Underwater Apnea Photography

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Underwater Apnea Photography

閉息潜⽔写真 Makoto Kubo

久保 誠 kumakochon@aol.com http://makotokubo.strikingly.com https://www.facebook.com/uminokumako Instagram kumakophoto


About 5 minutes at a competition

My ears hurt! Why? What should I do? I want to dive more!

I d like to remember just the feeling of happiness.

I feel gentle light and small fish although I dove with naked eyes.


4 min.10sec.

It reminds me as if I was in the amniotic fluid of my mother although I have no memory of the time.

I would like to finish my time when I really remembered that Mother Ocean. No matter what sea it is.

I went to see myself quiet and calm.



I do not remember well, but when I started diving again as an adult, I felt that my body got lighter, it was like ying in the sky "defying gravity".

I would like to dive as simple style as possible.

Surprisingly I felt calm when I sat on the chair underwater. It was a special place which does not belong to either land or water. I discovered an inďŹ nite world of water.



Feeling of freedom, Expansion of my world

I want to put my whole body and soul into the ocean.

The pale light beyond the silence and thickness.




Felt like space without gravity.

I will enjoy Bahama Blue Hole, my most favorite place to free dive where I learned how to make deep dive in physically and mentally.

Inner myself



A little anxiety and excitement

Dissolve into Okinawa sea


Who can dive the deepest...? How deep can I dive...? I try not to think I try not to say. Competition of that number represents how small human is By the way, the Sperm Whale dives 3000 m!! That's awesome!!!

About 4.6 billion years from the birth of the earth Since I was born until today. About 15, 697 days 376, 731 hours 22, 603, 916 minutes 1,356, 234, 960 seconds The time has passed. Well then How long is it...?

I'm home.

I want to return to the sea.

I saw the little one who I am.

I want to sleep in the sea.



I thought the sea is a home of life and a world of life.

I want to devote myself to the sea from the bottom of my heart at the the most relaxing depth.

The calmly moving sea

Underwater Portrait Message from Homo Delphinus I always dive in the sea in front of my house. 1 2 And here is the sea where Jacques Mayol of the legendary free diver who was advocating Homo Delphinus dove. He was a diver who loved this sea, he dove here and spent his time with friends. I couldn't meet him in his time. But, I would like to feel the same spirit he had by diving the same sea where he loved to dive. I invited some outstanding free divers to this sea. Then, I let them sit on a chair sunk at the bottom of the sea and I took the pictures with the tripod. Excellent free diver can dive deep and deeper by apnea using the diving reflex. They can stay at the bottom the ocean for a long time. However, we can not beat marine animals such as dolphins and whales. We human respect them and we learn the swimming method and being a part of the mother nature. My friends of free diver have responded to my instructions pleasantly for this project. They accommodated the slow shutter speed and they stayed still for a long time without wearing diving mask in the deep water.

This is "Underwater Portrait

3 taken at "Underwater Photography Studio .

The divers who felt the diving reflex became Homo Delphinus, they send us the message from the bottom of the ocean. 4 I asked them five short questions . The answers from them will make the message we receive deeper.

Underwater Apnea Photographer Makoto Kubo


Jacques Mayol-(1 April 1927 ‒ 22 December 2001) was a French diving legend and the holder of many world records in free diving. [1] The 1988 film The Big Blue, directed by Luc Besson was inspired by his life story and that of his friend, Enzo Maiorca. Mayol was one of the screenwriters and authored the book Homo Delphinus: the Dolphin Within Man of his philosophy about humans having aquatic origins. 2 Homo Delphinus-Homo Delphinus is a term created by Jacques Mayol himself which is also the title of his book. The term is combined Homo Sapiens, the scientific name for modern human and Delphinus Delphis, the scientific name for dolphin. Mayol said, If human were getting a bit of inspiration from dolphin, the world would be more peaceful. 3 Underwater Photography Studio-I named the place I invited free divers, Underwater Photography Studio ‒ 12. There are only a chair and a tripod stand for camera and photo shooting. Since there is no wall or boundary, it is the largest photo shooting studio on earth. 4 Five short questions-1)How deep underwater have you dived in one breath? 2)What has been the longest you hold your breath underwater? 3)How did you feel when you first dived? 4)How do you want your last dive to be? 5)How did you feel and what did you see when you were underwater?

Underwater Zen I am a photographer and free diver who has been mesmerized by the magic of the ocean. I shoot the surface layer, the scenery, and the living creatures of the ocean. I believe that taking photography by free diving is more important than taking it by scuba diving.My spirit and body becomes leveled and utilizing the diving reflex stage, I can go into a meditating stage and it looks like I am practicing Zen. From this learning I have started this program Underwater Zen and I have been shooting divers and myself in a diver reflex stage. Diver reflex stage is, when a person dives, a certain body reaction occurs. His erasion veins contracts and circulates blood to the heart, lungs and brain; and at the same time, a reflex called underwater slow pulse occurs, and the pulse beat becomes calmer and calmer as the diver goes deeper and deeper into the ocean. In this stage, motor and brain activity are inhibited, and the diver is in a state of meditation. During this time, I shoot my mental picture and other divers who are in a state of Zen with natural lighting in the dark ocean and have compiled this as my work. Being in the diver reflex stage, I can be one with this gigantic ocean, and I can see people in a noble state, and shoot sceneries of mental pictures in the deep ocean. This is my production underwater, which I call Underwater Zen . By diving with out breathing, you can be very close to the ocean and the ocean species; and it is an act to understand our Mother sea. While I take photography, There is no boundary between diver and me. Then, the brain activity is suppressed, it makes no judgment whether yes or no. That is "enlightenment" in Zen that is Buddhism.


CV Underwater Apnea Photographer Makoto Kubo Born in Tokyo, 1964 Education: 2010 Graduated from PHat PHOTO photo class 2011 Graduated from photographer Shin Suzuki workshop 2011 Kyoto University of Art and Design correspondence course Exhibition: January 2011 Free diving photography exhibition, one man show at Epson Imaging Gallery, Tokyo June 2011 Free diving photography exhibition, one man show in Tateyama, Chiba July 2012 One man exhibition Women diver at Satori at women divers festival in Shirahama, Minami Boso August 2012 Ocean and prayer outdoor exhibition at Okinoshima beach, Tateyama October 2017 Participated in "Review Santa Fe" Media coverage: August 2010 Photos work featured in Photo Technique Digital Magazine August issue May 2012 Photos work featured in Asahi Camera June issue

Underwater Apnea Photography

閉息潜⽔写真 Makoto Kubo

久保 誠 kumakochon@aol.com http://makotokubo.strikingly.com https://www.facebook.com/uminokumako Instagram kumakophoto

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