The Magna Carta School Prospectus

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A school at the heart of the community

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“The school, especially the headteacher, creates a very positive environment.” Ofsted, 2017


One of the most important decisions you will ever make is where to send your child to school. At The Magna Carta School we know that children thrive in a safe, supportive environment where they are challenged to do their best. Our students are regularly acknowledged for their academic, sporting, artistic and community achievements and our success is based on a commitment to personal growth and a desire to meet the needs of individual students. It is built on our core values of Respect, Learn, Aspire and Achieve.

Dr Kathy Janzan, Head of School (Twitter: @tmcsjanzan)

Painting by Molly Richards for her Y11 art exam

The Magna Carta School bids you a very warm


Our school is a vibrant learning environment where every child is well known and supported to succeed. We are proud to be among the top 25% of schools nationally for student progress. Our curriculum design provides choice which allows students to engage and enjoy their learning as well as participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Our students continue to achieve impressive GCSE results, and progress on to further education, apprenticeships and higher education. We recognise that to be successful, students must feel safe and cared for and know their goals: our Pastoral Leads, Progress Leads, tutors and the Wellbeing team understand and support the students in their care extremely well. By maintaining a culture and ethos in the school that is reflected by our school motto: Respect…Learn…Aspire…Achieve, we are encouraging students to become self-assured, considerate, and understand their role in society and the rights and responsibilities that this brings. In a rapidly changing world in which our young people are presented with many exciting opportunities, our staff are dedicated to preparing our students for the challenges ahead. We want them to become independent thinkers, develop resilience and make positive contributions to our community. Kathy Janzan , Head of School “The school has created an environment in which equal opportunities are transparent so all pupils are encouraged to be independent and take on responsibilities” Ofsted 2017



School is a journey. Everybody knows that the transition from KS2 to KS3 is arguably the most ‘scary’ of the educational steps. We do not believe it has to be. At The Magna Carta School we take the transition seriously and look to ensure it is a smooth and exciting journey. We say it is like climbing Everest. It might seem big and imposing, but actually, with support from friends, teachers, prefects and all of the well-established practices we have at the school, the challenge can be fun, exciting and success is very achievable. Of course, success for some is reaching the summit, for others it is taking part and feeling they had the opportunity to push themselves.

“You have developed a strong relationship with local primary schools.” Ofsted, 2017


We encourage all of our students to follow a broad and balanced curriculum underpinned by a strong PSHE programme to help develop them to their fullest potential. We recognise that students are measured on their progress score within a collection of subjects under the English baccalaureate (EBacc). We have designed our Key Stage 3 and 4 courses to ensure that all students are prepared for the next phase of their lives. The KS4 curriculum is based on GCSE and BTEC courses and all students are offered options that follow a blend of a traditional academic curriculum and more practical and vocational qualifications.

“Leaders continuously review and revise the curriculum to meet the needs of students in each cohort and prepare them for post-16 education and training.� Ofsted, 2017


At The Magna Carta School, your child will receive the best individual care possible. We have a Progress Lead for every year group, who works with your child throughout their five years at the school, ensuring that academic progress is monitored and enhanced at every available opportunity. Similarly, Pastoral Leads oversee everything to do with behaviour, attendance and personal development, ensuring that your child feels happy, motivated and committed to school. Further to this, our nationally acclaimed Wellbeing Zone is an area designated to provide unrivalled support for our students’ well-being.

“Students and staff feel respected and motivated to do their best.� Ofsted, 2017


Inter House is a major pastoral and extra-curricular side of school which develops students’ social, team-working and organisation skills. The House system aims to reflect the ethos of the school. You have probably seen that the school crest includes the words; respect, learn, aspire, achieve – and we try to develop this by fostering a sense of community, awareness of each other and a sense of being part of a team. The competition is student-driven, teacher-facilitated and ensures students feel that they take part, as a competitor or a spectator, and have greater responsibility in their school life.


We are committed to equality and have respect as part of our school motto; and foster an inclusive ethos in which all students are encouraged to aim high and are supported to achieve their potential. We set most subjects according to ability to allow students to work at the optimum pace for them. Our dedicated SEND team provide support for students with additional needs, which may include extended curriculum tasks, one-to-one tuition, small group work or working alongside the school’s internal Growth Mindset Centre (GMC). The GMC was established to increase the chances of students’ success and progress over time by developing resilience and coping strategies. The Magna Carta School is proud to have embedded a culture of safeguarding.

“There is much to be celebrated about Safeguarding at Magna Carta and a great deal of good practice which could be shared with other schools.“ Safeguarding Review: Surrey County Council, 2017 “You have created a strong culture of safeguarding that is appreciated by staff, students and parents.” Ofsted, 2017


We are proud of our successes. Most of our students secure grades 9 - 4 in both English and Maths. Under the Progress 8 measure we achieve a significantly positive value because our students do well across the board. We have also dominated district sporting competitions over recent years, being recognised as the most successful school in the County. We have lifted silverware across all year groups and our boys and girls have tasted success in a vast variety of sports from football and netball to table-tennis and swimming. We are delighted and proud to see students excel outside of school and we fully support students as they take part in these activities and take pride in their achievements as national and international champions.

Alice Upcott, British gymnastic champion and winner of Britain’s Got Talent

Morocco enrichment week trip, 2013


It is a proven fact that students who get involved in extra-curricular activities tend to get better outcomes. We recognise the significant impact that learning beyond the classroom has on students’ social and academic development. To support this we offer a fantastic and diverse extra-curricular and enrichment programme for all of our students ranging from music to sport, art and pottery to sailing and from chess to Thai boxing. There are also trips to theatres, subject-based field trips and residential trips both in the UK and overseas; the school is proudly recognised as a centre of excellence for the Duke of Edinburgh Award.


We are committed to building strong communication links with all our parents and utilise the ParentMail system to send out key messages about school trips, reports and events. We have a parents’ evening for each year group during the year, which are advertised through ParentMail and on the school’s website for you to book appointments with individual subject teachers. We encourage you to contact your child’s tutor if you have any questions during the year, whilst working with us to ensure your child continues to progress.

“The majority of parents and carers appreciate that you are approachable and that you know the students and parents well.” Ofsted, 2017


Each year, we have capacity for 255 students to be admitted into Year 7. All available places will be offered - no places will be held back for late applicants who may move into the area. The school maintains a waiting list which is ranked according to our admission criteria. Our admissions policy is in line with that operated by Surrey Local Authority, details of which will be included in the Authority’s booklet - Secondary School Admissions. A copy of the full policy document is available to download from the school’s website. First priority is given to Looked After children and previously Looked After children; Second priority to those with exceptional circumstances; Third priority to siblings with brothers or sisters attending the school at time of admission; Fourth priority to students who attend named Feeder schools; Fifth priority to children for whom the school is the nearest to their home; Sixth priority - any other applicant. A separate admissions process exists for children with Statements for Special Educational Needs. Any discussions regarding meeting a child’s needs, will be had at the child’s annual review in Year 5 and/or Year 6. The school will admit any child for whom The Magna Carta School is named in their Statement of Special Educational Needs, provided the school can meet their needs. Applications for places in year groups other than Year 7 should be made through submission of an In-Year Application Form to The Magna Carta School.

For more information 01784 454320 Twitter: @magnacartasch @timsmithceo @tmcsjanzan

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