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White of Mine 1, Oil on cardboard, 200 x 70cm

White Abyss The award-winning artist Maria Pavlovska, who was born in Skopje, Macedonia and exhibits widely in the United States, most recently with Mana Contemporary and Gary Lichtenstein in New York, makes her Manila debut with White of Mine II, a series of black-and-white paintings

Maria at her studio at Mana Contemporary- NY, working on A Reaction series

The painting is a battlefield where light and darkness fight and the result is unpredictable, a place where matter is re-created, where the matter suffers in the fire of creation, where all the forms are born, a place without optical and tactile reality, when the figural form summoned from abyss has not yet emerged on the surface of the painting. The basis of the painting is the darkness: the abyss of the body, the abyss of the subconscious , a world abyss where everything begins and everything ends. So, one should enter inside and behind the painting, into the living and moving tissue, into the body of the painting that has not an appropriate form, but only contains the source of the chromatic substance, into the painting that is a space of incubation of all forms, the pre-ancient figurality, the pre-pictoriality and gestural pre-matrix. And that is what Plato refers to as choir:


aria Pavlovska is a painter. For her the painting is a prayer of two worlds: light and dark, black and white, full and empty, yes and no‌ She knows that painting is poetry (poesis is all that makes it possible for something to turn from nonbeing into a being). She stands before the worls as it is the first day of creation, at the beginning when darkness rules. In front of her is the endless space without motion. A gesture, an act of will is necessary to start the creation. The gesture leaves a trace behind, it carries in itself the power of the lightning that releases the light. 8

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