1 minute read


THAT'S ENOUGH By Eta Mersimi

How many conflicts wars, have passed, how many wounds, inflicted, displaced, inflicted sorrow on houses in black wrapped in the World. Why are the great powers not thinking what it's like to hurt a child, what it's like when you attack smaller than yourself. Has Ukraine not suffered enough, the Chernobyl disaster is still causing trouble? Enough of COVID 19 and his descendants Enough of hatred and violence There are enough wars around the world Think of children and youth Think of homes in black wrapped. Are the claws of weapons around your neck better instead of hugging friends, leaving their homes Doesn't the thought hurt you? That it is your home, which your family deserts. Enough of everything, please turn the pages of reconciliation, do not allow the destruction of life of children and youths nowhere in World I plead on the name of all mother Please!!!!!
