Graphic Design | Portfolio | Maia Samuelsson

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I n g i s e D c i h p o i Gra l o f Port



Maia S

My name is Maia Samuelsson, and I am golfer who loves problem solving and creating new things. Follow along on my jouney through my first graphic design class. I have learnt valuable skills and gotten experience using softwares like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Express.

Maia Samuelsson Graphic Design I Fall 2023

Selection Fruit Bowl

For this week’s project, I got familiar with using Photoshop and using all kinds of selection tools. I also used effects and layers effectively to be able to give each fruit a different alteration. Here is a before and after of my whimsical alterations.


Maia Samuelsson Graphic Design I Fall 2023

Vector Masking Mercedes

For this week’s project, I combined using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop by creating a vector mask. This allowed me to remove all the background as well as the buildings that were visible through the windows. I then did alterations in saturations , added a fitting background, as well as the addition of details like outer glow. Here is a before and after of what I imagine as dream car. 3

Maia Samuelsson Graphic Design I Fall 2023

Being of the most creative projects all semester, this week’s assigment was to take a statue and add patterns and textures to each body part. I search for the images I wanted online, placed them over the body part, then I used blending tools and stretching to make it look organic. I also changed color and blended each image, so create a seamless, almost natural, look.

Sculpture Texture Dancing Lady


Maia Samuelsson Graphic Design I Fall 2023

Brick Wall and Grafitti Maia’s Tag

This project involved using the clone stamp tool to cover up the windows that were orinigally behind the grafitti, as well as following a tutorial on how to create a grafitti in Photoshop. It was quite difficult to create a “new” wall using the clone stamp, since you want the bricks to be aligned yet not too smiliar, or it will not look natural. The grafitti was a fun experience, as I have never done anything similar before.


Maia Samuelsson Graphic Design I Fall 2023

Tracing Minion

Moving into Illustrator, I got to trace one of my favorite childhood movie characters: the minion Bob. I wanted to create a copy (left) as similar as possible to the originial (right). To create individual shapes, I had to use the pen tool for sharp and clean lines. Then I used the gradient tools to create the shadows and 3D effect. It took some time, but I am very happy with Bob, and I still think he is adorable.


Maia Samuelsson Graphic Design I Fall 2023

88 Following a tutorial on Youtube, I got to create these very special figure 8 in Illustrator. Using circles and smart guides, the tutorial took me through how to place the circles to give the many shapes. I then made my own swatches to get the colors I liked the most. After than I used gradients in different direction to make this 2D figure appear 3D. Lastly, I added a very inviting background and add a shadow under it.


Maia Samuelsson Graphic Design I Fall 2023

Logo Design iCollar

Using Illustrator, I wanted to come up with a logo for a new product that I came up with as I was brainstorming during class. I wanted to create a collar with dracking functions. These are examples of what the logo could look like in an advertsiment (right) and on different items (top). I also attached a picture bellow of what the logo looked like in the beggining and the different options that I was looking at.


Maia Samuelsson Graphic Design I Fall 2023

Campaign with Mutations Restaurant Namaste

Creating a campaign for an imaginary restaurant, I created a logo, placed and altered images, as well as adding fonts in different colors. To make this more seasonal and hopefully more successful, I added a special shape with text to draw attention. I included two mockup versions of what the add could look like on different platforms.


Maia Samuelsson Graphic Design I Fall 2023


Yoga Corner One of my favorite projects this semester was creating this trifold brochure. I wantd to make it about a company and topic I feel passionate about. I create a new logo in Illustrator, altered all photographs in Photoshop, and then put it all together in InDesign.


Maia Samuelsson Graphic Design I Fall 2023

Movie Poster The Minion Family

Continuing the theme of the Minions, I used them as inspiration to create a new movie’s poster to advertise it. Again, i used Photoshop to mask and alter the photographs. Then I made special effects to the title in Illustrator, and finally put everything in InDeisgn. I believe this mockup gives a realistic representation of what “The Minion Family” would look like in Times Square.


Maia Samuelsson Graphic Design I Fall 2023

Magazine Travelize

To end this semester and course on a high note, I got to create a 12-page magazine with 2 different articles, conent page, 2 advertisments and front and back page. The logo was made in Photoshop and Illustrator. I got to learn about parent pages with this project and how to work efficiently with Paragaph and Character Styles. I really enjoyed putting images and text together to make it legible yet aesthetic.


Maia Samuelsson Graphic Design I Fall 2023

Placing a few of the pages from the magazine into a mockup version I can get a better feel of how the view will percieve this travel magazine.


Thank you! I hope to get to create more art and graphic design in the future, so stay tuned for more. Maia Samuelsson

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