Advertising Final Project | Izze

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ChristinaRucinski ErikaOlsen DonaldHodgkinson RyanOpila Ta t e D r e m s t e d t


Table of Contents

3t33 1 Summary

2 3 4 5-6 7 8 9 10 11-12 13 14 15 16-20 21 22 23-25 26 27 28-29 30 31 32-33 34


Agency Identity Brand History Environmental Analysis Competitor Analysis SWOT Analysis Objectives & Budget Research & Objectives Brand Value Proposition Target Market Campaign Strategy Big Idea Creative Overview Creative Executions

Creative Testing & Web Ad

Media Objectives Media Choices Media Schedule Budget Brand Activation Evaluation Creative Brief Meet the Team End Notes

Agency Identity

Executive Summary

Izze creates delicious, refreshing, and natural beverages for almost any type of social engagement. Todd Woolson and Greg Strohl originally created the product in Boulder, Colorado in 2002, but the company was sold to PepsiCo in 2006. Pepsi Co. has been able extend the Izze flavor line and get it into retailors throughout the United States. The drink is a carbonated juice beverage that gives soda lovers a healthier alternative to treat themselves. The goal of our agency, Missing Piece, is to promote Izze to women ranging from ages 18 to 34 that are active and have an above average income. The tagline for this campaign is “All Natural Memories� to promote Izze as the drink of choice for celebrating and creating memories with friends and family. It is also important that Izze is all-natural with no added preservatives, a major factor in purchasing the Izze beverage. The goal of our campaign is for our consumers to associate Izze with health, fun, and relaxation that is consumed by successful young women. We will use print advertisements, a television commercial, point of purchase displays, internet advertisements, and direct email to raise awareness to our target market that Izze is the best healthy, natural, and delicious drink they could purchase.


We can help. In a world that is saturated with competition and noise, a company needs to find a way to differentiate itself from its competitors to survive. Missing Piece is the link that companies need to reach an audience that is in love with the products they create. We are dedicated to doing extensive research for our clients, and create content that will leave an impact on the audience














IZZE’s History

Environmental Analysis Competitive Forces

1992: Greg Stroh joined the family business at Stroh Brewery, working in the sales department

1998: Todd Woloson founded the nonprofit Global Education Fund.

2003: New flavors were

introduced, such as Blackberry, Grapefruit, Lemon, and Pear. Clementine and Blueberry were added the following year.

2002: Todd Woloson and Greg

Stroh met in Boulder, Colorado, and founded IZZE as a product that was an all-natural version of a sophisticated European soda. The name IZZE came from Todd’s daughter, Isabelle.

2006: PepsiCo bought IZZE to 2007: IZZEesque, a

product line extension, was introduced as a lower calorie option for flavored beverages.

2012: IZZE celebrated

its 10th Anniversary and reintroduced discontinued flavors for a limited time.


help with marketing strategies and kept the formula for IZZE intact.

2008: Another line extension came

out called IZZE Fortified, which added vitamins to the beverage to compete with newer drinks at the time.

The carbonated juice market is a spinoff of the market for carbonated soft drinks. Due to sociocultural forces, this niche market has developed significantly over the past decade to fill the gap between soft drinks and regular fruit juices. As a result of this market position, products within the carbonated juice industry face competition from products within their own market but also with those in the soft drink and juice markets. As a healthy carbonated beverage, Izze is appealing to the unique group of consumers that lies between these two larger markets.

Economic Forces

The recent 2015 American Pantry Study shows that 58% of consumers believe that the US economy continues to be in a recession. However, another study shows that 88% of consumers across all demographics say that they are willing to pay more for healthier foods, including those that are GMO-free, have no artificial coloring/flavors and are deemed all natural. In addition, Nielsen claims that 42% of consumers are willing pay more for products and services provided by companies that are committed to positive social and environmental impact. Despite being in a recession, consumers have demonstrated a willingness to spend more on items that are important to them.

Regulatory Forces

Over the years, a number of US states have proposed the idea of a soda tax, the most recent being in 2010 in the state of New York. Globally, many countries including Denmark, Mexico, and Norway have already established national soda taxes. While it is unsure if the carbonated juice industry will be included within this tax, studies have shown that enacting it causes a decline in the consumption of carbonated soft drinks. In addition, there is no official definition from the FDA of healthy attributes such as “all natural,” however it objects to the usage of the term in items that contain added color, artificial flavors, or synthetic substances.

Sociocultural Forces

Over the past decade, American consumers have become more interested in nutritional health. 32% of consumers age 18-64 note that healthy attributes are very important to them when selecting something to eat or drink. As a result of this trend, sales of carbonated soft drinks fell by 3.6% from 2011 to 2014. Consumers aren’t buying carbonated soft drinks as frequently due to growing concerns regarding the adding of sugars or artificial ingredients to beverages. Due to this growing stigma against sodas and and a lack of understanding many consumers have been led to believe that carbonated drinks in general are unhealthy. This has led to a growing preference for non-carbonated beverages.


Competitor Analysis

Sparkling Fruit Drink Strengths:

Zero Calorie Sparkling Fruit Drink Strengths:

• “High class” positioning

• Low price bracket

• Extensive use of social media

• Zero Calorie

• No artificial sweeteners

• High flavor variety

• Strong parent company -

• High Market share

recognized brand

• Growing sales

• Large flavor variety


• Higher price bracket • Only 18% juice • Sales dropping recently

Weaknesses: • Uses Preservatives (Potassium Benzoate) • Uses artificial sweeteners

Competitor Analysis

Natural Energy Drink Strengths: • Lower caloric content • Strong brand recognition

Low Calorie Fruit Juice Strengths: • Low calorie • Antioxidants

• Also boosts energy

• No preservatives


• Large flavor variety

• 25% juice

• Artificial sweeteners • Only 4 flavors

• Low sugar content

Weaknesses: • Only 1% juice • Low market share • Higher price bracket • Low brand recognition

(sucralose, maltodextrin, mannitol) • Only 3% juice



Objectives & Budget

SWOT Analysis

Marketing Objectives Strengths • Healthier option to traditional soda • Organic (some) • Unique/distinct flavor • Strong social media presence • Unique packaging (glass bottle/mini can) • Family Factor (origins)

Weaknesses • Higher price than most soda • Lack of awareness • Not very accessible from stores

The objective of this campaign is to increase Increase IZZE sales by 9% within the target market of women ages 18-34. This will be done by differentiating IZZE from its competitors as well as differentiating the market for carbonated juices from that of carbonated soft drinks.

Advertising Objectives

Our advertising campaign must achieve an effective reach of 70 and a frequency of 4. With our messaging, we are seeking to achieve a 70% comprehension rate with a 50% conviction rate. Based on our target market and the most recent census data, this means that our campaign will need to gross a total of 102,946,197 impressions.

Time Frame

The implementation of this advertising campaign will begin in January 2016 and continue until the end of December 2016. Since IZZE is a beverage which has historically been purchased year round but with increased sales during warmer seasons, a pulsing continuity strategy seems the most appropriate. This will allow IZZE to at least cover the entire purchase cycle while at the same time outweighing their competitors during the peak season (most of their competitors run continuous advertising cycles).

Budget Summary • Existing partnerships between competitors and restaurants • Sparkling Ice branching out into teas and lemonades • Similar drinks are cheaper



• Partnerships with bars/ alcohol companies • Relationships with restaurants (Chipotle) • Promotion with cocktail recipes • Schools are looking for alternatives to soda





Onine Display




Direct Email




Research & Objectives Objectives

•Determine which media vehicles will be the most effective at displaying our advertisements to our target market •Gain perspective on what our audiences interests and attitudes in regard to health, lifestyle, and drink choice •Determine how our audiences perceives the Izze Sparkling Juice Beverage

Primary Research

Our primary research was conducted through creating a focus group to spark conversation and gain insights on the mind of our consumer. We had a group ranging in age from eighteen to early thirties consisting of eight participants. We asked questions to gain insight on our target’s lifestyle and drink preference, their perception of the Izze brand, and how the drink tasted and made them feel afterwards. The focus group gave our team great information on how we approached this campaign and gave us direction moving forward. The members of the focus group largely saw Izze as a healthier alternative to soda, but it was not consumed for its health benefits. We used this information to create a campaign showing Izze as being a beverage to celebrate occasions and create memories with friend, family, and coworkers.

Secondary Research


Before planning our campaign strategy we did research to find qualitative and quantitative information on our target market. We used SRDS and other databases to find the various media outlets our target audience was interacting with to help focus our strategy. We found websites, television shows, and magazines that are being consumed regularly by the individuals we want to reach out too. As well, we read various blogs and comments about drinking Izze, and we were able to use this information to find some commonalities on the concerns and benefits consumer have in purchasing the drink.

Brand Value Proposition Emotional Benefit

Izze is not the drink for every day occasions, but it is consumed to relax and have a good time making memories with friends, family, and coworkers. Each flavor has a distinct taste that sets it apart from any drink on the market. Each sip guarantees satisfaction, and it gives peace of mind knowing the natural ingredients will only lead to positive feelings. Drinking Izze should let customers know they can let loose and reward themselves for all the hard to work they do in their day.

Self-Expressive Benefits

Izze Sparkling Beverages is a premium carbonated drink for the health conscious young professional. The beautiful design of the glass bottles and cans have a distinct characteristic that helps emphasize the high quality and lifestyle that is associated with the drink. They are happy to drink Izze with their friends and coworkers and use it to celebrate occasions and create memories without having to compromise their health.

Functional Benefits

Izze gives the same flavor that is desired in soda, but it has none of the negative affects. Drinking Izze allows someone to relax and enjoy sipping on something fruity and flavorful, but it still lets him or her be active after finishing a bottle. The drinks are made with natural ingredients and no artificial flavors ensuring the health conscious 18 to 34 is only putting one of the best carbonated beverages money can buy into their body.


Target Market

Target Market

Primary: Women ages 18-34 Meet Alexa!

Alexa is a 19-year-old student at University of California in Los Angeles. She is a freshman on the club soccer team. She enjoys going to the beach with her friends on the weekend or heading into town to see a concert. She is constantly on the go between clubs and classes. As an active college student, she is always looking for a healthy and tasty alternative to soda to keep a smile on her face.

Meet Isabelle!

Isabelle is a 26-year-old traveler who just came home to Portland, Oregon after backpacking through Europe with her friend. She enjoys hiking mountains and running through trails. Isabelle and her friends are adventurous but also like to just hang out on a Friday night around a bonfire. She is always looking for an all-natural drink that won’t hold her back from climbing the tallest mountains.


Meet Emily!

Emily is a 25 year-old graduate of the Fashion Institute of Technology, currently interning as a fashion blogger at Style Defined. Emily lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her boyfriend. She enjoys taking photographs of the city, trying new restaurants with her friends, and running through Central Park every morning. She’s always looking for a trendy drink to sip on out on the town during the nighttime in NYC.

Meet Shay!

Shay is a 31-year-old businesswoman currently residing in the suburban area of Louisville, Kentucky. She lives with her newly wedded husband and enjoys going out to fun events downtown and regularly walks their dog Polka. They enjoy having their neighbors over on their porch to have a drink and barbeque. Shay is always looking for a drink that is refreshing yet nutritious to share with her friends and family.


Campaign Strategy

The Big Idea

All Natural Memories

The Challenge

Our challenge is to differentiate IZZE’s brand from its competitors by highlighting the superior nutritional value of the product. However, in doing so, IZZE must also overcome an obstacle identified during our research -the average consumer within our target market of women 18-34 prefers noncarbonated beverages because they mistakenly believe that all carbonated beverages are unhealthy. IZZE needs to break out of this stigma and inform consumers that IZZE is an exception within the market for carbonated beverages. IZZE needs to leverage the current sociocultural interest in nutritional health and position itself with its target market as a delicious but healthy beverage.

Key Insight

Research into our target market showed that many of these women experience important life events during this time: they graduate from school, they get their first job, maybe they get married and have children. With these experiences come memories, ones which these women will probably hold onto for the rest of their lives. We understand the importance of these memories to their target market and want to help IZZE play a part in the making of those memories.

Brand Promise

IZZE is a healthy beverage, the perfect refreshment for all the occasions in your social and eventful lifestyle. Missing Piece Agency wants to promote IZZE as a nutritious yet refreshing drink that is different from soft drinks.



Creative Overview

Print Advertisements

Creative Strategy

This campaign will focus on encouraging our target market to think of IZZE as a healthy, social beverage. Our research showed that our target market generally prefers water over all other beverages, however this was not the case during special occasions like when they were out to eat or at a party. Due to the social nature of this target market and the large number of important life experiences that occur during these ages, IZZE also wants to encourage consumers to choose IZZE whenever they want a beverage at one of these special occasions. We want this campaign to solidify IZZE as the go-to beverage for special occations.

Art Direction

The design elements of this campaign will incorporate IZZE’s visual branding elements such as color scheme, logo, and product packaging in order to connect these executions to IZZE’s brand. IZZE’s visual branding also stresses a simplicity which will be utilized as closely as possible within the confines of strategy through the use of solid colors and simple shapes. In order to convey the focus on memories, the executions will feature colored still photographs that depict special memories shared between two or more individuals from our target market. These memories will not be of day-to-day experiences but of more special occasions. Headline fonts will be modern and simple so that they pop off of the page yet don’t detract from the picture. The body copy will be similar to the headline font but smaller so as not to detract from the photo or headlines. All executions will incorporate the product.


All of the advertisements in this campaign will feature the big idea, “All Natural Memories” as a consistent slogan to connect the executions and improve retention of our message. In all the print advertisements, the headlines will describe the memory being depicted in that execution while also integrating a flavor of IZZE into the copy in a casual way that will directly connect our product to that memory. These headlines will attract attention and engage the audience. The body copy will point out what makes IZZE so natural and healthy through an informational straight sell that conveys the benefits of the product to the reader. Subheaders will serve to further highlight important aspects of the product’s health benefits.



Print Advertisements

“For Everyday Moments� :30 Second Spot




TIGHT: Water at Breakfast Shot of a woman drinking water at breakfast from a glass



TIGHT: Water during work Shot from the front or the side of a woman drinking water at a desk - trendy work environment


TIGHT: Water after Gym Shot of a woman sitting on exercise ball and then taking a drink of water from a bottle

TIGHT: Izze at Lunch Shot of woman in a busy restaurant (Chipotle/Panera style) picking up an Izze from table with lunch food on it

Background noise continues over last two images Background noise from dinner continues over last two




TIGHT: Woman is doing laundry and is holding a bottle of water

Email Newsletter

WIDE: Woman and her friend eating lunch and talking at the restaurant, Izze on the table


WIDE: Izze at a DINNER



Background noise continues over last two images


Media Objectives

Web Advertisements

Media Objectives Our creative testing process for our campaign consisted of in per

Our creative testing for our campaign consisted of in person interviews. The participants were women in the age range of our target market of 18-34. When we showed the participants our print ads, they commented on the color schemes and overall moods that they conveyed. The print ads seemed to make people feel happy and gave them te

We will reach our target market of 18 to 34 year old females through magazines, online display ads, television commercials, and direct emails.

Geographic Scope

This campaign will be national. All of our selected media are national and appeal to our target market. Our campaign is relevant to members of our target market across the country and they will identify with the figures in our advertisements.

Message Weight

Though advertising will increase from April to August, the message will be evenly spread across the country in order achieve our advertising objectives.

Media Strategies Reach & Frequency

Creative Testing Results

Our creative testing process for our campaign consisted of in person interviews. We interviewed women within our target age range of 18-34. The overall feedback from the participants was positive. When shown the print ads, participants said that they evoked feelings of happiness and a desire to spend time with friends and family. One participant even said that she found the ads relatable; she could imagine herself in the situations that were represented in the print ads.


Missing Piece aims to have an effective reach of 70 and an effective frequency of 4.


Our campaign will be pulsing, with heavier advertising in the spring and summer. IZZE is seen as more of a warm-weather beverage, as confirmed by our focus group, so our ads will be more heavily concentrated April through August. We will have continuous email interaction and Pinterest advertisements throughout the year, as this is where many save ideas for future use.


Magazine: (3) Full-color sized 8.5� x 11�; Television (1): 30 second commercial; Online: Banner 468 x 60 pixels, Skyskraper 120 x 600 pixels, Square (180 x 150); Direct Email size N/A



The Bachelor is the 8th most watched show by millenials with over 1.46 million millenial viewers. It’s season runs from January to April, which is an excellent time to get our target market ready for incorporating Izze into their summer plans.

Good Morning America is especially popular among young women. It is often turned on in gyms and fitness centers across the country, which allows Izze to enter the awareness set of young, active women looking for a healthy beverage.

Modern Family is one of the highest rated scripted television shows in the key demographic, especially among millennials. With its massive reach, Modern Family is an excellent way to advertise to our key demographic.


Magazines This weekly magazine based on human interest stories and celebrity news has over 3 million female subscribers and the largest readership of any US magazine.

Us Weekly has a large, affluent audience of young adult females. Specializing in celebrity news, this magazine appeals to the younger end of our target audience.

Women’s Health has a large readership in our target market. They are interested in lifestyles and habits that are good for them and taste good, too, where Izze fits perfectly.


Online Display Ads

Vice, a news and entertainment site, is also popular among our target market, with almost 70% of their over 3 million daily users coming from our target market.

Direct Email


Groupon’s 20 million users are looking for experiences and memories, just like our target market. Izze is a perfect accompaniment to their adventures.

Millennials, the bulk of our target market, use email. They are often, if not constantly, check it and may subscribe to a number of companies to look out for sales and ideas. For our younger users, if they are away at school, they will not see pieces sent to their home address. In general, email users are more likely to read an email that gives them helpful hints than one that just looks like an advertisement. Our Izze Newsletter will appeal to those looking for new ways to experience Izze.

Media Schedule

Buzzfeed is one of the most popular news and entertainment site in the 18-34 age group, with almost 32 million users every day. This positions Buzzfeed as one of the best ways to reach our target market.

Pinterest, a social media site where users mark posts they like and save them to use later, users are in our target market, as they are mainly female in the 18-40 year age bracket. Pinterest gives them ideas for future plans and celebrations, and Izze wants to be a part of those plans.


Brand Activation

Media Budget Total Media Costs: $10,775,568 Production Costs: $1,200,000 Total Costs: $11,975,568


All Natural Memories POP

To increase brand awareness and encourage engagement with Izze within our target market. This must start in stores where our market is already going to shop. The consumer will then be encouraged to participate in a social media campaign with the chance to win a nature- based getaway.

In-Store Strategy:

Izze will set up point of purchase displays in stores that are already popular with our key demographic of women ages 18 to 34, like Target. These displays will consist of different scenarios centered around the idea of creating memories with friends and family. However, these set-ups are obviously fake. On the tables set up in front of these displays will also have information about the social media campaign and vacation giveaway. This is on strategy as it encourages consumers to go out and have real, “all natural memories” as opposed to the artificial one displayed in the store.

Social Media Strategy:

Consumers will be encouraged to post photos on Instagram of themselves and their friends and families enjoying Izze while creating “all natural memories”. This will encourage band interaction over social media while also serving as a type of “free advertising” to the followers of that consumer. Some of the best photos will then be chosen to receive a nature-

Give Away Strategy:

Izze will partner with nature based vacation companies to offer a vacation giveaway to certain participants in the social media campaign. This giveaway is on brief with our big idea of “all natural memories” and will encourage interaction with the brand via social media.




Brand Activation Spotify Playlist

9.00% 8.00% 7.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00%

Sales 1.40% 1.20% 1.00% 0.80% 0.60% 0.20% No r ve m be r De ce m be r











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Strategy: Create multiple sponsored playlists for different occasions that a potential buyer would hold or attend and would purchase or consume Izze at said occasion. For example, there would be playlists for picnics, barbeques, etc. The playlist would also include short, 15-30 second clips reminding the listener that the playlist has been sponsored by Izze.

Missing Piece’s goals were to increase comprehension by 70% and conviction by 50%. By doing so, we will raise sales by 9%. We predict that our creative and strategic campaign, we will be able to acheive these goals. Below are graphic representations of our expected outcomes for comprehension, conviction, and sales for the year of 2016. These predictions are based on our media schedule and brand activaiton plans.


Creative Brief

Meet the Team Mallory Sugita is a sophomore from Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania majoring in Integrated Marketing Communications at Ithaca College. She stays active on campus as the Treasurer of IC’s chapter of the American Advertising Federation, a Student Development Officer for the IC Annual Fund, and a General Body Member of the Asian American Alliance. Mallory is very passionate about causes like animal rights and women’s education and hopes some day to pursue an internship or career related to one of these causes. Mallory’s favorite flavor of Izze Sparkling Juice is Grapefruit. Donald Hodgkinson is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major minoring in Psychology. He is involved in the Park AdVenue chapter of the American Advertising Federation and a member of Ithaca’s Crew Team. This past summer, he completed a Public Relations internship at the Easton Children’s Museum. He is passionate about yoyoing where he competes in state, regional, national, and international competitions. In the future, he hopes to turn his interest in advertising into a career in the creative department of an ad agency. Donald’s favorite Izze Sparkling Juice flavor is Pomegranate. Ryan Opila is a sophomore Integrated Marketing


Communications major at Ithaca College from Scottsdale, AZ. As the Consulting Director for 180 Degree Consulting and Megaphone Media Productions, Ryan provides pro-bono media and marketing consulting to local nonprofits. Whilst his focus is on communications, Ryan is also interested in global humanitarian conflict, especially in regards to migration and conservation. After college, he is interested in pursuing a Fulbright grant, volunteering abroad, or finding work through professions in digital marketing, social entrepreneurship or outdoor adventure. Ryan’s favorite flavor of Izze is Sparkling Blackberry.


Meet the Team Tate Dremstedt is aisJunior Integrated Marketing and Tate Dremstedt a Junior Integrated Marketing and

Communications Major. He was born and raised in Evansville, Indiana. OffIndiana. campus,Off hecampus, is very involved in involved tutoring at Evansville, he is very in New Roots Charter School and volunteering on Crisis tutoring at New Roots Charter School and volunteeringText Line. On campus, is campus, a First Year Assistant and on Crisis Text Line.heOn he Resident is a First Year President of IC Progressives. In his time, Tate likes to Resident Assistant and President of free IC Progressives. rock and explore thetooutdoors. After from In hisclimb free time, Tate likes rock climb and graduating explore Ithaca College,After He hopes to pursue careerCollege, in Strategic the outdoors. graduating fromaIthaca He Planning. Tate’s favorite Izze Sparkling Juice flavor is hopes to pursue a career in Strategic Planning. Tate’s Apple. favorite Izze Sparkling Juice flavor is Apple.

Erika Olsen is a sophomore Television-Radio major at

Ithaca College with a minor in Communication Management and Design. From Staten Island, NY, Erika is a member of Megaphone Media Productions, providing pro-bono consulting and media production for local non-profits. Erika is also the Historian for IC Active Minds, Outreach Coordinator for IC More Love Letters, Assistant Music Director for 92 WICB, and the Associate Producer for ICTV’s the Director’s Chair. After graduation, Erika hopes to earn her MBA and enter the field of live event production. Erika’s favorite flavor of Izze is Clementine.

Christina Rucinski is a sophomore Integrated Marketing

Communications major at Ithaca College. Christina is originally from Louisville, Kentucky, and has since adjusted to the Ithaca environment. Christina has plans to study abroad in New Zealand and London, and she has completed internships for Saltonstall Arts Colony and Gilda’s Club. In her spare time, Christina trains Guiding Eyes Labradors on campus and helps local nonprofit organizations through 180 Degrees Consulting. After college, Christina hopes to apply for a Fulbright research grant in pursuit of her master’s degree in communications or work at a nonprofit organization. Christina’s favorite flavor of Izze is Peach.


End Notes

Bailey, S. (2015, March 3). Dr Pepper Snapple pursues non-carbonated beverage growth. Retrieved November 7, 2015, from http://marketrealist. com/2015/03/dr-pepper-snapple-pursues-non-carbonated-beveragegrowth/ Consoli, J. (2015, April 1). MBPT Spotlight: The 18 Shows You Should be Advertising In To Reach Millennials. Retrieved November 13, 2015, from upfront-central/mbpt-spotlight18-shows-youshould- be-advertising-reach-millennials/139335 GLOBAL CONSUMERS ARE WILLING TO PUT THEIR MONEY WHERE THEIR HEART IS WHEN IT COMES TO GOODS AND SERVICES FROM COMPANIES COMMITTED TO SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. (2014, June 7). Retrieved November 7, 2015, from Gagliardi, N. (2015, February 18). Consumers Want Healthy Foods--And Will Pay More For Them. Retrieved October 7, 2015, from http://www. Kell, J. (2015, March 26). U.S. soda sales dropped for the 10th straight year in 2014. Retrieved October 7, 2015, from http://fortune. com/2015/03/26/soda-sales-drop-2014/ SRDS: We love media. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2015, from http:// Sanger-katz, M. (2015, October 12). Yes, Soda Taxes Seem to Cut Soda Drinking. Retrieved October 7, 2015, from http://www.nytimes. com/2015/10/13/upshot/yes-soda-taxes-seem-to-cut-soda-drinking.html?_ r=0 Weil, A. (2013, February 18). Confused About Carbonation? Retrieved November 7, 2015, from Confused-About-Carbonation.html Younger Consumers Endorse Healthy Foods With A Willingness To Pay a Premium. (2014, February 4). Retrieved November 7, 2015, from


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