Uniforms and Heraldry of the Empire

Page 44

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Stirland is r ooor orovincc and ttiilald 9thc rusric customs of its pcoplc arc thc targct for snidc commclts


forcigncrs. Many

of its soldicrs bcar simplc arms and atmour and thcrc arc many rcgimcnts that vear rhc Srirland colours of grccn and ycllow only in a tokcn fashion, thcir garb oficn vcll-vorn

or prtchcd ovcr. In

cootrastsome Srirland noblcs ovcrcompcnsatc rnd cquip thcir soldicrs as lavishly as any city-statc. Thc Banncrof Stirland shovs a skclcton soundinga hunting horn, signifying a call to battlc. Thc skclctol irsclf is a common symbol of thc lands, an cxprcssionof borh thc Stirland battlc cry 'victory or dcaih- and a grim rcmindcr of thc lands of Sylvania.ostcnsibly parr of Srirlard. bur in rcality a dangerousrnd ncar-dcscrtcdprovilcc vhcrc thc dcad notoriously do Dot rcst.

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