Maggie Ayres Online Exhibition 2019

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Maggi eAyr es

Onl i neEx hi bi t i on

Maggi eAyr es

Onl i neEx hi bi t i on

cont ent s i nt r oduct i on


encaus t i c


oi l andcol dwaxmedi um


maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

i nt r oduct i on

encaus t i cpai nt i ngs

L as tchancet obuy! AsIment i onedi nmyi nt r oduct i on,t heencaus t i cpai nt i ngst hatf ol l ow ar et hel as tIwi l l bemaki ngf ort hef or es eeabl ef ut ur e. Ihavel ovedwor ki ngi nt hi scompl exex pr es s i vemedi um s omuchbutIhaveal ways beenkeent oex pl or enew waysofmaki ngar tt oo. S omeex per i ment sar es hor tl i ved,whi l eot her sent i cemei r r evocabl ydownnew pat hsofex pr es s i on. Encaus t i cpai nt i nghasof f er edmes omanypr oces s est ol ear naboutandwor kwi t h andt hathasgi venmemor econf i dencet okeeponex pl or i ngnew i deasf ormor e t ocome. Ihopeyouwi l l enj oyt hepi ecesIhavechos en.

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

dr eami ng begi nni ngs

( 2016)

50x 50cm

bees wax ,damarr es i n, mi x edmedi a,oi l son woodenpanel

T hi spai nt i ngi ss i gni f i cantbecaus ei ns omeways i tmar kedat ur ni ngpoi ntbot hf ort heex pr es s i on i nmywor kandi nmyl i f ei ngener al . Af t ers eei ngagl or i ouss how i nS pr i ngofgol den yel l ow whi nsorgor s ewhi chl i tupt hel ands cape, Is t ar t edt oi ncor por at egl or i ousbut t er yI ndi an Yel l ow pai nt .T hi swaspr et t ywel l unhear doff or meupunt i l t hen. Now i tmakesmef eel s oener gi s ed. S oi t ’ sacl uet ot hemoodofanywor k,i ft hat yel l ow i si nevi dence. . .

dr eami ngbegi nni ngs-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

s i ght i ngs t abl e gr ound ( 2016) 60x 90cm

bees wax ,damarr es i n, mi x edmedi a,oi l son woodenpanel Wi t ht hi spi eceIwasr eal l ypus hi ngand devel opi ngwhatIcoul ddowi t hencaus t i c pai nt i ng. Bi ggerpanel ,i ncr eas edl ayer s ,compl ext ex t ur e. Mor eandmor e,Iwasembeddi ngt i s s uepaper whi chIhadpr evi ous l ypr i nt edonwi t hr us t ymet al , i nt ot hes ur f aceoft hewor k.T hi spr oducedmor e s ubt l emar kmaki ng,andevenmor es ens eof vi s ual dept h. Cut sIwasmaki ngwi t ht hes cal pel wer eget t i ng bol derandmor es at i s f yi ngl yex pr es s i ve. T hi spai nt i ngaboundswi t hmot i f st hatar e cont i nual l yr ecur r i ngi nmywor k-s i nuousl i nesand l oos el ycutci r cl es . Her eIwant edt oex pr es sas ens eofhopeandt he r eal i s at i ont hats ecur i t yhasal waysbeent her ei fI j us tt aket i met ol ookf ori t .

s i ght i ngs t abl egr ound-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

s hadows ( 2016)

50x 20cm

bees wax ,damarr es i n, mi x edmedi a,oi l son woodenpanel

T hi si squi t eacompl expi ece,i ncor por at i ng di f f er enti deasandpr oces s es . T hepas tr ever ber at esar oundus . S hadowsf r om t hepas tbet heyi nt hef or m of memor i es ,bel i ef soract ual f i gur es ,i mpactt o di f f er entdegr eesonourpr es entt hought sand ex per i ences . Her eIus edqui t eas ubduedpal et t ewi t hs t r ong mar kmaki ng. L i neswer ecuti nandonceagai nwel l def i ned r us tpr i nt sont i s s uewer eembeddedi nt ot hewax s ur f ace.Havi ngf i r s tdi ppedt hepaperi nt ot he waxbat h,Ihands t i t chedacr os si t . T hepaperbecomess ot r ans l ucentt hatbot hf r ont andbacks t i t chescanbes eens i mul t aneous l y. J us tasmanyt i mesbef or e,Iwasr ef er enci ngar t i s t L oui s eBour geoi s ’af f i r mat i ont hats t i t chi ngi san actofheal i ng.

s hadows-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

l ooki ngf or evi dence ( 2016)

60x 50cm

bees wax ,damarr es i n, mi x edmedi a,oi l son woodenpanel T het i t l eher ecoul dr epr es entands um ups o muchoft hes ubj ectmat t erofmywor k. Asus ual Iam bui l di ngupl ayer sofmeani ngi nt he mul t i pl eappl i cat i onsofwaxandaddi t i onsof mar ksandembeddeds t ai nedpaper s . Ibel i evet hatt hedes i r et omakemar ksi si nnat ei n al l ofus .I tmar ksourpr es encei npl aceandt i me andof f er supevi dence,eveni fonl yt oour s el ves , ofourex i s t ence. F r om pr ehi s t or i ccavepai nt i ngsatPechMer l ei n F r ance,f i ngerdr awi ngonas t eamymi r r oror wr i t i ngwi t hdr i f t woodonas andybeach,wear e s t at i ng“Iam her e� . S uchphys i cal pr oofmaybet r ans i t or y,i tmay becomehi ddenoranonymous ,buti ti nvi t ess ome acknowl edgementandconnect i on. Aswel l asnot i ngphys i cal evi denceofcour s e, mor epoi nt edl yIwoul dbepi cki ngawayatwor ds t of i nds uppor t i vet r ut hf ormyuns ubs t ant i at ed bel i ef saboutt hemeani ngandmot i vesofot her s .

l ooki ngf orevi dence-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

ands hewas r emi ndedoft he heal i ng ( 2018)

35x 27cm

bees wax ,damarr es i n, mi x edmedi a,oi l son woodenpanel S omet i mesi ti sal l aboutt i mi ng. As l i ghts hi f ti nawar enes scanpr ovi det he pos s i bi l i t yt hatchangemi ghthappenaf t eral l . T heyel l ow i ss ubdued,buts t i l l i nevi dence. I t ’ sbr i ght nes scoul ds t i l l gr ow. Wher et her ei sI ndi anYel l ow,t her ei shope… Onceagai nIwasr ef er enci ngar t i s tL oui s e Bour geoi s ’af f i r mat i ont hats t i t chi ngi san actofheal i ng.

ands hewasr emi ndedoft heheal i ng-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

t r awl i ng ( 2015)

25x 25cm

bees wax ,damarr es i n, mi x edmedi a,oi l son woodenpanel

Her eagai nIam r evi s i t i ngt he“l ooki ngf or evi dence”nar r at i ve. Bol dl i nesmar kedont het ex t ur eds ur f acebya s cr at chys pl i tbamboopen. How wi l l Ideci pherwhatIs eeand“di s cover ” ?

t r awl i ng-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

pat hf r om wanchancy ( 2016)

60x 60cm

bees wax ,damarr es i n, mi x edmedi a,oi l son woodenpanel

L i kemos tofmypai nt i ngs ,t het i t l ecamef i r s t . Iwast hi nki ngt hatt heS cot swor d“wanchancy” , whi chmeansunl ucky,s oundedl i keapl acename. S oof t enwecangets t uckwi t ht henot i ont hat goodt hi ngsonl yhappent oot her s . How muchbet t ert ot aket her oadawayf r om t hatmi nds et ? Hencet he“pat hf r om wanchancy” . Andher ei sI ndi anYel l ow agai n,as ur es i gnt hatI meanj oy!

pat hf r om wanchancy-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

yesIt hi nks o ( 2018)

50x 20cm

bees wax ,damarr es i n, mi x edmedi a,oi l son woodenpanel

L ooki ngf or war di nt ot hel i ght . Il ovet hecombi nat i onoft hebr i ght ,t ex t ur ed or angewi t hl ayer eddeepbl ues . It hi nkt hi sr i chcol ours peaksf ori t s el f .

yesIt hi nks o-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

ai rpocket ( 2019)

40x 40cm

bees wax ,damarr es i n, mi x edmedi a,oi l son woodenpanel

T hi si st hel as tpi eceofencaus t i cpai nt i ngI madet hi syearandpr obabl yf ort hef or es eeabl e f ut ur e. T het hemeher eover l apswi t ht henew wor kI beganwi t hmyex pl or at i onofcol dwaxmedi um t echni quesandmys t udi esofi nvi s i bl et ex t ur esof ai rmovementof f er i ngups paceswher ebr eat h canbedr awn.

ai rpocket-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

oi l andcol dwaxpai nt i ngs

T owar dst heendof2018,Is t ar t edex per i ment i ngwi t handex pl or i ngwor ki ngwi t h oi l pai nt smi x edwi t hcol dwaxmedi um. L i keencaus t i cst hi si sbees waxbas ed,butt hewor ki ngmet hodsar ever ydi f f er ent . Bas i cal l yIwast eachi ngmys el fhow t opai ntwi t hoi l swhi chIhadneverdonebef or e. Ofcour s et heonl ywayt ol ear ni st okeeppr act i s i ngandevent ual l yaf t ermanyt r i al r unsandhavi nggat her edt oget hers ui t abl et ool s ,If el ts at i s f i edwi t hwhatIwas pr oduci ng. Il ovet hewayt hepai ntgl i desont ot hepanel andcanbemani pul at edwi t h s queegeesandpal et t ekni vest ocr eat edept handt ex t ur e. T heeas eofmovementgi vesmeawonder f ul s ens eoff r eedom. Aswi t hal l mywor kbef or e,Ibui l dupl ot sofl ayer sandcutt hr ought hes ur f acet o r eveal t hes t or yoft hewor kasIgo. T hef i r s ts ucces s f ul l ycompl et edpi eceswer et he“ai rs t udi es �pi ct ur edont he f ol l owi ngpages . Youwi l l s eet hatwi t ht hewor kIhavemades of ar ,Ihavebeenex pl or i ngi deas ar oundai rands ky. Ihopeyouenj oyt hes enew pai nt i ngs .

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

ai rs t udi es110 ( 2018)

10x 30cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi a onwoodenpanel

T hes epi eceswer et hef i r s tl i t t l epai nt i ngst hatI madeandwashappywi t hwhenIbegan wor ki ngwi t hoi l sandcol dwaxmedi um. Everpr eoccupi edwi t ht ex t ur eandl i ght ,Iwas ex ci t edt oex pl or enew waysofwor ki ngt hat woul ds t i l l pr oducewhatIwass ear chi ngf or . Ideci dedt hatt hatt heywoul dbeas er i esof s t udi esofonet hemeandass ucht heycons t i t ut e t hebegi nni ngofanew bodyofwor kbas ed ar oundai rands kyandbr eat hi ng. I ti sas mal l gr oupwhi chex pl or est heuns een movementofai r . Eachpai nt i ngi sas t andal onepi eceandas s uchi savai l abl et obuys epar at el y,butIt hi nk t heywor kwel l asagr oupi ngt oo.

her onai r ( 2019)

75x 60cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

T hi swast hef i r s tl ar gerwor kImadewhenI changedmedi um. Ineededt of eel conf i dentenoughwi t hmynew pai nt i ngt echni quesbef or eIs t ar t edanyt hi ngon t hi ski ndofs cal e. Ial waysf i ndi ts oex ci t i ngwhenImaket hef i r s t mar ksonanynew pi ecebutt heex ci t ementi s magni f i eds omuchwhent hewoodenpanel i s cons i der abl ybi gger . I tf eel sl i keIcanappl yt hepai ntwi t hs omuch mor ef r eedom andex pr es s i on. Her onsar ef as ci nat i ngbi r dsandmagi cal t o wat chevenwhens t andi ngs os t i l l f i s hi ngi napool , butt hes i z eands hapeoft hei rwi ngsi nf l i ghti s qui t eas t oni s hi ng. T aki ngof fandf l yi ngi sagor geousuni onofbi r d ands ky. Myi nt ent i ont heni st ocapt ur es omet hi ngoft hat wi ngmovementandt heuns eenai rt hati t di s pl aced.

her onai r-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

t hes hor t es tway ( 2019)

60x 60cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

T hi spi ecemi ghthavebeencal l ed“t he s hor t es twayt ohappi nes si st okeep br eat hi ng� . Ar ef er encet okeepi nghol doft heawar enes s t ot aket i meandnot i ces mal l t hi ngs . F i ndj oywher eyoucan. T her es ul tofal l t hi swast hati tt ookmeal ong t i met of i ni s h! Mul t i l ayer edasus ual -t hes ur f acei sa compl ext ex t ur eofcol ourandmar kmaki ng.

t hes hor t es tway-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

s pat i al di s or i ent at i on ( 2019)

30x 30cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

T hi si sabouthow If eel whenIs t ar ef oral ong t i meupatt hes kyandt henl ookbackdown acr os st hel ands cape-di z z yi ng‌ I ti st hef eel i ngIgetwhenIt r yt ot hi nkabout t henumberofs t ar si nt heuni ver s e,wher ea t houghtgoeswheni t ’ sf or got t enort hemi gr at i on ofbi r dsacr os st hous andsofmi l esi nor dert o s pendwi nt er ,overandover . Ver t i gi noust hought s .

s pat i al di s or i ent at i on-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

happedi ns ky1 ( 2019)

40x 40cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

T hi si sapai nt i ngt hatwasi ns pi r edbyRober t MacF ar l ane’ sbook“T heOl dWays ”and Mi chael Mar r a’ ss ong“Happedi nMi s t ” . “Happed”i saS cot swor dmeani ngwr apped uporenf ol ded,s wat hed. T hes kyi st her e,i tj us ti s . I tuni t esever yl i vi ngt hi ngonEar t h,over l andmas sandoveroceans . Wear euni f i edandconnect edbyi t ’ s wr appi ngar oundus . AsIwasf ocus s edonmaki ngi t ,If el tt hati n t heor yt her ecoul dbemany,manypai nt i ngs wi t ht hever ys amet i t l e. I ts umst hem al l upr eal l y. Andt henImadet womor e. . .

happedi ns ky1-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

happedi ns ky2 ( 2019)

50x 50cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

F ort hes t or ybehi ndt hi spai nt i ng,s ee “happedi ns ky1�onpage62

happedi ns ky2-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

happedi ns ky3 ( 2019)

30x 30cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

F ort hes t or ybehi ndt hi spai nt i ng,s ee “happedi ns ky1�onpage62

happedi ns ky3-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

gl oami ng ( 2019) 15x 15cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

ni ghtai r ( 2019) 15x 15cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

dawni ng ( 2019) 15x 15cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel Ass oof t enhappens ,Iwaswor ki ngacr os st hes e t hr ees mal l panel satt hes amet i me,us i ngt he s amepal et t eandt houghtpr oces s . T heyar eaboutt hewayl i ghtchanges ,andt he s mel l andt ex t ur eofai rt hr oughoutt heday,f r om dawnunt i l dar kni ght . Is eet hem asmet aphor sf ort het i dal s hi f t si n emot i onandment al s t at esaswej our neyt hr ough t heday. T heywor kasi ndi vi dual pi ecesaswel l asas mal l gr oup. S eef ol l owi ngpagesf ori ndi vi dual pi eces

gl oami ng

gl oami ng-det ai l

ni ghtai r

ni ghtai r-det ai l

dawni ng

dawni ng-det ai l

ear t handai r ( 2019) 40x 40cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

Ear t hf eel ss ol i d,s ecur eands uppor t i ve. Il i ket ol i veon“s ol i dgr ound” . If eel athomeont heear t hbutIs t i l l havea l ongi ngandneedt of l yi nt heai r . Ofcour s et her eneedst obeabal ance. Buti tdoes n’ tneedt obeequal .

ear t handai r-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

f unnel l i ng ( 2019) 60x 60cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

Unus ual l y,Idi dnothaveat i t l ebef or eIs t ar t ed t hi spi ece,butIhadt houghtar oundnot i onsof t hedi s t i l l at i onofbr eat hi nt oaf l owi ng,s l owl y pacedchannel ofai r . Whi l eIus ual l ys t ar toutwi t has t r ongi dea,once Ibegi nIt endt owor kf ai r l yi nt ui t i vel yandl ett he pai ntandt ool sgui deme. Icutl i nesi nt ot hes ur f acewi t has cal pel and mar kedoni twi t hgr aphi t es t i cks .T hi sr eal l y di r ect edt hes hapeoft hepai nt i ng. Andt het i t l eemer ged.

f unnel l i ng-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

achange br ewi ng ( 2019)

20x 20cm oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

Edgyt ex t ur eands har pmar kmaki ng. T hi ngsnevers t ayt hes ame. T her ewi l l al waysbechange. T her ei sal i ghtcomi ngoutoft hedar knes s .

achangebr ewi ng-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

deepi ns i de ( 2019)

15x 15cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

T hi sl i t t l epi ecemademes i ghi ns i dewhenIs aw how i twascomi ngt oget her ! Dar ki ndi gopai ntwasmonopr i nt edont ot he s ur f ace,bl untmar ki ngasIwent . T hes cr at chi ngt hr ought hes ur f acer eveal s s omeoft hecr i ms onl ayerbeneat h. Ver ys at i s f yi ngl ayer i ng. . .

deepi ns i de-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

her ecomest he f l ood ( 2019)

40x 40cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

Ius edl ot soft ex t ur ei nt hi spi ece.Iwant edt o gi veas ens eofbei ngbuf f et edandt akeni nt o dar kpl aces . Nots omuchaboutt her us hofwat er ,buti tcoul d bet hatt oo. I t ’ saboutt heover whel mi ngwaveuponwave ofemot i ont hatcanmakemef eel l i keIam bei ngs weptawayandmaydr own. Ihadbeenl i s t eni ngt oPet erGabr i el ’ s“Her e comest hef l ood”i nt hes t udi o. Iknew i twasat i t l eIwant edt ous e.

her ecomest hef l ood-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

al i ght eni ng ( 2019)

15x 15cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

f r act ur edbr eat h ( 2019)

15x 15cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

T hes es mal l s quar epanel scoul deas i l yhavegone undert het i t l es“br eat hs t udy1”and“br eat h s t udy2” . Agai nanabs t r actex pl or at i onofani nvi s i bl e t hi ngwhi chcoul dbeex t ended,onandonunt i l Ir unoutofpai ntandpanel s !

al i ght eni ng

al i ght eni ng-det ai l

f r act ur edbr eat h

f r act ur edbr eat h-det ai l

outoft hecor ner ofmyeye ( 2019)

30x 30cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

L i ghts hi f t s . T heai rmoves . Whatwast hatIs aw? S omet hi ngmovi ng,s omet hi ngdi s appear i ng? It houghtIs aw,butwasi tr eal ? J us tat r i ckoft hel i ghtper haps . Dar kandt hengol den. . .

outoft hecor nerofmyeye-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

t hedaysof i ns ani t y ( 2019)

75x 75cm

oi l sandmi x edmedi aon woodenpanel

T hi si sal ar ges t andal onepai nt i ngwi t ha s t r i ki ngl ydi f f er entpal et t et ot her es toft hewor k i nt hi scat al ogue. T hecol our st el l as t or yofbur ni nganddar k t ex t ur eds hadows . I twaspai nt eddur i ngt hes ummeri na par t i cul ar l yt ur bul entt i meenvi r onment al l y, pol i t i cal l yandper s onal l y. Eachappl i cat i onofpai ntwasdone ener get i cal l yasIt r i edt oex pr es smyt hought s andout r age. Acl os ei ns pect i onoft hes ur f acer eveal st he vi gor ousmar kmaki ng,l ayeruponl ayerof cut t i ngandabr adi ngt or eveal t henar r at i ve oft hepi ece. Andyethopei ss t i l l t her ei fyoul ookhar d

t hedaysofi ns ani t y-det ai l

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

Maggi eAyr esi sacont empor ar ymi x edmedi a ar t i s tbas edi nKi r kcudbr i ght ,S out hWes tS cot l and. Overmor et hant enyear sasapr of es s i onal ar t i s t , s hehasex pl or edanddevel opeddi f f er ent t echni ques ,whi l eherwor khasf ocus edont he i nnerwor l dofmemor i es ,bel i ef sandemot i ons .

maggi eayr es . co. uk f b. com/ maggi eayr es ar t i ns t agr am. com/ maggi eayr es 57 pi nt er es t . co. uk/ maggi eayr es

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