18 April Independent Herald

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Overwhelming vote

Plane Sense Wellington will consider asking the High Court to make an order setting aside the current path of flights over Broadmeadows, Khandallah, Johnsonville and Ngaio.

A meeting called by Plane Sense on 14 April voted overwhelmingly to take a High Court judicial review of the decision to change the flight path.

Continued on page 2.

Kim Murray addressing the the meeting where residents voted to take Court action about the current flight path.
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Photo: Frank Neill.

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When it’s in Court this case will fly

Continued from page 1.

That vote will be considered by the Plane Sense committee before commencing a judicial review.

The meeting saw attendees fill the meeting room at the Johnsonville Collective Community Hub.

Plane Sense called the meeting in the wake of a media release, issued on 10 April by Wellington International Airport, saying the airport will hold a public consultation on “potential alternative flight path options for northerly jet departures from Wellington Airport”.

Those attending Sunday’s Plane Sense meeting, either in person or via live streaming, were asked to vote on two options: proposal; or

case to have the DMAPS track set aside by Court order.

DMAPs is the acronym for the Divergent Missed Approach Protection System. This new system was initiated and developed by Airways and resulted in changes to flight paths in December 2022.

Just before the meeting closed one of Plane Sense’s co-founders Roxy Steel announced that 95.6% of those at the meeting and participating online had voted in favour of commencing a High Court judicial review.

“I do think there is a very strong chance that when it’s in Court this case will fly – excuse the pun,” Broadmeadows resident Kim Murray, who is a lawyer, told the meeting.

A Judicial Review “challenges the legality of the decision”.

He outlined obligations Airways and Wellington Airport have to the community “which have been ignored”.

The flight paths implemented on 1 December 2022 had been done without any consultation with the community.

Planes using the flight path implemented on 1 December 2022 “has resulted in noise levels as loud as 80dB over homes, schools, and reserve land.,” Plane Sense says.

“This noise is set to increase with Wellington Airport’s announcement of more Qantas flights to Melbourne and Brisbane.

“Plane Sense has been contacted by hundreds of residents living beneath the flight path who have existing health conditions that are worsening as a result of increased aircraft noise.

“Residents, including children, are suffering from conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, sensory disorders, slowed recovery of brain injuries and dementia, even though they purposefully settled in the suburbs because it was a quiet area.

“This harm is documented on the Plane Sense website – planesensewellington.com/ people.

“Plane Sense is advocating for more birdsong and less aircraft noise.

“It represents residents from Johnsonville, Broadmeadows, Khandallah, h riu Valley, Ngaio and Crofton Downs.”

Under the State Owned Enterprises Act, Airways needed to consult the community before making a decision.

Wellington Airport was now setting up a consultation process more than a year after the flight path changes, but at the same time it will continue with the current flight paths.

A second area where Airways had not complied was that they had flight paths over Johnsonville, Broadmeadows and Khandallah despite the fact that the suburbs are in a “noise abatement area” under the Civil Aviation Rules.

Under the Civil Aviation Rules aircraft were not legally able to fly in the Minister of Transport’s noise abatement area until after the flight paths and instrument preocedures are gazetted.

They were recently gazetted by the Director of Civil Aviation, but only after aeroplanes had been flying though the noise abatement area for one year.

Mr Murray also said he considered the gazette notice was “probably unlawful”. Plane Sense would need to raise funds in order to commence a judicial review, he said.

Money would be needed to pay expert witnesses and lawyers, and would also be needed to provide security for the court in the event that was required.

“We need $100,000 in the bank,” Mr Murray said. To help raise funds Plane Sense has set up a Givealittle page. It is at https://givealittle. co.nz/cause/plane-sense.

In its media release Wellington Airport said the “potential options to be consulted on will include:

1) Changing the northerly route for jet departures before 7am to fly over less populated areas.

2) Reverting to the northerly route for jet departures used prior to December 2022.

3) Maintaining the status quo.

“We’ve listened to public feedback and as a result we’ve asked Airways to look at this again and develop alternative options,” Wellington Airport’s General Manager Corporate Affairs Jenna Raeburn says.

“Each option will have different benefits and drawbacks. It is unavoidable that aircraft will fly over residential areas under each option.

“The timing of any final change is still to be confirmed and will depend on which option is selected following consultation.”

Before public consultation begins work is required to allow Airways to design the potential alternative route, identify any properties that might be affected by this alternative route, carry out noise modelling and arrange noise monitors.

“Consultation will involve all affected local communities and other stakeholders including airlines.

“We will move as quickly as possible and keep the community informed on next steps.

“Timing is dependent on technical input from Airways, who are responsible for designing and implementing flight path changes,” Jenna says.

Great meeting Frank Khandallah was toaround people the successful Khandallah Pool TheAp messagehandallah from WellingtonMayor Whanau that work poolopen ThursdayApril 2024 Phone:(04) 1660 8-18 9-16 margot@wls.co.nz Do have consultation Gre re April Top ride NewlandsHastings. Competing the Thursday Phone: Daylight saving! 2 Thursday April 18, 2024
Plane Sense co-founder Roxy Steel, who announced that 95.6% of people at the 15 April meeting voted in favour of Court action. Photo: Frank Neill.
Read the Independent Herald News online at independentherald.co.nz WWW.ELITEARBORICULTURE.CO.NZ | 027 343 8846 or jade.elitearb@gmail.com
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Just part of the crowd who attended Plane Sense’s meeting on 15 April. Photo: Frank Neill.
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Time to sell J’ville Mall

It is time for Stride Property to sell the Johnsonville Mall, hariu MP Greg O’Connor told Parliament on 9 April.

“It is just now unacceptable the impact it has on my local community, on the whole of the northern suburbs, by having this pretty ugly sort of edifice in the middle of it, non-functioning,” Mr O’Connor said during the local issues debates time.

“During the recent [election] campaign, when I'd knock on doors and say, ‘What's the issue?’, people would blankly look at me [and say] ‘Well, of course it's the mall. Of course it's the shopping centre.’

“Even the local Salvation Army, who did a survey expecting to be told that there were social issues, and there were some—no, the first issue that arose was the local shopping centre.

“It's more than somewhere where people just shop; it's somewhere where they gather,” Mr O’Connor said.

“What is lacking there is a place, a centre point that people can be proud of.

“The Johnsonville mall was once that place.

“In 1969 it was one of the very first shopping malls in New Zealand.

“You couldn't get a car park there,” he said.

Johsonville mall “is owned by a company called Stride Property Group, listed on the stock exchange.

“They have shareholders. One of them is a very big Australian shareholder, HESTA, which is a big superannuation fund, which is the medical superannuation fund over there, who unfortunately have quite a big say in where and what money will be spent there.

“And I don't think the Australians are as focused on Johnsonville, on h riu, as they could be.

“I've been working closely with the mall owners, Stride, and I know that over the years they've had plans to actually do something about the place, but many of those plans have come to nothing, to the extent that it's almost become part of local legend – ‘Oh, the mall’.

“Generations have grown up hearing their grandparents talking about the mall, and they too will roll their eyes at any thought

of the mall.

“There's some very good businesses and there's some very good people who are doing their best to keep the place alive – places like the local coffee shops; Scheckter's Deli, a great recent addition – but slowly, any of the national providers, any of the chains have gone, the banks have gone, and we're left with something that really is something of a disgrace.

“I mean, Tripadvisor have called it the worst mall in New Zealand.

“So, of course, it's not just a matter of standing here and being critical; it's just what can be done about it?

“What can be done about it is actually the newest proposal, and the [Wellington City] Council, after initially having been a little bit reluctant to provide for the traffic flow around there, because they were worried about the golden mile out here, that it might do what, say, Christchurch has done, where the suburban shopping malls might suck the life out of the city centres, they've actually been on board recently.

“The proposal – and the coun-

Good news for Johnsonville

There is some good news for Johnsonville in Greater Wellington Regional Council’s (GWRC) Long Term Plan (LTP).

The LTP includes includes a proposal to build a bus-rail Interchange for Johnsonville.

The move has been welcomed by TakapŪ/Northern Ward Councillor Tony Randle.

"It is great that Johnsonville has a plan to replace the temporary bus stops on Moorefield Road with a high quality interchange beside the mall,” Cr Randle says.

“The GWRC is working to make our public transport better

and I hope locals do a quick submission to the GWRC in support of this fantastic proposal."

Submissions on GWRC’s LTP close next Monday, 22 May and Cr Randle is encouraging people to make submissions.

GWRC first announced its plan to create a new purpose-built fully accessible integrated bus and train interchange in Johnsonville in September last year.

The new transport interchange is scheduled to be developed in the 2025-2031 period.

“As part of the redevelopment of the land currently owned by Stride Property Group, it is proposed to build a public transport

hub, including a layover/driver break facility,” GWRC says.

The LTP includes a series of other initiatives people in the community should consider making submissions on.

As part of the LTP consultation, GWRC is asking about the council owning bus depots instead of having the bus operators owning them. This would have an upfront cost of $357 million.

The council is also proposing to invest in solar farms to make the council more carbon neutral.

It plans to spend $424 million on water infrastructure renewal, $627.8 million on flood protection and $785 million on rail rolling

cil have been very good with this – is to allow the developers to go higher, to have a mixed model, to have offices, to have accommodation, retail, movie theatres, which again, the community is screaming out for, crying out for.

“But, again, every time a proposal comes up ... every time the community has been ready, thinking they're going to have a centre they can be proud of, their hopes are dashed,” Mr O’Connor said.


Another proposal GWRC is consulting on is a plan to buy CentrePort shares so that it becomes a 100% shareholder.

It currently owns 76.92% of CentrePort with the remainder owned by Horizons Regional Council.

“In 2022/23 it generated revenue of $99 million and a profit of $12 million before tax,” GWRC says.

These are just some of the projects listed in the LTP.

More information about the LTP and what it covers is on the council’s website, at https:// ltp-consultation-2024-34.gw.govt. nz.

Emergency practices

Three emergency response practises will be held in the northern and western suburbs during May.

This will give people an opportunity to practise various roles within an interactive earthquake scenario and to find out the types of help that may be needed after an emergency.

The Johnsonville Emergency Response Practice will be held at Johnsonville School, Morgan Street, from 11am to 1pm on Saturday 4 May.

The Mākara Emergency Response Practice will be held at Mākara Model School, 399 Mākara Road from 11am to 1pm on Saturday 18 May.

The Kelburn North Emergency Response Practice will be held at Clifton Terrace Model School, 15 Clifton Terrace, from 5pm to 7pm on Wednesday 29 May.

The practices are open to people of all ages and abilities and no experience is needed.

People can register for a practice at Eventfinda.

Holiday craft

A school holiday craft drop-in session will be held at the Cable Car Museim from 10am to 2pm on Monday 22 April. At the session tamariki will be able to make thaumatroupes. A thaumatrope is an optical toy that was popular in the 19th century. Tamariki of all ages accompanied by an adult are welcome.

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3 Thursday April 18, 2024 inbrief news
O’Connor Get in touch My office is open 9am- 4pm Monday to Friday 04 478 3332 2/18 Moorefield Road, Johnsonville, Wellington Labour.org.nz/gregoconnor /GregOhariu Authorised by Greg O’Connor MP, Parliament Buildings Wellington. MP for Ōhāriu
One of the entrances to the Johnsonville Mall. Photo: Frank Neill.
24 Moorefield Road, Johnsonville

New approach to planting

The team at Wellington Botanic Garden ki Paek k is taking a more sustainable approach to planting by extending the time between plant rotations in the display gardens.

Constant cultivation is not good for soil structures or soil organisms and can lead to the decline of traditional bedding plant and bulb displays, so most of the 6-monthly annual plant rotations will extend to 3 to 5 year crop rotations.

The upgrades involve removing existing bedding, soil enhancements, installing interpretation signs, irrigation adjustments, and planting a mix of annual plants, bulbs, perennials, shrubs and grasses.

Some of the benefits of this change include healthier soils, reduced irrigation, and more diversity in the species on display, including perennials and native plant species.

More than 30 different plant species will be included in the new display, which will attract wildlife and pollinators.

Wellington Gardens Manager David Sole says the new structure of the display garden will also provide a better platform for storytelling.

“This new system will provide a great educational opportunity, whether that be sharing stories about sustainability, wildlife, conservation or other plant stories significant to our community and environment.

“While we are changing the majority of our displays, we

J’ville photos in exhibition

Johnsonville features in a current exhibition being held at Photospace Gallery, 37 Courtenay Place.

Entitled “Johnsonville in the 1960s”, the display features photographs taken by John B Turner.

The display opened on 13 April and runs until 4 May.

The exhibition of John’s vintage photographs was originally planned in 2019 to take place at Waitohi. However Covid intervened and the plan was shelved until now.

John is an editor, publisher, writer and educator in the field of photography, as well as a photographer in his own right, although he has unselfishly put

will continue the traditional floral and bulb displays – including our famous tulips,” David adds.

Work started in March and phased planting will follow in May.

Public access around the garden remains open with minor detours

most of his energy into promoting other photographers’ work.

He was highly influential in the development of contemporary New Zealand photography from the late 1960s through to the 1980s, and, despite relocating to Beijing a decade ago, he remains closely involved in the New Zealand scene.

With his energy and passion, and the platforms of Elam (he was appointed as a lecturer at the University of Auckland’s Elam School of Fine Arts in 1971) and PhotoForum (an organisation he co-founded in 1973 that is still actively promoting New Zealand photography), he has exerted enormous influence on the early development of contemporary photography in this country.

in place at times.

The shift to a more sustainable approach means set-up costs will increase this year, but the project will be cost neutral over the 3 to 5 year lifecycle with fewer plantings occurring.

The upgrade is estimated to cost $13,700, and is funded from the Bo-

tanic Garden’s existing operating budget, assisted by donations from the Friends of Wellington Botanic Garden and Onslow Garden Club. Updates will be available throughout the project on the Wellington Gardens Facebook page facebook.com/wellingtongardensnz.

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The Botanic Garden display garden concept. Photo: Supplied. Hollywood Fruit Supply, Johnsonville Main Road looking east, 1967. Photo: John B. Turner

Council spending on ‘pet projects’

Wellington City Council’s draft Long Term Plan “is just a mish mash of personal ideologies and it’s Wellingtonians who will pay the price,” Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward Councillors Diane Calvert says.

Wellington City Council decided on 11 April to release its draft Long Term Plan for public consultation on 12 April.

That decision, Cr Calvert says “is a farce and will cause real harm to people.”

Contained within the plan (and certainly not highlighted) remains spending on “bright new shiny stuff such as the $140 million of ratepayer and taxpayer money on the failed Let’s Get Wellington Moving’s Golden Mile programme with another $100 million plus allocated on ‘city streets’ projects.” The external auditor highlighted “two key areas on the plan where the council is clearly not allowing sufficient funding for renewals of its existing water infrastructure, roading, social housing and facilities let alone any provision for growth.

“We are talking hundreds of millions of dollars here across billions of dollars’ worth of assets.

“This is despite only a few weeks ago the Mayor, Green and Labour councillors and iwi representatives voting for more zoning than is required for city growth yet with no idea on how it will be funded.

“There is no cohesiveness and no unity in leadership, process, design or sensible approach to the money side of the business,” Cr Calvert says. “Before it gets any worse, something needs to be done because Wellingtonians are paying an unnecessary heavy price when its already hard enough and things are going to get tougher.

“The Mayor and the majority of councillors are deferring the tough choices to later years so they can pay for their new pet projects.

“People are struggling enough without adding unnecessary pressure from a council that can’t manage its core functions and look after what it has already got – whether that be local community facilities such as a local community centre or critical assets such as the pipes and social housing,” Cr Calvert says.

Cr Calvert’s comments are in marked contrast the comments Mayor Tory Whanau made on the release of the draft Long Term Plan.

"I believe this plan has struck the right balance of delivering for our communities within our challenging financial environment,” The Mayor syas. “Inflation, interest rates and insurance costs have climbed, while historic underinvestment in infrastructure is really starting to bite.

“Water is a priority for the council in this Long

Term Plan.

“We have significantly increased our funding in water and over the 10 years of this proposal one in every four dollars we spend on capital will go to the three waters.

“But it’s important to ensure that funding water should not be coming at the expense of delivering better transport options, revitalisation of our city, housing and climate initiatives.

“These are the key priorities, and history has taught us that if we don’t invest in these pressing issues now, they will become a bigger problem down the track. It is possible to invest in both within our constraints.

“We have a pressing issue with a huge insurance shortfall caused by our vulnerability to climate induced natural disasters.

“It’s really important to me that we hear from Wellingtonians about our proposal to sell a minority stake in Wellington Airport and transfer that into a green and ethical Perpetual Investment Fund to create a stronger and more resilient public asset.” To continue doing everything the council is doing, as well as spending more on water, would mean an average rates rise of 26% for the coming financial year, the Mayor says.

Incorporating the reductions in expenditure, the plan proposes an average rates rise of 16.4%. This excludes a new levy to pay for the sludge minimisation plant at Moa Point, which will be about 1.6%. Consultation on the Long Term Plan is open until 12 May. Submissions can be made via the council’s website at wcc.nz/ltp.

All information, including the consultation document and supporting materials, are available at that link. Copies of the consultation document and submission forms are also available at Arapaki Service Centre and at libraries.

5 Thursday April 18, 2024
Diane Calvert. Photo: Supplied. Mayor Tory Whanau. Photo: Supplied.
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REBUS focus on Age Concern

Age Concern Wellington Region’s CEO Stephen Opie was the speaker at the last meeting of The REBUS Club of Khandallah.

Age Concern is a registered charity providing services and support for people aged 65 and over in Wellington, Porirua, Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt.

Their areas of work are:ness and isolation;tion;

for end of life care);

seniors and their families.

They will match socially isolated people with a volunteer visitor, companion walker or phone friend.

The national Age Concern office also informs the government and other national bodies on issues of concern for older people.

Age Concern’s “Staying Safe” refresher driving course for older drivers, and “Steady As You Go” falls prevention exercise classes, are held in many suburbs and are very popular. People can also be sent a link to join in a Zoom exercise class online.

For further information about classes or Age Concern news, phone 499 6646.

Their website is www.acwellington.org.nz

REBUS is a social club for seniors and meets on the last Friday of the month. The next Rebus meeting will be held at 10am on 26 April at the Khandallah Bowling Club, 24 Woodmancote Road. The speaker will be Jamie Grey from Fire and Emergency New Zealand talking about fire safety. For more information about the club, internet search “Khandallah REBUS.” Or go directly to the website https:// khandallahrebus.wixsite.com/khandallahrebusclub.

Read the Independent Herald News online at independentherald.co.nz

Market Update? YIP!

Hey Everyone! The market is everchanging, and there have been some very interesting adjustments to the market in recent times. With the Reserve Bank holding firm on the OCR again, there are more and more pressure on mortgage holders and calls for faster interest rate relief. With the margins the banks have on the current rates, there is some opportunity for banks to drop their rates a little. Historically it has always taken a minor bank to be the first to make significant rate changes to kickstart the competition that way. Buyers who have been waiting to buy, are continuing to return to the market and investors (particularly developers) are eyeing up opportunities to solidify their long-term plans. Here are the five key market variables we are keeping an eye on;

- Supply of Houses – Since the last update, the predicted jump in supply continues. The number of houses sold has increased but is still behind the rate of houses coming to market for sale. Although this is unlikely to significantly impact prices, the higher supply will ultimately affect the average time it takes to sell a property.

- Immigration – Across the ditch, their sharper market recovery (due to influx of immigrants) has slowed down. In NZ we are reporting good immigration numbers coming in and further immigrants are expected when the parental residencies start kicking in soon. But we have not seen the immigrant numbers necessary to make a significant difference to the local market in this area yet. We continue to see more people (particularly government workers) looking for jobs elsewhere and moving away from this area.

- Finance/Mortgages – The Reserve Bank’s debtto-income ratio news is coming, but with prices generally lower than this ratio, it won’t have much of an impact, but what this DTI ratio will do is create a ‘ceiling’ for prices, so it will be impossible to see those historically crazy prices where people were borrowing/offering much higher than 6 times their income on property. Unless we see significant increase in average earnings, we won’t see any big changes in prices until interest rates come down.

- Cost of Living – With most industries and

employers doing it tough and the cost of living has stayed high, there isn’t any hope of relief for our community. Until we start seeing more money in people’s pockets, we are unlikely to see any improvement in the house/rental market. We are also noticing people going further away for cheaper rent/houses, with ‘cheaper’ areas starting to get higher buyer/renter attention.

- Politics – The biggest question mark here is around the public sector job cuts. On paper and policy promises, this is going ahead and it will have a significant impact on the rent/property prices in this area. At this stage, there have naturally been some vacancies not refilled, people resigning and some restructuring, but we are nowhere near the target the government has set here. At this stage, it still appears the government is still pushing to meet their tax cut promise at all costs, literally. As with any fresh money sitting ready to be cut... inflation may counter any tax cut benefits.

The current market is ever-changing and reacting rapidly to emotional differences. Remember, the market is simply the perception of the public mass and their reaction to variables changing. If you are thinking of buying/selling/renting/moving in today’s market, it is very important to have a pulse on the market and position your sale strategically. As we see regularly, a wrong decision/strategy can cost a seller $50k-$100k+ in sale price, so it is important to make sure you weigh up different ideas, strategies, information before making a move. If you would like to discuss your plans and the ideal strategy for your family, get in touch – Love to hear from you! Have a wonderful week everyone!

Plan to reform water services

All councils in the Wellington region and Horowhenua have committed to working together on developing a plan to reform water services.

The Government’s new Local Water Done Well policy is still being developed, but indicates that by mid-2025 councils will be required to produce water service delivery plans that meet regulatory and investment requirements.

At meetings over the past six weeks Wellington City, Hutt City, Upper Hutt City, Porirua City, Carterton District, K piti Coast District, Masterton District, South Wairarapa District, Horowhenua District and Greater Wellington Regional Council agreed to sign a that will create a non-binding partnership between councils to work together on a water service delivery plan.

The last of these meetings was held on 11 April.

A unified approach is crucial to get the best solutions for water in the region, Hutt City Mayor and chair of the Wellington Water Committee Campbell Barry says.

"Councils around the country are facing similar challenges.

“That is why we need to work together towards a new model to make funding and delivery of water infrastructure more sustainable and efficient in the long run for our communities.

"We are committed to working with other councils across the region to provide resilient water networks and deal with population growth."

Mayor Barry says he is looking forward to councils actively working together and getting ahead of the game.

“Change is coming and by working together we can help shape and guide the change.

“We’re all facing challenges and we all want what’s best for our people,” Mayor Barry says.

Under the MoU one elected member from each council will sit on an Advisory service delivery plan process, alongside iwi/ M ori partner representatives.

The AOG will be chaired by independent expert Dame Kerry Prendergast, and supported by chief executives and a joint project team.

Dame Kerry has extensive local government experience.

She began her political career in 1986 as a Tawa Borough Councillor, and served on Wellington City Council from 1989 to 2010, including three terms as Mayor. She also has wide experience as a board chair.

"This joint approach shows real commitment and intent by all the councils in region,” she says.

“I am looking forward to robust conversations as we work together to develop a step change in water solutions for our region."

The first meeting of the AOG is scheduled for 10 May, with the goal of agreeing a concept model for future delivery by August.

Depending on legislation which is expected to be introduced in May, the model will be subject to public engagement, and will provide the basis for development of the water services plan.

The region’s approach was also tested with Local Government Minister Simeon Brown and Infrastructure Minister Chris Bishop at the mayoral forum on 22 March.

Free dancing lesson

Harbour City Rock’n’Roll Club entertainging the crowd at the Karori Karnival. Photo: Supplied.

Northland based Harbour City Rock’n’Roll Club is offering people a free introductory dancing lesson on International Dance Day, 29 April.

The free lesson will take place at 7:30pm on Monday 29 April at the Northland Memorial Community Centre, 5 Woburn Rd, Northland.

International Dance Day encourages participation and education in dance through events and festivals held all over the world.

To celebrate it this year, Harbour City Rock’n’Roll club are offering a free introductory dancing lesson as part of a fun evening for anyone who would like to come


The amateur 50s-style dance club meets every Monday to practise, learn and socialise, from 7:30pm at the Northland Memorial Community Hall and caters for all levels of experience.

The club was formed in 1988 as part of the “rock’n’roll revival” and is one of many amateur rock'n'roll dance clubs throughout New Zealand.

Recently they entertained at the Karori Karnival and the Senior Regional Games in Kilbirnie.

For more information visit www.harbourcity.org.nz or email hcrnrclub@gmail.com.

6 Thursday April 18, 2024
Stephen Opie. Photo: Supplied.
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Police warn about phone scam

The Police are warning people about a phone scam.

“New Zealand Police are aware of reports emerging this month where Kiwis have been contacted on the phone by someone claiming to be an officer,” the Police say.

“The officer will claim to be from a particular department, tell you that you have been a victim of fraud or scam, and begin to try and obtain further financial information from you.

“This is a scam.”

Detective Senior Sergeant Craig Bolton, from Auckland City’s Financial Crime Unit, says there have been at least a dozen reports made to Police, and these scam

calls are largely being made to landlines.

“While Police do not have accurate numbers of how many of these scam calls have been received, it is important that the public are aware,” he says.

“Police will make some enquiries into these calls, but our experience has shown that often phone-based scammers will be operating from overseas.

“We appreciate the vigilance of those who have contact Police so far, as this will help us to make others in the community aware.”

Unfortunately, scams can take many different forms and target victims on different platforms, Detective Senior Sergeant Bolton says.

“Scammers are opportunistic and thrive off your trust and good-will.

“If you receive a call of this nature, do not hand over any personal details.”

New Zealand Police will never contact people seeking their banking details, card numbers, pin numbers or passwords.

There are instances where legitimate Police officers will contact you as part of their duties.

Police ask that the public remain vigilant and to remember the following:

details about your bank cards, pin numbers or passwords over

the phone.

something doesn’t feel right, or is too good to be true, it probably is.

for the officer’s details. Hang up, contact 105 and request the officer to contact you.

of offering prize money.

“If you are in the unfortunate position of being a victim of a scam, please report the matter to Police,” the Police say.

“Take the chance to upskill yourself on scam awareness, check for further information on the NetSafe website: https:// netsafe.org.nz/ “Police are also aware of an

email scam that has re-emerged, that claims to be authorities from Police and other justice sector partners.

“This scam has been subject of previous advisories.

“We continue to advise people to be extremely cautious when receiving unsolicited emails.

“Do not reply an the email of this nature under any circumstances,” the Police say.

Move to open fire season

The Wellington district moved from a restricted fire season to an open fire season yesterday, 17 April.

This change applies to the Wellington, Hutt Valley, Porirua and K piti Coast zones. The Wairarapa remains in a prohibited fire season.

An open fire season means people can light outdoor fires without a permit approved by Fire and Emergency New Zealand.

Announcing the change, Community Risk Manager Phil Soal says the cooler temperatures with increasing dew in the mornings has reduced the fire risk.

"We are also starting to experience cooler southerlies instead of the dry northerly winds we saw over summer, and we’ve had more rain across the district," he says.

While the fire risk will continue to decrease as conditions continue to cool, Phil is reminding the public they are still responsible to ensure any outdoor fire they light is well controlled and safe.

"If you need any advice about this, please head to checkitsalright.nz as this website has lots of useful information about outdoor fire use and safety."

Celebrating Te Reo Maori

Te Wiki o te Reo M ori, one of New Zealand’s most significant celebrations of the M ori Language, will run this year from 14 to 21 September.

The date for this celebration was confrimed by Te Taura Whiri i te Reo M ori on 11 April.

On 14 September 1972 members of Ng Tamatoa, Te Herenga Waka Victoria University’s te reo M ori society, and the New Zealand M ori Students Association collected a petition with more than 30,000 signatures and presented it to Parliament. That day also became known as M ori Language Day.

Today, thousands of New Zealanders across the country celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo M ori.

These include schools, businesses, community groups, media, and sports teams.

8 Thursday April 18, 2024
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9 Thursday April 18, 2024





(This is the inaugural commemoration at this venue)

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Anzac Day takes place each year on April 25 and commemorates all New Zealanders killed in war, while also honouring returned servicemen and women. April 25 marks the anniversary of the landing of New Zealand and Australian soldiers, on the Gallipoli Peninsula in 1915. The aim was to capture the Dardanelles, the gateway to the Bosphorus and the Black Sea, however, at the end


of the campaign, Gallipoli was still held by its Turkish defenders. Among those who lost their lives in the Gallipoli campaign were 2779 New Zealanders, almost one in four of those who served on Gallipoli. As always, ceremonies are held at war memorials up and down New Zealand and in places overseas where New Zealanders gather to pay tribute.



ANZAC Day Service 10:30am, St Matthias Church, 2 South Makara Road

National Commemoration Service 11am, Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, Buckle Street

Karori ANZAC Day Service 11am, Ben Burn Park, Campbell Street

ANZAC Remembrance Service 1:30pm, Glenside Halfway House, 246 Middleton Road

Wreath Laying Service 2:30pm, Ataturk Memorial, 166 Breaker Bay Road

Johnsonville ANZAC Service 4:30pm, St Francis of Assisi Church, 37 Dr Taylor Terrace

Last Post 5pm, Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, Buckle Street


Thursday 25th of April 2024

Karori, Makara and Brooklyn Services

Karori Service

11am Karori RSA, Ben Burn Park

Makara Service

10am St Matthias, 379 Makara Road

Brooklyn Service

10.30am Brooklyn School, Washington Avenue

Pukeahu NWMP, Cenotaph and Ataturk Memorial Services

Pukeahu NWMP

6am Dawn Service Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, Buckle Street, Te Aro

Wellington Cenotaph

9am Wellington Citizens’ Wreath Laying Service

Wellington Cenotaph, corner of Lambton Quay and Bowen Streets, Wellington Central

Pukeahu NWMP

11am Anzac Day National Commemoration Service, Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, Buckle Street, Te Aro

Ataturk Memorial

2.30pm Ataturk Memorial, Tarakena Bay, 166 Breaker Bay Road, Breaker Bay

Pukeahu NWMP

5pm Last Post, Pukeahu National War Memorial Park Buckle Street, Te Aro

Wellington RSA remembers fallen comrades

10 Thursday April 18, 2024
Greg O’Connor MP for Ōhāriu Authorised by Greg O’Connor, Parliament Buildings, Wellington LEST WE FORGET Veteran’s Affairs Spokesperson Huntleigh Retirement Apartments 221 Karori Road, Karori, Wellington Interested? Call Anna to view! Find out more: Call: 04 439 4949 Visit: enlivencentral.org.nz APARTMENTS AVAILABLE NOW WRIGHTS HILL FORTRESS ANZAC Day - OPEN DAYTHURSDAY 25TH APRIL 2024 10AM - 4PM Family Pass: $20 (2 adults+3 children under 15) Adults: $10 Child under 15: $5 (CASH only: no EFTPOS) Enquiries: (04) 4768 593 Self guided tours. Lots of fun for the family. Refreshments & picnic spots. From Karori Rd, turn left into Campbell St, to Wrights Hill Rd. Follow the signs. Limited car parking at the hill summit. Use walking tracks. Bring a torch with you! Visit the historic World War Two Wrights Hill Fortress in Karori.
Service 6am, Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, Buckle Street
Citizens’ Wreath Laying Service 9am, Cenotaph Precinct, cnr Lambton
& Bowen Street
Call 027 493 9903 E: autobuffntouch@gmail.com
Cuba Street, Petone, Lower Hutt
one 04 237 4902
1c Kenepuru Drive, Porirua BE SAFE –BE SURE ON THE ROAD!


The Chairman and Trustees of the Johnsonville and Districts R&SA Welfare Trust cordially invite citizens and service and youth organisations in the Johnsonville area to attend the annual ANZAC Day parade and community service to be held in Johnsonville on Thursday the 25th of April 2024. The parade will assemble in Burgess Road at 9.15am, and step off at 9.40am for the march to the service at the Salvation Army Citadel at 125-137 Johnsonville Road at 10.00am.

For fur ther information, please contact: Glenton Waugh mobile: 0274 416 290 email: glenton.waugh@ salvationarmy.org.nz

T H J Knight


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hnsonville and Districts R&SA Welfare Trust ANZAC DAY PARADE AND COMMUNITY SERVICE
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12 Thursday April 18, 2024
Glazing with
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your learning style and unlock your potential. Learn ONLINE! FREE initial consultation Phone 02 021 673 119 23-29 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville margot@wls.co.nz www.wls.co.nz Individual programmes tailored for success cover: Dyslexia Dyspraxia Autism Maths ADHD Suitable ages 5-95 97% SUCCESS RATE ONLINE COURSES AVAILABLE
friendly at the Innkeeper
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Attire for Hire Ground Floor 23-29 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville 027 777 4042 Hours: Mon - Fri 10am to 5pm Sat 10am to 1pm 139A Main Road, Tawa (next to Mexted Motors) Open 7 days | 022 432 4155 l E Porteno ~ Cafe fe Keeping the Argentinian theme alive and fresh! Come on in and meet Misu and Omm for great coffee and delicious food! Warmth and security from Eco Doors & Windows ou r LOCAL
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Joinery Showroom
What is ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is used to describe individuals who into their own world to be entertained as they either faster or slower than reality and their can concepts of sequence and how to create What can be done about it? If you want to find out more, contact Margot Young at Wellington Learning Solutions phone 021 673 119 or email margot@wls.co.nz el Porteno carries on the Argentine character previous owner established is still part of
at a bar

How to wear your family’s medals this Anzac Day

With Anzac Day just around the corner, the Heraldry Curator at the National Army Museum in Waiouru has some tips about how to wear your family’s medals. First and foremost? Wear them with pride! Their service should be remembered and honoured, and wearing their medals on a day of national remembrance allows them to be on parade one more time.

There are a few rules to keep in mind though. Next-of-kin and other relatives of servicemen and women can wear their relative’s medals only on specific occasions - Anzac Day being one of them. The service medals and decorations must be mounted on a medal bar (full-size or miniature), and neck badges,

sashes, sash badges, rosettes, or breast stars cannot be worn by anyone other than the recipient. Only medals earned by the person wearing them can be worn on the left side of their chest, so if you are wearing your relative’s medals make sure they are on the right side of your chest. An easy way to remember – only your own medals are worn above your heart.

It is absolutely okay to wear replicas, and in some cases it is the best way to honour a relative.

Some families choose to keep medal bars safe and protected, or on display, and wear replicas on special occasions, and others get multiple replicas to be worn by multiple family members. A medal

bar should not be “broken up” with individual medals going to different family members; some say to do so negatively impacts the mana of the medal bar and the story of their service.

Don’t have your relative’s medals to wear? That’s okay! Just turning up for an Anzac Day service or wearing a poppy shows respect and honours their service.

The National Army Museum in Waiouru will be holding an 11am Civic Service on Anzac Day for anyone who wishes to attend. Discover New Zealand's military history, engage with real life soldiers' stories and reflect on how conflict has shaped our nation. Open daily 9.00am-4.30pm. www.armymuseum.co.nz

Long Term Plan meetings

Khandallah and Wadestown feature in two online meetings Wellington City Council has organised on its Long Term Plan. These two meetings are among the three online hui the council has organised.

The online meeting about the Khandallah proposals will be held between 6:30 and 7:30pm on 22 April.

More information is at www. eventfinda.co.nz/2024/long-termplan-2024-34-meeting-khandallah/ virtual/new-zealand.

The online meeting about the Wadestown proposals will be held between 6:30 and 7:30pm on 23 April.

More information is at www. eventfinda.co.nz/2024/long-termplan-2024-34-meeting-wadestown/ virtual/new-zealand.

The Eventfinda pages provide the

URLs needed to join the meetings, and registration is not required. The council will also host a Long Term Plan webinar from 6 to 8pm on 2 May.

Registration is required for this event, and registration and more information is at www.eventfinda. co.nz/2024/wellingtons-long-termplan-webinar-investing-for-thecity/virtual/new-zealand.

Formal consultation on the 202434 Long-term Plan is open until

midnight on 12 May.

“Providing feedback is an important way to have your say on the future of our city,” the council says.

“Visit the website www.letstalk. wellington.govt.nz/hub-page/longterm-plan-2024-34 to find out more and make a submission.”

“Key proposals,” the council says, are: spend on fixing the pipes?

cil wheelie bins for rubbish and organics to reduce landfill waste?

we sell our airport shares to help manage insurance and investment risk?

“Other proposed changes include introducing parking fees in suburban centre shopping precincts and for motorcycle parking in the central city, closing Khandallah Pool, and selling Wadestown Community Centre.”

13 Thursday April 18, 2024 BUILDER LBP Qualified for: Alterations, Additions Refurbishment, Repairs Ph Allan Johnstone: 973 1239 027 450 3239 BUILDERS ADVERTISING TO ADVERTISE ON THIS PAGE CONTACT BRENDA NOW BRENDA Sales M: 021 640 152 E: brenda@wsn.co.nz SERVICES CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SERVICE NOW! & Trades GUTTERS CALL STEVE 528 3331 / 0272 377 020 Relax & get your GUTTER Cleaned PLUMBING 44236 Plumbing. Drainlaying. Roofing and Spouting. Blocked drains. Burst pipes. Repairs and Leaks. Black Dux Qest pipe replacement. Maintenance. Kitchens. Bathrooms. Replacing hot water cylinders. Phone 027 4574 999 or 970 2409 Email: jokagraham3@gmail.com CHURTON FURNISHERS LTD Restorers of Antique and Contemporary Upholstery WN 027 442 4775 7 CUNLIFFE STREET, JOHNSONVILLE or 477 1375 COMPARE OUR QUOTES & BE SURPRISED UPHOLSTERY CARPET & VINYL 7 Strathmore Ave, Strathmore Park, Wellington Ph: (04) 388 7969 E: dmcarpets@gmail.com For A No Obligation FREE MEASURE & QUOTE David & Maria’s SALE CARPET & VINYL NOW ON Get a Free Quote! SHIPPING CONTAINERS OUTDOOR POWER TOOLS WOOD FIRES NOW AVAILABLE PORIRUA MEGA CENTRE Contact Darrin: 027 2767 691 browndarrin202@gmail.com ALL THINGS MAINTENANCE CARPENTER PAINTER
Young boy attending Dawn Service in Waiouru wearing relative's miniature medals. Photo Supplied.

“Choices” Cochran Hall Khandallah

Four plays in four genres to captivate and intrigue. There’s fable and theatre-of-the-absurd, there’s romance and make-believe. Friday 19-Sunday 21 April. https://kattheatre.org.nz/bookings

Life Art Class

5.30-7.15pm Wednesdays, Untutored. St Andrews on The Terrace. Entrance lane at right of church. $15.00 waged / $9 unwaged.

Don’t Chuck It. Fix It.

Ngaio Repair Cafe is free, open Saturday 20 April,10am - 1pm, Ngaio Union Church, corner Crofton Road and Kenya Street.

West Park School Pre-enrolment for Term 3 and 4, 2024

Enrolment at West Park School is now governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the West Park School office and website. The West Park School Board has determined that up to 10 places are likely to be available for out of zone students for Terms 3 and 4 of 2024. The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone.

For students seeking enrolment during Terms 3 and 4, the deadline for receipt of applications for out of zone places is Friday 14th June 2024.

Parents of students who live within the home zone and intend enrolling their child at any time during Terms 3 and 4 should notify the school by Friday 14th June 2024 to assist the school to plan appropriately for these Terms.

Pre-enrolment applications can be submitted:

1. Complete online enrolment on our school website

If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected in a priority order by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on the Friday 30th June 2023. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held.

Details relating to the enrolment period are as follows.

Length of enrolment period: from 22nd July 2024 to 17th December 2024

Deadline for receipt of applications: Friday 14th June 2024

Date of ballot: Monday 24th June 2024.

OHS accommodation issue

The Onslow Historical Society (OHS) will need to be making decisions over its accommodation.

The society is currently based at the former Khandallah Automatic Telephone Exchange (KATE) building, 86 Khandallah Road.

The building's owner Chorus has informed the society by email that it plans to sell the building.

“It seems likely that the sale will proceed in 2025,” OHS's Acting President George Walter says.

In the meantime OHS hopes to get monthly leasing opportunities until the building is sold.

“The society, after the AGM and the installation of a new President and committee, will need to carefully consider the options open to it which could include:

from Chorus;

originals to the museum sector.

“This is a complex issue that has no right or wrong solutions,” George says.

“However we have to be cognisant that time is not our friend in this.”

Business Improvement District Manager

pivotal role in driving positive chance, promoting local businesses, and developing a strong sense of community pride. Your primary responsibility will be to oversee and coordinate all aspects of the BID’s operations, working collaboratively with stakeholders to achieve our goals.

Key Responsibilities:

1. Develop and implement strategic plans and initiatives to promote economic growth and enhance the overall appearance and appeal of the district.

2. Collaborate with local businesses, residents, and public officials to identify community needs and priority.

3. Coordinate and manage BID projects, such as website, beautification efforts, events, marketing campaigns etc.

4. Foster strong relationships with key stakeholders, business owners, property owners, local authorities, and community organisations.

5. Advocate for the district’s interests and represent the BID at public meetings, community events and networking functions.

6. Monitor and measure the success of BID initiatives, regularly reporting on progress and outcomes to stakeholders.


1. Proven experience in community development, economic revitalisation, and urban planning

2. Exceptional leadership and communication skills to inspire and engage stakeholders

3. Strong project management abilities

4. Knowledge of local regulations, and government processes related to business improvement districts.

5. Ability to think strategically and creatively to address challenges and seize opportunities

6. A passion for community engagement.

Application Process: if you are ready to make a significant different in our community and possess the right qualifications, we invite you to apply. Please submit your updated resume and a compelling cover letter detailing your relevant experience and dedication to community improvement to cumac@xtra.co.nz or Post to PO Box 13264, Johnsonville.

Application Deadline Friday 3rd May

14 Thursday April 18, 2024 CLASSIFIEDS Your Local News
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door Puzzle W R O O R C S D S SOLUTION For December 22, 2004 ACROSS 1. Inundate (9) 6. After birth. (9) 11. Rate in music(pl) (5) 12. Grease from wool. (7) 13. Disturb. (5) 14. Make less severe. (8) 17. Hackneyed convention. (10) 18. Pounds,shillings & pence(abbr)(3) 20. Heavy wooden hammer. (4) 22. Sets fire to. (7) 24. Halo round heavenly body. (6) 26. Consumed. (3) 28. Papal letter. (5) 29. Cotton fabric. (7) 32. Accustom. (5) 33. Parson-bird. (3) 34. U.S. Intelligence agency (abbr) (3) 35. Facial twitch. (3) 36. Ingenuous. (5) 37.One who urges wrongdoing. (7) 38. Muslim title. (5) 39. Electric fish. (3) 41. Tributary stream. (6) 42. Embellished. (7) 44. Agitate. (4) 47. The same. (3) 49.Paid motor-car driver (fem) (10) 51. Valet. (8) 55. Of sight. (5) 56. Soaked in blood. (7) 57. Cooped up. (5) 58. Act of formally withdrawing from the church. (9) 59. Loathes. (9) DOWN 1. Most favourable. (7) 2. Ant. (5) 3. Twists. (6) 4. Splendour. (5) 5. Covering for horse’s head, -sheet. (4) 6. Artist’s paint board. (7) 7. Girls name (6) 8. Of the nerves. (12) 9. Sapid. (5) 10. Professional writer. (11) 15. Ailing. (3) 16. Mine entrance. (4) 19. Husband-to-be. (6) 21. Use. (7) 23. Friendly. (6) 25. Rich. (7) 26. Consequences. (5-7) 27. Right of access. (6) 28. Well-doers. (11) 30. Outfit. (3) 31. Cafe. (6) 40.Prepare for publication. (4) 43. Rubbish container. (7) 44. Snow runner. (3) 45. Ornamental screen behind altar (7) 46. Star sign. (6) 48. Early cavalry soldier. (6) 50. Garret. (5) 52. Furnish. (5) 53. Dusk, fall. (5) 54. Real name Ella Geisman, actress Allyson. (4) Solution Last WeeK: 11 April 2024 Situation Vacant Are you an ambitious, driven individual with a passion for business development. We are looking for a highly skilled and motivated BID Manager to join our dynamic team. Job Title:      BID Manager Permanent Part-time 3 days a week, flexible hours. Job Overview:   As the Business Improvement District Manager, you will play a
E: grahamspaintersnz @gmail.com W: www.grahamspainters.nz Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492
Travel From Asia, Africa, Europe, North America Wellington Male Voice Choir Tawa College Hall, 38A Duncan Street 21 April 2-4pm Tickets $25 from wellingtonmvcnz.org or at
Public Notice

Exciting round of Football

Round three of the Men’s Central Football League proved to be just as exciting as the weeks before, but the local teams were more on the receiving than giving end of the equation this time around.

Friday night football once again was on offer at Alex Moore Park on 12 April but the continual heavy rain before, during and after the match really did put a damper on things.

TFS North Wellington were looking to make a good impression against the Wellington Phoenix Reserves, but this proved anything but the case with young Nix prevailing 5-1 in front of an almost empty ground.

The 20 brave spectators were treated to an opening goal from the Nix 13 minutes after kick off.

Josh Zatorski responded with a screamer just a minute later which was powerfully struck outside the box and into the net.

By the time an hour of running time had elapsed, it was all over and the damage was well and truly done. Coach Greenacre had a well drilled side who were clinical in approach, quick to transition and took their chances to great effect.

Norths will be no doubt be work-

ing on converting more opportunities in time for their away trip to Island Bay.

Waterside Karori also had a hard time of things when they travelled to play Wellington Olympic at Wakefield Park.

The Greeks clearly wanted to move past their decent loss at the hands of Western Suburbs last week.

The final score was 4-1 to Olympic with the only goal to Karori through Leon Bird right on half time as well as an own goal in the heat of the moment just before full time was called.

Miramar Rangers and Western Suburbs duked it out at David Farrington Park and Rangers came away with the honours in the end by 3 goals to 2.

It really was a must win for Rangers as Western Suburbs continue to flex their muscles far more than we have seen in recent years.

New kids on the block Island Bay had a thrilling 3-2 result away to Petone.

These were Island Bay’s first points in the league and the result will obviously be a great confidence booster so early in the season.

The turnaround came after a disappointing opening round loss 7-1 to Wests and then 2-0 down

against Miramar.

All five goals were scored in the second half and Island Bay ambushed Petone by scoring all their goals in the final 9 minutes.

Stop Out collected more yellow

Two Cricket stalwarts step down

Two long-serving stalwarts of the Johnsonville Cricket Club – Cheryl Styles and Rick Mudgway – have stepped down from active roles following the 2023-24 season.

Cheryl has been the club’s scorer for more than 40 years, while Rick has been involved in a wide variety of roles for just on 20 years.

Rick has served as the club’s Chair and as Club Captain and he has been made a Life Member of the club.

Among the many other roles he has undertaken has been organising gear, fund-raising, serving as a committee member, and helping in a variety of ways.

He has also been a champion for Women’s and Girls cricket in the club. In fact one of the “great highlights” of his time with the club, he says, has been “the growth in female playing numbers”.

Rick has been told that the Johnsonville club has the largest number of cricketers in the region. Although he can’t confirm that, it is “very pleasing”. Ethnic diverity is another focus for Rick.

“One of the strengths of our club is ethnic diversity,” he says.

“We welcome and are very inclusive of people of all ethnicities.”

Another “great highlight” was Johnsonville winning the Pearce Cup, symbol of supremacy in Wellington Cricket, for two years in a row in 2021 and 2022.

The men’s teams have been a huge focus for Rick.He has ensured the club has appropriate coaching and playing resources, made sure the teams are well turned out and

that they had the best players with a focus on people who played for the club as juniors. Yet another “great highlight” was the development of the new clubrooms.

Rick played a significant role in the development and completion of these facilities at Alex Moore Park.

The clubrooms are “a fantastic asset for the community and for the cricket club,” he says.

Rick’s initial involvement with the Johnsonville Cricket Club began when his oldest son Kent started playing junior cricket for the club in 1989.

He became involved as the organiser of the senior team in 2004 and became Club Captain in 2007.

Following a request in 1982

Cheryl agreed to score for the club and has continued to do so most weekends since then.

Cheryl’s scoring has not just been confined to the Johnsonville Cricket Club. After two seasons with the club

Earle Cooper, Chair of Cricket Wellington at the time, put her name forward for duty on the representative panel of scorers.

In her first season, 1984/85, she was fortunate enough to make her “test” debut. Since then she has scored tests, first class matches and limited overs matches.

Unlike some people Cheryl has no problem proving that she was there to witness two very famous innings – Martin Crowe’s 299 and Brendon McCullum’s 300 – as she was scoring. In 2009 Cheryl was one of 50 New Zealanders to be awarded an ICC Centennial Medal to recognise her volunteer services to cricket in New Zealand.

She commented at the time that this recognition was totally unexpected as scorers can often feel they are out sight and out of mind, although she had never felt like that at Johnsonville.

Cheryl was the Johnsonville Cricket Club’s first woman life member.

cards than goals when they travelled to Napier on 14 April. Rovers revelled in their home envinment had a comfortable enough win in the end 3-0.

In the Women’s Kelly Cup pre

season competition, Waterside Karori went down 3-2 to Petone in the Cup competition while Mana Coach Services North Wellington had a 5-0 over the Miramar Rangers Reserves in the Plate competition.

J’ville beats wind, rain and Norths

Johnsonville’s premier Rugby team took the honours at Helston Park on 13 April, defeating Northern United 32-28.

The win saw Johnsonville win the Barlow Trophy.

The home team’s victory came when Johnsonville played well to the very poor conditions, with heavy rain falling and a southerly wind sweeping the field.

Mark Sutton opened the scoring with a penalty, but Norths replied with a converted try minutes later.

That was to be all Norths could muster during the first half as Johnsonville then dominated the remainder of the first 40 minutes.

That dominance saw them score three tries, with centre Finlay Sharp, lock Sergio Hollis and prop Ha’ameaa Ahio dotting down.

Mark kicked another penalty and converted two of the tries.

This saw the home team go into the half time break with a 25-7 lead.

Norths came out firing in the second half and scored two converted tries to cut Johnsonville’s lead to four points. At that stage it appeared that Norths would soon overtake the home team.

Johnsonville had other ideas, however, and moved up a gear. With five minutes to play right wing Jacob Warmsley cut through the Norths defence to score the winning try, which Mark duly converted.

That gave them an 11 point lead and although Norths scored a converted try right on full time it was not enough to deny Johnsonville the victory.

Johnsonville’s next match sees them play bottom of the table Wellington at Helston Park on 20 April.

Johnsonville’s premier reserve team also scored a victory over Northern United on 13 April, winning 38-22.

15 Thursday April 18, 2024 SPORT
Action from the match between Miramar Rangers and Western Suburbs. Photo: Imrays Snaps. Rick Mudgway. Photo: Supplied. Cheryl Styles. Photo: Supplied.
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16 Thursday April 18, 2024 WINTER HEATING NOW IN STORE MITRE 10 CROFTON DOWNS Start Thursday 18th April - Tuesday 24th April 2024. 221640 $12 49 LOW PRICE Yates Weed N Feed Lawn Weed Killer And Fertiliser 4 litre Easy to use on/off switch. Lawn weed killer that selectively kills the most common broadleaf weeds in lawns. Ready to use no mixing required. 138437 $29 98 LOW PRICE Number 8 Hardwearing Lawn Seed 1kg Hardwearing lawn. Encourages lush, green growth. Includes a fungicide to protect against soilborne diseases. Includes a bird repellent to deter bird theft. 247094 Roundup Fast Action Weedkiller Bonus Pack 1.2 Litre Convenient ready mixed weedkiller. Visible results in 1 hour. Rainproof in 2 hours. Not active in the soil. 293720 $23 98 LOW PRICE Tui Bulb Mix 10 litre Contains seaweed, calcium and magnesium to grow healthier blooms. Use in garden beds, pots and containers 247642 Intruder The Better Rat Trap 1unit No touch disposal. 138860 $14 95 LOW PRICE Nouveau Flat Fan Heater 2kW 2kW heat output. 2 heat settings. Adjustable Thermostat. Lightweight. Safety Tip Over Switch. 326998 $32 98 LOW PRICE Natures Flame Wood Fire Pellets 15kg Highly efficient Low emission Renewable and sustainable New Zealand made. 280490 Talon Rat & Mouse Bait One Feed Pellets 150g Kills rats and mice in one feed. Ready to use bait. Contains 6x25g pellet trays. Less than 1g is required to kill a mousee. 142776 MITRE 10 CROFTON DOWNS Phone : 04 479 8765 128 Churchill Drive cs.croftondowns@mitre10.co.nz facebook.com/mitre10.croftondowns www.mitre10.co.nz/croftondowns Monday - Friday 7.00am - 6.00pm Saturday & Sunday 8.00am-6.00pm Tui Garden Waste Bag Has four side panels that can fold over to secure the bag shut. Reusable. Easy to use and empty Suitable for grass clippings and general garden debris. New Seasonal Bulbs Now instore! $11 49 LOW PRICE Goldair Eco Panel Heater 425W 425W heat output. Paintable surface. Wall mounted. Easy installation. 2 Year Warranty. H: 600mm, W: 600mm, D: 30mm. 369535 $139 LOW PRICE Gardeners Edge Wine Barrel Half Rustic 122.5 Litre Decorative and functional. Original wine barrel. Utilise space-poor areas. Ideal for container planting. 122.5 litre capacity with a 70cm diameter. 119824 $13 49 LOW PRICE $16 98 LOW PRICE Book a Free Kitchen design consultation and pay your deposit on an Interrior Living Kitchen by April 30th 2024 for your chance to WIN Be into WIN 1 of 5 $2000 gift cards see T&C’s in store. $10 98 LOW PRICE $152 LOW PRICE

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