Make Money - Online

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Customizing the Site Design



■ Secure-basket This determines whether a secure server (an https server) is used while displaying items in the buyer’s shopping cart. This isn’t entirely necessary and even slows down page loading, but some buyers prefer to see this. The payment-transaction pages are always served from an https server.

■ Compound-name If Yes is selected, accessory items placed into a shopping cart will show the parent product name, too.

■ Order-text The text on the Order button. ■ Show-order-text The text on the Show Order button. ■ Families This is another “relic,” related to the Family field you’ve seen elsewhere; you can ignore it.

■ Cross-sell-text If you use the Cross-Sell Tool (see Chapter 21), this is the text used to introduce the complementary products.

■ Currency The currency symbol you want to use in your store; by default, $. ■ Thousands mark The character—by default a comma—used to divide groups of three digits in your prices; for instance, 5,000.

■ Decimals mark The character—by default a period—used to denote the decimal place in a number, such as 15.56.

■ Quantity-text The character used to separate a quantity and price when using quantity pricing, by default a / symbol (as in 4/$20). See Chapter 13 for information on setting up quantity pricing.

■ Minimum-order This is the minimum order, in dollars. Set this to 50, for instance, and the store won’t let the buyer check out if the total charge, before shipping, is less than $50. Remember, you can override settings on particular pages. For instance, if you sell mainly tangible products but have one downloadable product, you could set that one product to use a No setting in Need-ship. Or if all products but one are immediately available, you can set the Availability text for a particular product. See Chapter 19 for more information.


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