Catalog fbsolution 2018 v4 final web

Page 35

Culinary Aids 料理材料

Puff Pastry The puff pastry dough is ideal to create your own sweet and savoury recipe. Indeed, on the contrary to the danish dough, the puff pastry does not contain sugar. From a crispy apple tart to a tomato tart, be free to express your imagination


Fine Butter Puff Pastry Sheet (38cm * 28cm) 100%法国纯正优质黄油 100% Pure fine butter from France




麦酥皮面团是您创作甜点和美味食谱的理想选 择。事实上,不同于丹麦面团,麦酥皮面团不含 糖,从苹果挞到番茄挞,您可以自由发挥您的想 象力。



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