Cpanel web hosting ppt

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cPanel Web Hosting Linux Web Hosting

cPanel web Hosting • cPanel and allows resellers and system administrators to control their servers and accounts effectively. • When combining cPanel hosting with a powerful cloud environment, you are able to offer a highly reliable and secure form of Linux cloud web hosting. • by choosing a cPanel cloud hosting plan you will be able to choose a reseller hosting plan that can provide you with a high level of uptime as well as generous resource allocations.

Benefits of cPanel Cloud Hosting •

Low cost cloud hosting-by using cPanel and Linux in a cloud environment, web hosting services providers are able to offer low cost cloud web hosting that is affordable for all parties without compromising on the level of quality or uptime.

Intuitive web hosting control panel -in the cloud cPanel will provide you with a reliable platform on which you can host your website and the services related to the control panel which rarely fail.

Resource choices -the power of having many servers clustered together in this formation allows web hosting providers to be very generous with the resources that they offer with their cPanel cloud hosting plans

Reseller Hosting with cPanel • cPanel is one of the best solutions available for resellers as you will have access to WHM (Web Host Manager), a control panel that is separate to cPanel and has been designed with system administrators and resellers in mind through the advance account and server management features that it provides. Several Features Are: • Web hosting plan management • Client management • Feature management.

Uptime Offered by Cloud Hosting •

As multiple servers are clustered together to create a cloud hosting environment, if one server fails then there will be other servers available to pick up the slack of the crashed server until it is repaired and is ready for service again.


Compared to other forms of web hosting, a cloud hosting service is probably the most reliable hosting service available and this is without pushing the price up too much, cloud web hosting has been able to provide those on a lower budget with the reliability benefits


In conclusion, cPanel in a cloud environment is one of the best hosting combinations available, providing you with reliable hosting on a reliable platform at an affordable price.

cPanel Web Hosting Reseller Hosting with cPanel

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