The Complete Book of Yogic Flying — Part I

Page 141

u n p r e c ede n ted o ut c o mes

M a h a r i s h i o n t h e pu rp ose o f li fe


“Expansion of happiness”

xpansion of happiness is the purpose of life, and evolution is the process through which it is fulfilled. Life

begins in a natural way, it evolves, and happiness expands. The expansion of happiness carries with it the expansion of intelli-

gence, power, creativity, and everything that may be said to be of significance in life.

“The purpose of individual life is also the purpose of the life

of the entire cosmos. The purpose of creation is expansion of

happiness which is fulfilled through the process of cosmic evolution. The significance and purpose of individual life is the same as that of the life of the cosmos. The difference lies in the scale.

“The individual life is the basic unit of the life of the cosmos.

Evolution of the cosmos is basically served by the evolution of the individual life. Thus, if the purpose of individual life is

served, the purpose of cosmic life is also served spontaneously and simultaneously to that degree and on that scale.

“If one has fulfilled the purpose of his own life, he has done

his best to serve the cosmic purpose.

“If one is not happy, one has lost the very purpose of life.

If one is not constantly developing his intelligence, power, creativity, peace, and happiness, then he has lost the very purpose of life. Life is not meant to be lived in dullness, idleness, and suffering; these do not belong to the essential nature of life.

“Life is dynamic, not static. It is energetic, progressing,

evolving, developing through activity, and multiplying itself.

The nature and purpose of life is progress, evolution, activity, and improvement.” 99 — Maharishi

“The fulfillment of every religion”


ere is the fulfill­ment of every religion in the simple practice of Tran­scen­dental Medi­ tation. This belongs to the spirit of every religion; it has existed in the early stages of every faith, it is some­thing which has been lost. It has been lost in prac­tice. Certainly no one can be held responsible for that. The responsi­bility for the loss of the spirit of religions lies with the eternity of time. But now is the time for revival. “Fortunately this technique has come to light in the present generation. Let it be adopted by the peoples of all religions, and let them enjoy it while being proud of their faiths. Let the intelligent minds of all religions and the custo­dians of the various faiths delve into the deeper essence of their scriptures, find Transcendental Meditation in the textbooks of their own faiths, learn the practice, and adopt it in the light of the teachings of their religions.” 100 — Maharishi


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