MACUHO Magazine Fall 2017

Page 8


FALL 2017

A to Z: Accommodating Tomorrow’s Students

Oversaturated Outlook

By: Jenna Konyak, MACUHO Housing and Facilities Operations Chair and Assistant Director of Residence Life at Seton Hill University *Jenna Konyak also serves as the MACUHO Magazine Copy Editor and a columnist.

Every article, book, and blog post that I read about

we skip reading emails because we assume they are not

Generation Z tells me that the generation grew up on

important. We can't assume anything less for our students.

technology. Generation Z can complete the tasks of more than 5 individual gadgets with a singular device the

So how do we overcome what I would like to call

size of a deck of cards. Technology has shaped the way

“Oversaturated Outlook” and continue to connect with

Generation Z not only views the world, but how they impact

students through technology? Perhaps we start using

it as well. With 1 hand always on technology, why do we

text messages with quick references to dates and times.

find it so difficult to use is to connect with our students?

Or perhaps we focus our energy on depleting the use of technology and getting away from its use altogether.

Higher education professionals have strived to “meet

Perhaps this is the push we need to get our students’

students where they are” and connect with them through

faces out of the screen and back into the real world.

technology. Your institution may be different than mine, but here at Seton Hill University we use email to


communicate to students about everything – academic


registration, communication with faculty, marketing for


change with


is the your

supposed world. face

to You

be can’t




change your



programs, informing them of Housing Selection dates. You name it, I am sure they have an email about it. During a lunch conversation with colleagues, I came to the conclusion that we send out all of these emails because we assume that our students are going to read them because they are always on their phones or computers. That’s what we’re taught, right? These students are connected to technology, so let’s connect to them through there. But how many of us have ever been angry with a student because you had to say, “the date was in my last email”, or “why didn’t you read the email”? Are we oversaturating their inboxes with information to the point where emails are no longer a successful form of communication? We know how overwhelming our inboxes can get and how often 14


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