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future student union magazine



Malmö behöver dig – mer än någonsin! Hälsa-, vård- och omsorgs- samt funktionsstödsförvaltningen söker dig som vill hjälpa de grupper i Malmö som riskerar att drabbas hårdast av coronaviruset. Vi söker med kort varsel medarbetare som kan arbeta inom hemtjänsten, på vårdboenden för äldre och inom LSS eller socialpsykiatrin. Vi söker i första hand dig som har påbörjat utbildning eller har tidigare erfarenhet av arbete inom vård, omsorg, LSS eller socialpsykiatri. Arbetsuppgifterna varierar beroende på tjänst och sträcker sig från vård- och omsorgsinsatser till vardagsnära stöd och service. Alla som uppfyller kraven får genomgå en intensivutbildning och påbörjar därefter sitt arbete omgående, med vägledning av erfaren personal. SÖK JOBBEN PÅ:

Hälsa, vård & omsorg LSS & socialpsykiatri

Vill du göra en insats för samhället? Malmö behöver dig nu!

The current editors in chief would like to say thank you to the editorial team and readers who made this issue possible. Contact us at instagram: sum_magazine facebook: Sum - Student Union Magazine email:

Sum magazine issue #104 Future April 2020 Cover photography by Miltos Iakovidis Student magazine SUM is distributed by the Student Union of Malmö and reaches all students at Malmö University. Opinions that appear in the magazine are the students own and not neccessarily SUM’s. SUM has to some extent modify pictures and texts, but no responsibility is taken for submitted material. SUM is printed on Nordic Swan Ecolabelled paper. Get in touch with us at SUM: Ads: FörbundsMedia AB - tel: 040-6021400 / Print: Elvins Grafiska AB - tel: 042-159900 / Editors in Chief: Miltos Iakovidis Contributers in #104: Nikos Vrantsis / Nanna Geidenmark / Max Nyberg / Lovisa Björkman / Sofia Nilsson/ Viktoria Marie Madsen / Priscilla Silva / Simine Azarnoush / Miltos Iakovidis / Emma Wärnström/ David Hamark


04 08 10 14 16 22 24 26 28 32 36 40 44 48

The boundaries Nikos Vrantsis Mañana Priscilla Silva Navigating the future Simine Azarnoush Until he wasn’t Lovisa Björkman Illustrations Max Nyberg Isolation Sofia Nilsson Framtida jobb Miltos Iakovidis Illustrations Emma Wärnström Graduated: what now? Lovisa Björkman Portraits Nanna Geidenmark Plugga på distans Miltos Iakovidis More than just a pub Festmesteriet Apocalypse Viktoria Marie Madsen Information Kåren

The boundaries.

Space gives the impression that it is more domesticated and harmless than time: most people carry a watch but only a few carry a compass. We have a constant need to know the exact time, but we never wonder where we are; we think we already know. We’re at home, we’re in our office, we’re in the subway, we’re on the road. Georges Perec, Spieces of Spaces and Other Pieces It is the May Day, in 2017. In the morning, a crowd gathered to honour the workers’ struggle. Among the flags and the banners, one could read a motto, with a demand: the day should be separated into three equal, eight-hour slices: – a slice for work, – a slice for entertainment, – a slice for rest. Three time zones corresponding to three kinds of spaces: — the slice of work at the factory, — the slice of rest at home, and in particular in its most private place, the bedroom — the slice of rest in many public/common/commercial/ private spaces.


It’s May Day, 2017 and according to my watch the time is around 22:30. In front of me, a homeless person is lying on his mattress. Wearing light clothes, barefoot, his legs crossed; he graciously holds a cigarette; a few puffs left to the filter; on his right, I can see a roll of toilet paper and a cup — that works as an ashtray. On his right, there is an alarm clock, placed on the marble step of a closed store that works as a nightstand. There is no wall / no door / no boundary to separate his private zone from publicity. The door is a threshold through which you enter in or get out. The door is an in-between, a going through from one space to another. When you see a spot where a door is placed, you actually witness a social cartilage. You can’t get into a house without knocking and being allowed to enter because you can’t get uninvited into one’s private space. Doors are embodiments of social boundaries par excellence. For this man, there is no door to signify a transition from one atmosphere and setting to another. Without a wall /without a door / without a threshold (limit), privacy is porous. Someone may walk in/ by, another shouts loud. This man is in constant publicity; he remains exposed even during in his most private moments, the moments of rest. In view of this night sight, the morning slogan seems a bit misguided: there is no spaces here to correspond to or retain time-slices.

There is no wall. 5

Our lives can be seen as an unstoppable negotiation of our existence in space: we demand an increase of the time we spend in favourite spaces; we ask for a reduction of the time we spend in spaces that are perceived as oppressive, coercive, suffocating. Here is a human, stripped of the rhythm of the world, provided by the juxtaposition of different spaces. And yet, this man’s movements reveal self-control and the existence of rhythm. Among the objects he is left with, that can somehow reassemble the image of a normal bedroom, the clock is the most crucial one: it functions not merely as a clock, but as a compass as well. With the help of a small dose of imagination, the man can recall the limits and reassemble the space that corresponds to his private time slice. The clock secures that he will not lose his rhythm; it reminds him when to get up that mattress, when to wake up,when to act, when to cross an imaginary boundary — that may not be there but can be imagined. There are no doors to be crossed; but with the help of his clock he can cross through time zones. The clock facilitates his orientation (it is a compass), steers him through the private to the public, makes up the boundary / the wall / the door / the window. The clock is his shelter; with this marvellous device on his side, he stays synchronised with the fluctuations and pulses of life.


Its the second of May 2017, the next morning. The pallet is in front of me again – I cross it every single day. This palette is the boundary of another homeless human. This threshold is coarse, perforated, porous, unstable; it cannot, in any case, be compared to a proper wall. One raises an unstable palette, another unfolds a curtain, a third one sets up a clock. Everyone needs their own time and space. Everyone should have the right to choose when someone will enter their privacy.These fragile (imaginary) boundaries reveal human strength and resilience. These humans do not want to give up their limits, their sanity, their words, the right slogans. Text and photos by Nikos Vrantsis

Stay tuned for the next issue.

For more info contact us at instagram: sum_magazine facebook: Sum - Student Union Magazine email:


Mañana. Tomorrow i’ll wake up early. Tomorrow i will shower. I’ll take off the pajamas and put some real clothes on. Tomorrow. I will have breakfast. Waffles with whipped cream and strawberries, my favorite.

But not until tomorrow. Because tomorrow I will go out. Take a walk. Leave this

damn room. Get some fresh air. See some people. Tomorrow. I will go see that art exhibition.

The one that ends tomorrow. I will call my mom. I will tell her that I miss her. I promise I’ll do it. I’ll do it tomorrow. I will The one I’ve been wanting to see for the last six months.

send my friend Pablo that postcard. The one I got for him in Berlin three years ago. The one that’s

been sitting on my desk. The one that I had forgotten about. Tomorrow. I will start my essay. The one that was due today. But I’ll do it. I promise I’ll do it. Tomorrow. I’ll send in my CV.

The deadline is tomorrow anyway. I’ll take out the trash. I’ll water the plants. Tomorrow. Don’t leave for today what you can do tomorrow. This is why tomorrow I’ll go to the gym. I forgot to do it today. Again. Tomorrow. I will finish that book. I don’t even remember what page I was on. It doesn’t matter. I’ll start over. Tomorrow. I’ll take my medicines when I have to. I’ll do all the things I didn’t do today. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll take control of my life. Today was not the day. But I promise I’ll get there. I will. Tomorrow. Text by Priscilla Silva



Navigating the future be like

The word ”Future” produces similar mental images for most of us: fantastic technological advances, flying cars, helpful robots, cities with an aerodynamic design, as well as being on the brink of extinction due to global warming, or an AI-uprising where we will be enslaved by our new robot masters. However, that is a very far future. I would like to ask you to look at a closer future. More specifically, your immediate future and the future years of your life. Suddenly, you’re a lot more grounded in reality and are reminded of the choices you have to make, next week’s deadline or the goals you’ve set for yourself which you haven’t reached yet. And it’s here, in this non-science fiction version of our future, that our views of the future seem to be the most different. My personal view of the future can be compared to walking through at a horribly dark and dense forest, twigs always scratching you and invisible spiderwebs constantly getting in your face. The flashlight, which barely lets you see one step ahead of you, is almost out of batteries, and your map has gotten everything wrong so far. When I ask my friends and aquaintances about their plans for their future, they describe it in a way which makes it sound like an open, sunny road with a clear destination and fully functioning streetlights if it should ever get dark. They know what they do, why they are doing it and what the consequences of their actions will be and how it will affect their future. 10


The tragic future.

I do however experience a form of disillusionment when I hear this line of thinking from the same person who just agreed with me when I said that the world is doomed and everything most certainly will go to hell. Even though a lot of people seem to agree that the furute looks grim, some of them really don’t seem to believe that any major societal downfall will affect them. They simply know that they are going to study this, work with that, live in this city and that’s all there is to it. I’ve never heard anyone say anything remotely close to ”I’m moving away from Malmö when I’m 40 due to the rising waterlevels”, no matter how much they believe in global warming.


My point isn’t that my friends don’t actually believe in global warming just because they do’t plan to escape Malmö at 40, but rather that the tragic future we are collectively imagining for this world isn’t aligned with the ”personal future” some of us are imagining for ourselves. This lack of alignment makes me think that maybe people don’t actually believe that the future will be all that bad. Or maybe, on a more sad note, it’s their personal futures that they don’t really believe in. If that is the case, maybe they dont see the sunny and open road for themselves that they are describing, but rather the same dense, impossible to navigate through-forest, as I do.

Still learning. Everything that we do in life is in some way or another an effort to secure a good future for ourselves, and to some extent, for others. We constantly look for clues to how we can manage our lives better, hoping that the clues will act as flashlights, or better maps, that we can use to navigate through the dense future-forest ahead of us. Even the courses and programs here at Malmรถ Univeristy are being studied to orient us, guide us in life, or give us a more secure path forward. I know that I constantly look for clues when I ask others what they will do in the future, and maybe this is why I feel let down when I notice this specific flaw in their reasoning: I think that I have found a new map to help me navigate through the forest, but it turned out to be just as arbitrary as the old map I already had. But is is in this disappointment where I learn, over and over, that I am not the only one who is trying to navigate my way through the future. I keep learning that we are not so different and that we are all in this together. And with that in mind, maybe we all can see a form of unity in our non-science fiction futures, help eachother forward, and then we can get enslaved by our new AI-robot masters, together. Text and illustration by Simine Azarnoush Photo by Garrett Sears 13


Until he wasn’t.

The first summer. He said he wanted to... sail the sea again as before dreamt of finding Atlantis shore. Boyish hair and a crooked smile, his eyes shined bright for a while. He was mysterious until he wasn ́t. I was simply young and naive, and I just wanted to believe. We both had a lot of baggage, he spoke a different language. He was mysterious until he wasn ́t. He grew a beard in Kap Verde, where the lines seemed blurred. A ship tattoo covered his back, to follow his life ́s soundtrack. He was mysterious until he wasn ́t.

The second summer he.. Flexed his chest, not a pretty sight. The power made him cruel, benight. There was something dark in his mind, like a tyrant who acted blind. He was mysterious until he wasn ́t. A sunny day we went sailing, was greek cliffs and turtles aiding? Splash, he was no longer pitch black, He melted and the light came back. He was mysterious until he wasn ́t. He said he wanted... to break me down and build me up, like a build-a-bear-workshop. Said he wanted to make me right, a joke which seemed black and white. He was mysterious until he wasn ́t. In Sri Lanka he met another, with straight teeth he met his lover. This wasn’t anything I daunted, but did he become what I wanted? He was mysterious until he wasn ́t. In my memory and resume, The one that got away? He never was a mystery, just another sad history. Text by Lovisa Björkman Photo by Marco Chilese 15

Illustrations by

Max Nyberg



Be a part of the next issue! Join our editorial team for the next issue. Take the chance to work on your resume by creating text, photos or illustrations for MalmÜ University’s student newspaper. Contact us at!












In a time where we have all been called to isolate ourselves for our own good as well as the good of all, the need for reaching out by other means seems to have heightened.


To battle mental health issues, one of the main things doctors will tell you is to not isolate yourself. They will tell you to get up in the morning, get ready, put on proper clothes and get out of your home. To go to work, to get a hobby, to surround yourself with other people who will feed you with energy and make you participate in this world so that you don’t get stuck in your own clouded mind. Now, doctors are telling us to do the exact opposite. The number one thing we all usually would do to make us feel better is now considered irresponsible. In the wake of this, I have found most of the people I know are experiencing inner turmoil. All of the things they have previously drowned out by the day to day are suddenly rising to the surface. All of the things they would rather not face are suddenly echoing inside of the four walls of their apartments. In a time when we cannot physically reach each other, it seems that we are propelled to reach out on a deeper level through our virtual world. Our previous way of not isolating made it possible to isolate ourselves, from parts of ourselves. Is this self isolation giving us a crash course in the reality of how much we have emotionally isolated ourselves, through the continuous distractions available to us?


Mourn the future.

As a result of this, dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble have experienced a significant increase in usage as Covid-19 has spread across the world. Swiping through an endless parade of possible human connection and if not, momentary distraction, as we’re trying to drown out the string of words swirling through our minds. It is ok to mourn all of the things that we planned for this year. I mean, it was supposed to be the start of the new roaring 20’s, right? It is ok to mourn the future that is now postponed, and it is ok to mourn all of the things that we didn’t allow ourselves the time to mourn from the past. We cannot outrun ourselves, and though we are in a time of social distancing and self isolation, it doesn’t mean that we should isolate ourselves emotionally. If there was ever a time to take the time to speak to the people that mean something to you, it is now. As long as we’ve got data and wi-fi, connect to it, and connect with each other. Text by Sofia Nilsson 23

Framtida jobb I dagens värld har kompositionen och hur arbetet utförts massivt förändrats och fortsätter att förändras. Arbetet är nu mer komplex, mer teambaserad, beror mycket på tekniska och sociala färdigheter och slutligen mer virtuell. Företag väljer också sätt att hjälpa sina anställda utföra sina uppgifter effektivt så att stora vinster realiseras på lång sikt. Innovation och förändring blir en del av varandras liv. Teknik har påverkat våra liv starkt från vårt sätt att kommunicera, tänka, använda media och till och med från vårt sätt att arbeta. Vårt språk förändras också eftersom nya produkter uppfinns och de befintliga förbättras. Teknologi används också i nästan alla företag för att uppfylla ett visst mål eller för att utföra en viss uppgift. Tekniken har också helt förändrat hur individer arbetar genom att det minskar möjligheterna till fel som görs av människor orsakade av trötthet eller kanske till och med stress. Teknologiska trender leder till en mer effektiv och produktiv arbetsplats.


För närvarande i vårt samhälle är det också frågan om brain-drain där kvalificerade och välutbildade personer flyttar från en region eller land till nästa för att söka efter bättre arbetsvillkor och bättre lön. Brain-drain är vanligt i utvecklingsländer och det leder till förlust av behöriga medborgare som direkt påverkar ett lands ekonomiska och tekniska utveckling. Idag och i den kommande framtiden är det de färdigheter som individer får från olika sektorer som kommer att få betydelse på arbetsplatserna. Studier avslöjar att tekniska färdigheter och analytiska färdigheter kommer att ha stor inverkan på våra arbetsplatser och inte utesluta utvecklings- och programmeringsfärdigheter. Våra arbetsplatser har förändrats enormt och kommer att fortsätta göra det med individer som förvandlas från att vara okunniga arbetare till att bli mer uppfinningsrika och entreprenörsinnade. Med de nya utmanande roller och sätt att utföra arbete kan arbetslösheten i vissa länder också öka. Text by Miltos Iakovidis Photo by Franck V.


Illustrations by

Emma WärnstrÜm @Warnstrom.Illustration



Graduated: What Now? Graduation is right around the corner and soon it´s time to chase that dream job that you´ve always wanted. When the world is upside down that dream can feel far away. It is easy to feel like all hope is lost and you might question if your studies even matter if there´s not going to be any jobs available after graduation. In these times of trouble, we need to remember to stay safe and not lose faith in the future. That is why I decided to write this article. To try to help you cope with this challenge that is placed in front of us. We need to focus on the future to be able to live in the now.


Hard times. These are hard times for everyone. During the month of March, 30,000 swedes lost their jobs. This is really taking a toll on society. The Swedish government is expecting the worst economical crises since the financial crisis of 2008. The unemployment rate before COVID-19 was rated at 6.8% and now the ministry of finance says that the expected at 9% which would be the worst numbers since the end of the ‘90s. It can be some comfort to know that Malmö University´s close collaboration with stakeholders within the public and private sectors, as well as the civil society sector, has resulted in a high employment rate of graduates. Malmö University´s students have an 87% chance of joining the labor market straight after graduating. If you´re a dentist student? Congratulations, you have the highest statistic in the country, a perfect 100% score to get hired according to UKÄ´s latest report. Hiring is not the only challenge you as a millennial worker will face. Older generations have unfairly called the millennial generation “the me”- generation which couldn´t be further from the truth. It is known that the millennial generation is passionate about sustainability and equality because of the global economical and environmental effects our generation has been left with from previous generations. This has also resulted in that quarter-life crisis is a growing phenomenon for our generation. It should be known that studies show that 50 % of millennials would like to work at a job matches their values and 90% want to use their skills for good. To have a job with meaning. That is why the millennial generation should rather be called the purpose generation. Our generation needs to prove these unfair accusations wrong by acting humble, asking questions and willingness to learn. Some even say that the older generations can be scared of us sometimes, scared of the technologies that they don´t understand. It can be scary to ask a question if there´s a risk of looking dumb, which leads to assumptions. It is important to remember that the older generation sometimes needs the younger generation for our trend sensitivity, new ideas, and knowledge of technology. In the same way that we need them for experience and guidance.

How to figure out what you want to do with your life? A mindfulness exercise is to imagine yourself at your funeral when your old and grey. How will I be remembered? And then think: how do I want to be remembered? From doing this exercise you might realize that you don´t just one purpose in your life. You might have a handful. Often it´s not the first one you come to think of, that is gonna be the one you stick to throughout your entire life. You might even land your dream job just to figure out it´s not your dream at all. Or get a job you believe that you´re going to hate, but turn out to love. When you´re newly graduated you have years in front of you full of opportunities. You don´t have any baggage yet that´s stopping you, you might not be married or have children. Dare to take risks! During these years you might feel eager to get ahead, to have fast gains. However, it´s important to remember that you might not succeed at everything you do, but you will learn from your mistakes.


Do I know everything I need to know to be able to do this job? Am I ready for this? You might not feel like you are ready to graduate. Being an adult is all about “fake it ‘til you make it”. No one knows what they are truly doing. Don´t get stuck reading up on how to do things, start trying them out. To be able to write that book you´ve always dreamed about writing you have to start writing. You won’t get anywhere if you don’t start somewhere. That somewhere is probably related to money, you’ll need a job to support yourself. Move-in with friends to cut costs, get a part-time job and then focus on fulfilling your dream. That part-time job might not help you climb the corporate ladder but in the future, it might help you with the knowledge and experience you need to start your own business. It’s a hard thing to hear, but a degree isn´t everything. Experience trounces all. You need both to be successful. Travel, learn from other cultures, sign up for an online class, work abroad, start your own company, launch a crowdfunding campaign, volunteer to become that person you aspire to be or work for someone you want to become. If you right now have a light workload during your final semester, why not pick up an internship, take an online course, participate in network events or work on your portfolio. Build some experience.


Don’t allow the approval of others to define what success means to you. Don´t compare yourself with others. I know it´s easy to say, but find what´s important to you instead. Even if people seem picture-perfect, no one’s life is. Everyone has their own personal struggles. So stop trying to impress your ex-classmates, they are too busy trying to figure out their own life to care about yours. Surround yourself with believers instead who are, by the way, not the same as yes sayers. People who cheer you on, push you to go after your dreams, who come with constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. You don´t want people who just say “everyone hates their job” or “sure you will write a book, everyone wants to write a book nowadays”. Find five people who you can bet on, people who work hard and aim high. These people who ask if you have started writing and if you have quit your job yet. These people will give you the gift of accountability. You don´t want to get stuck waking up every day hating your job.

Don’t do what you are suppose to do.

If you have two great options, you can never know the outcome of the one you didn´t choose. There is no perfect choice because there can always come up unexpected events that you can´t control that will change the entire outcome. When you can´t choose, go with your gut, your dream, desire and make the decision about you. No one else should play into the decision. Don´t do what you’re suppose to do. Don´t follow your parent’s or society´s expectations. They want you to take the safest job, but is that what’s gonna make you happy? You don’t want to resent them in the future for keeping you from doing what you always wanted to do. If your family has made a journey, this can be a very sensitive topic to discuss. Be thankful and empathetic to their journey and be honest with what you want and need. It´s important to tell people. They might not agree with you but they will respect you. If you still can´t make up your mind then make the ask. Do you know people who work with what you wanna do? Be brave and ask them what you should do. People love supporting people who do something with a purpose! Maybe you can find a mentor or advisor who can help you. An efficient relationship with a mentor can be to only ask questions that will help or interest the mentor too. It sounds hard I know, but it´s a good rule to become more self-sufficient. It will improve your research skills and relationship with the mentor in the long run. If you need to find someone who can guide you in decisions regarding the future, remember that the university and the student union offers many services.

And finally, where to live after university is a hard question to ask yourself. Are you going to move back home, stay in Malmö or maybe even go abroad? To decide on geography is a great start for your new life. Imagine 20 places were it would be great to work and how do you get there? Maybe you don´t feel ready to leave Malmö, give it another year. If you want to start your own company, Malmö has been ranked as the fourth most innovative city in the world by Forbes. Up to seven start-up companies are launched every day in Malmö, so there are great networks here to build something of your own. To top that Malmö was voted the seventh-happiest place to live in Europe by the European Commission. It´s understandable if you don´t want to leave. Whichever road you decide to walk down you have to dedicate yourself completely and hustle, to be able to reach those dreams. Text and photo by Lovisa Björkman


Photography by

Nanna Geidenmark



Photography by

Nanna Geidenmark @nannageidenmark



Nuförtiden har en ny belägenhet kommit att kullkasta vad som det tradionellt innebar att plugga. Det benämnas studier på distans .De dyker upp så småningom i allt fler länder och universiteter. Det var naturligtvis förväntat i en värld, där globarisering pågas och teknologin utvecklas. Är studier på distans för alla? Det finns i själva verket inte ett klart och tydligt svar. Det beror på varje persons personlighetsegenkaper, mentalitet och prioretet.

Plugga på distans. 36

Distansutbildning är för närvarande ett obligatoriskt alternativ för utbildning. Framväxten av distansutbildning har ökat till följd av utvecklingen av informationsteknologi. Många understryker att det finns många fördelar med att plugga på distans. Först och främst ,får man en stor frihet,eftersom det inte behövs att man infinner sig på platsen förutbestämda timmar. Det finns möjlighet att skapa sittt eget schema som annpassas till ens behov och preferenser. Du kan prioritera mellan studier,familj,avkopplig och fritidsaktiviteter. Det lättare att välja mellan vilka timmar du kan plugga,för att utnyttja de där timmarna när man känner sig piggare och mer effektiv. Det finns personer som inte kan arbeta på morgonen och de flesta kurser börjar med lektionen tidigt på morgonen. Man kan anpassa sina studier till sin biologiska klocka och dra nytta av det. Det finns unika utmaningar som onlineinlärning erbjuder, men genom att identifiera och hantera dessa utmaningar kan onlineuniversitet ge vuxna möjlighet att balansera livet med skolan, samtidigt som de uppnår personliga mål som hjälper till att uppnå professionella mål. Av dessa skäl är onlineuniversitet ett möjligt val för vuxna som söker examen.

Det har varit en lång debatt om giltigheten för distansundervisning som ett alternativ till klassrumsstudier. Mycket av kritiken handlar om tron på att studenter inte kan få samma kvalitetsutbildning genom främst självreglerade program. Tanken på att distansutbildning på något sätt saknar kvaliteten på kurser som levereras personligen tar inte hänsyn till följande statistik. En tioårig undersökning mellan hösten 2002 och våren 2012 visar en ökning av antalet studenter som registrerade sig på minst en online-kurs under ett traditionellt högskola eller universitet. Siffrorna från studien indikerar att det finns ett växande antal studenter som ser att ta minst en kurs online som ett genomförbart alternativ till att ta samma klass personligen. Ännu viktigare är det faktum att traditionella högskolor och universitet fortsätter att tillfredsställa den växande efterfrågan på onlinekurser förstärker troen på att kvaliteten på det levererade innehållet inte minskas enbart för att studenten flyttar ut ur klassrummet och på internet. Liksom för alla högskolor eller universitet faller ansvaret för lärande på studenten. Det är bara institutionernas ansvar att tillhandahålla information och resurser som krävs för att studenter ska bli framgångsrika. Det är rimligt att dra slutsatsen att introduktionskurser hjälper studenternas anpassning till onlineinlärning, vilket ökar motivationen mot onlinekurser och leder till bättre betyg. Text by Miltos Iakovidis Photo by Sergey Zolkin

NYHET! Unik försäkring för lärarstudenter: Studentförsäkring Leva

Inga andra studenter har något liknande Studentförsäkring Leva hjälper dig om du råkar ut för både små och stora olyckor. Råkar du till exempel ut för ett olycksfall eller en sjukdom som gör att du inte kan studera på ett tag, och du förlorar ditt studiemedel, får du ersättning från försäkringen. Besök vår webb eller kontakta oss så hjälper vi dig.

0771 - 21 09 09


We are living through a time of uncertainty right now. The whole social and financial situation that arose with the outbreak of Covid-19 makes me feel very uneasy. While there are some things that I’m able to predict, like the fact that I won’t be going abroad this spring or summer, or that I won’t need to enter a university building for the rest of the semester, there seems to be a much bigger, vauger question that keeps haning over my head as I sit at home alone: What now? And the answer to that question is one that I absolutely hate: Wait. Actively waiting is something I avoid doing at almost any cost. Am I waiting for a phonecall? Definitely not, I am simply cleaning my entire kitchen because I’ve needed to do that for a while. Am I waiting for dinner? Absolutely not, I am deeply invested in this Youtube-video about ants that I just found. Am I waiting for that party next week? I’m sure as hell not, I just live my life normally until the day of the party magically arrives. I’m sure that this is what most people do while they wait and there’s nothing wrong with trying to keep yourself entertained, but there is still a sense of compulsiveness in my actions where I always have to do something and I have a hard time letting myself be bored.

Unertain times


There is a lot of content online right now that is encouraging us to entertain ourselves and find something to do while we are waiting out the storm of this pandemic. Various people online are saying things like ”You can finally learn how to play the guitar” or ”start a new art project that you’ve never had the time or energy to do”. But the longer I sit at home, the less I’m able to distract myself. I am noticing that I’m not really ”seizing the day” or ”doing things I’ve always wanted to do”, but that I’m actually just waiting. And that makes me anxious. I read the news in total disbelief regarding unemployment, country lockdowns and death rates. The panic is palpable. The desperation in trying to control the uncontrollable and the fear of being unable to regulate the socioeconomical consequences reaches me through the screen. It makes me wonder about my own future and if there’s something important I should be doing right now that I’m not thinking about. Should I really be waiting right now? Should I be apply for other jobs? Should I be hoarding toilet paper? Do I need to start living on crumbs in order to save money? For how long should I save money? What long-term effects will there be on my life once the pandemic is over? And the answer to that question is another answer that I absolutely hate: Nobody knows. And with, I’m back to square one. Trying to predict the future gets me nowhere and I don’t feel any more certain or carefree regarding my future than I did yesterday. I still have very little to do and I have a very hard time finding new things to do. So what now? Maybe its finally time for me to practice doing the one thing I’ve been avoiding to do for forever: Wait. Text by Simine Azarnoush Photo by Tim Foster

Stay updated. Follow us on Instagram, @sum_magazine

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More than just a Pub Could Malmö be considered a student city? Is there enough student representation outside the walls of our University? Do students at Malmö University have the chance to build fulfilling interpersonal relationships?

Could Malmö be considered a student city? Is there enough student representation outside the walls of our University? Do students at Malmö University have the chance to build fulfilling interpersonal relationships?

These are some of the issues that Festmesteriet, the student association behind Malmö’s These are some of the issues that Festmesteriet, the student associa-

Student Pub, continuously works with and triestiontobehind improve. The Pub, Student Pub, located right Malmö’s Student continuously works with and tries to improve. The Student Pub, located right between Niagara and Stu-

between Niagara and Studentcentrum, providesdentcentrum, students withstudents the with perfect place torelax, relax, provides the perfect place to share share

More than just a pub.

ideas, and spend time with their fellow classmates as well as get to

know other Butget that is all we do! Festmesteriet is also But ideas, and spend time with their fellow classmates as well tonotknow other students. the association in charge of Insparken, two weeks aimed at introducing all new students to our University. With the “Generaler” in charge, Festmesteriet always strives to make the newcomers’ arrival and first experiences at MAU the best they can be.

that is not all we do! Festmesteriet is also the association in charge of Insparken, two weeks aimed at introducing all new students to our University. With the “Generaler” in charge, However, the Student Pub’s and Festmesteriet’s fate is up in the air

right now. Soon, the building ourexperiences pub is situated will be Festmesteriet always strives to make the newcomers’ arrival andwhere first atdemoMAU

the best they can be.


Image by: Rebecca Lagerstedt

lished, and whether or not we will find a new local is uncertain.

volunteer; it doesn’t matter what you study, where you are from, or if you are Swedish or an international student. Everyone is welcome on our premises.

Image by: Marvin Vilchez During the semester, the pub is open on Wednesdays and Fridays. On Unfortunately, due to the pandemic crisis the world is facing right Wednesdays there is always a quiz, oftentimes held by other associanow, the pub has had to temporarily close its doors. This difficult Buttions. why anyone want work for free? not get job instead? The answer On would Fridays, events vary from week to to week. Some of our most Whysituation addsatopaid the uncertainty that our association faces. As a self popular events are Karaoke, Gaming Nights -in collaboration with sufficient organization, having to close not only affects us economiaccording our members very simple: community, member events and, of Noneththe Gamingto Guild association-, and anis alcohol-free “beer” pong tourcally, exclusive but it also puts in doubt the fate of our next Insparken. nament. We even hold Lo-Fi Study nights, to provide students with a eless, and despite the difficulties, our “generaler” are working to their course, food! Festmesteriet allcapacity kinds of be events. From ones place tofree catch up on theirLast studiesyear, and at the same time socializearranged with full to still able to bring a goodsmall beginning of thelike Autumn their peers. Nonetheless, all these events would not be possible if it semester to new students. wasn’thangouts” for our incredibleand workers. The Student Pub isto exclusively “pizza movie nights, a day run trip to Copenhagen or even a whole weekend by students who volunteer; it doesn’t matter what you study, where Our pub, the only Student Pub in Malmö, might not be able to survive you are from, or if you are Swedish or an international student. Evethe challenges that are now upon us. But until then, we refuse to give ryone is welcome on our premises. up. Festmesteriet will continue working to improve the social experiences that our students have during their time at Malmö University. But why would anyone want to work for free? Why not get a paid Because unlike buildings, a community like this is hard to demolish. job instead? The answer according to our members is very simple: community, exclusive member events and, of course, free food! Last year, Festmesteriet arranged all kinds of events. From small ones like “pizza hangouts” and movie nights, to a day trip to Copenhagen or even a whole weekend trip to Berlin! All free of charge for those who worked at the pub. Of course, going to Berlin free of charge is a big reason why some of our members sign up to work. However, there are many others that just do it because they enjoy the community we have created within our association. Every Monday, members meet up at the pub to plan future events and share ideas about what they would like the pub to do, be, or look like. Even when there is not a lot to organize, people still come. For the community, the friends they have made by volunteering at the pub, and because honestly, it makes Mondays a little less bad.


at the pub, and because honestly, it makes Mondays a little less bad.

Image by: Anna Jakobsson

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic crisis the world is facing right now, the pub has had to temporarily close its doors. This difficult situation adds to the uncertainty that our association


faces. As a self sufficient organization, having to close not only affects us economically, but it also puts in doubt the fate of our next Insparken. Nonetheless, and despite the difficulties, our “generaler” are working to their full capacity toKonstantina still be able to Klonari bring a good beginning of - Member the Autumn semester to new students.


“I first joined Festmesteriet in March 2019. During my time there, I’ve had the chance to meet Swedish students and communicate with them. As prior, neither the University nor other associations seemed to have events that attracted both international and Swedish students. Yet, in Festmesteriet, I was able to bond and talk with Swedish students, and they have even become close friends of mine. Furthermore, the more I worked at the pub, the more my Swedish skills improved as I was able to understand what students wanted without needing to ask for them to speak in English. As to why the student pub is crucial in Malmö University’s life, it is because it is not just a Student Pub. It is also a place where students meet next to their university and interact while enjoying some good cheap food. A place where the volunteers get work experience and socialize with people that they had never met before. Moreover, all universities in Sweden have at least one Student Pub, from Lund to Linköping, and if Malmö wants to have a similar student life as the bigger universities, then it is quite important for them to have the pub.”

Alice Thies-Lagergren - Board Member “My name is Alice and I have been a part of Festmesteriet for almost two years now. Since May last year I have had the role as PR-manager on the board. But today I’m here to talk about how my journey into student culture started. When I think of Festmesteriet, I think of the very foundation of my student life in Malmö. I came here in 2018 to study freestanding and interaction design. As I was (and still am) a very social person but didn’t know a single soul in Malmö, I needed to find people to talk to, and fast! In contrast to studying a program, freestanding courses do not allow for a lot of bonding between the classmates to happen (since each course only lasts a couple of months), so I had to look elsewhere for social interaction. Fortunately, I didn’t have to look far. On my second day of university I came home and my head was spinning after a day full of classes. Still I went out in the evening to Bassängkajen right next to Niagara, and found myself surrounded by blue colors and excited people - the Blue team at Insparken. I can’t say how many people I met during Insparken but I can say that it was A LOT. A few people stood out and we quickly became friends, going to the events together and hanging out almost every day. After Insparken was over however, I was worried that I would never see these people again - oh, I was wrong. They invited me to the first Festmesteriet Monday Meeting of the semester and since then I’ve been to almost every single one of them. After half a year I even found an apartment with two of the friends I had made during Insparken and we moved in together! And so the story goes - almost all of the friends that I gained from my first year in Malmö came from Festmesteriet and they have truly grown to become my second family. To me, my life in Malmö would not be half as great without Festmesteriet and, therefore, I hope that the association can continue to do the same for many other students as they did for me. Because of this, Festmesteriet will be in my heart 4-ever..”

Kristian Toro - Board Member “I moved to Malmö in 2017 to study Game Development at Malmö University. I truly enjoyed partaking in Insparken as a new student, but didn’t have time to participate as much as I wanted. I had previously studied in Halmstad, and really enjoyed the student life there. One of the things I loved about Halmstad was the so-called “overall culture” and being a “fadder”. I wasn’t as captivated by Malmö’s student life as I was by Halmstad’s, but I still had interest in being a “fadder” the upcoming year. That year, I also met the coolest person on the planet who was (and still is as of today) very active in the student association Fetmesteriet. She repeatedly told me to join Festmesteriet as I would enjoy it and the association would benefit from me joining too. After a lot of thinking, I participated in Insparken 2018 as a “fadder”. I worked behind the bar twice as a “fadder” and liked it a lot. I felt like working behind the bar would be a fun idea to do from time to time, so I became a member of Festmesteriet. I encouraged many of my friends to join as well. And over time, my love for the association just grew and grew, and I hung out in the pub all more often (as a worker mostly!). Eventually, I started volunteering for roles of higher responsibility, like being a pub “responsible”, joining informative activities, and even applied to join the board. My absolute favorite thing about being in Festmesteriet is that I’ve met a lot of new people, many of whom have become my closest friends. Today, I am the treasurer of the association. I can be found at the Student Pub enjoying Malmö’s student life almost every open pub night.” Text by Liz Hofmann (Festmesteriet’s President) & Carla Jurado Pérez (Festmesteriet Vice President) Photos by: Rebecca Lagerstedt, Marvin Vilchez and Anna Jakobsson



Photography by

Viktoria Marie Madsen 44


Realism. At dawn. Afterparty. Human trash. Left behind. Biproduct from human existence. Documenting the apocalypse. Questioning tommorrow.


Documenting the apocalypse. Questioning tommorrow...


Ordförandekrönika | Chronicle I decided that all extracurricular activities and extra engagement was going to temporarily stop after my mandate ends in June 2020. That is why I wanted to put extra focus on what I leave behind, and how I will work during the spring. Go all in.

Change of plans This was supposed to be the spring where I wrap up, plan new things, and evolve. It still is, but oh did my plans change... I had a lot of plans for this spring. I was supposed to do Malmö Toughest, to test my physical abilities; I have been exercising regularly for this, I even downloaded a bunch of apps to help me achieve this goa!. I was also supposed to finish my Bachelor’s thesis and other course work that needed to be done. In 2020, I would finally walk out of University with a degree and begin something completely new. What that new was going to be, I wasn’t sure about yet. I was supposed to start vigorous mental work to decide what I should do in the fall. Move back to Finland for work or another degree, look to the other side of the Öresund bridge or even consider some other international opportunities? Or stay in Malmö? All of this preparation, thinking, planning and talking... This was in preparation for my personal life, but of course I had a plan and an idea of how I wanted this spring to go in the Student Union as well. I started as a voluntary board member in 2017, became the president in 2018 and this is my last spring on this board.


All of us had to change our plans and our everyday lives. Our routines and behaviors had to drastically change in a short period of time. Everything feels uncertain and none of us really knows how to do this - this hasn’t happened before, so of course we are confused and maybe even scared. There are so many debates going on, how to do this the right way or how we should feel. I am not going to say I have the answers; I really don’t know what the right way is or how it is we should feel, but I do want to listen to you students and I do want all of us to come out of this strong. Our lives will not be the same and the way we work will most likely be very different - we have had to suddenly switch to almost complete digital format in our educational and productive aspects. Students are not a homogenous group of people. We are in different stages in our lives; some of us are younger than others, some of us have children and some of us have underlying mental health issues. Some of us live in very tiny apartments, in a collective with many other people and some in villas. This time has created enormous challenges for us and none of our situations are exactly alike. We have had to make big changes. But I believe that we all can do this. What I can say is that, welcome the support you can get. Ask for help. Support each other. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Remember, the Student Union is here to help and support you.

Jenna Pystynen President of Student Union 19/20

Tired of washing your clothes? Don’t want to buy new pants every year? Not sure what colour looks good on you? Never have enough pockets? We have the solution for you! Now introducing....


is a very young university, open to many new traditions. At the Student Union Malmö we want to make sure you remember your time as a student as the best time of your life. Overalls are already a tradition at for example many other Swedish and Finnish universities, and we want in on the fun! This is why our Council (FUM) at its last meeting decided to work further towards all students having the opportunity to get a studentoverall! Curious on why ”Ovve” are so amazing? Let me tell you!

They come in different colours!

Red, blue, green, yellow, there are so many colours to pick! Except… you can’t pick! Your colour is determined by what you study and what your Faculty is. If you’re an aspiring teacher at the Faculty of Education and Society LS, you are now for the rest of your student life dressed in yellow. Are you all about Technology (and society)? Green is now your team! Do you hail from the Faculty of Culture and Society KS? Your favourite shade of student is blue! And for those lifesavers at Health and Society – for you we have preserved red!

They are extremely resilient!

Ovves are designed to endure your activity heavy student life years, and the occasionally spilled soft drink. They are made from thick fabric, so that you can participate in all of Insparken’s intensive events. You’ll never need another pair of pants!

They show you where the fun is happening!

Any time of the day, any place in Malmö, if you see a group of students wearing overalls, you know the excitement is about to start! In every major student event, students will be wearing their ovve. And trust me, you don’t want to miss out!

You can decorate them!

No overall is complete without patches. Collect them all, and get them from your favourite Student Union association. Earn them by going to one of their many events, or buy them and fund their next sittning! During your Insparken, you can also pimp your ovve by painting on them, for that extra beautification. They are also quite big, so you will definitely want to wear your most fashionable belt with them!

They are exclusive!

They are one of many reasons why you should not miss the one and only Insparken at Malmö University. You can get an ovve either by joining Insparken when you are a new student (nolla) or when you work as a fadder or captain. Just remember you are only a ”nolla” once. They are offered to the students of the faculties HS, KS, LS, and TS. As a nolla you can wear them so they cover you from your neck to your ankles, while other students wear them with the legs on only.


Tack till alla som röstade i Kårvalet!

2020 50

Dessa 19 personer utgör nu Kårens fullmäktige (FUM), vårt högsta beslutande organ som bestämmer vad Kåren ska arbeta med det kommande läsåret. FUM har möten en gång i månaden. FUM har också möjlighet att ställa krav på universitetet för att ge alla studenter en bättre studietid. Visste du att du kan också sitta med som gäst och lyssna på alla möten?

BLI MEDLEM I KÅREN! Varför det, kanske du tänker? Förutom att just ditt medlemskap gör så att din utbildning blir bättre är det dessutom väldigt kul att vara med i gemenskapen tillsammans med andra studenter. Vi ser till så att du är representerad på varje nivå av Malmö universitet och ger dig även en rolig

studietid på köpet. Du kan lätt bli medlem på eller genom att komma till vår reception! Man kan säga att vi är som ett fackförbund för studenterna och vi är alltid på eran sida!

10 anledningar att bli medlem i Kåren:

Bara 79 kr per termin!

Du kan gå på roliga fester och besöka Studentpuben. Du kan plugga i våra studierum i Kårhuset perfekt när det är mycket bokat på din fakultet.

Du får personligt stöd om du hamnar i trubbel. Du stödjer arbetet av studenter för studenter!

Du kan vara med i någon av Kårens många föreningar eller starta en egen.

Du får studentrabatter - både lokala och nationella.

Du kan äta billig Sopplunch och Studentfrukost på Kåren.

true colors student union magazine

Du ser till att din utbildning och ditt Du får Sveriges snyggaste universitet är granskat och studentmagasin därmed håller en hög SUM: Student Union Magazine, kvalitet. hemskickad direkt i brevlådan. #103

Du får alltid gratis kaffe/ té samt kakor i Kölsvinet under våra öppettider.


FÖLJ OSS PÅ INSTAGRAM! @STUDENTKAREN_MALMO Följ oss på Instagram för att ta del av våra fartfyllda vardag! Här kan du se vilka evenemang och tävlingar som är aktuella för er studenter och kolla in bakom kulisserna! Här är det våra ombud, presidiet och kommunikatör som berättar löpande vad vi gör i vårt arbete mot studenter.



KONTAKT Kårordförande Jenna Pystynen 0760 - 50 95 64 jenna.pystynen@malmostudenter. se Vice kårordförande Yuliyan Konstantinov 0707 - 57 75 62 Studentombud Hälsa och samhälle Oscar Hydén 0707 - 57 75 63

Teknik och samhälle Mladen Dimitrov 0707 - 57 75 69

Kårreceptionen Kårhuset, Bassängkajen 8 Telefon: 040 - 665 75 65 Öppettider: tis - tors kl 10 - 16, fre 10 - 13

Kultur och samhälle Diego Annys MISSA INGENTING! 0707 - 57 75 67 Studentkåren Malmö Ej knuten till fakultet Julia Buschmann malmostudenter 0707 - 57 75 68 julia.buschmann@malmostudenstudentkaren_malmo



This issue marks the last SUM Magazine of this academic year. The current editors in chief would like to thank this years editorial team and the readers. Contact us at instagram: sum_magazine facebook: Sum - Student Union Magazine email:



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