Receive CPR Training

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Receive CPR Training Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) alone is generally not enough to revive the victim. The main purpose of CPR is to keep blood circulating, preserving brain function, until the victim can be taken to a medical facility for further treatment. You'll find first aid and CPR training on the internet but it won't compare to the experience you will get with hands on techniques with the CPR airway trainer mannequin. For those professionals whose employment requires certification, like coaches, teachers, flight attendants as well as other public service positions, formal classroom instruction should be taken annually. Between certifications, to help keep your understanding fresh in your head, remember these basic steps. Initial Assessment. First look at the situation, checking to find out whether the victim is totally unconscious or can respond to questions. If there's no one else around to help you, begin CPR at once if the victim is a child or infant and keep trying for a few minutes before calling 911. If the victim happens to be an adult and you are alone, place the call to 911 and then start performing CPR. If you see someone near you that can assist, ask them to call 911. It's usually a great idea if everyone has something specific to do in an emergency situation, so all things are covered rather than being overlooked if people are starting to panic. Make sure that the individual that is helping you is keeping you informed on what the 911 dispatcher believes will be the response time. Check Breathing. Next, move the victim to the nearest flat surface if this can be performed safely. Check the victim to see if they are breathing on their own. Lean over and put your ear to his mouth to listen to his breathing and put your hands on his chest to see if you can feel it rising. Most people will find it challenging to find a pulse, so don't even try. Talk to the person to find out if you can get a response from them. If you aren't, begin doing CPR. Steps In CPR Lay the heel of one hand against his chest, just above his sternum. Place your other hand on top and begin chest compressions, pushing down hard at a rate of 100 beats per minute. For lay people, the most recent CPR guidelines recommend that the individual concentrate on compressions only without trying to breathe for the victim. The success rate with compressions alone for untrained respondents is significantly higher than with traditional CPR. You need to compress your hands on the victim's chest at a rate of one hundred beats per minute. As funny as it may sound, it may help if you're able to sing or hum a song with the right beat and rhythm. It will require a song that has a fast and strong drum beat. The American Heart Association suggests songs like “Staying Alive” or “Another One Bites the Dust”. Emergency personnel use a term known as the golden hour, which is the first hour after the victim has sustained some serious injury or illness, and when medical treatment has the best opportunity of making a difference. However, in most cases when breathing stops, one only has six minutes to begin CPR if it is to have any chance of working. After that time period has expired, our body's cells begin to die off because of the lack of oxygen. Your very best chance of providing help to a friend or loved one is to receive hands on training. To help you perfect your technique, a trainer is able to teach you just what you must do and will have an airway trainer mannequin to help you. When you want an airway manikin for instruction purposes, go with a company which is not only OHM Medical Training Service Inc

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Receive CPR Training trusted, but also known for low prices. Take a peek at OHM Medical Training Service by looking at their webpage which is

Document Tags: airway trainer, airway manikin

OHM Medical Training Service Inc

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