Sept 2014 newsletter st mary's malankara catholic church toronto

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September 2014

Newsletter Volume 6 Issue 3

Malankara Catholic Church St. Mary’s Mission Toronto St. Eugene’s Chapel ◊ 13 Regina Avenue ◊ Toronto, Ontario ◊ M6A 1R2

Dear Readers,

MONTHLY EVENTS September 1-8 

September 7 

~ The Editors Table of Editors Editors ………………..

Jonathan Mani & Stephanie Alex

Layout …………………

Divya Mamootil

Chief Editor ……………

Amit Mathews

Advisor ………………….

Rev. Fr. John Kuriakose

Got Feedback? Please address to Amit Mathews (Chief Editor) at Letters will be published in the next issue of the bulletin

© St. Mary’s Malankara Catholic Church, Toronto

New Sunday school year commences

September 8 

Praise God for a wonderful summer! Our church has definitely spent quality time together starting with our very first Regional Family Conference, celebrating First Holy Communion of 5 little ones and being blessed with the presence of two bishops. This month, Neha Biji, Angel Jose, Neha Shaji, Angela Joy and Calvin Abraham were able to celebrate their First Holy Communion at St. Margaret of Scotland Parish. God has truly blessed our community and protected us over the summer. Now, it is time to return to our hectic morning routines by going back to school and work. Since this is the month of the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, let us ask her intercession throughout this school year. A personal reflection was written by Isabel Mani about our Heavenly Mother. This month we were blessed with the presence of His excellency Most Rev. Dr. Vincent Mar Paulos and His excellency Most Rev. Dr. Jacob Mar Barnabas. On August 12, the youth members got the opportunity to meet both bishops and discuss our faith with them. A detailed article about what it means to be a Malankara Catholic was written by Jonathan Mani. The youth were able to ask many questions and talk about problems faced within our community. Overall, it was a great experience! We also have an article written by Neil Thazhamon on the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. He talks about how the cross is a symbol of salvation. We need to learn to take sacrifices and with God’s help, we too must carry our own cross. Finally, Francis Thazhamon takes us on a journey through time as we remember the Reunion Movement with Mar Ivanios. Let us continue to praise God for the countless blessings He has showered upon this community. Mother Mary please pray for us! God Bless!

8 day Nombu for the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mass for Nativity of Mary

September 14 

Palli Perunnal

September 27 

Monthly Prayer meeting at Saji & Laly’s residence (6:30 pm)

September 21 

Women’s Prayer meeting (TBA)

Sunday Liturgy 3:00PM

Sunday School + Adoration

4:00 PM

Namaskaram + Confessions

4:30 PM

Holy Qurbono

Contact Information: Fr. John Kuriakose, 222 Ridley Blvd, Toronto, ON, M5M 3M6 Tel: (416) 485 7781

Inside the Issue Nativity of Mother Mary


Youth Session w/ Bishops


Exaltation of the Holy Cross


Reunion Anniversary


Fr. Ephrem Appointed Bishop


Malankara Catholic Church

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Nativity of Mother Mary Happy Birthday to our Heavenly Mother! Mother Mary was born to wonderful parents named Anna and Joachim in the city of Nazareth. She was consecrated by God and born without original sin. She led a fruitful and holy life and always dedicated her life to God. On September 8, we celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Syro Malankara Catholics follow the old tradition of “Ettu Noimbu" by beginning a fast on the first of September and ending on the eighth. Every year we have evening prayer at parish members’ houses in the west and east. We pray the rosary and ask for her intercession. However, this fasting period is more than giving up meat. It is about taking time to reflect on our own lives and think of ways to be more like our Heavenly Mother. She was not dragged into temptation. She always prayed and thanked the Lord for the many blessings she received. She never questioned God but rather accepted what Angel Gabriel had said to her. How can we avoid sin? How can we accept what God has in mind for us? How can we trust God fully? How can we be more like our Mother? Mother Mary has definitely been one of the greatest role models in my life. It is so difficult to keep strong and true to our faith due to the atheistic society we live in. We often become attached to the materialistic world, especially with the new gadgets and technology coming out. We want the newest computer, the newest phone and even name brand clothes so that we can feel a sense of belonging in our community. However, it is Mother Mary who has guided me not only through the pressures of high school, but challenges I’ve faced through my entire life.

I will forever by grateful to my Mother. I’ve had many long nights studying for tests, exams or simply doing my homework and it was Mother who lifted my laden eyes and helped me to understand what I’m reading. Mother Mary is aware of everything that goes on in your life. When you don’t tell your parents about your worries, Mother Mary is already interceding to the Lord for us. Even when we don’t ask for her help, she is praying and asking God to send us our guardian angel. Let us continue to ask for her intercession throughout our daily lives! Let us bring others and ourselves closer to Jesus Christ through her. Thank you Mother for all you have done for us. We love you! ~Isabel Mani © St. Mary’s Malankara Catholic Church, Toronto

Malankara Catholic Church

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“What It Means To Be Malankara”-A Talk By our Bishops to the Youth On Tuesday, August 12, the youth of the St. Mary’s Malankara Mission in Toronto were graced with the presence of His excellency Most Rev. Dr. Vincent Mar Paulos and His excellency Most Rev. Dr. Jacob Mar Barnabas. The day was spent discussing, questioning, listening to testimonies and listening to the responses of our thirumenis. The whole experience was one that was much needed by all the youth. Some question raised were: How is it possible to remain Malankara in a non-Malankara environment?, Is there as much of an opportunity to serve the greater community while being part of the Malankara Rite as there is with Roman Catholic Rite?, How are we supposed to hold on to our Malankara faith in the future with the same zeal we have now, especially in regards to the new generation of children brought up here? Once I am on my own, is there a need to come to the Malankara Church?, Are we merely just Malankarites, or does that title call us to be something more? From here, it might be best to generally transcribe what our thirumenis had said to us in response to our questions and experiences of our faith. Take into account that, for the sake of length, some of their examples have not been included. Also, some of the ideas presented here were expanded on during the day. Nonetheless, we hope it will be a cornerstone for you to assess your own role and experience in your respective churches. “The Malankara Church is an Experience” by His excellency Most Rev. Dr Vincent Mar Paulos My dear young friends, after hearing your experiences, I see that there are 2 categories: those who are born and brought up in the Malankara faith through their Malankara parents and those who are born and brought up here (in North America), and thus do not fully know the Malankara experience. I represent the second group. My mother and father were not Malankara Catholics and therefore, I was not a Malankara Catholic until the 8th standard. Even though we belonged to a CSI church, my mother used take me to the Latin Catholic church and tell me that that was the real church. In 1975, a priest visited my house and told me to come to the church. See I was not born a Malankara, but what was the speciality (of being one)? To understand this, we must understand what our religion is. Christianity is not merely a religion, but an experience. Pope Benedict the XVI said “ Christianity is an encounter with the person called Jesus Christ”. I met Jesus Christ in the tradition of St. Thomas. We say that we are Malankara, but do we know what that word means? St. Thomas arrived in a place called Malliankara after he had a real encounter with the Lord. Our church has received its faith through him. We are called to reach this Christ experience through the church of St. Thomas and that is a great blessing. So what do I like in the Malankara Catholic Church? Firstly, this experience is expressed and given in our liturgy. Secondly, the Malankara church is blessed with our Servant of God, Mar Ivanios. He was a great personality. When I entered the seminary, I was given 2 volumes of the life history of Mar Ivanios to read and I learned that he was a man that would hold tightly to anyone close to him. If you want to be part of the Malankara Church, you must insert yourself into the Church; it’s liturgy and it’s life. You cannot learn the Malankara Church, you can only live the Malankara Church. We are related to Christ through St. Thomas and so you must experience the Church. Continued on next page…... © St. Mary’s Malankara Catholic Church, Toronto

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Malankara Catholic Church

Another thing, why do you think Mar Ivanios joined the Catholic Church? Because he wanted to evangelize. Therefore it is an experience. When we come to the mass, we must have a clear idea of what is going on; the symbols and the gestures - everything has meaning. If you don't know the meaning, you may not understand what is happening. So my dear young friends, it is a matter of experience. We only know what time the mass starts. When it ends, we won't know, because it is our life. “Your Identity Is As a Malankarite” by His excellency Most Rev. Dr. Jacob Mar Barnabas My dear brothers and sisters, I’ll start with one of the comments my professor in Rome told me. He said that the next century (this was said in 1991), would be the century of India and the Malankara Church. I questioned my professor about this and he responded saying that the answers to most of the problems in the universal Catholic Church, could be found in the Malankara Church. Why do I tell this to you? Sometimes when we are in these so called “international communities”, we tend to get lost. In the Universal Church there are 23 rites, and a Catholic will belong to one of these. There is no such thing as a “Catholic in the air”. See, even if you speak perfect English, that does not make you fully Canadian. You will always be Indian-Canadian. Why is this so? Why hasn’t this identity disappeared? This has been inscribed in you, and thus you cannot change that. It is a part of your life. And thus, you look at the world from this perspective, that is, through your IndianCanadian identity. I will try to explain, though very briefly, how this liturgy is taking shape, how we become a part of the liturgy and how we believe as a Malankarite and why we have to believe as a Malankarite. Very often we are lost in this so called “Universal perspective”. We seem to become absorbed in the community around us. Let me ask you, how many of you have brought your friends to the Malankara Church? How many of you have brought them into our community? For those of you trying to see universality in our church, a small example would be our very priests and bishops who are multi liturgical, who can celebrate Malankara mass, Latin mass as well as others. Does this not show our universality? I went to one of the nearby churches here and most of the people had no idea who I was, or why I was wearing what I was wearing. They did not know my traditions, but I was familiar with theirs. Where does the universality lie here? My dear friends, as a Malankara, you have received your faith very early compared to many of the people you know. We received it in 52 AD. Therefore you must be proud to be a Malankara Catholic. We are small in number, but I say this is a great blessing, for it is enough. Friends, I understand that there may be some wrong notions in your mind, especially in regards to the liturgy. Yes, you might think it is long, and perhaps you don't understand the language fully, so in order to better help you, you must understand some of the theology behind it. I believe there should be more classes in this regard. It is our duty to be a true Malankarite because that is our identity. The Lord calls us to be Malankarites and we have live as such. We have to be proud of our identity and preach Good News to our archdiocese and the whole world and thereby fulfill the Word of God. It is a God given task; it is a grace from the Lord. We have to be thankful to the Lord that we are Malankarites. Let us pray and thank the Lord. ~Jonathan Mani © St. Mary’s Malankara Catholic Church, Toronto

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Exaltation of the Holy Cross On September 14th, the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Cross. The name of this feast in various languages and churches allude to the importance of the liturgy– in Greek and Byzantine Churches, it is known as, Elevation/Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross, in Latin and English; the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. We can find that the Cross is a mystery and the symbol of the Christian way of life. First understanding the history behind this feast will help one to understand the mystery and importance of the Cross. This feast was observed in Rome before the end of the seventh century. As told in the Roman Catholic Breviary, the liturgical book of Latin rites, this day commemorates the recovery of the Holy Cross, which had been placed on Mt. Calvary by St. Helena and preserved in Jerusalem, but had fallen into the hands of Chosroas, King of the Persians. The precious relic was recovered and is believed to return to Jerusalem, in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, by Emperor Heralius on September 14th in 629 AD. The Catholic tradition tell us that Emperor Heraclius carried the Cross back to Jerusalem on his shoulders. He was clothed with costly garments and with ornaments of precious stones, but at the entrance to Mount Calvary, a mysterious phenomenon occurred. He tried as hard as he could, but he could not go any further. Zacharias, the Bishop of Jerusalem, then said to the astonished monarch: "Consider, O Emperor, that with these triumphal ornaments you are far from resembling Jesus carrying His Cross." The Emperor then put on a penitential garb and continued the journey. From the history of Christ’s life on Earth and that of his Church, we have witnessed the mystery that true triumph is achieved through suffering. Christ’s life of service and suffering resulted in victory. The Cross which was a symbol of death and despair before Christ became for us the symbol of life and joy. Thus, the liturgy of the Cross is a triumphant liturgy. When Moses lifted up the bronze serpent over the people, it was a foreshadowing of the salvation through Jesus when He was lifted up on the Cross. Our Malankara Catholic Church sings of the triumph of the Cross, the instrument of our redemption and resurrection. To follow Christ we must take up the Cross, follow Him and become obedient until death, even if it means death on the cross. We identify ourselves with Christ on the Cross and become coredeemers, sharing in His Cross. ~ Neil Thazhamon © St. Mary’s Malankara Catholic Church, Toronto

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പുനരൈക്യ പ്പസ്ഥാനം: സുവിശേഷീക്ൈണത്തിന്‍റെ നുശ


ദൈവികമായ പ്രത്യേക രരിരാലനയില്‍ ദൈവൈാസന്‍ മാര്‍ ഇവാനിത്യാസ് രിയാവിന്‍റെ ത്നയ്യ്തിലില്‍ നടന്ന രുനദരകേ പ്രസ്ഥാനതിലിന്‍റെ ്‍രതിലിനാലാ വാര്‍ഷിക ന്‍റസപ്യ ബര്‍ ഇരുരയാ യീയയി ആണത്ലലാ. ഭാഗ്േസ്മരണാര്‍ഹനായ ഭഭിവ്േ രിയാവിന്‍റന വിു​ു്ധരരുന്‍റട രൈവിയിത്ലക്ക് ഉയര്‍തിലുന്നയിനുനടപ നടരടിക ആത്ഗ്ാള കത്തിലാലിക്കാ സഭയില്‍ സയ്ര നടന്നുന്‍റകാണ്ടിരിക്കുന്ന ഈ കാലയളവില്‍, ഭഭിവ്േ രിയാവിന്‍റെ, രുനദരകേ പ്രസ്ഥാനന്‍റതിലക്കുറിച്ചുനടപ ഉ ക്കാഴ്ചകക വിുകലന ന്‍റകയ്യുന്നത് ഭവസത്രാകിയമാന്‍റണന്ന് കരുയുന്നു. മലങ്കര കത്തിലാലിക്കാ സഭ, “സുവിത്ുഷകയായ സഭ” ്ന്ന് ഭവന്‍റള സ ത്ബാധന ന്‍റകയ്യുന്‍റകാണ്ട് സുവിത്ുഷീകരണതിലിന് ഭയീവ പ്രാധാനേ നല്‍കിയിരിക്കുന്ന ുരു കാലയളവിലാ ന നാ ജീവിക്കുന്നത്. ത്ലാകമാസകല , പ്രത്യേകിച്ച്, ഭത്റബേന്‍ നാടുകളിലു , ഉതിലത്രന്ത്േയിലു ദപ്കസ്യവ സഭ പ്കൂരവു , നിക്ഷ്ടവുമായ രീഡനങ്ങളിലൂന്‍റട കടന്നുത്രാകുന്നു... രലയിടങ്ങളിലു വിു്ാസ ത്കാൈേ ന്‍റകയ്യന്‍റെടുന്നു... കിലയിടങ്ങളില്‍ വിു്ാസ രരിരക്ഷിക്കുവാനായി വിു്ാസിക ധീത്രാൈാതിലമായി ജീവന്‍ ബലി ന്‍റകാടുക്കുന്നു! ഭത്യസമയ യുത്റാെില്‍ ആകമാനവു , വടത്ക്ക ഭത്മരിക്കയില്‍ രലയിടങ്ങളിലു കുടു ബ ജീവിയവു വിു്ാസവു രരിയേജിക്കന്‍റെടുന്നു! മലങ്കര സഭയില്‍ നിര്‍ഭാഗ്േവുാല്‍ കടന്നുകൂടിയ കക്ഷിവഴക്കുകളു ഭസ്സമാധാനവു ഉത്മൂലന ന്‍റകയ്യുവാന്‍ ത്വണ്ടി മാപ്യമലലാ, പ്രയേുയ, ഭാരയ മുഴുവനു ത്യു​ുവിന്‍റെ സുവിത്ുഷൈീപ്യി പ്രസരിെിക്കുവാന്‍ കൂടിയാ ന, യാന്‍ പ്രാര്‍ഥനാരൂര്‍വ , ദൈവികര്ധരയിയുന്‍റട ഭാഗ്മായി, രുനദരകേപ്രസ്ഥാനതിലിന് യുടക്ക കുറിച്ചന്‍റയന്ന്, ഭഭിവ്േ രിയാവ് യന്‍റെ ആത്മകഥ രുസ്യകമായ ഗ്ിരിൈീരതിലില്‍ വേക്തമാക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ട്. ത്യു​ുനാഥന്‍റെ ഭരുമ ുിഷേനായ മാര്‍ത്യാമ്മാ ാ ുീഹായില്‍ നിന്നുയന്‍റന്ന ഭയിരുരായന കാലതില്, ്. ഡി. ഭന്‍രതിലിരണ്ടില്‍ യന്‍റന്ന ദപ്കസ്യവ വിു്ാസ സ്ീകരിക്കാന്‍ ഭാഗ്േ സി്ധരിച്ച നാ , നമ്മാ ുന്‍റട രാരമ്പരേന്‍റതിലക്കുറിച്ചു ന്‍റരൌരാണികയന്‍റയെറ്റിയു ഭഭിമാനിക്കുന്നവരാ ന. ്ന്നാല്‍ ഇന്നു , ഭാരയതിലിന്‍റല ബഹുഭുരിരക്ഷ വരുന്ന ജനങ്ങളു ത്യു​ുവിന്‍റെ രക്ഷാകര സുവിത്ുഷന്‍റതിലെറ്റി ത്കട്ടിട്ടിലല! ഈ ൈുരവസ്ഥന്‍റയക്കുറിച്ചുനടപ ൈൂരവോരകമായ ൈര്‍ുന ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന ഭഭിവ്േ ഇവാനിത്യാസ് രിയാവ് ഇത്യക്കുറിച്ച് ഗ്ിരിൈീരതിലില്‍ ഇപ്രകാര നന്‍റമ്മാ ഉത്ത്ബാധിെിക്കുന്നു: “ഭാരയ മുഴുവനു സുവിത്ുഷ ഭറിയിക്കുവാനുനടപ ഉതിലരവാൈിയ് മലങ്കര സഭയില്‍ നിക്ഷിപ്യമായിരിക്കുന്നു. ഈ ന്‍റൈൌയേ നിറത്വറ്റുവാന്‍ നമുക്ക് കഴിയാന്‍റയ ത്രായാല്‍ ദൈവസന്നിധിയില്‍ നാ ഉതിലര രറത്യണ്ടിവരു ” ദൈവൈാസന്‍ മാര്‍ ഇവാനിത്യാസ് രിയാവിന്‍റെ ൈര്‍ുനത്തിലാ്‌ ുതിലു കിന്ത്ിക്കുത്മ്പാ , രുനദരകേ പ്രസ്ഥാനതിലിന്‍റെ ഇന്നന്‍റതില പ്രസക്തിയു ന്‍റൈൌയേവു നമുക്ക് വേക്തമാകു . © St. Mary’s Malankara Catholic Church, Toronto

Malankara Catholic Church

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ത്കരളതിലിലുനടപ ഇയര മലങ്കര സഭകത്ളാ്‌ ഏറ്റ ന്‍റസൌഹ്ൈമത്നാഭാവതിലില്‍, സദഭകേ പ്രസ്ഥാനതിലിന്‍റെ (Ecumenism) ന്‍റവളിച്ചതിലില്‍ “ഏക ഇടയനു ഏക ന്‍റയാഴുതിലു ” ്ന്ന ദൈവിക ര്ധരയിക്ക് ത്നയ്യ് നല്‍കുന്ന നമ്മാ ുന്‍റട മലങ്കര കത്തിലാലിക്കാ സഭാ രിയാക്കന്മാത്രാന്‍റടാന്നിച്ചു, ബാഹേ ത്കരളതിലില്‍ പ്രത്യകിച്ചു യമിഴ്ചനാട്ടിലു , കര്‍ണാടകതിലിലു , ഉതിലത്രന്ത്േയുന്‍റട വിവിധ ഭാഗ്ങ്ങളിലു ഏറ്റ യോഗ്രൂര്‍ണമായ സുവിത്ുഷ പ്രവര്‍തിലന നടതിലുന്ന നമ്മാ ുന്‍റട രിയാക്കന്മാരു , ദവൈികരു , സനോസിനീ സനോസികളു , വിു്ാസികളു ഭഭിവ്േ ഇവാനിത്യാസ് രിയാവിന്‍റെ രുനദരകേ പ്രസ്ഥാനന്‍റതിലക്കുറിച്ചുനടപ ൈര്‍ുനതിലിന്‍റെ വിവിധ വുങ്ങ സദഭക്കേവു സുവിത്ുഷികരണവു – പ്രാവര്‍തിലികമാക്കുകയാ ന ന്‍റകയ്യുന്നത്.

്ന്നാല്‍ മലങ്കര കത്തിലാലിക്കാസഭക്ക് ഇനി ഏന്‍ററ ൈൂര ത്രാകുവാനുണ്ട്... ഭാരയതിലിന്‍റെ നിരവധി സ്ഥലങ്ങളില്‍ സുവിത്ുഷ ഭറിയിക്കുവാനുണ്ട്... മാപ്യമലല, ഭാരയതിലിനു ഭെുറതില് യുത്റാെിലു , വടത്ക്ക ഭത്മരിക്കയിലു (കാനഡാ ഉ ന്‍റെന്‍റടങ മലങ്കര മക്കളുന്‍റട ദപ്കസ്യവ സാക്ഷേവു ഇടവക ജീവിയ മുത്േനയു , ആത്ഗ്ാള കത്തിലാലിക്കാ സഭന്‍റയ ത്പ്രാജ്ലിെിക്കുവാനു നമ്മാ ുക്ക് പ്രയേക ന്‍റൈൌയേ ഉണ്ട്. പ്രയേക്ഷമാത്യാ, രലര്‍ക്കു







ഉണ്ടായിരിക്കാ .



സാ്ധരേമാ ന.

ഓത്രാരുതിലരുന്‍റടയു വിജയതിലിനായു ,



ഭാഗ്ഭാക്കുക നമുക്ക്







വിു്സിക്കുക. ഭകറ്റുന്നയിനു



നിറഞ ജ


മക്കളുന്‍റമാതില് സ്ര്‍ുിക്കുക, സുവിത്ുഷപ്രവര്‍തിലനങ്ങ











ഹ്ൈയരൂര്‍വ “നിങ്ങ



നയിക്കുക, മക്കന്‍റള ദൈവ വിളിക്കു ത്പ്രാത്സാഹിെിക്കുക, നാട്ടില്‍ പ്രവര്‍തിലന ത്മേലക

നമ്മാ ില്‍




്ന്‍റെ സുവിത്ുഷ





മാര്‍ഗ്ങ്ങളില്‍ നമുക്കു

മലങ്കര കഴിയു .

ഭറിയിക്കുക” ്ന്ന ൈിവേനാഥന്‍റെ ആഹ്ാന







~ By Francis Thazhamon © St. Mary’s Malankara Catholic Church, Toronto

Malankara Catholic Church

Page 8

Fr. Ephrem Appointed Bishop

Congratulations to Bishop-elect Ephrem Nariculam ! On July 31, Pope Francis appointed Fr. Ephrem Nariculam as the Bishop of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chanda. Fr. Ephrem was a member of the Formation Council and the Coordinator of Priestly Formation at St. Augustine’s Seminary in Scarborough, Ontario. Offering his congratulations, Cardinal Thomas Collins commented, “I am delighted over the Holy Father’s appointment of Bishop-Elect Nariculam as the Bishop of Chanda, India. We are so very grateful for his contribution to the Archdiocese of Toronto and wish him every blessing in his new ministry.” Courtesy of

© St. Mary’s Malankara Catholic Church, Toronto

Malankara Catholic Church

Page 9

On your First Holy Communion

Left to Right:

Calvin Abraham, Angel Jose, Angela Joy, Neha Biji, and Neha Shaji

Š St. Mary’s Malankara Catholic Church, Toronto

Malankara Catholic Church

Page 10

Old Testament Readings Date

Reader 1

Reader 2

September 7, 2014

Roji Thomas Sub: Jessy Jaison (Deuteronomy 9: 25-29)

Stephanie Alex (Isaiah 40: 1-11)

September 14, 2014 (Palli Perunaal)

Shirley Wilson Sub: Roy Pattayanickal (Numbers 21: 4-9)

Anna Shajee (Isaiah 65: 1-7)

September 21, 2014 (English mass)

Daniel Philip (Genesis 45: 4-15)

Sub: Raju Mamootil

Tanya Mamootil (Isaiah 57: 14-21)

September 28, 2014

Manoj (Deuteronomy 6: 1-15)

Sub: Saji Joseph

Isabel Mani (Isaiah 48: 12-16)

Altar Servers Schedule—September 2014 DATE





September 7

Abin & Sarath

Cyrus & Mathew




1st Reading: Alvin (James 1: 2-8) 2nd reading: Cyrus (Hebrews 13: 1-6)



September 8 (Mass for Nativity of Mary)

Cyrus & Alan

Mathew & Alison




1st Reading: Jerome (Revelations 12: 1-12) 2nd reading: Cyrus (Romans 6: 1-11)



September 14 Mathew (Palli & Alexi Perunnal)

Alan & Anugrah




1st Reading: Aliston (James 1: 19-27) 2nd reading: Issac ( 1 Corinthians 1: 1825)



September 21 Abin & (English Cyrus Mass)

Aaron & Alan




1st Reading: Aaron (1 John 5: 1-5) 2nd reading: Sarath (1 Corinthians 10: 113)



September 28 Abin & Alexi

Alan & Alison



Jerome 1st Reading: Anugrah (James 2: 18-26) 2nd reading: Jerome (Romans 15: 1-6)

© St. Mary’s Malankara Catholic Church, Toronto





Christopher Richu

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