28 March Independent Herald

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Wellington Girls College won the Wellington Regional Schools’ Debating Championships, hosted at St Patrick’s College in Kilbirnie on 23 and


The victorious team of Edie Berryman, Teresa Ng, Maddi Homewood and Eva Duignan all live in the northern and western suburbs of Wellington.

Continued on page 2.

The champions
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The victorious Wellington Girls’ College debating team (from left) Teresa Ng, Maddi Homewood, and Edie Berryman. Photo: Supplied.

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Speaking powerfully on complex issues

Continued from page 1.

They defeated Wellington College in the Grand Final.

The two Grand Finalists debated the topic “This house believes developing countries should prioritise the growth of their domestic industries over foreign trade”.

Wellington Girls College reached the final when they beat Wellington College Premier B in the semi-finals, while Wellington College defeated Scots College. The Wellington Regional Schools’ Debating Championships, held annually, involved 20 teams from around the region

this year.

Students debated in five preliminary rounds, on topics ranging from International Relations to the Royal Family.

On the first morning of the event the students were greeted by Hutt South MP Chris Bishop, who opened the championships by speaking about the importance of debating, and his own experience as a debater.

“It’s great to see young Wellingtonians speaking powerfully on these complex issues,” says Chris Ryan, President of the New Zealand Schools’ Debating Council.

Students had half an hour to

prepare their speeches after finding out what side of the topic they were arguing.

Two squads of three debaters each were chosen to compete at the National Finals of the New Zealand Schools’ Debating Championships, which will be held in Wellington in May.

The Wellington (Gold) Schools’ Debating Team will be represented by Teresa Ng (Wellington Girls College), Nikhil Cox (Wellington College) and Kayla Wilson (K piti College).

The Wellington (Black) Schools’ Debating Team will be represented by Jaskiran Rahi (Scots College), Seb Heine-Sheldrake

Northland jeweller makes history

Northland jeweller Helen Grubi has become the first person in New Zealand to be awarded a Statement of Attainment certificate as a Trade Certified Master Manufacturing Jeweller.

Helen was presented the award by Grant Harrison, the Commissioner of Apprentices for the Jewellery Industry Registration Board (JIRBNZ) of New Zealand on 26 March.

Helen joined Berry’s in 1980 to begin her apprenticeship in manufacturing jewellery under the mentorship of Paul Berry.

She went on to study gemmology becoming a fellow of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain.

After travelling and working as a goldsmith in England and South Africa, Helen returned home and bought Berry’s Jewellers in 1990.

“She has been a huge contributor to the trade, producing multiple highly skilled apprentices under her guidance,” Mr Harrison says.

“The passing on of skills and trade secrets from master to apprentice is a time honored tradition which ensures the continuation of our trades and this should be recognised.

“Our Qualified Tradespersons are among the best in the world,” he says.

A Masters Trade Certificate is for someone who has fulfilled

(Scots College) and Theo Masseurs (Wellington College).

“I am sure these students will persuade with passion and wit at the National Championships, as they have over the weekend”, Mr Ryan says.

The New Zealand Schools’ Debating Championships have been held annually since 1988 and are recognised as the country’s most prestigious school debating competition.

The championships are convened by the New Zealand Schools’ Debating Council, a charity that works to promote debating in secondary schools around the country.

their duties as a master to an apprentice as stated in the Master and Apprentices Act of 1865.

From now on, the trade’s Manufacturing Jewelers and Watch and Clockmakers awarded this certificate can officially call themselves a Master for Manufacturing Jewellery, with Helen becoming the first to do so.

“In the past, the jewellery industry has been male dominated so it’s great, and fitting, to be awarding the first Masters Certificate to Helen,” Mr Harrison says.

Information on how to apply for a Masters Trade certification can be found at www.jirbnz.org. nz or request by direct email info@jirbnz.org.nz.

I recently hosted a meeting which included local property developers and representatives from the City and Regional Councils. The background for the meeting was the need to ensure all people involved in providing more housing in our electorate, whether it be those building them or those regulating and permitting that building, understand the issues which govern the ability to build the houses everyone agrees we need.

There are essentially two types of development; greenfields and brownfields. Greenfields means building on currently undeveloped land, typically ex farmland on the edges of current urban areas, where infrastructure like sewers, water supply and other essential services don’t exist are usually built by the developer.

Brownfields development means rebuilding on existing sites, and there has been considerable discussion in recent times around how much intensification should be allowed in existing suburbs, especially changing of height limits to allow for more apartments.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages; the Regional Council in particular see their role to prevent more

As the local MP, I tend to use my old policing skills to find out who the people are who are in close touch with the local suburb or area, and build relationships with those people to ensure I am across the local issues. We lost one such person this week, Ray Good. Ray was a doyen of the local Newlands community, being involved in most local issues. He had also been in the Fire Brigade and with the Newlands Food Bank. Ray was devoted to looking after older folk and others who need assistance, or even just company. The last time I saw him he was in the kitchen of the Newlands Community Centre with his sleeves rolled up preparing food for a seniors’ lunch. Having been the operations manager at Newlands Coachlines, and having driven buses in the area, he was absolutely immersed in the community. Locals packed and overflowed St Michael’s, joining

runoff and other material ending up in our harbours, especially the Porirua harbour in the case of development north of Johnsonville and Newlands. The Wellington City Council are concerned that the existing infrastructure cannot handle the pressure it comes under when new housing areas are developed. Existing infrastructure is aging and needs upgrading across our city, as evidenced by recent pipe failures. An advantage of intensification of existing areas means more people, therefore more ratepayers to pay for those upgrades.

Developers of course need to make a profit, and wish to keep their compliance costs as low as possible. Many believe the Resource Management Act is too cumbersome. We as government for our part have undertaken to rewrite that act.

The feedback was good, but the success will be when there are sufficient affordable houses to meetdemand. That is certainly my goal as your MP.

That, and of course having a vibrant and functioning Johnsonville Shopping Centre we can all be proud of.

wife Kaye for his funeral. He will be missed by many. Public sector layoffs required to fund tax cuts are starting to impact on our electorate. These are hardworking folk who now face major lifechanging trauma and hardship paying mortgages and other living costs in a tough job market. The public service has been denigrated by some, in order to reduce sympathy for those individuals let go, but these are people who kept us going through COVID and are the ones who keep the machinery of running our country well-oiled. We won’t realise how much they do, until they are no longer there. These workers certainly won’t be benefiting from tax cuts. People like Ray Good, who help people going through tough times, will be even more in demand.

There’s plenty to be getting on with.

Finally, enjoy the Easter break. If driving, treat all other drivers as potentially tired and drunk, to keep you and the family safe.

2 Thursday March 28, 2024
Northland jeweller Helen Grubi, flanked by Grant Harrison, commissioner of apprentices JIRBNZ (left) and JIRBNZ Chair Gary Barwick. Photo Supplied.

A great Totara has fallen

A giant pillar of the Newlands community fell with the passing away of Ray Good on 19 March.

“His death is a huge loss to the local community,” says Peter Dunne, the long serving former hariu MP.

“He was widely respected, hard working and very dedicated.

“There was virtually nothing in the northern suburbs Ray wasn’t involved in,” Mr Dunne says.

As the Chair of the North Wellington Volunteer Service Awards, Ray “was someone whose input and judgment and enthusiasm I admired greatly,” Mr Dunne says.

Ray was also a former long serving President of the Newland Paparangi Progressive Association and Chair of the Bellevue

School Board of Trustees.

When the New Zealand Fire Service (now Fire and Emergency New Zealand) planned to close down the Newlands Volunteer Fire Brigade and run

firefighting in the suburb with its permanent staff in Johnsonville, Ray was among the leaders of the battle to keep the Newlands brigade.

That battle, which was successful, took place between 2000 and 2002

Although he was not a volunteer firefighter, Ray was made an honorary member of the Newlands Brigade in 2002 in recognition of his major contribution to the successful fight to save the brigade.

“He was also involved in the Johnsonville Christmas Parade and worked with the Newlands Foodbank and the Newlands Community House. And the list goes on and on,” Mr Dunne says.

Ray “was at the centre of everything in the Newlands community,” the current hariu MP, Greg O’Connor says.

When he began as hariu MP Mr O’Connor quickly realised that Ray was a cornerstone of the community.

“He is one guy who will be really, really missed by a lot of people for a long time,” he says.

Ray passed away at Wellington Hospital surrounded by his family.

He was a devoted husband to Kaye, who is also one of the pillars of the Newlands community.

The Goods have three children – Sarah, Michael and Donna –and Ray was father-in-law to Scott.

They have six grand children –Tyler, Levi, Lachlan, Chanelle, Sophie and Blake.

Ray’s life was celebrated at St Michael and All Angels Church in Newlands on 25 March and then at the Makara Cemetery.

Dogs ‘n’ Togs a huge success

Khandallah Swimming Pool was packed full for the Dogs ‘n’ Togs event on 23 March.

“It was a huge success and hugely supported by the community,” says John McGrath, who founded the Save Khandallah Pool group.

“It’s ironic that you have a packed pool and it may be the last time the pool is used,” he says.

Although Wellington City Council has the closure of the Khandallah Swimming pool in its draft Long Term Plan, people in the community do not want it closed.

A “Save the Khandallah Summer Pool from Closure” petition is on the Wellington City Council’s website.

The petition has attracted more than 3,000 signatures. People can sign it by visiting tinyurl.com/


“It’s really heartening to hear the voices of people, not just in Khandallah but also the northern suburbs, saying they don’t want the pool closed,” Mr McGrath says.

Support is also coming from people in the wider area, including people signing the petition.

“We just want the council to listen,” Mr McGrath says.

“We just want to work with council to find a practical and affordable solution to keep this unique community asset open for generations to come.”

Wellington City Council has proposed what Mr McGrath describes as a “gold-plated” pool rebuild at a cost of $11.7 million.

“We don’t want the big, big upgrade,” Mr McGrath says.

The pool could be upgraded for a fraction of the $11.7 million,

and that is what the community wants.

There are a series of what the Save Khandallh Pool team considers to be “myths” that are included in information about the pool being provided by Wellington City Council.

Because of that, the team is holding a “Save Khandallah Pool Mythbusting Community Meeting” at the Khandallah Town Hall on Sunday 7 April at 4pm.

The community will be able to

look at the council’s statements –such as the $11.7 million upgrade cost, the notion the pool floods often and the suggestion that it needs earthquake strengthening. As well as looking to bust the “myths” the meeting will also look at steps so the community’s voices can be heard.

One very important way people can be heard is by making a submission to the council on its Long Term Plan, and Mr McGrath says he encourages everyone to do this.

Heart checks

The New Zealand Heart Foundation will be providing heart health checks at the Johnsonville Library from 10:30am to 1pm on Monday 8 April.

The checks are being held in the linkspace on the upper ground by the entry into the library.

Emergency practice

The Wellington Region Emergency Management Office will run an emergency response practice at Johnsonville School from 11am to 1pm on Saturday 4 May.

Everyone is welcome to the event and a free pizza lunch will be provided. The session will cover setting up a local community emergency hub, ensuring those in need are supported, overcoming potential challenges together, and making the most of local resources.

Live performance

Prominent international harpist Josh Layne from Canada will present a live performance at St Joseph’s Church, 152 Brougham Street, Mount Victoria, at 2pm on Sunday 31 March.

Metre charges

The PayWave surcharge for using parking metres in Wellington will go down from 50 cents to 30 cents on 2 April.

However users of the Tory Street and Clifton Terrace parking buildings, , where there is currently no surcharge, will pay the 30 cents surcharge from 2 April.

The changes are the result of a review of the surcharge as part of Wellington City Council’s recent move to new pay-by-plate parking technology, a change of payment service provider and in the context of recent Commerce Commission guidelines to retailers on appropriate payment surcharging.

3 Thursday March 28, 2024 NEWS TIPS Send your tips to herald@wsn.co.nz
inbrief news
Greg O’Connor Get in touch My office is open 9am- 4pm Monday to Friday 04 478 3332 2/18 Moorefield Road, Johnsonville, Wellington Labour.org.nz/gregoconnor /GregOhariu Authorised by Greg O’Connor MP, Parliament Buildings Wellington. MP for Ōhāriu
Ray Good. Photo: Supplied. Some of the dogs taking a dip in the Khandallah pool during Dogs ‘n’ Togs day. Photo: Supplied.

Khandallah writer wins mentorship

Khandallah writer Jillian Starr has been selected for the New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa 2024 mentorship programme.

She was one of 13 emerging writers who were selected for mentorships.

Jillian’s hands have worked tirelessly on computer keyboards, slamming out documents at 65 words a minute to assist administrators throughout the world.

She has used those same hands to write articles for a parenting magazine, clean hotel rooms, direct an animated short about a giraffe astronaut, trim sheep hooves and write for live comedy shows.

She enjoys imitating cicadas and watching fat kererŪ land on tiny branches.

Jillian does not enjoy collecting trash off Wellington beaches, but it has inspired her to write a specula-

tive fiction novel about a polluted afterlife.

She hopes to some day publish her novel and see an octopus in the wild, not necessarily in that order.

Jillian completed an MA in Creative Writing at the International Institute of Modern Letters at Victoria University Te Herenga Waka.

The work of this year’s 13 mentorship recipients “stood out with the potential to be developed [and] with the potential to be published,” the selection panel of Rosetta Allan (convenor), Kiri Piahanga-Wong and Sharon Manssen said.

“To all the writers, we would like to say well done in having faith in yourself and your work to put it forward.

“We, as writers, must hold on to that same faith to keep going.”

Adlibbing Maria Popova from “The Marginalian”, the selection panel said: “To create anything

substantial or original, we must give ourselves over to something we don’t fully understand, and in that act, we better understand ourselves in the world.

“To be a writer, there is something of the mystery of the universe that flows through us, and to put that into the hands of others to weigh its value seems a strange thing for us to do.

“But to develop our work ready for publication, this is the process we must accept, and by submitting work for the NZSA Mentorship Programme, this step forward is a step of faith in yourself as a writer and in the work you are creating.

“We want to say don’t give up to those that did not make the shortlist. Keep going.

“This year's list of applicants was almost one hundred, from which we could select just thirteen,” the selection panel said.

Ngaio picnic coming

The Ngaio Community Picnic is coming to Huntleigh Park, 50 Silverstream Road, from noon to 3pm on Sunday 7 April.

Organised by the Ngaio Crofton Downs Residents’ Association and Ngaio Playcentre, the picnic features a wide variety of entertainment as well as community stalls.

There will be live music and entertainment, games, goodie bags and a fire truck.

There will also be a sausage sizzle. Ngaio Playcentre will run both an open house and face painting at the picnic.

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Festival 2024
Jillian Starr. Photo: Supplied. Huntleigh Park. Photo Supplied.

A first for Jewish and Muslim youth

For the first time in Aotearoa New Zealand’s recent history, Jewish and Muslim youth met at the Centre for Peace and Dialogue in Wellington to respond to the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

“Despite our differing faiths, there was considerable harmony and a unified perspective on addressing the urgent need for a humanitarian response to the current crisis,” said Lorraine Gropper from the Jewish youth community.

She was representing Dayenu: New Zealand Jews Against Occupation and Alternative Jewish Voices.

“It was both empowering and sobering to be in the room alongside many of our Jewish brothers and sisters who are committed to upholding their Jewish values in support of a liberated Palestine,” said Tahirah Moton (Ng ti Maniapoto) from the Muslim youth community.

“This interfaith hui marked a small, but significant step towards forming an unified

partnership against hate and division.

“It is tangible proof of the strong historical ties between our communities, and a reflection of our common stance against the current genocide and the urgent need for Aotearoa NZ’s humanitarian response,” Tahirah said.

“It’s important that we bond over our shared humanity and have the hard conversations in these safe spaces.

“I remain grateful to our Muslim wh nau for hosting us and enabling us to foster these essential relationships,” Lorraine said.

“Importantly, we can also find ways to both work together and in parallel, each bringing our own particular gifts to our collective resistance when rallying in support of a liberated Palestine, free from the violent colonial Zionist presence,” Tahirah said.

This interfaith forum had youth from all over the country. The programme was supported by The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) and Alternative Jewish Voices.


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The Jewish and Muslim youth at their meeting in Wellington. Photo:

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A green heart

Elite Arboriculture is a local, family-owned and operated tree management business on the K piti Coast, offering professional arborist services across the Wellington and Horowhenua regions.

a local competition. A great example of a local business supporting the local community… You folks are absolute stars, and we can’t recommend you highly enough”.

Tree pruning and hedge trimming are important to maintain health and structure. From thinning to reductions, Elite Arboriculture can keep your trees healthy and looking their best. The team can also help with planting and mulching, assisting you in finding the right trees for the right spaces and with the right aesthetics.

Elite Arboriculture believes the mana of trees must be respected. They love giving back to the Earth by planting trees and to the community through volunteer service. Elite Arboriculture has carried out free tree work at their local preschools and kindergartens, as well as for their Free Tree Initiative, where they offer one lucky recipient arborist services of their choice at no cost.

“We had a team from Elite Arboriculture working at our son’s and daughter-in-law’s place in Paek k riki today”, a happy client comments “This work was being done as a prize that Elite Arboriculture had donated to


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Trees are essential to our beautiful country’s ecosystem, but an unhealthy tree can be dangerous. If the time has come for removal, they are qualified to perform the job safely and professionally.

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Elite Arboriculture. Photo Supplied

We know when our children are sick, they go from being active and alert to quiet, grumpy, sleepy, clingy and wanting more cuddles. Often they lose interest in food.

The most common general signs of illness are fever, pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, cough, headache and rash. Fever (body temperature above 37°C) indicates that the body is ‘fighting’ infection from either bacteria or viruses.

Children’s natural defence mechanisms are less well-developed than adults’ immune systems, so children are at higher risk of infections.

Fever accompanied by cough, runny or blocked nose and headache can signify the common cold. “Ask us about our Children’s Pain & Fever fact card”, recommend Self Care pharmacists, “because this has a lot of helpful hints for looking after sick children. Also it indicates what other signs to look out for in children that indicate more serious illnesses.”

Keeping your child comfortable in bed, giving plenty of fluids, and using liquid medicines such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce fever, are best when your child has a cold.

“But” advice from Self Care pharmacists is “use proper medicine-measuring spoons when measuring-out doses of liquid medicines. Don’t use kitchen teaspoons because they are not accurate, the volume varies from spoon to spoon, and your child will not receive the correct dose of medicine.”

It is important to look out for sore throats in children as it can lead to Rheumatic Fever. This is a serious illness that affects mainly Maori and Pacific children and young people, aged four and above.

Sore throats generally clear up by themselves but “strep” sore throats can lead to rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease which can be life threatening. It is important to check up children with sore throats so if they do have a “strep” sore throat they can be treated with antibiotics and stop the illness progressing any further.

If you are unsure then get in touch with your pharmacist, doctor or nurse.

Parents can encourage their children to take simple steps to help prevent the spread of some illnesses.

Children should cover their mouths and noses when they sneeze and cough, and then wash their hands straight after. Washing hands is also VERY important after going to the toilet, and before eating. They should not share cups and drink bottles, nor spoons and other eating utensils.

Tissues are best for blowing noses, and then they should be thrown away immediately after use.

Immunisation is generally one of the most effective ways of protecting children against infections that can cause serious diseases and associated complications (including death).

All forms of immunisation work by causing the body to produce an immune response, in the same way it would if exposed to the disease but without the child suffering all the symptoms and consequences. In the future, when the child comes into contact with the disease, the immune system responds quickly and helps prevent the child developing the disease.

The World Health organisation and the Ministry of Health recommend immunisation for your children. However there may be cases where it is not suitable to immunise and it is important to see your pharmacist or doctor regarding possible risks and/or contraindications.

Children with asthma or allergies, or who are recovering from an illness, such as a common cold, can be immunised.

Free immunisation, at specific times in a child’s life according to the Ministry of Health’s immunisation schedule, is available to all children in New Zealand, to protect against a number of diseases – diphtheria, haemophilus influenzae type b (a cause of childhood meningitis), pneumococcal disease, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus and whooping cough.

Side effects from vaccines can sometimes occur and include redness and soreness at the injection site. There may also be mild fever.

While these symptoms may be upsetting at the time, the benefit is protection from the disease. More serious reactions to immunisation are very rare.

Ask your Self Care pharmacists for a copy of the Children’s Illnesses and Children’s Pain & Fever fact cards that contains useful information for parents.

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9 Thursday March 28, 2024

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Wellington still one of the driest this year

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to water.

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Radical Dog biscuits can be fed in conjunction with your dog’s standard diet, whole or broken, or added to wet food.

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LETTERS to the editor

Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. Guidelines are that they should be no longer than 150 words. They must be signed and a street address provided to show good faith, even if a nom de plume is provided for publication. The editor reserves the right to abridge letters or withhold unsuitable letters from publication. Send or fax them to the address on page two, or email them to news@wsn.co.nz. Please note that your name and street address must also be provided in e mails.

Keep the pool

Dear Editor, I was a spectator at today’s annual ‘Dogs in Togs’ (Saturday 23 March) at Khandallah Swimming Pool and what a lot of fun was had by both owners and their dogs.

I really hope that this is not going to be the last Dogs in Togs event with the

possibility of Khandallah pool being closed permanently.

Today’s event was clearly extremely popular and the dogs were having a fabulous time.

Several dogs were enjoying themselves so much that they were not keen on getting out of the water when their half hour time slot was finished. All part of the fun on a beautiful warm and sunny day. Really hoping that Khandallah pool will be open again next summer for both people and the dogs.

Megan Barber.

Megan Barber Johnsonville

Move to restricted fire season

Wellington, Porirua, K piti Coast and the Hutt Valley moved from a prohibited to a restricted fire season on 27 March. A restricted fire season means people need a fire permit approved by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to light an outdoor fire.

Announcing the fire season change, Community Risk Manager Phil Soal says cooler weather with increasingly dewy mornings has reduced the fire risk.

"However, some warm and windy periods are forecast to continue, and we urge people to take care when lighting fires outdoors with a permit," he says.

Some fire types are allowed without a permit in a restricted fire season, but under conditions. These include gas or charcoal barbecues and h ngĪ, umu or lovo.

Go to www.checkitsalright.nz for more information about lighting outdoor fires and to apply for a fire permit.


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the Independent Herald News online at independentherald.co.nz

KAT auditions for ‘Alice – The Musical’

Wonderland awaits more than 30 actors, singers and dancers aged from eight years to adults as the Khandallah Arts Theatre (KAT) holds auditions for their upcoming production of “Alice –The Musical”.

The auditions will be held at the Cochran Hall at Cashmere Avenue School on 6 and 7 April.

Songs of Travel

From Asia, Africa, Europe, North America. Wellington Male Voice Choir, Tawa College Hall, 38A Duncan Street, 21 April 2-4pm. Tickets $25 from wellingtonmvcnz.org or at door.

The musical needs six child actors aged from 8 to 10, 10 child dancers aged 9 to 13, and 16 to 18 teen or adult actor-singers, the show’s Director Mary Collie Holmes says.

For more information or to book for an audition visit https:// kat-theatre.org.nz/auditions.

KAT’s biggest challenge with the musical will be finding people to help with developing costumes, Mary says.

Anyone who is interested in helping with costume designing, creating or sewing can email katmembership@gmail.com.

“Alice – The Musical” will be a first for KAT – the first time they have staged a production where

Funeral Directors

there is more music than there is straight dialogue, Mary says.

The KAT production will play at the Cochran Hall from 18 to 27 July.

Written in the 1980s by James Leisy and Carl Eberhart “Alice – The Musical” is a 90-minute melodic romp.

It includes many of the key episodes in Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass”.

It’s mainly told through song, accompanied by a small instrumental group, and interspersed with snippets of Lewis Carroll-

esque dialogue and nonsense behaviour by the various characters Alice meets.

It starts with Alice, who has come with her mother to see a play, noticing a big White Rabbit hurrying through the auditorium.

She follows it into a selection hall where technology determines who gets the key to enter the topsy-turvy world of Wonderland.

She’s rejected, along with several small animals, but encouraged to find the key anyway through her encounters with the Caterpillar and Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

Finally finding her way in, she wanders through the Wonderland garden, meeting in turn the Duchess and Cook; Cheshire Cat; Mad Hatter, March Hare and Dormouse; Mock Turtle and Griffin.

Then everybody gathers for the shambolic and chaotic Queen’s croquet game, which is interrupted by the news that someone has stolen the tarts!

The chaos continues during the subsequent “trial”, which Alice, as the final witness, wraps up with a song before returning to the real world.

New wearable arts show comes to town

Tawa College is launching a new event for greater Wellington this year, the Tawa College and Community Fashion and Wearable Arts Awards. “We are launching this event to provide another platform for people in our region to showcase their creativity,” says Toni Tippett, the college’s head of the Design and Materials Technology department.

“We hope [it] will become an annual event.”

Entries, which are now open, can be submitted by anyone living in the greater Wellington region, including K piti.

Awards will be made in seven categories, including two categories for secondary school students. There is a first prize of $500 and a second prize of $200 in each category.

The categories are: is art and made to be worn;

49. Left-handers(inf) (9)

51. Raise the spirits of. (5)

52. Observation post. (4-3)

53. The sea. (5)

54. Appease. (7)

55. Tall buildings. (11)


1. Loose thread. (5)

2. Adorned. (11)

3. Rough-haired Scotch terrier. (8)

fashion garment that suggests what we might be wearing in 2050;

designed and made using and transforming pre-loved garments; one’s own personal heritage/s; other categories;

Design; and

Entries can be made online at www.tawacollege.school.nz, click on the show link, and then click on “Home Page” at the top right of the screen.

Entries close on 31 May.

4. U.S. inventor, Thomas (6)

5. Attempts. (5)

6. Deep red. (7)

7. Pertaining to farms. (8)

8. More tidy. (6)

9. Brisk(music) (7)

10. Go into.(5)

16. Secrecy. (7)

17. Durable upholstery fabric. (7)

19. Agricultural. (5)

20. Accomplices(inf) (7)

22. Loyal. (7)

24. Hiatus. (3)

26. British person(sl) (3)

29. Small enclosed field. (5)

31. Tending to incite. (11)

32. Agent(abbr) (3)

33. Golf peg. (3)

38. Aromatic lozenge. (8)

40. Animals with lungs & gills. (8)

42. Bliss. (7)

44. Tapers. (7)

46. Swiss city. (6)

47. Artless. (6)

48. Pup. (5)

49. Ostentatious. (5)

50. Oozes. (5)


Last WeeK: 21 March 2024

14 Thursday March 28, 2024 CLASSIFIEDS Your Local News Graham’s Painters
grahamspaintersnz @gmail.com W: www.grahamspainters.nz Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior and Interior painted! ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ BUILDING Consent Approval and house plans. Free estimates provided. Call Doug on 934-1398. C Trades and Services ON... O WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz Funeral Directors Comprehensive professional funeral services www.gfh.co.nz Johnsonville 477 4025 | Tawa 232 1588 Ettiene Kirsty www.wilsonfunerals.co.nz The Wilson Funeral Home has served Wellington for over 100 years. 142 Karori Road, Karori 476 5292 375 Adelaide Road, Newtown 389 6069 Local People Caring in our Community Life Art Class 5.30-7.15pm Wednesdays, Untutored St Andrews on The Terrace Entrance lane at right of church $15.00 waged / $9 unwaged Puzzle W R O O R C S D S SOLUTION For December 1, 2004 ACROSS 1. Healing (11) 7. Good view; point.(7) 11. Californian white-oak. (5) 12. Beginning. (7) 13.Metal tip at end of shoelace. (5) 14. Sweet-sounding. (9) 15. Forager (9) 16. Musical instrument. (6) 18. Raving. (7) 21. Divisions of land (4) 23. Horse(inf) (3) 25. Bird’s crest. (3) 27. Resound. (4) 28. Cheer. (7) 30. Ring-throwing game. (4-2) 32. Sharp blow. (3) 33. Political satirist, ... Scott.(3) 34. Account-book. (6) 35. Bridged intersection. (7) 36. Agriculture minister, ... Falloon (4) 37. Stimulating tablet, ... pill. (3) 39. Estimated time of arrival (abbr) (3) 41. female red deer. (4) 43. Reproached sarcastically. (7) 45. Not harsh. (6) 48. City in England. (9)

Onslow’s convincing first innings win

Onslow’s first Cricket XI scored a very convincing first innings victory over Johnsonville in their division one two-day match at Alex Moore Park on 16 and 23 March.

Batting first Onslow declared their first inning at 382 for nine, thanks in part to Daniel Rose who batted outstanding and was 148 not out when Johnsonville declared.

Daniel scored faster than a run a ball, facing just 147 deliveries in his unbeaten innings.

When Johnsonville reached 93 for the loss of just one wicket, it looked like they had a good chance of overhauling the Onslow total.

However Onslow then took the last nine wickets while Johnsonville added a mere 30 runs and they were all out

for 123.

Matthew Scoble bowled outstandingly for Onslow, taking four wickets at a cost of 51 runs.

Henry McIntyre added to his day one half century, when he scored 53, with another outstadning bowling performance, taking three wickets at a cost of just 8 runs.

Ryan Tsourgas and George Holmes took one wicket each, as did Daniel Rose, who featured with both the bat and the ball.

Devan Vishvaka, with 31 runs, was Johnsonville’s top scorer. Scott Mudgway was not far behind him on 30 runs, and Sean Wakelin scored 24, adding to the three wickets for 80 runs he recorded while bowling.

Karori scored an overwhelming victory over Naenae Old Boys, winning by an innings and 66 runs in their division

One member’s bill jumps first hurdle

One of hariu MP Greg O’Connor’s two members bills jumped its first hurdle at its first reading last week, while the other did not. His first bill, the Local Electoral (Abolition of the Ratepayer Roll) Amendment Bill, was voted out at the first reading.

This bill would have, if passed, removed the ability of some people to vote in different local body areas, and ensure that like in General Elections, it is one person, one vote.

Under the current law a person who owns property in an area they don’t live in can vote in that area as well as they area where they live. A person can also vote in two areas if they are doing it on behalf of a company or trust that owns property.

The bill failed to attracted the support of the coalition Government.

“It was a bit disappointing parties, who absolutely railed against the concept of people having two

two match played at Naenae Park on 16 and 23 March.

Naenae was bowled out for 156 in its first innings and Karori then declared their first innings at 344 for the loss of seven wickets.

They then bowled Naenae out for 122.

Liam Roche bowled outstandingly for Karori, taking seven wickets for 44 in the first innings and 1 wicket for 26 in the second.

He was also great with the bat, emerging as Karori’s top scorer with 81, while Kevin Weerasundara scored 70 and Yashraj Kalsi scored 60.

Kevin also took one of the Naenae first innings wickets to fall and Max Sargentine took two wickets for 43.

Hugh Teesdale was the big wicket taker for Karori during Naenae’s second innings, recording the hugely impressive figures of nine wickets for 55 runs.

votes during the Water Reform debate in particular, chose to vote against a bill that [was] ensuring that same principle,” Greg says.

His second bill, however, the Child Protection (Child Sex Offender Government Agency Registration) (overseas travel reporting) Amendment Bill, passed its first reading and will now go to a second reading.

If passed, this bill will ensure sex offenders on the Child Sex Offender Register must supply all their overseas travel details, including addresses they will be staying at while overseas.

Parliament’s Justice Select Committee passed the bill following a report summing up the bill and the select committee agreeing to some amendments.

The bill has now been sent back to Parliament and will now go to a second reading.

The second reading is “a big burdle,” Mr O’Connor says.

However “I can have some confidence it will pass.”

Fire at Newlands College

Native trees that had been planted on the banks next to the netball courts at Newlands College were destroyed by a fire on 26 March.

The fire may have been deliberately lit, however its cause was unknown and is still being investigated, the Newlands Volunteer Fire Brigade says.

One fire appliance from the Newlands station and two from Johnsonville attended the fire just after 8pm.

The 15 firefighters were at the scene for around two hours.

The native bush was planted by volunteers from the Northern Community Gardens over many years.

The destruction of the natives will “devastate those volunteers who painstakingly planted and nurtured those plants and trees,” hariu MP Greg O’Connor told the “Independent Herald”.

While it is fortunate there was no damage to buildings or the school, it is “nevertheless a real loss of native habitat,” Mr O’Connor says.

Star Trek Laser Tour

15 Thursday March 28, 2024 SPORT
Matthew Scoble in action for Onslow. Photo: Supplied.
Phone: (06) 377 1600 | 51 Ahiaruhe Road, Carterton www.stonehenge-aotearoa.co.nz Show begins 30 minutes before sunset with audio visual display
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