Plants around Gobabeb

Page 24

Aizoaceae The vygie family

Sesuvium sesuvoides

Photos taken at Hope Mine and N Gungochoab Found in: G & R Common names: English: Desert pink


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Distribution: This plant is widespread in southern Africa, but in Namibia it is largely restricted to the central and northern Namib. Identification: Sesuvium sesuvoides has small, fleshy grey-green leaves that are usually rolled or folded. The plant spreads out flat on the ground, hardly exceeding 20 cm in height. First shoots are red to pink, and as the plant gets older it goes from reddish to yellow, and to grayish-green when mature. The dark pink to purple flowers are hard to miss when in bloom since they form a striking contrast against the white pollen sacs. The shiny seeds are small and numerous. Ecology: This little succulent herb grows on plains, in drainage lines and in depressions. It is said to be eaten by both livestock and game. There are four species of Sesuvium in Namibia, and they are relatively difficult to tell apart. Uses: In northern Namibia this species is mixed into traditional spinach dishes.

References: Burke A (2003b), Henschel J et al (2006) and Mannheimer C et al. (2008) Photos by: Joh Henschel and Maja Sjรถskog

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