Majestic Living Spring 2013

Page 74

Glover’s been in the spotlight most of her life Story by Lauren Duff Since she was young, Merritt Glover has enjoyed being in front of the cameras or standing on stage under the spotlight. From

on plays and perform songs pretty much

At the age of 7, Glover auditioned for a

straight out of the womb,” Glover said with

minor role as a pioneer child in Silent

a chuckle.

Tongue, a film directed by Sam Shepard near

She would audition for the lead roles in

Roswell. River Phoenix, Alan Bates, and

her preschool Christmas pageants and per-

Richard Harris were a few of the lead actors

sistently beg her mom to allow her to go to

in the western.

Los Angeles and become a child star. “When she asked to go to Hollywood, I

It wasn’t until 1997 when Glover and her family moved to Farmington that her acting

having a minor role in a movie directed by

always said you need to be a child first,”

Sam Shepard at the age of 7, to scoring a

said Sally Cammon, Glover’s mother.

speaking part on the hit television show,

Cammon recalled the first memory of her

enrolled in speech, debate, and theater,

Breaking Bad, 21 years later, Glover has

daughter acting was when she performed the

where she met the drama teacher David

never given up her dream of acting.

entire Secret Garden script in the gardens of

Huber. “He was incredible for us because he

Born and raised in Roswell, Glover has

a Santa Fe bed and breakfast. “We were just

pushed us to perform some pretty heavy mate-

always had a desire to entertain audiences of

blown away that this child was acting out the

rial that high schoolers don’t normally do,”

all sizes. “My parents said that I would put

entire script,” Cammon said.

Glover said, referring to the plays Thoreau


skills began to flourish. She attended Farmington High School and

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