us at KRyan@MarbleChurch.org or STull@MarbleChurch.org. Happy Spring and new beginnings!
My driver, in a Mercedes Benz Metris van with an extra high step, pulled up behind the truck and several feet from the curb. I told him I needed the height of the curb to get in. Then a Sanitation Worker Angel came over and sweetly asked if I needed help. He directed the driver closer to the curb and when the van still wasn’t close enough but the driver wouldn’t pull forward even though there was space, my angel moved the truck and came back to assist me. He offered me his arm and helped me brainstorm the best way to get in. Finally, I hoisted myself up. Even though I didn’t lean on him physically, his moral support and standing behind me made me feel safe. He had my back. On the ride home I texted Christina, “tonight I ACCEPTED HELP!” Maybe God had to come at me from a different perspective where I was so focused on the blessing and kindness that I didn’t linger on thinking of myself as weak for needing help. I hope one of the things I can unpack from this move is to keep looking at help from this new perspective. Life works best when we have each other’s backs – and there’s nothing weak about that.
Karla Fritsch Publications Manager
Kim Sebastian-Ryan Director of Membership & Connecting Siobhan Tull Program Leader for Online Community
April/May June 2022
Dr. Michael Bos Senior Minister, preaching
Spiritual Seasons: Spring of the Soul APRIL 3
Hosanna - Lord, Save Us
What Happens Next? APRIL 24
MAY 1 Rev. Susanah Wade preaching
Palm Sunday
Rev. J. Elise Brown, Ph.D.
A New Thing APRIL 17
Easter Sunday
Something to Celebrate People MAY 8
MAY 15
Diversity MAY 22
New Beginnings MAY 29
Togetherness JUNE 5
The Art of Forgiveness Misunderstandings about Forgiveness JUNE 12
The Liberation of Forgiveness JUNE 19 JUNE 26
Pride Sunday
THE GATHERING – MIDWEEK WORSHIP Wednesdays The praise band and ministers share in worship, prayer, fellowship, and Communion with you midweek. The service goes live at MarbleChurch.org on Wednesday mornings – a worship resource to access whenever your schedule allows. Please note, no new services in April. Revisit previous Gatherings at MarbleChurch. org/Watch. Join us live in the Sanctuary on May 4 and June 1.
Spiritual Growth and Education
10:00 O’Clock Hour
SUNDAYS AT 10AM Marble’s Future: from Strength to Strength April 3 Jake Mulder and Dr. Yulee Lee, our consultants from Fuller Church Leadership Institute, will provide an update on the status of the Strategic Planning Process, initial findings, and explanation of our next steps in Phase II. Come with questions, holy imagination, openness, hope and engagement as we continue to seek God’s guidance in moving Marble from Strength to Strength. Please note, this will not include the Congregational Survey results because it is open through April 3. To participate in the survey or for more information, visit MarbleChurch.org/strength-to-strength. A Call to Prayer for the Marble Congregation April 10 Dr. Bos will lead this session calling each member and participant in Marble’s Ministry to commit to fervent prayer and the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we continue our planning process. This is a fitting way to begin Holy Week, knowing that we follow Jesus each step of the way, and Jesus surrounds Marble with light and resurrection hope, even amidst trials and challenges. This will be a time of uplift, solidarity, and prayer as we move together as one body of Christ at Marble amidst our wonderful diversity of perspectives and ideas. Please note, no 10:00 O’Clock Hour on Easter.
Prayer Circle
SUNDAYS AT 10:00AM Join us for this weekly time of prayer and music. The Circle is always open – all you need is a willing heart. We meet in the Chapel (downstairs, 1 W. 29th St) or on Zoom. Note: not meeting April 3 & 10 so everyone can join our special 10:00 O’Clock Hours. On Easter Sunday we meet at 9:30am.
Afternoon Prayer
TUESDAYS AT 4:00PM Wind down your day with a brief time of sharing and prayer. Join us via Zoom or by phone.
Small Groups
Join a Small Group this Spring, it’s a wonderful opportunity to grow spiritually and connect in a deeper way with others at Marble. Tell Us Your Story, We Want to Listen, meets Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays beginning April 5. For details and to register, visit MarbleChurch.org.
Even Silence Is Praise April 24 & May 1 Longtime Guideposts editor and writer Rick Hamlin explores ways meditation can become an essential part of your prayer practice. Rick Hamlin Faith in the Workplace May 8, 15 & 22 Come hear Marble members and friends in different kinds of work explore how their faith “shows up” in their work. How do we live as people of faith in challenging work environments? How do we seek God’s guidance so our work reflects spiritual integrity? May 8 – tba May 15 – Hope Knight, newly appointed Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and President and CEO of Empire State Development Hope Knight (ESD) May 22 – Dan Nigro, recently retired Commissioner of the New York City Fire Department Stay tuned to MarbleChurch. org for more upcoming 10:00 O’Clock Hour information.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Dan Nigro
1st & 3rd Mondays | 5:00-6:00pm Join us as we gather online for prayer and creating together to knit or crochet prayer shawls for members who are ill or homebound. All levels welcome. Contact Judy Tulin (JTulin@MarbleChurch.org).
Since New York City’s “Key to NYC” COVID protocols ended, Marble updated its protocols and no longer requires proof of vaccination to attend in-person events. Wearing masks is still required for everyone’s safety, especially since we sing when we worship. We are pleased the pandemic is moving in the right direction, and we will continue to monitor and be ready to implement changes should new guidance be issued. For details including updated safety protocols, visit MarbleChurch.org.
If you miss a 10:00 O’Clock Hour session or want to see again, view at MarbleChurch.org/ Watch.
Marble Matters
CYF CORNER MOMENTS & MEMORIES Some of the Marble Youth reflect on their experiences on their 2022 New Orleans Service Trip. Our trip to New Orleans was not only a learning experience about the service you could do for others, but also the service we can do to those closest to us. We learned that gratitude is one of the most important things you can have. – Ella Niewood
Engage – Help Others
Learn about ways you can be of service to others at MarbleChurch.org/engage/volunteer or contact Rev. Susanah Wade (SWade@MarbleChurch.org). PS30 Tutoring Opportunity — Volunteer to teach Math and English Language Arts to 2nd through 5th graders at PS30 in Harlem. Training provided. For details, please contact Rev. Susanah Wade. Marble Fights Hunger — We encourage you to bring canned/bottled food whenever you come to Marble. Donations benefit organizations including Icahn House. Drop-off bins are in the 5th Ave Narthex and 29th St Prayer Room.
The most important thing I learned is how to respect each other, the importance of getting to know each other, and I got to learn new things like how to paint a house! – Analicia Wright The most fun part of the trip was hanging out with everyone and doing all the activities to help others! – Andrew Iliescu It was so rewarding to help rebuild the house and see how much effort everyone put into the work to help out and do good. – Navio Lopez So, we learned a whole lot… I really feel like God took us on this journey to learn about respect and it was really hard. And it was a tough job and we had some tough emotional talks but it really set our mindset on respect and how important it is to respect the people who love you. – Colin Sherer
Support the People of Ukraine — You can help support refugees and vulnerable people who are displaced within Ukraine and unable to leave. Donate through both the Reformed Church in America (RCA) at rca.org/give/2022-european-crisis-response/, and the United Church of Christ (UCC) at support.ucc. org/global-h-o-p-e/ukraine-emergency-appeal.
Marble Matters
Engage – More Upcoming Events
10:00 O’Clock Hour, Prayer Circle & Small Groups
ARTS MINISTRY Watch for more of our seasonal virtual art exhibits with visual art, music and poetry presentations – Lent: Inner Vision, Easter: New Hope, and Pentecost: Great Expectations. For more information about our meetings and events, contact Mario Sprouse (MSprouse@MarbleChurch.org) or visit MarbleChurch.org/Engage/arts-ministry.
For information, please see Spiritual Growth and Education on page 9.
For more events, direct links and the most up-to-date information, visit MarbleChurch.org.
PRIMETIME (55+) Wednesdays, April 6, 13 & 27, May 11 & 25, June 1 & 29 | 1:00pm We continue to gather regularly via Zoom video chat or phone with some in person events. On April 27 join us in person for Manhattan School of Music Springtime Cabaret and May 11 we welcome Stacy Simon, MS RDN CSG CDN, Board Certified Specialist in Gerontological Nutrition. June 17 -19 we have our first retreat, see page 5. For details, contact Baleta McKenzie (BMcKenzie@ MarbleChurch.org), or Clay Hale (CHale@ MarbleChurch.org). WOMEN’S MINISTRY SPA DAY FOR THE SOUL Saturday, April 30 | 9:45am-1:00pm All women are invited to the Marble Women’s Ministry’s first in-person Spa Day for the Soul since the pandemic. Rev. Elise Brown will talk about Resilience in Women of the Bible, and we will connect and build resilience through laughing yoga, self-massage and Chi Kong, journaling, a labyrinth walk, dance, and more. Held at Marble. Registration required; visit MarbleChurch.org for details and to register. ONLINE TEA TIME WITH KIM & SIOBHAN Wednesdays, May 18 & June 15 | 1:00-2:00pm Pull up a comfy chair, grab a beverage and enjoy this time of fellowship on Zoom. GIFTS: LGBTQ FELLOWSHIP Join us for this year’s Pride events including our volunteerstaffed Water Table for the Dyke March, Saturday, June 25, and a Pride Breakfast, Sunday, June 26; both events are open to all, registration required. See page 6 for more and stay tuned to MarbleChurch.org or contact Don Piper (DPiper@ MarbleChurch.org).
BEREAVEMENT GROUP Every Monday | 11:00am-12:00pm Are you mourning the loss of a loved one? You need not travel this road alone. Share your story in a confidential atmosphere of love and faith. Led by Dr. Bill Lutz via Zoom. For video link and more information, contact Judy Tulin (JTulin@MarbleChurch.org). CHAIR YOGA Every Thursday | 10:00-10:45am Center yourself physically and spiritually with this beginner-friendly time of gentle movement. Join us via Zoom. Questions? Contact Siobhan Tull (STull@ MarbleChurch.org). CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP First Saturday of Month | 1:00-3:00pm online Caregiving presents considerable challenges: physical, emotional, and economic. Each meeting provides confidential, facilitated conversation offering guidance, healing, and hope. Learn how to balance your life and be a Caregiver with new strength and vitality, meeting the needs of your care recipient and the personal care of yourself. Led by Rev. Marion Gambardella, healing therapist, spiritual counselor, teacher and minister. For more information and Zoom link, contact Judy Tulin (JTulin@MarbleChurch.org). SEPARATION & DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP Beginning Mid-April, tba If you are in need of emotional support and guidance as you navigate the difficult transition of separation or divorce, you are invited to join this group led by Dr. Bill Lutz. Meets weekly; day/time tba. To participate, please email Judy Tulin (JTulin@ MarbleChurch.org).
Touchpoint: April, May & June 2022 TIME OF PRAYER From Strength to Strength: Prayers for Our Church Thursdays, April 28, May 26, June 23 12:15-12:30pm Pray for the Marble Community as we move forward with hope and faith during this time of Strategic Planning looking towards the future. Led by Rev. Brittany Juliette Hanlin and the Marble Prayer Ministry Team via Zoom. Visit MarbleChurch.org for information. ANNUAL SPRING PRAYER RETREAT Reflecting on the Psalms Saturday, May 14 | 10:00-11:30am Rev. Brittany Juliette Hanlin and the Marble Prayer Ministry Team invite you to join them for a powerful time to reflect and meditate on the Psalms and to create our own Psalms, as well as an opportunity to walk the Labyrinth. Materials will be provided. This will be a hybrid event, in person and online. For more information and to register, visit MarbleChurch.org or contact Judy Tulin (JTulin@MarbleChurch.org).
SUMMER ARTS FESTIVAL Sunday, June 19 – Friday, June 24 This all-church event will feature a week of various programs highlighting music from classical to jazz, dance, film, poetry, plays and fine art including paintings and photography. Sponsored by The Arts Ministry. We hope to be in person or hybrid. Stay tuned to MarbleChurch.org for details or contact Mario Sprouse (MSprouse@MarchChurch.org).
Photos by Gordon Mark and Doug Powers
MARBLE RACIAL JUSTICE SERIES Please continue to join us as we deepen our commitments to do anti-racism, and to be a place of refuge and love for ALL of God’s people. Stay tuned for details about our upcoming events, including a special AAPI Talk Back after Worship on Sunday, May 22. If you can’t watch live, or want to view previous sessions, visit MarbleChurch.org/racialjustice-series.
THE LAST WORD May the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE in believing, so that you may ABOUND IN HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit. — Romans 15:13 (NRSV)
WEBCAST SCHEDULE Visit MarbleChurch.org or Facebook Sundays 10:00 O’Clock Hour 10:50am – Grace Notes: Inside the Music 11am – Worship
Wednesdays The Gathering: Midweek Worship Sermon Podcasts: Subscribe at MarbleChurch.org
Marble Collegiate Church
1 West 29th Street (at Fifth Ave) New York, New York 10001 212-686-2770 MARBLE ON SOCIAL MEDIA
An Update on the Marble Care Line The Care Line served a much-needed purpose during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic when emotional and spiritual support were critically needed. Over time, use of the Care Line has diminished so we feel now would be a good time to discontinue the service. We thank all of the volunteers who logged countless hours, as well as the Steering Committee and other staff who helped to put the framework together. Please continue to reach out to our Stephen Ministers for long-term Christ-centered care or to Blanton-Peale Counseling Center as necessary.
WHEN YOU NEED HELP During these challenging times, please reach out for help if you need it. Stephen Ministry at Marble – A one-to-one ministry that empowers lay members to provide highquality, confidential, and Christ-centered care to those who are struggling with difficult life events. Email: StephenMinistry@MarbleChurch.org. The Marble Prayer Ministry Team is here to pray for you – Submit your requests on the bottom of any page at MarbleChurch.org. Blanton Peale Counseling Center – If you need more in-depth, professional help with mental health issues, visit BlantonPeale.org. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Available 24 hours, 800-273-8255.