1 minute read


RUS-UKR By Azeez Surajudeen

At the war of gun Where bomb and bazooka sound scary As the sky covered with smoke of flame From the machines that speaks fire.


I can see wandering ghosts Moving around with pain of their homelessness As the embassy away from the atmosphere is locked Merciless orders rock In his scary tone like a roaring lion Bold and loud voice rings Kill them all All soldiers marching in their boot

Oh My God! Eyes squeezed to cry May is the tear can form an ocean And wash me away from the land The heart bleeds of sorrow As the dirge are sing with pain.

Oh, God of creation, Direct out noble cause For the price is extreme to pay Life and properties are burn to suffer While the path to go remains unclear And the mind is in doubt.

I am Azeez Surajudeen Olatunde by name, post graduate student in Federal University of griculture Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria studying production economics. I am also a poet whose passion for writing was ignited by bully from friends. Since then, I have written thousands of topics and awards winner from different nternational poetic platforms. Some of my poetic works have been published in international magazines and books.My interest to promote humanity leads me to serve in different capacity building and leadership positions from my primary school education till date.