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shopfloor mandate trade union

winter 2011


THE GovERnMEnT must act in the interests of its citizens in the next Budget – not on behalf of the foreign bankers and speculators who have wreaked havoc on Irish society. Mandate General Secretary John Douglas said: “To date, the government has slavishly taken the EU/IMF/ECB Troika medicine. “Budget 2012 on the face of it looks like more of the same as the government is committed to reducing services and increasing taxes to the tune of €3.8 billion, but the devil will be in the detail. “The democratically elected government has the opportunity in this Budget to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough, to say that we are not going to impoverish ordinary lower and middle income families to satisfy German and French banks. “We will write no more billion dollar cheques to unsecured bond holders.” Mr Douglas pointed out that 400,000 Irish citizens were now without a job and that another 50,000 were leaving the country each year in search of a better future. “Thousands more are in fear of losing their homes – a price which we cannot

and should not pay. This government was elected by the Irish people to protect and provide for the best interests of its citizens, not the interests of foreign bankers and speculators.”

‘Struggling workers’

He claimed Mandate members did “not expect much” from Fine Gael, but did expect the Labour Party “to protect struggling workers and their families”. “We expect that the Budget targets the wealthy and those with assets. The cheap one-liners about welfare rates and welfare fraud must not act as covering fire for an attack on those on the lowest incomes.” Mr Douglas insisted that the Budget

must be about setting “a strong foundation” for “a new Republic”. He added: “A Republic built on solidarity and social justice, if not there is very real danger that those who destroyed this country will resurface and it will be business as usual for them and their cronies. “I would urge all Mandate members and their families to contact their local TDs before the December Budget and tell them that we will not suffer in silence. It’s not business as usual – you expect your local TD to act in your and the Irish people’s interests by creating jobs and protecting the most vulnerable in society.”

Picture: John Chaney

Pictures: John Chaney

There’s something happening here...

Irish supporters of the worldwide Occupy movement take to the streets of Dublin on November 12. Ordinary citizens sick to their back teeth of corporate greed and political mismanagement marched from the Garden of Remembrance to the seat of Ireland’s finance sector at Dame Street.

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