14 March Independent Herald

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Save the pool By Frank Neill Local people in large numbers are joining the batttle to save the Khandallah swimming pool. The Save Khandallah Pool team, established by Khandallah resident John McGrath, held a family day at the pool on Sunday 10 March. Continued on page 2. Six-year-old Ruby with the letters she and her class mates have written to the council asking them not to close Khandallah pool. Photo: Supplied. Thursday March 14, 2024 Phone: (04) 587 1660 Sunday 11-18 Today 13-18 Friday 10-18 Saturday 10-15 22 24 MARCH TSB ARENA Are you paying too much? Second Inscription from $950.00 New Plaques from $1300.00 New Headstones from $2200.00 Permit, Lettering, Artwork, Installation and GST all Included BUY DIRECT & SAVE GLOVER MEMORIALS 7 Hartham Pl Sth, Porirua Ph: 237-8891 Also at 298 Naenae Road, Lower Hutt Headstone specialists since 1911 www.glovermemorials.co.nz Phone 021 673 119 23-29 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville margot@wls.co.nz Do you have DIFFICULTY with: • Hand-eye co-ordination • Maths • ADHD • Dyslexia • Autism FREE initial consultation www.wls.co.nz

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People really hopeful the council will listen

“Lots of kids and parents turned up,” John says.

“It was really good to see such a good turnout.

“Everybody was really, really positive about the initiatives to save the pool.

“We are really encouraged by the momentum that has been generated and we are really hopeful that the council will listen to us and we will find a way forward together,” John says.

One of the children who turned up at the pool on Sunday was six-year-old Ruby.

Ruby organised her class at Ngaio School to write letters because she is so upset the council is planning to close the pool.

She brought the letters with her to Sunday’s event and she says that she wants to be Wellington’s Mayor some day.

Next weekend could be the last time the pool is open for people to swim, and the Save Khandallah Pool team is running a special event on Saturday 16 March starting at 10am at the pool.

The team is hosting Art Splash @ Automat.

Automat will be set up as an art studio so the younger members of the community can create art, making a “visual” petition to Wellington City Council (WCC) to save the pool.

The art works will be presented to the Mayor and Councillors.

Following the Art Splash, which will finish at 12:30pm, there will be both an opportunity for people to have a swim and also speak to

members of the Save Khandallah Pool team and let them know why the pool should not be closed.

An online petition to save the pool continues to attract signatures.

By 10:20am on 13 March 2,884 people had signed the petition, launched by John and which opened on 21 February.

It is at https://wellington.govt. nz/have-your-say/petitions/petitions/current/2024-02-save-thekhandallah-summer-pool-fromclosure. “We encourage people to sign the petition to help save our pool,” John says.

The petition will be open until 24 April, and John will formally present it to the council later that month.

Wellington City Council will begin its consultation on the draft Long Term Plan, which currently includes closing the Khandallah pool, on 12 April.

“We encourage everyone in the community to check out what is proposed for the pool, to write to the Mayor and Councillors and to make submissions on the Long Term Plan,” John says.

The Long Term Plan consultation will run until 12 May.

During this period, people can provide submissions on the proposed plan. After the formal consultation closes people will have the opportunity to speak to their submissions at an oral hearing or oral forum, the council says.

The final 2024-34 Long Term Plan will be adopted by the council on 30 June.

“It’s really hard to believe that after nearly 100 years of friends, family and community gatherings at Khandallah Pool, next weekend could be the very last time the pool is open for the public to swim,” the Save Khandallah Pool team says on its Facebook page.

“This council has voted to end generations of memory-making and community connection without any public consultation, and just two years after it was confirmed the pool would be developed (after 60 years of no maintenance or investment).

“The Save Khandallah Pool team has been gathering and sharing the views of the public who visit the pool from all over Wellington city and beyond, to show how loved and valued this iconic and historic pool is.

“Without your help, this weekend’s visitors will be the last in its history – ever.

“The cost to develop the pool is over-inflated and takes into account the cost of upgrading the

stream (which will have to take place regardless of whether the pool is upgraded or not).

“Visitors don’t want a five star upgrade anyway.

“They love the pool and are connected to its history.”

The pool “was built by the community for the community and then acquired by Wellington City Council when Onslow merged with Wellington.

“The money won’t go into fixing the pipes, it will go into filling the pool and concreting over the memories of many past generations, sealing its fate for our young and older tamariki.

“This is an inclusive facility for all ages and abilities.

“We don’t think the message to our tamariki should be that old equals redundant.

“We take pride in our pool and local history and we ask Wellington City Council, Mayor Tory Whanau and all WCC councillors to listen to the views of the public and save Khandallah pool.”

Our Johnsonville Police have done excellent work over recent months, arresting and charging three people for a series of intentional damage around the electorate. In fact, there were in excess of 150 charges.

The sort of crimes they were committing, smashing car windows, bus stops and properties, are often not prioritised when there is more serious crime happening, but cumulatively they can affect more people. Combined with the arrest in Newlands of one of Wellington’s biggest receivers of stolen property in recent times, it is good to know Police eventually catch up with these criminals.

I recently hosted a meeting which included local property developers and representatives from the City and Regional Councils. The background for the meeting was the need to ensure all people involved in providing more housing in our electorate, whether it be those building them or those regulating and permitting that building, understand the issues which govern the ability to build the houses everyone agrees we need.

There are essentially two types of development; greenfields and brownfields. Greenfields means building on currently undeveloped land, typically ex farmland on the edges of current urban areas, where infrastructure like sewers, water supply and other essential services don’t exist are usually built by the developer.

Fear of getting caught is a bigger deterrent than anything else, so it’s also good when these arrests get good publicity.

Brownfields development means rebuilding on existing sites, and there has been considerable discussion in recent times around how much intensification should be allowed in existing suburbs, especially changing of height limits to allow for more apartments.

The Government, as a cost cutting measure, are proposing more offenders will be permitted to appear electronically, something I’m not in favour of where it replaces offenders having to front up in a

Both have their advantages and disadvantages; the Regional Council in particular see their role to prevent more

runoff and other material ending up in our harbours, especially the Porirua harbour in the case of development north of Johnsonville and Newlands. The Wellington City Council are concerned that the existing infrastructure cannot handle the pressure it comes under when new housing areas are developed. Existing infrastructure is aging and needs upgrading across our city, as evidenced by recent pipe failures. An advantage of intensification of existing areas means more people, therefore more ratepayers to pay for those upgrades.

court, in front of other people and importantly, a judge. The court room should always be the centre point of the criminal justice system in my view, and trying to save money by allowing more people to appear from their house reduces the impact

There are cases where it is appropriate, especially where the offender is already in prison, and also for vulnerable witnesses, but not for most criminals. Already many are warned for their offence at the police station and are not charged; too many in my view as it has the effect of people thinking they’re ‘getting

Developers of course need to make a profit, and wish to keep their compliance costs as low as possible. Many believe the Resource Management Act is too cumbersome. We as government for our part have undertaken to rewrite that act.

The feedback was good, but the success will be when there are sufficient affordable houses to meet demand. That is certainly my goal as your MP.

And so, it is worth reporting crimes which occur; even if they may not be resolved instantly, most active offenders get caught eventually and your crime might just be one of the

That, and of course having a vibrant and functioning Johnsonville Shopping Centre we can all be proud of.

There’s plenty to be getting on with.

The Police 105 Line is the way to report, or to report crime

2 Thursday March 14, 2024
www.p3research.co.nz To be eligible participants must: Be 18 Years or older, Have established cardiovascular/heart disease with a BMI ≥ 27, or Have established chronic kidney disease with a BMI ≥ 30. VISIT OUR WEBSITE CONTACT US Ph: 04-595 1451 For more information Call P3 Research Lower Hutt Clinical study for people who are overweight/ living with obesity Clinical study Weight loss clinical study for people living with overweight/ obesity
A group of children enjoying Khandallah pool at last Sunday’s family day. Photo: Supplied.

Makara bike park’s 25th anniversary

Talk on dahlias

Karori photographer Simon Woolf will give an illustrated “show and tell” on dahlias at the Karori Garden Club on Friday 15 March.

The club will meet at 10am at the Karori Arts and Crafts Centre, 7 Beauchamp Street.

Simon will talk about how he grows dahlias, photographs them, and then turn dahlias and other flowers into framed fine art.

Rotary gardening

A band of volunteers from the Rotary Club of Karori worked on the gardens at the Marsden Club in Newcombe Crescent on 2 March.

The Marsden Club and the associated Chelsea Club in Lyall Bay, provide day care for people suffering from dementia, thus providing a day’s respite for their normal carers.

The enthusiastic team weeded, trimmed, cleared up and spread mulch, leaving the garden in a much tidier state.

Mākara Peak Mountain Bike Park celebrated its 25th anniversary on Tuesday 12 March.

Volunteers and council representatives gathered for a small ceremony to recognise the transformation that has occurred since Wellington City Council officially established the park on 11 March 1998.

The 25th anniversary celebrations will continue throughout the year, with a range of events and activities.

“Mākara Peak Mountain Bike Park has become recognised as a world-class area dedicated to both mountain biking and conservation,” long time Mākara Peak supporter, Simon Kennett says.

“It’s amazing how far it’s come since the late 1990s.

“Back then the park had very few trails, birdlife was limited and the vegetation was scrubby and weedy.

“Slowly but surely the number and range of tracks in the park has grown, and the size and diversity of the forest has increased dramatically.

“The rejuvenated native bush and extensive trapping has helped bird life flourish, with M ā kara Peak now home to kakariki, titipounamu and even kiwi,” Simon says.

The chair of M ā kara Peak Supporters, Kerei Thompson, says the park’s success is due to the close working relationship between Wellington City Council and the Mākara Peak Supporters Group.

But it has mostly been fuelled by the efforts of thousands of volunteers who have helped build dozens of tracks, planted more than 60,000 native trees, maintained a network of almost 700 traps and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“The Mākara Peak volunteers are often park neighbours, local mountain bikers or conservation enthusiasts,” Kerei says.

“There is no typical volunteer.

“However, the majority started their connection with the park via mountain biking or because they’re a member of the Karori community.

“They’re just ordinary people

from all walks of life who want to give something back and pay it forward.

“While volunteering is still a big part of keeping things humming along, council contractors and a full-time park ranger now play a huge role in the maintenance and development of Mākara Peak.

“We look forward to working together to keep making the park better for future generations of Wellingtonians.”

The park’s establishment began when the valley in Karori the mountain bikers used in the 1990s was about to become the Zealandia Te Māra a Tāne Ecosanctuary.

Wellington City Council had recently bought a block of retired Karori farmland that included Mākara hill.

Local mountain bikers began work in the area in the winter of 1998, building tracks and planting trees.

By the summer of 1999 three hand-built tracks, a car park and a bridge over the Karori Stream were in place.

The Kennett brothers established the M ā kara Peak Supporters Group, comprising volunteers who worked with the council to develop the area.

The Mākara Peak Supporters determined to plant at least one tree for every metre of new track to offset the impact of bush clearance for track development.

By 2014 more than 35,000 native seedlings had been planted.

Pests such as goats, sheep, and possums were dramatically reduced with volunteers maintaining possum traps, bait stations and mustelid traps.

The volunteers have also planted many native trees, including kahikatea, miro, matai, rimu, northern rata, tawa, kohekohe, and kamahi.

When the park first opened, there were only three podocarps taller than four metres. Now there are 212.

Visit https://makarapeak.bike and follow https://www.facebook.com/makarapeak to learn more about the park and keep up to date with the anniversary events.

March 14, 2024 inbrief news
3 Thursday
Greg O’Connor Get in touch My office is open 9am- 4pm Monday to Friday 04 478 3332 greg.oconnor@parliament.govt.nz 2/18 Moorefield Road, Johnsonville, Wellington Labour.org.nz/gregoconnor /GregOhariu Authorised by Greg O’Connor MP, Parliament Buildings Wellington. MP for Ōhāriu
Miro Kennett, from the Mākara Peak Supporter’s conservation sub committee, plants a totara in the main carpark to mark the park’s 25th anniversary. Photo: Simon Kennett.
For bookings call us on 04 934 7269 400 Karori Road, Karori Tues–Sun 8:30am–4pm Great Taste @ Karori Park Cafe “
At the park’s 25th anniversary (from left) Mākara Peak Supporters David Laing, former chair (2001-2003), Simon and Miro Kennett (conservation committee), Kerei Thompson, current chair, and Mark Kent, Wellington City Council’s full time Mākara Peak Ranger. Photo: Caleb Smith.

Simon Woolf’s red chair fund-raiser

Karori photographer Simon Woolf has launched a new fundraising initiative.

Called the Red Chair Project, it sees Simon taking photographs all around the place and each photograph features a red chair.

Each red chair print sold sees Simon adding to the funds he donates to charity.

Sometimes the chair is quite prominent, as in a photo of a red chair overlooking the bucket fountain in Cuba Street.

At other times the red chair is quite subtle and may even tend to blend into the background of the photo.

Each photo is unique and just one is printed on Epson long life paper

using Epson K3 Ultrachrome archival inks. The 60cm by 90cm photos are then matted and framed.

The project was launched at the Wellington Homeless Trust/ Women's Refuge Charity Gala Dinner on 7 March.

The gala dinner was a great success, with an auction raising more than $40,000, with Simon’s work helping that total.

Since then “we’ve gained some thousands of dollars for two of the charities we Woolfs have traditionally supported – the Wellington Hospital Foundation and the Women’s Refuge.

“It’s caught the imagination of people, it really has,” Simon says.

“People are coming up with ideas of where to put the red chair.”

As a result Simon has plans to

walk up Mt Kaukau with the chair “and it’s due for a jaunt on the Interislander and the East West Ferry as well.”

He has also had interest from companies who are wanting a photo of a red chair as part of their promotion.

The red chair travels with Simon in his car wherever he goes, and when he sees any opportunity out comes the chair and the camera.

“The aim of the project is to focus attention on some of what is great in Wellington,” he says.

“Our Red Chair has already seen serious action, and has traversed a lot of ground.

“It's been a heap of fun too.

“The Red Chair has also now been out of Wellington too. There have also been requests for it to go

on a road trip to certain venues around New Zealand.

One request has come from the Auckland Festival of Photography, which has asked Simon to exhibit

his red chair photos. He is planning to do just that in the festival, which will take place in the last week of May and most of June.

Regional council voting on 19.8% rates rise

Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Long Term Plan Committee will vote this Thursday, 14 March, on a 19.8% rates increase consultation.

The rates increase will be included in the draft Long Term Plan (LTP) for 2024-34 the committee will be voting to put out for public consultation.

If it opts for a 19.8% rates increase this would equate to an approximate average increase per week of $3.57 for the residential ratepayer, $7.04 for the business ratepayer and $2.51 for the rural ratepayer region wide.

The Long Term Plan Committee, made up of councillors and mana whenua, will consider the LTP’s draft Consultation Document and Supporting Information, which includes propositions to purchase Horizons Regional Council’s stake in CentrePort Limited and lease land for two new bus depots in Lyall Bay and north Wellington, in line with Metlink’s Asset Control Strategy.

Greater Wellington and Long Term Plan Committee Chair Daran Ponter says the

benefits and risks of each proposal have been set out for the public to consider

“Public feedback is integral to setting the direction of our region through the Long Term Plan,” he says.

“It gives councillors confidence that we’re making balanced decisions that account for our communities’ views on rates and regional priorities.

“This year, public consultation topics include two of the most significant decisions I’ve seen during my time on council, which will greatly affect the future of public transport and maritime trade in our region”.

The LTP is reviewed every three years, with consultation focussing on new activities or changes to key projects, that will significantly impact council's budget, or the levels of service provided by council.

“Since the last review in 2021, inflation, insurance premiums, interest rates and operating costs have risen, putting significant pressure on the first year of this updated plan,” Cr Ponter says.

In December 2023, the council signalled

a double-digit rates rise was likely this year, with lower increases to follow.

“We’ve worked hard to find savings by keeping personnel positions vacant, reducing operational expenditure, rephasing and reprioritising projects, as well as increasing borrowing terms,” Cr Ponter says.

Projects in progress or with funding committed also pushed rates up.

“This includes vital flood defence upgrades in the Hutt Valley and the design and planning of two storage lakes for bulk water supply.”

Residents are also being asked for general feedback on activities such as:

· increasing funding for pest management and flood protection programmes;

· restoration work in regional parks; and

· renewable electricity generation through solar arrays and farms to meet growing electricity needs for the rail network, electric buses and bulk water supply.

Consultation on the LTP review opens on 18 March 2024 and submissions will close on 22 April.

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A red chair overlooking Wellington harbour, just one of the many pictures in the red chair series. Photo: Simon Woolf.

Historic gold stamper battery being restored

Restoration of the historic Albion Stamper Battery in Mākara to date will be one stop on a tour of Terawhiti Station that has been organised by Heritage New Zealand this coming weekend.

The tour will be exploring the 19th Century goldfields on the station.

Built on the station in 1883, the stamper battery was used to crush gold-bearing quartz mined from the company’s claim high on the hill above.

Despite all the effort and investment, it was, in fact, used just three times to free the gold from the quartz.

The Albion Gold Mining Company that set up the stamper battery, at considerable expense, used it just once. Their first and only crushing was so poor all work was halted.

They then leased it to another company, the Golden Crown, whose prospects were comparatively brighter. They completed two crushings but ultimately reached the same unsatisfactory result.

The Albion company was wound up 1886 after which time it fell into disuse.

In one final “rush” the stamper battery was dismantled in 1912 and left in the ground, where it remained for the next 111 years.

The Wellington Goldfields Heritage Society Inc was established in 2017 and set about seeking the necessary consents and funding in order to restore the stamper battery.

Having gained the necessary archeaolgical consent from Heritage New Zealand, and under the expert guidance of local archaeologist Mary O’Keffe, the society conducted the first exploratory excavations at the battery site in March 2022.

In March 2023 it began uplifting machinery

the ground.

The next step for the society is to lay concrete foundations on which to rebuild the stamper mill. BECA has been helping the society on a pro bono basis towards gaining consent to build the pad.

“The incorporated society is looking for funds for the restoration project,” says Michael Grace, the society’s Chair.

It has received some funding from the Lotteries Commission and Heritage New Zealand, but more funding is needed.

“We’re working on the smell of an oily rag,” Michael says.

“But there is no shortage of willing and eager volunteers on the project, which is great.”

That has included crew members of the SS Hikitia and engineers along with “many passionate Wellingtonians who are willing to give their time and expertise”.

The restoration project will not be a short one.

“We plan to do a lot this year, but it will take another couple of years to complete the project,” Michael says.

5 Thursday March 14, 2024
A recent working bee at the historic Albion Stamper Battery. Photo: Supplied. from
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Ngaio Repair Café awakens

The Ngaio Repair Café opens for 2024 on Saturday 16 March and will run from 10am to 1pm. The date and time of the event was accidentally omitted from the article about it in last week’s issue of the “Independent Herald”.

Run in and by the Ngaio Union Church, the Ngaio Repair Cafe is held on the third Saturday of each month.

It has now been operating for more than a year, having held its first repairing session on 22 October 2022.

Anyone can bring household items for repair, and the repair-

ers will fix it if they can. Sometimes people need to buy a part and then return to the cafe for the repair to be completed.

At other times a repairer will suggest a professional firm to whom it would be worth taking the item.

The vast majority of the time the item is repaired successfully, however.

The cafe’s repair rate is about 70%, John McInnes, the Ngaio Repair Café’s co-ordinator, says.

The Ngaio Repair Cafe is available by email, repaircafengaio@gmail.com.

Grants to local sports groups

Northern and western suburbs sports organisations benefitted to the tune of $21,000 in the New Zealand Community Trust’s (NZCT) latest funding round.

Among the grants the trust made were:

• a $15,000 grant to the Johnsonville Rugby Football Club to pay for a contractor;

CAB awareness week on now

This week is Citizens Advice Bureau awareness week.

The theme of this year’s week, which began on 11 March, is youth.

“We know that becoming an adult means facing lots of new challenges, and it’s good to have somewhere to go when you have a question or need some advice,”

Ctiizens Advice Wellington says.

“That’s where we come in.

“Citizens Advice Bureau can give you information and advice and connect you with any specialist services you may need.

“We help you understand what your rights are, and we can support you with your next steps.

It doesn’t matter what the issue is – whether it’s about employment, flatting, buying a car, getting your ID sorted, or understanding your insurance – we’re here to help you.

“And guess what? Our service is free. It’s also confidential and non-judgmental.

“You can contact us through our freephone number 0800 367 222, pop in to see us at one of our offices (no appointment needed) – Central, Karori, Kilbirnie, Johnsonville or Newtown – or visit our website at cab.org.nz to chat with us online or email us.

“We have over 2,000 CAB volunteers around Aotearoa delivering our service of information and advice to the public.

“This means when you come to us for help, you get to speak with a real person if you want to.

“You don't have to be a New Zealand citizen or resident to get help from us. We're here for everyone.

“No matter who you are; if you need help and don’t know who to ask – ask us.

“We’re also a great place for people to volunteer and make a difference in the community.

“If you love helping people, then volunteering with the CAB could be just the thing for you.

“As a CAB volunteer, you would receive awesome training, gain valuable experience, boost your CV and get to work alongside dedicated volunteers of all ages, learning and making a positive impact together.”

For more information or to volunteer visit www.cab.org.nz.

How do you want to be represented?

Greater Wellington Regional Council wants to hear community views on how people are represented on the council.

In particular it wants people’s views on whether Greater Wellington’s constituency arrangements are fair and effective .

It is doing this as part of the council’s Representation Review.

• a $3,000 grant to the Karori United Tennis Club for equipment; and

• a $3,000 grant to the Victoria University Netball Club for playing uniforms and equipment.

NZCT provided grants totalling $549,508.77 in its latest round.

The local gaming venue that contributed to these grants was The Pickle Jar, 5 Parkvale Road, Karori.

The six-yearly review helps council determine the best way to serve the region’s diverse communities, the council says.

The primary measure for determining fair representation under

the Local Electoral Act 2001 is the population that each councillor represents, while effective representation reflects communities of interest in the region.

The review, which could affect the number of councillors elected to the regional council, coincides with above average annual population growth in the region of 7.1% from 2017 to 2023.

Greater Wellington Regional Council currently has 13 councillors representing six constituencies, with a councillor representing a regionwide Māori constituency due to be

elected in 2025.

The council is currently conducting a preliminary engagement with the community on representation.

Following the consultation an initial proposal will be developed, which the public will be able to submit on, before the council finalises representation for the next two elections.

For more information on the review and to participate visit Representation Review Preliminary Engagement | Have Your Say | Greater Wellington (gw.govt.nz).

6 Thursday March 14, 2024 Every Finisher Wins A Medal June 23rd www.wellingtonmarathon.co.nz Half Marathon, 10km, Kids’ Magic Mile
Paramjit Singh shows Alice Hemsley how to sharpen her father's knife at an earlier Ngaio Repair Café. Photo: CreatifKate. The Johnsonville Citizens Advice Bureau. Photo: Supplied.
Read the Independent Herald News online at independentherald.co.nz

Sentence follows Karori murder

Tain Tararo was sentenced in relation to the death of Karori man Rau Tongia in the Wellington High Court on 1 March.

Tararo was one of six people arrested and charged following the killing on Percy Dyett Drive in the early hours of 20 December 2020.

He was charged with illegally possessing a firearm.

Justice Andru Isac sentenced Tararo to four and a half months’ community detention and 12 months' intense supervision.

Tararo is allowed out during the day but must be at his address between 8pm and 5.30am during his community detention sentence.

The next appearance of others co-accused in Mr Tongia’s murder will be on 13 May 2024.

Justice Isac said Tararo was only 19 at the time of the offending and had no previous convictions.

"By your own admission, you were heavily influenced by your partner. At the time you believed the relationship was at risk and you agreed to hide the firearm when she asked you to do so in an effort to preserve the relationship."

Justice Isac said besides cleaning the firearm he did not believe any of Tararo's other actions had been premeditated. He noted that Tararo helped provide for his mother and younger sister, and was also a patched member of the Mongrel Mob.

High risk roundabout safety fix

Wellington City Council will be upgrading the Middleton Road-Westchester Drive roundabout in Glenside.

Work on the project is currently due to start on 7 May and be completed by 5 June. The main aim of the project is to improve safety for all road users.

This intersection has been identified as “high risk” in Waka Kotahi’s Road to Zero programme.

A series of changes will be made that will help with traffic calming. They will also improve the amenities for both pedestrians and cyclists.

The proposed changes include:

• converting the approach to the roundabout to a single lane approach;

• installing speed cushions on the approach roads to the roundabout;

• installation of cycle handrails on the traffic islands;

• installation of ramps;

• installing flexi post separators;

• installing electronic speed signs; and

• making changes to existing road markings to accommodate the proposed changes.

The council approved the business case for this project on 26 February.

The cost for construction will be around $100,000 including a contingency.


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Tue 13th Aug 2024, depart Wellington 1:00pm - arrive 3:30pm (CI time)

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Tour #54 (Incorporating the 2024 Festival of Science)

Wed 14th Aug 2024, depart Christchurch 1:00pm - arrive 3:45pm (CI time)

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Make up your party now and take advantage of your preferred accommodation while availability lasts.

7 Thursday March 14, 2024
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8 Thursday March 14, 2024
9 Thursday March 14, 2024

Emergency Community Hubs

Volunteer Wellington has discovered that there is widespread unawareness in the community about the location of the nearest Emergency Community Hub. It made this discovery during recent discussions about the vital role volunteers play in emergency response and recovery. As a result it reached out to the Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office (WREMO). WREMO provided Volunteer Wellington with the following information: “In a disaster such as a big earthquake, there is likely to be widespread damage to power lines, water pipes, buildings, and roads. “Emergency services will be dealing with the most urgent matters, so the people who live nearest to you will be your most immediate, and ongoing, source of support. “A Community Emergency Hub is a place where you and your neighbours can go to help each other in a major emergency.

“There are 127 Hubs across the Wellington Region. The hub is run by people like you in your local community without official assistance. To find your nearest hub visit: www.wremo.nz/community”

The Community Hubs in the northern and western suburbs of Wellington are:

Churton Park and Glenside

Churton Park School

90 Churton Drive

Crofton Downs

Crofton Downs Primary School

21 Chartwell Drive


Greenacres Primary School

60-62 Raroa Terrace, Tawa

Grenada Village

Grenada Village Hall

2 Mandeville Crescent


Johnsonville School

10 Morgan Street


Cashmere Avenue School

110 Cashmere Avenue


Karori Community Centre

7 Beauchamp Street

Karori West

Karori West Normal School

19 Allington Road


Kelburn Normal School

16 Kowhai Road


Makara Model School

399 Makara Road


Newlands School

200 Newlands Road


Ngaio School

45 Abbott Street


Northland School 14 Harbour View Road


Redwood School

71A Redwood Avenue


Tawa School 6A Oxford Street


Thorndon Primary Sachool

20 Turnbull Street


Wadestown Plunket Rooms

117 Wadestown Road

West Park

West Park School

97 Broderick Road

New single from local band

Wellington rock quartet Seismic State will make their first new release in more than four years when they launch “2 Homes” on 22 March.

The band’s drummer Matthijs van Dijk lives in Karori and the bass player Liam Wright is a former Karori resident.

“’2 Homes’ is about feeling at home in multiple places or countries,” the band’s vocalist and lyricist Rogina De Jong says.

“It describes how home is not attached to a place but rather where you are surrounded by people love and where you feel free.”

Liam recalls that the song “started as an old-school ‘chain gang’ blues demo that Rogina brought along” soon after joining the band in late 2020.

With input from the other band members, it “evolved into an up-tempo and upbeat blues-rock banger.

“That evolution continued into the studio where Troy ramped things up another notch or two.

“This is the first song we wrote after Rogina joined the band and I think we’re all really proud of how it turned out.

“I can’t wait for everyone to hear it,” Liam says.

Troy Kelly, aka TKO Music Producer, who recorded, mixed and produced the track agrees.

"Seismic State have a total banger here with twists and turns that will keep you coming back for more,” Troy says.

“The song never gets old. I should know I’ve heard it 10,000 times."

Seismic State formed in early 2018 when former bandmates Sai Soe (guitar) and Liam were joined by Matthijs

Double Glazing with German uPVC Joinery

and Nicole (vocals and guitar).

In late 2020 Rogina replaced Nicole on lead vocals and rhythm guitar and the band quickly set about writing new material and booking shows

In June 2021 Seismic State supported Auckland rockers and Aotearoa Music Award winners, Dead Favours for the Wellington leg of their “Riffing & Yelling” tour.

Seismic State’s style mixes rock with elements of funk, blues, progressive and alternative; combining riff-oriented guitar with melodic bass lines and driving drum rhythms to form a foundation for creative vocal melodies and thought-provoking lyrics.

The result is an accessible and

sonically pleasing brand of music not often found in the rock scene.

To celebrate the release, Seismic State is putting on a single release party at The Welsh Dragon on Friday 22 March. The doors open at 7pm with the first band at 7:30pm. Tickets are available for the R18 show at Under The Radar.

Seismic State will perform at the release party, supported by Wellington band Silent Divide who released their new single “In This World” on 1 March. The Brave Uniform Mikes will also perform at the event.

“2 Homes” will be available on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, YouTube, and other major streaming platforms from 22 March.

Remembering returned servicemen

Former NZ Army Major Simon Strombom, who established the New Zealand Remembrance Army (NZRA), will be the guest speaker at the March meeting of the Wellington Branch of the NZ Genealogical Society.

The meeting will be held at the Collective Community Hub, 33 Johnsonville Road on Wednesday 20 March.

Major Stromborn has seen many pristine commonwealth war graves overseas “yet in their final resting places over New Zealand, [soldiers] lie in lines overgrown, unkempt and neglected.,” he says.

He resolved to restore their graves and re-

member their stories and in 2018 established the NZRA.

This nationwide volunteer network has already restored more than 150,000 war graves in 80 cemeteries in New Zealand.

The NZRA also uncovers the stories of forgotten service people in order to honour their sacrifices through remembrance.

Simon will talk about the NZ Remembrance Army’s work in Wellington.

The evening starts at 7pm for the 7:30pm talk. There will be coffee, tea, biscuits, and a friendly welcome to visitors, and there is no charge.

Masons fund raise for neo-natal care

Fundraising by the Johnsonville-based Ngati Awa Russell Masonic Lodge will see $10,000 given to The Little Miracles Trust this week.

The money will be used to support the Neo-Natal Unit at Wellington Hospital.

The fundraising began when the Ngati Awa Russell Lodge held a quiz night at 1841 in Johnsonville on 28 January.

More than 120 people attended the quiz night, which raised $3,000, the lodge’s Worshipful Master Chris Greenslade says.

The lodge then added $2,000 to the total and the Grand Lodge of Antient, Free and Accepted Masons of New Zealand provided another $1 for every dollar raised, bringing the total to $10,000.

He decided to support The Little Miracles Trust and the Neo-Natal Unit because his grand daughter was born at 27 weeks, Chris says. The Trust and the Neo-Natal Unit did an “amazing job” of looking after and caring for his grand daughter.

The Little Miracles Trust is a not-forprofit organisation that operates across New Zealand.

It works to provide and co-ordinate support to the whānau of premature and sick babies as they make their journeys through neo-natal intensive care, the transition home and onwards.

Three members of the Ngati Awa Russell Lodge, along with people from The Little Miracles Trust will make a tour of the neo-natal unit on 28 March.

10 Thursday March 14, 2024
Seismic State (from left) Liam Wright, Rogina De Jong, Sai Soe and Matthijs van Dijk. Photo: Supplied.
Showroom – 29 Hutt Road, Thorndon Wellington Ph: 04 974 8930 - E: sales@ecowindows.nz www.ecowindows.nz 24mm double glazing Multi-point locking system Air chambers for insulation Double rubber seal Treated to withstand NZ UV Welded joins Steel reinforcement R value of 0.38, can be increased to 0.83

What’s cool in the


“Tales of the Autumn Equinox” next Wednesday at Stonehenge Aotearoa

The Autumn Equinox this year occurs on March 20 at 6:30pm.

The evening at Stonehenge Aotearoa begins with Tales of the Autumn Equinox from our Storyteller. This is followed by a procession into the Circle of Stones and weather permitting we will see the Sun set on the Equinox Heel Stone in the west. There may be some music and stargazing as well.

Observing the Equinox isn’t the only attraction at Stonehenge Aotearoa because you can also explore our magnificent night sky! The Stonehenge

Aotearoa Star Treks programme begins with a short presentation on our place in the universe.

This is followed by an audio ­ visual that takes you on a tour of our current night sky identifying the planets and notable celestial objects.

Weather permitting we then take you on a laser tour of the heavens beneath the stars at Stonehenge Aotearoa.

Star Treks are available on any evening but must be booked in advance. Allow 90 minutes for your tour

NZ’s most anticipated Balloon Festival is this Easter

The much­loved Wairarapa Balloon Festival will return this month from 28 March, with a five-day festival of flying that delights locals, and draws in crowds from around the country.

As one of the Wairarapa’s flagship events, the festival will again take place from 28 March – 1 April, with New Zealand and international balloons taking to the

skies, providing a spectacular visual display.

The lift­offs, known as “ascensions” in the ballooning world, will be over Masterton, Carterton, Greytown, and Martinborough, wrapping up with a mystery location on Easter Monday.

There is no ticketed “Night Glow” event in 2024, this will return in 2025.

Lisa Chandler: Landscapes of Loss at Aratoi Museum of Art and History

As a contemporary history painter, Lisa Chandler seeks out that which defines our time – the forces that have created this moment.

It is impossible for her to ignore the various crises that we face, and with Landscapes of Loss she tackles the broad external and

existential forces that impact the ways in which we live our lives and perceive our world.

23 March - 19 May

Artist Walk and Talk: Saturday 23 March, 11am, FREE, all welcome

Craft and garments at the Wool Shed Museum

If you want to know what’s made New Zealand a great agricultural country you can learn so much about it by visiting the National Museum of Sheep and Shearing in Masterton.

The complex is housed in two authentic old wool sheds trucked in from local farms, plus a newly constructed gallery building – full of sheep farm gear, including shearing and wool handling equipment.

You’ll find displays describing the history of sheep farming and its

importance to our nation. For many years New Zealand was said to “live off the sheep’s back.” Demonstrations are held about spinning and weaving on Wednesday mornings and by arrangement. See the history of spinning from ancient times and our collection of spinning wheels.

See our shop with its wide range of wool garments, footwear, sheepskin rugs, lanolin cosmetics, gift items, kids’ stuff and souvenirs. We are a visitor attraction of international quality.

Stonehenge Aotearoa

which should begin about an hour after sunset.


Occurs on March 20, 2024 at 6:30pm

Adults $30, Seniors $25, Child (primary) $5, School student (secondary) $10


The Remutakas are closed 9pm–4am Sunday to Thursday so people need to book an escorted trip over the hill on the way back to Wellington. Travellers need to book with Waka Kotahi.

Greytown Butchery still producing winning quality meat products

Established in 1873, Greytown Butchery is still operating in the same historic building and keeping old butchering traditions alive.

It’s no wonder they con sistently win awards with their multi ­ award winning sausages, having so far clocked up 25 awards in the last 17 years.

Greytown Butchery has recently won their 25th award at the annual Great New Zealand Sausage Competition. Ironically it was the Sausage Competition’s 25th year running.

Greytown Butchery have also recently marked the Butchery Building’s 150th year, recently celebrating 150 years since Greytown Butchery first opened, by Sam Haigh.

Artisan butcher Gavin Green and partner Julie Fairbrother, have transformed this iconic and popular business into a gourmet, Europeanstyled butchery.

It prides itself on top quality cuts with exceptional service to match.

Remember to bring your chilly bin with you next time for your goods!

Events Calendar

Folk Music - Hope and the Hobo at Greytown Upclose and Personal Studio 73, Greytown, Sun 24 March 4:00pm

Celtic Music from Steve McDonald Carterton Events Centre, Holloway St Sat 30 March 7:30pm – 10:30pm



• Providing you with the perfect sweet treat

• Gluten free and sugar free options available

• Catering for special occasions such as Weddings, Corporate Events, Birthdays and Themed Events

• We also have a range of gorgeous candy buffet jars available for hire or purchase.

• Shop in store or online

• Shearing and farming memorabilia plus types of wool and their uses.

• The story of shearing – its beginnings and how it became an international sport.

• The history of sheep farming.

• Live shearing demonstrations for groups arranged with prior notice.

• Spinning and weaving demonstrations on Wednesdays or by arrangement.

• Wool garments and souvenirs.

Thursday March 14, 2024 11
Phone: (06) 377 1600 | 51 Ahiaruhe Road, R.D.2 Carterton Email: info@stonehenge-aotearoa.co.nz | Web: www.stonehenge-aotearoa.co.nz
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We can provide you with local and around the world television and radio stations with no monthly charges. • WHOLESALE / RETAIL SALES Not only do we provide a full warranty, but we also guarantee that you will be satis ed with the results! • TV1, TV2, TV3 and TV4 Aerials, satelite dishes, receivers and accessories Get your TV reception problems fixed by our experts. Free TV reception tests on your system to ensure you have the best possible picture available using our professional test equipment. DOES YOUR TV RECEPTION GIVE YOU A HEADACHE? Phone 567 8750 or 238 2626 240713PH11 222 Cambridge Tce, Naenae www.aerialmaster.co.nz • WE COVER THE GREATER WELLINGTON AREA • FREEVIEW DIGITAL/SATELLITE TV Wellington, Porirua, Hutt Valley and Kapiti areas. We have over 15 vans on the road. We can provide you with local and around the world television and radio stations with no monthly charges. • WHOLESALE / RETAIL SALES Not only do we provide a full warranty, but we also guarantee that you will be satis ed with the results! • TV1, TV2, TV3 and TV4 Aerials, satelite dishes, receivers and accessories Get your TV reception problems fixed by our experts. Free TV reception tests on your system to ensure you have the best possible picture available using our professional test equipment. DOES YOUR TV RECEPTION GIVE YOU A HEADACHE? Phone 567 8750 or 238 2626 240713PH11 222 Cambridge Tce, Naenae www.aerialmaster.co.nz • WE COVER THE GREATER WELLINGTON AREA • FREEVIEW DIGITAL/SATELLITE TV Wellington, Porirua, Hutt Valley and Kapiti areas. We have over 15 vans on the road. We can provide you with local and around the world television and radio stations with no monthly charges. • WHOLESALE / RETAIL SALES Not only do we provide a full warranty, but we also guarantee that you will be satis ed with the results! • TV1, TV2, TV3 and TV4 Aerials, satelite dishes, receivers and accessories Get your TV reception problems fixed by our experts. Free TV reception tests on your system to ensure you have the best possible picture available using our professional test equipment. DOES YOUR TV RECEPTION GIVE YOU A HEADACHE? Phone 567 8750 or 238 2626 240713PH11 www.aerialmaster.co.nz Get your TV reception problems fixed by our experts. Free TV reception tests on your system to ensure you have the best possible picture available using our professional test equipment. • WE COVER THE GREATER WELLINGTON AREA Wellington, Porirua, Hutt Valley and Kapiti areas. We have over 15 vans on the road. • FREEVIEW DIGITAL/SATELLITE TV We can provide you with local and around the world television and radio stations with no monthly charges. • WHOLESALE / RETAIL SALES Aerials, satellite dishes, receivers and accessories • TV1, TV2, TV3 and TV4 Not only do we provide a full warranty, but we also guarantee that you will be satisfied with the results! DOES YOUR TV RECEPTION GIVE YOU A HEADACHE? www.us2u.co.nz 8 Broderick Road, Johnsonville • Ph: 04 478 4048 Bringing the Americas to you

MP praises local Police

The Police have received praise from Ōhariu MP Greg O’Connor in his latest newsletter.

“Local police have done a great job of arresting and charging three people for a series of wilful damage to cars, bus shelters, and other premises,” Mr O’Connor said.

“Many constituents contacted me concerned about the amount of damage being done and Police were very receptive and cooperative as they did their inquiries.

“So often we hear about the crime but not the resolution so we can be reassured our local police are actively investigating and resolving crimes, even if we don’t hear of the result.”

The Police arrested three people and laid nearly 150 charges of

damaging bus stops and vehicles in Wellington’s northern and western suburbs.

The damage was done between 7 and 9 January.

Police investigating the incidents were inundated with information from the public about the damage in the wake of Police seeking information and video footage, Sergeant Brittany Allan said following the arrests of the three people.

“Behaviour like this has no place in our communities,” Sergeant Allan said.

“People work hard and don’t need the inconvenience, upset or costs associated with this mindless damage.

“Without the community’s assistance, it may have taken us much longer to get to this result.”


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Greg O’Connor. Photo: Supplied.

Life Art Class

5.30-7.15pm Wednesdays, Untutored St Andrews on The Terrace Entrance lane at right of church $15.00 waged / $9 unwaged

Gold in them thar hills

Talk about Wellington Gold Mine and Stamper Mill, Terawhiti, at Wellington Museum, Wednesday 20th March, 7.30pm. Free Admission

Autumn Fair

St Anne’s Northland, cnr Randwick/ Northland Rds, Saturday 23 March, 9.30-1.00: Books, Deli, Clothing, Craft, Plants, Household, Raffle, Jewellery, Children’s Clothing/Toys, BBQ, Refreshments

Composed by Tony Watling 11th. Nov. 2015


Our summer pools were built by us.

Blends in well did cause no fuss.

With hydro slide will cause a splash.

And to it many people dash.

Through native bush we twist and wiggle.

From the children brings a giggle. Severn days a week the place is open. Hot summer days we all are hopen!

Friendship Club of Johnsonville

Speaker: John Spittal

Title of Talk: "Mapping New Zealand"

Date: Thursday 21 March at 9:45am

Visitors Welcome

Enquiries to Kathy 938 4523

Free Event Supported by:

William YIP

Funeral Directors



Urgently reduce poverty so children thrive

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The latest official child poverty statistics show that “concerted and urgent action” is needed to reduce poverty affecting families, says Chief Children’s Commissioner Dr Claire Achmad.

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Child Poverty Statistics for the year ending June 2023 released on last month by Statistics NZ show the number of children experiencing hardship in their every day lives is increasing, and the gaps for mokopuna Māori, disabled children and Pacific children remain stubborn.

“This latest official data shows that a continued focus on reducing poverty must be an ongoing project of national significance,” Dr Achmad says.

“Our nation’s children are rightly asking us to prioritise action to end poverty, and it is possible.

“Children with lived experience of poverty tell me clearly: we need to urgently reduce poverty to realise their dreams.

“Believe in us, invest in us, love and care for us.

“Every child is born with incredible potential, but right now far too many children’s dreams are sadly only for the simplest things: tummies with nutritious kai in them, less stress and not having to choose between education or working to keep the family afloat.

“Every child in Aotearoa New Zealand should be able to dream bigger than this, rather than have the ceiling closing in on their potential because of poverty.”

The data released on 22 February shows that there have been increases across three of the nine official measures of child poverty under the Child Poverty Reduction Act 2018.

Of particular concern is the jump in the percentage of children experiencing material hardship, up from 10.5% in 2022 to 12.5%.

This means around 23,400 more children are living in homes that cannot afford at least six of the 17 items regarded as essential –things like having fresh fruit and vegetables, warm clothes and shoes and doctor’s visits.

“I’m extremely concerned about the gaps that continue for some groups of children, including our tangata whenua, children of Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa, and those with disabilities,” Dr Achmad says.

“It’s unacceptable that 21.5% of mokopuna Māori are experiencing material hardship, for 28.9% of Pacific children this is their every


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day reality, and for 22.3% of children with disabilities.

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“This means that M ā ori and disabled children are 70% more likely to be in material hardship, while Pacific children are 2.3 times more likely.

“Since 2018, we have seen positive progress on reducing child poverty, so I’m very concerned that we are seeing rates of child poverty increasing for the first time since 2018.

“Ongoing political commitment must be both enduring and urgent so that targets under the Child Poverty Reduction Act are effectively set and met.

46 Waione St Petone Ph: 5685989 Open Sat 9am-3pm Formerly cpa spares

“At a time when the cost of living combined with low-wage work and inadequate benefits is pushing families to breaking point, we must see the government investing in those most in need, so their children can thrive in ways that are consistent with their rights as children.”

Mana Mokopuna – Children and Young People’s Commission notes that many people in poverty are working.

“It’s important that we recognise this, because it shows that even full-time paid employment on its own does not always provide enough for a basic standard of living, especially for households with children.

“About half the children living in material hardship come from households whose main source of income is through paid employment,” Dr Achmad says.

Evidence from Aotearoa New Zealand shows that childhood poverty can cast a long shadow over people’s lives, affecting their daily experiences, educational outcomes, mental and physical health, and employment prospects.

“We all want children to grow up in whānau that can provide them with both the basics and opportunities to reach their full potential.

“As a relatively small, wealthy country, it’s not good enough to see our progress to reduce poverty taking a backward step.

“We must redouble efforts now with urgency, to prevent any further deepening of poverty and reduce the weight of the stress on families that it causes.

“I’m calling on the government to use this opportunity to invest in children now and implement evidence-based policy, helping them to experience their full potential and to dream the big dreams they should all be able to have,” Dr Achmad says.

46. Adage(pl) (5)

47. Supple. (5)

51. Angry (5)

1. Dispute. (5)

2. Style. (7)

51. Angry (5)

14. Alert (9)

16. Young kangaroo. (4)

17. Distinguish(from). (7)

15. So (9)

16. Directs (6)

19. Cook slowly. (6)

23. Feverish. (6)

18. Skull (7)

26. Pack train (7)

21. Disorder (4)

29. Set of breeding horses. (4)

23. Racket (3)

30. Actress, Farrow. (3)

25. Take by sips (3)

32. Proper. (3)

27. Stake (4)

34. Goulash (4)

28. Artlessness (7)

30. Low chair; Chaise (6)

35. Dcument holder, ... case.(7)

32. Expert; hand (3)

36. Cavalry soldier. (6)

33. Strange (3)

39. To lie snug. (6)

34. Zealous (6)

40. Cowboy movie. (7)

42. Musical work. (4)

35. In brisk time(music) (7)

36. U.S. state (4)

46. Fraudulent. (9)

48. Genuine. (9)

37. Biblical vessel (3)

39. Curve (3)

50. Highest part of road. (5)

41. Cupid (4)

51. Mechanic. (7)

43. Exposed to air (7)

52. Spendour. (5)

53. Exploit. (11)

45. Female relatives (6)

54. Rapture. (7)

48. An endless time(Lat) (9)

time(Lat) (9)

49. Left handed people(inf) (9)

49. Left handed people(inf) (9)

(abbr) (3)

47. Supple. (5)

(abbr) (3)

2. Style. (7)

52. Solidify by cooling (7)

3. Not mature. (6)

52. Solidify by cooling (7)

53. Anaesthetic (5)

3. Not mature. (6)

4. Religious assembly. (8)

53. Anaesthetic (5)

54. Humbleness (7)

4. Religious assembly. (8)

5. Disorderly. (7)

54. Humbleness (7)

33. Sphere (3)

33. Sphere (3)

49. Girls name (5)

38. U.S. horse race; Derby (8)

38. U.S. horse race; Derby (8)

40. Restrained (8)

40. Restrained (8)

5. Disorderly. (7)

55. Friendship (11)

55. Friendship (11)

6. Requires. (5)

42. Casual (7)

42. Casual (7)

7. Of a horse. (6)

6. Requires. (5)


44. Annual calendar (7)

44. Annual calendar (7)

7. Of a horse. (6)

8. Opening. (8)

1. Sound (5)

46. Scoffs (6)

46. Scoffs (6)

8. Opening. (8)

DOWN 1. Sound (5)

9. Punctilious. (11)

47. Manservant (6)

47. Manservant (6)

9. Punctilious. (11)

2. Sent (11)

2. Sent (11)

10. Hornless cow. (5)

48. Form of expression (5)

48. Form of expression (5)

3. Shy (8)

3. Shy (8)

10. Hornless cow. (5)

16. U.S. president(1963-69)

49. Water vapour (5)

49. Water vapour (5)

16. U.S. president(1963-69)

4. Of public revenue (6)

4. Of public revenue (6)

Lyndon ...(7)

Lyndon ...(7)

50. Gambol (5)

50. Gambol (5)


5. Turn outwards (5)

18. Extend. (5)

5. Turn outwards (5)

For November 17, 2004


18. Extend. (5)

6. Constrict (7)

6. Constrict (7)

7. Has high morals (8)

20. Suffers. (7) 21.

20. Suffers. (7)

7. Has high morals (8)

21. Border. (3)

8. Reduce (6)

8. Reduce (6)

9. Sanction (7)

22. Lout. (3)

9. Sanction (7)

10. Audacity (5)

10. Audacity (5)

24. Butter muslin. (11)

25. U.S. spy agency(abbr) (3)

16. Arrange in steps (7)

16. Arrange in steps (7)

17. ‘Old Blue Eyes’ Frank (7)

27. Lessen. (5)

17. ‘Old Blue Eyes’ Frank (7)

28. Zero. (3)

19. Competitor (5)

19. Competitor (5)

31. Consumed. (3)

33. Sailor. (3)

20. N.Z. Prime Minister 1975-84 Sir Robert (7)

20. N.Z. Prime Minister 1975-84 Sir Robert (7)

37. Coalition. (8)

22. Boils (7)

22. Boils (7)

38. False claim. (8)

24. Catch (3)

24. Catch (3)

41. Route. (7)

26. Group of whales (3)

26. Group of whales (3)

29. Topic (5)

29. Topic (5)

43. Knee-cap. (7)

44. Rub out. (6)

31. Uninvited guest (4-7)

31. Uninvited guest (4-7)

45. Alcove. (6)

32. Deoxyribonucleic acid

32. Deoxyribonucleic acid

14 Thursday March 14, 2024 CLASSIFIEDS Love Local. Shop Local. Your Local News Graham’s Painters E: grahamspaintersnz @gmail.com W: www.grahamspainters.nz Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior and Interior painted! ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ BUILDING Consent Approval and house plans. Free estimates provided. Call Doug on 934-1398. Trades and Services ON... WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz Funeral Directors NEWS TIPS Send your tips to herald@wsn.co.nz Comprehensive professional funeral services www.gfh.co.nz Johnsonville 477 4025 | Tawa 232 1588 Brad Kirsty www.wilsonfunerals.co.nz The Wilson Funeral Home has served Wellington for over 100 years. 142 Karori Road, Karori 476 5292 375 Adelaide Road, Newtown 389 6069 Local People Caring in our Community Don’t Chuck It. Fix It Ngaio Repair Cafe is free, open Saturday 16 March,10am - 1pm, Ngaio Union Church, corner Crofton Road and Kenya Street. Public Notice 13 Situation Vacant Situation Vacant Public Notice To Lease Trades and Services Firewood Trades and Services Funeral Director Wednesday November 18, 2015 Puzzle W R O O R C S D S CROSSWORD By Russell McQuarters SOLUTION SOLUTION ACROSS 1. Result (5-6) 7. Scoundrel (7) 11. Pulls (5) 12. Deviousness (7) 13. Excellent (5) 14. Alert (9) 15. So (9) 16. Directs (6) 18. Skull (7) 21. Disorder (4) 23. Racket (3) 25. Take by sips (3) 27. Stake (4) 28. Artlessness (7) 30. Low chair; Chaise (6) 32. Expert; hand (3) 33. Strange (3) 34. Zealous (6) 35. In brisk time(music) (7) 36. U.S. state (4) 37. Biblical vessel (3) 39. Curve (3) 41. Cupid (4) 43. Exposed to air (7) 45. Female relatives (6) 48. An endless
N A solid Applications are available at our recruitment office or at the security gate based in the Ngauranga George in Wellington. Contact Barry 472 7987 or 021 276 6654.
Deliverers Required in Area 1: Momona, Mohaka, Kawatiri - Kaponga. Wainuiomata Newspaper Deliverers WANTED Contact Sandra on 587 1660 accounts@wsn.co.nz 7.00pm
At the Clubrooms
of Main Road and Moohan Streets, Wainuiomata Wainuiomata Squash Club AGM
OF THE DAY 51. J.K. Rowling chose the unusual name ‘Hermione’ so young girls wouldn’t be teased for being nerdy! Bringing local news to the community View the Wainuiomata News online www.wsn.co.nz CROSSWORD By Russell McQuarters SOLUTION For November 17, 2004 ACROSS 1. Pseudoynm, nom (2-5) 5. Menorah. (11) 11. Secondary (5) 12. French country house. (7) 13. Glorify. (5) 14. Receiver. (9) 15. Refuge. (9) 16. Young kangaroo. (4) 17. Distinguish(from). (7) 19. Cook slowly. (6) 23. Feverish. (6) 26. Pack train (7) 29. Set of breeding horses. (4) 30. Actress, Farrow. (3) 32. Proper. (3)
Goulash (4) 35. Dcument holder, ... case.(7) 36. Cavalry soldier. (6)
To lie snug. (6) 40. Cowboy movie. (7) 42. Musical work. (4)
Fraudulent. (9) 48. Genuine. (9)
Highest part of road. (5) 51. Mechanic. (7) 52. Spendour. (5)
Exploit. (11)
Rapture. (7) DOWN
Border. (3)
Lout. (3)
Butter muslin. (11)
U.S. spy agency(abbr) (3) 27. Lessen. (5) 28. Zero. (3)
Consumed. (3)
Sailor. (3)
Coalition. (8)
False claim. (8)
Route. (7)
Knee-cap. (7)
Rub out. (6) 45. Alcove. (6)
Adage(pl) (5)
49. Girls name (5)
Last WeeK: 7 March 2024
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Johnsonville Cricketers come close

Johnsonville’s premier Cricket team came close to taking first innings points their match against Eastern Suburbs at Kilbirnie Park on 2 and 9 March.

Batting first in Cricket Wellington’s division one two-day competition, Johnsonville reached 322 on 2 March.

The home team eclipsed the Johnsonville total, making 341 before they were all out on day two.

Muhammad Jawad and Ravindu Tillakaratne each took two wickets,

Ravindu at a cost of just 19 runs, while Connor Lusty took two for 50.

Johnsonville then scored 236 for the loss of seven wickets in its second innings.

Captain Devan Vishvaka followed up the 150 he scored in the first innings with 60 in the second.

Jamie Oakley also batted well in both innings, adding 62 runs in the second innings to the 72 he scored in the first.

The Johnsonville women’s team did not have such a good showing in their match against Upper Hutt at Alex Moore Park on 9 March.

Batting first Upper Hutt reached

215 for the loss of just three wickets in ther allotted overs.

Johnsoville scored just 79 runs for the loss of eight wickets in its turn at bat.

Estella Wallace was the top scorer with 26 and Anvi Verma scored 16.

Onslow scored a total of 500 in its two innings against Taita at Nairnville Park on 2 and 9 March.

It was not enough to give them first innings points in the division one match, however.

Onslow was all out for 241 in its first innings and Taita replied with 343 for nine declared.

Daniel Rose was outstanding with the ball, taking six wickets for 110 while Ryan Tsourgas took two wickets for 59.

Onslow reached 259 for six when stumps were drawn on day two.

Nathan Robinson was the top scorer with 73 and Henry McIntyre was not far behind him with 69.

Dave Hancock batted very well too, scoring 57 not out.

Karori suffered an outright loss after coming within just six runs of taking first innings points in their division two match against Petone Riverside.

Batting first at the Petone Recrea-

tion Ground, Petone was all out for 194. Karori could not quite reach them and was all out for 189.

The home team scored 206 for nine declared in its second innings and then bowled Karori out for just 105.

Liam Roche bowled outstandinginly in both innings, taking nine wickets for 61 runs in the first innings and five wickets for 64 runs in the second innings.

Danile Pile also bowled well, taking three wickets for 43 runs.

Maitch Renwick was Karori’s top second innings scorer with 43, while Liam added 21.

Honoured for community-led development

Mary-Jane Rivers, who was involved in setting up a series of community initiatives in the Johnsonville area, was made an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM) in the 2024 New Years Honours.

In the 1970s Mary-Jane’s first job was as a Community Development Officer with the Wellington City Council.

During that time she worked with local people to transform the council’s old works depot into a community facility. The Citizens Advice Bureau in Johnsonville was opened there as well as a shopper’s creche. Several other groups used the community centre as a home base. Mary-Jane wrote a weekly column for The Independent Herald to let people know what was going on and to ask for input on community priorities

She was awarded the ONZM for services to community-led development, governance and education.

Establishing the CAB, creche and community centre was the beginning of decades of action where Mary-Jane facilitated the establishment of a series of community initiatives.

This includes working to establish the first Women’s Refuge in the North Island in the 1970s, and founding Inspiring Communities in 2006 and leading it until 2011.

Her leadership role has been one of initiator and facilitator.

“I’ve seen big gaps and been compelled to do something about them,” Mary-Jane says.

To achieve change, she has always “found and teamed up with other people who were motivated as well. To successfully get an initiative off the ground, I’ve learned that it is valuable to invite ‘people into the room together’ who are not the usual bedfellows,” she says.

A “major learning ground” in terms of putting together a team to make a vision happen came when she sought out people to become involved in the establishment of a Women’s Refuge in Upper Hutt some 50 years ago.

At the time she was the Community Development Manager for Upper Hutt City Council. Council- supported community houses were used by many groups. Mary-Jane noticed one woman, a frequent visitor, who came on her own. It turned out her home wasn’t safe.

Then, another woman came into the Citizens Advice Bureau “with her two gorgeous, pre-schooler boys”. “She was so tired she had bruises under her eyes.” said Mary-Jane The mother was worried the boys were showing signs of violence towards each other and her.

It turned out that the woman’s husband had recently thrown her through a glass door, one of several violent incidents. She was desperate – not knowing what to do.

“I found a place where she could be safe in the short term and talked about it with the

Citizens Advice Bureau volunteers. Together we undertook some research which identified there were others in the community who needed a safe place.”

At the time the only Women’s Refuge was in Christchurch, but the group began working to set up one in Upper Hutt.

There was considerable opposition from some local groups, who expressed a concern that women’s refuges would break up families.

Despite this, “the core group and I worked with many other groups – social support agencies, schools, churches, businesses and council – to find and furnish a house that would be safe and comfortable – becoming a place of refuge.” These groups also helped champion the idea.

“I came from outside Upper Hutt and brought wider networks of support such as contacts with private philanthropy, including the JR McKenzie Trust,” Mary-Jane says.

Sir Roy McKenzie met with the group, who had asked for $5,000 in funding to help establish the Refuge.

“Sir Roy understood immediately the importance of what was being done. He said: ‘you don’t need $5,000. You need $15,000’.

“He said: ‘I will write the cheque now’, which he did and presented the $15,000 cheque to the group.

“This common ground to address family violence, that exists among people who wouldn’t normally meet, had a lasting impact on me,” Mary-Jane says.

“Founding Inspiring Communities is another highlight in my working life,” she says.

Inspiring Communities helps communities to work together in locally-led ways.

It works on the basis that communities know best about what works for them and what they need to thrive.

To help communities achieve what works for them Inspiring Communities shares experiences and practice-based evidence from one place to another and informs public policy and systems change.

At the start of Inspiring Communities eight locally-led, place-based initiatives in different parts of the country shared information and learned from each other.

One was in Porirua, the Good Cents project supported by Wesley Community Action. At first glance Good Cents is just a course for people in financial stress who want to make changes.

The key difference is that the Good Cents participants form a group and lead their own journey. The peer support of the group encourages participants to take ownership and control of their finances.

They get to the root of why they fell into debt. People support each other to identify and make the changes that will work for them.

Importantly, the design of the course has been influenced and contributed to by people from all walks of life – bankers, business,

funders, other community organisations as well as those in debt.

The course is so successful, with lasting impact, that it is now operating in other communities.

Another of the eight was in Ōpōtiki, an eastern Bay of Plenty town once considered one of New Zealand’s most deprived communities with heavy unemployment.

Scientists discovered that its sea waters are suited for mussel farming. Local iwi, Te Whakatōhea always suspected this and have led the creation of the mussel farming business.

The dream was to have mussels processed in Ōpōtiki, creating a sustainable seafood industry with permanent, all year round jobs for local people. A viable harbour was needed for this to happen.

The joint leadership of Te Whakatōhea and the Ōpōtiki District Council has integrated iwi and community-led development approaches to empower their community’s transformation.

The partners worked with business, regional council, government and many others to achieve the shared vision.

Ōpōtiki’s new $100 million harbour entrance was opened in September 2023, setting the scene for the town to become the largest aquaculture centre in the country.

Mary-Jane is proud that the lessons from the eight initiatives has strongly influenced Inspiring Communities’ ongoing advice and support.

Inspiring Communities “has been significant in demonstrating the value and impact of locally-led development, including responses to complex issues such as equity, climate change and economic development,” Mary-Jane’s ONZM citation says.

When she found out that she was being honoured with an ONZM “I was totally stunned,” Mary-Jane says.

“When I saw the email come through I thought it was my friends playing a joke. ” However it turned out to be true.

“The greatest joy to me was the friends and colleagues that put the nomination together,” she says. And my family have been amazing supporting my work over the years.

In between Women’s Refuge and Inspiring Communities Mary-Jane has contributed significantly.

She was the first policy director in the Ministry for Women, and first CEO of Citizens Advice Bureaux, before consulting on social and organisational development.

“She is a respected consultant internationally, working on strengthening communities across the Pacific, Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe,” the citation says.

This included working with Women in Business Development in Samoa, strengthening village economies.”

In a volunteer capacity she worked with the Tamil Nadu Women’s Development Resource Centre supporting Dalit/untouchable women into small businesses and local government.

In 2022 she was a founding Trustee of He Puāwai with Kōkiri Marae, building locally-led food resilience in the Hutt Valley.

She has been involved with multiple aspects of adult and community education since the 1990s and has chaired REAP Aotearoa since 2015. A highlight of her contribution to education was establishing, and running for 10 years, the Dynamic Community Learning Awards.

Mary-Jane was influential in the establishment of international development agency UnionAID, serving on the Board from 2010 to 2022.

She was a founding trustee of Be.Lab which has a vison of Aotearoa-NZ being fully accessible.

Local will start as favourite

Karori athlete James Preston is the hot favourite to win the 800 metres at the New Zealand Track and Field Championships, which kick off at Newtown Park today, 14 March.

The defending 800 metres champion, James will line up in the final at 7pm tomorrow, 15 March.

He will enter the event hot on the heels of setting a New Zealand 800 metres indoor record of 1 minute 47.59 seconds at the 2024 World Athletics Indoor Champions at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow on 2 March.

The Karori athlete slashed more than a second off the previous New Zealand Indoor record of 1 minute 48.68 seconds set

by James Harding in Boston just last month.

James has been in excellent form this season.

He opened his 2024 campaign by winning in Hastings in 1 minute 45.89 seconds on 20 January.

This was by some margin the fastest time he had ever recorded in New Zealand and shattered the previous meet record by more than two seconds.

James continued his outstanding start to the year when he finished first in the 800 metres at the Maurie Plant meeting in Melbourne on 15 February.

The Karori runner clocked 1 minute 46.02 seconds to win by 0.41 seconds over Australian athlete Luke Boyes.

The New Zealand Track and Field Championships will end on 17 March.

15 Thursday March 14, 2024 SPORT


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