Biz Waikato August/Sept 2019

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Majority Of Submissions In Favour Of Hamilton Gardens Management Plan


More than 70% of submitters to the Draft Hamilton Gardens Management Plan support ongoing development of Hamilton’s key visitor attraction.

Hamilton City Council’s Regulatory and Hearings Committee heard verbal submissions on the Draft Plan yesterday (21 August), and among the submitters in support of it were representatives of organisations with lengthy connections and commitments to Hamilton Gardens. Representing the Hamilton Gardens Development Trust, Glen Holmes told the committee the Trust endorsed the Draft Plan, and was committed to continuing fundraising developments, working alongside the Council and Hamilton Gardens staff. The plan would further enhance the garden, and protect the unique vision and theme of the gardens, which plot the history of gardens through human civilisation. Mr Holmes told the Committee support for Hamilton Gardens continued to be pledged from people and organisations within Hamilton and further afield. Speaking on behalf of the Friends of Hamilton Gardens, Virginia Graham told the Committee the Draft Plan would continue the momentum supporting the development of the gardens, a place she described as “a place of solace and soulfood for Hamiltonians”.

She described the Draft Plan as a chance to “complete the chapters of the (Hamilton Gardens) story” and an opportunity for the community to achieve this together. Craig and Lee Ann Muntz of Tainui Waka Tourism Inc supported the development of the gardens through the plan, and identified it as a potential platform for a cultural tourism offer connected to the Waikato River. They suggested formal performance areas be factored in to the planned developments. Other speakers included Marilyn Yeoman, of the Garden History Research Foundation, Waikato Heritage Group’s Laura Kellaway, and Graeme Cairns on behalf of the Hamilton Gardens Arts Festival Board. The staff report presented to the meeting gave an overview and statistical analysis of the nearly 200 submissions received.


Former NZ Rower Takes Over Hamilton’s Group Fitness Market It was June 2018 she decided to transform her one-on-one styled training into a group fitness business. Since then, she has helped just over 140 new clients change their lives into a healthier direction. A result of tripling her clientele, with 3 locations in Hamilton, and two trainers. “It wasn’t all as simple as it sounds. The change of business model actually resulted in a loss of 80% of my current clients. People who like one-on-one styled training, don’t necessarily like group training, it was a risk I had to take. Also, building a business means getting clients to like the other trainers, and not just me. So making sure I have the ‘right’ trainers is super important, yet isn’t easy to find.” Emily has her dog ‘Kasey’ come along for training sessions. “She’s our Fast Fit mascot - clients love her and it brings common ground for people to start chatting, getting to know each other and building new friendships”. Emily’s background involves representing NZ in rowing between 2009-2012. The training is intense, the mental game is even tougher and your crew mates will also end up as your opposition, when seat racing to make the NZ team. “There would never be a training where you aren’t giving it 100%, because if you slacked off, that would be one session your team mates has over you”.

Emily’s goal is to help get the best version out of everyone coming through Fast Fit. She helps people to become the best parents to their kids, employee at their job or the uni student with the highest grades. “It’s amazing to see the changes someone goes through. I find a lot of people start out nervous and unsure about workouts. Within a couple weeks, they have changed their views on fitness, confidence has increased, and I see them making jokes in sessions with others! It’s honestly the most rewarding thing as a trainer!” “Many people think they need to workout to lose weight or they start exercising because they have had a health scare or have injured themselves” Fitness should be about preventing health scares or injuries. Emily will continue to grow her business and help as many people as she can to make it a part of everyday life”.

021 0298 6913 •


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